Chapter 29: Director Wen, This Wave Is Really High

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Jin Ziyi read the hot searched entries aloud, and felt her neck was a little chilly. She looked up and met Wen Jin's cold eyes, and said with a smile, "Senior Wen, I'm reading the hot searched entries."


As she spoke, she flipped the phone and flashed the screen to prove her innocence.


Ruan Jinghong also took out her mobile phone at this time, clicked on this somewhat inexplicable hot search entry, and found out what was going on.


The host of the entry is a big verified marketing account, and the first top video on Weibo is the spoiler footage of the villa corridor given by the program group.


From the angle of the camera, they could just see Jin Ziyi, Ruan Jinghong, and Wen Jin standing at the door of the room.


This video can be described as Jin Ziyi holding the screaming duck and knocking on the door, until she and Ruan Jinghong squeeze the screaming duck together, and finally Wen Jin appears, squeezing the whole screaming duck to the tune of 18th bend of the mountain road. The whole process was recorded.


There is entertainment every day: #WenJin_ScreamingDuck Is this the daily routine of a female star after getting off work? So relaxing and stress relieving. dog head


Such an ordinary video, but because of a particularly eye-catching entry, the comment area was quickly crowded with all kinds of melon passers-by.


[Is this filming "Holiday Saturday"? I got yesterday's announcement. Wen Jin and the others should have arrived in W Town by now]


[Yesterday was the announcement and this is available today? Director Wen's program group is still a big sieve* as always]


*a person who can't keep a secret


[This video is probably a benefit given to us by Director Wen, she understands the audience. A sieve is a sieve, I don't mind, more]


[Jin Ziyi is still as funny as ever, giving screaming ducks as gifts hahahahaha]


[I don't think it's strange that Jin Ziyi pinch the screaming duck, but Queen Wen playing along and pinching together, and the way she did it was so lingering, it's really surprising]


[This is the first day, and the actress is forced to pinch a screaming duck. What kind of program group is this?]


[You all only saw the screaming duck, but I saw Queen Wen and Ruan Meow Meow living in the same room, Wen Xiang Ruan Yu CP fans celebrate the New Year]


[What's wrong with real couples living in the same room, is the young couple not allowed to spend their honeymoon at public expense? dog head/]


[Why does the upstairs refer to Ruan Jinghong as Ruan Meow Meow? Is it a joke?]


[Terrier guides the way CP Chaohua Wen Xiang Ruan Yu link/]

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[Have you noticed that Queen Wen didn't plan to pinch the duck at first, but Jin Ziyi and Ruan Jinghong winked at each other there]


[I also saw what was said upstairs, what should I do, I smell a breath of Shura field*]


*The Shura field in the human world is more often used to describe love relationships, such as polyamorous love where many people appear on the same occasion. A love triangle or n angles, a love battlefield.


[When fighting, what kind of a hero is she who can only bully a screaming duck?]


This Weibo post has only been posted for a few hours, and it has received over 100,000 likes and comments. 


Many other marketing accounts, large and small, took the initiative to repost even if they were not managed by the program group. It is foolish not to rub the heat given for nothing.


With the rapid rise in popularity of the entry #WenJin_ScreamingDuck, the original video blogger released another hallway footage while the iron was hot, along with the related entry #WenJinRuanJinghongGoesOutLateAtNight


This video was only a few seconds long, and it ended when the door of the room was opened, and Wen Jin and Ruan Jinghong went out with a bag each.


The content of the video is very common to watch alone, but the blogger is a person of timing.


Entertainment every day: #WenJinRuanJinghongGoesOutLateAtNight Has anyone noticed what's in that bag? dog head


So there are always idle and bored netizens who will try to Leeuwenhoek*.


*scrutinize things in every microscopic detail like Leeuwenhoek


Among them, "Wen Xiang Ruan Yu" CP fans are the most enthusiastic.


[I don't think the two bags are big. Could they be snacks? The two of them are going out on a date?]


[Night, starry sky, beer, rooftop, heart-to-heart talk, I have already made up a whole romantic picture]


[I said, you don't have to ship so hard if you want to smash the CP, right? There is obviously some kind of black fabric in the bag of Queen Wen, can this be regarded as a snack?]


[Although I really want to see them dating, the pink fabric in Ruan Meow Meow's bag really doesn't look like a snack bag, and my heart-to-heart conversation under the stars is gone.  cry/]


[So is there any boss to decode, what is in the bags of the two of them]

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[Waiting for a big brother]


 [Waiting for a big brother]


[Waiting for a boss]


After queuing up for nearly a hundred floors like this, someone finally broke the formation.


[Deciphered, Ruan Meow Meow's bag contains Peppa Pig's limited-edition commemorative swimsuit! You see, the pattern and the fabric are exactly the same!  Image 1 Image 2]


[Holy shit, it's really true, the boss is awesome, worship the boss!]


[Swimsuit!  What do you want to do when the two go out together in swimsuits at night?  dog head/]


[The purpose of going out with a swimsuit at night is to have a heart-to-heart conversation under the stars, I can do it again!  dog head/]


[Upstairs 233, do you have any obsession with talking under the stars]


[The program group should not only show the hallway scenes to whet the appetite, if they have the ability to release the latter ones together, is there anything that this distinguished VIP member does not deserve to watch?  dog head/]


[The position of the camera in the program team is really a little out of the ordinary. dog head/]


Of course, no matter how much Wen Duoduo wanted to stir up the heat, it was impossible to actually install a camera in the hot spring room.


Ruan Jinghong stared at the hot search on this point and looked at it for more than ten minutes.


Director Wen's wave of spoilers is really high. It seems that there are no explosive scenes, but it has whetted the appetite of netizens.


It can not only arouse expectations, but also stir up a wave of enthusiasm. In the end, it also fueled the non-existent scandal between me and Teacher Wen.


Ruan Jinghong felt both admiration and anger towards Wen Duoduo in her heart. She gritted her teeth tightly and didn't know what to say for a while.


She raised her head and saw that Wen Jin was still looking at the phone intently. Because she remembered that they are still at the recording site of a variety show, she had to remind her softly.


"Teacher Wen?"

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Because her voice was too low, Wen Jin didn't respond to her words.


Ruan Jinghong had to move her seat closer, and wanted to tap her quietly at an angle that the camera couldn't see.


However, before she could take any action, she heard Wen Jin muttering something softly to the phone screen.


The cold and ambiguous low voice fleeted away in an instant, and Ruan Jinghong couldn't hear it very clearly. The word just now sounded like "dating"?


Ruan Jinghong gently touched her elbow with one finger, blocked by Wen Jin's windbreaker. She thinks that this angle is perfect, and the camera wouldn't be able to capture her hands.


A warm fleeting touch sent Wen Jin to jolt, recovering from being addicted to the phone.


Wen Jin saw the little thing beside her blinking at her quietly, and was once again looking so cute.


But this wave of reminders did remind her of the current situation. She held the phone, as if explaining, and said casually: "I just wanted to read the comments of netizens in the hot search. After all, I heard that Director Wen paid so much for the spoilers, there should be some splashes."


Ruan Jinghong: …


Although it is a tacit fact that this spoiler was revealed by Director Wen on her own initiative, is it really okay to directly spill the beans on Director Wen's propaganda like this? And the part that Ziyi said just now, all of these should be cut out.


Perhaps it was because of the spoilers, she's not sure if Director Wen is feeling guilty or satisfied. This time, she did not come up with any tricks to torment the guests this time. She let everyone finish their meal in peace before picking up the microphone to announce the next process.


"Now all the guests have finished their breakfast, they must have a certain understanding of the local cuisine.


"Today is the second day for you all to come to W Town. In order to let the guests enjoy a pleasant vacation and at the same time experience the style of W Town in person, the task issued to you today is very easy."


"There is a Parade Street in W Town, where there are various online popular-themed stores, which condense the most lively places in W Town, and it is also a must-see for tourists.


"Next, please personally enter Parade Street and select a store that you find most interesting as a group to check in and patronize."


"After the guests have finished the experience in the store, they need to record a VCR each team. This VCR will be released by the official Weibo of the program group. The group with the most likes on the video within 24 hours will receive a surprise reward provided by the program group."


It's a surprise reward again. The program team plays this game every day, it isn't surprising.


Ruan Jinghong was still complaining in her heart, but the staff had already stepped forward with the envelope containing the money.


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"This is your group activity fund for the day. If your consumption exceeds this amount, you need to find a way to make money in W Town. Again, it is illegal to use money other than what the program provides."


Ruan Jinghong looked at the thin envelope, and slandered in her heart: The program crew, you're really stingy!


Wen Jin and Ruan Jinghong came to the Parade Street with the funds given by the program group. This street looks very modern and fashionable. On both sides of the red brick street, there are various Internet celebrity shops with fluorescent billboards everywhere.


Today is Sunday, and there are many pedestrians on the street, most of whom are young people. Fortunately, they are abroad, otherwise the two of them walking on the street without any weapons would probably cause quite a stir.


While looking around, Ruan Jinghong carefully followed Wen Jin for fear of losing her way.


There are quite a lot of people here, she can't dare to get too far away from Wen Jin, for fear of being washed away. Not for anything else, mainly because the envelope containing the money is in Wen Jin's hands.


Although this street is small, but it has everything. There are gourmet shops, handmade shops, Hanfu shops, and VR shops.


Ruan Jinghong, who usually stays at home and writes except for filming, can rarely for see so many interesting shops at once, and feels itchy for a while, wanting to go in and have a look at any of them, but thinking about the stingy envelope given by the program group, it seems it can afford nothing.


The two strolled together on the street for half an hour, and unknowingly caused a small commotion around them.


As Ruan Jinghong walked, she felt more and more eyes cast on her, and from time to time she could hear the "click" sounds mobile phones taking pictures.


Well, there are indeed many places worth taking pictures of on this Internet popular street.


But why are there always flashes of light flashing towards me, and there are soft whispers in an incomprehensible language?


Ruan Jinghong, who was sensitive by nature, couldn't help approaching Wen Jin, and whispered, "Teacher Wen, why do I feel like they're talking about us?"


"That's right, they're all praising your cute twin tails." Wen Jin's usual cold voice was somewhat smug.


Ruan Jinghong looked up, and sure enough, she saw two European-looking young ladies staring at the top of her head excitedly.


Ruan Jinghong, who was not used to receiving such attention, blushed and casually walked away.


In the nearest shop, she hurriedly said, "Teacher Wen, let's go into this shop and check in."


Wen Jin followed Ruan Jinghong's words and looked up at the sign. The store name and slogan were deformed art fonts, but the cat heads with different expressions were very recognizable.


Cat Cafe?

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