Chapter 48: There Seems To Be Something Wrong

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However, this time Wen Jin wrongly blamed Ruan Jinghong.

Although Ruan Jinghong is usually quite nervous, she still noticed the small emotions when Wen Jin left this time.

It's not that she didn't care, she was even thinking about it in the shower and mistakenly used the shampoo as body wash.

Ruan Jinghong knows that her words were out of good intentions, but perhaps in Wen Jin's opinion, it was very out of line.

It's all my fault. I relied too much on Teacher Wen's good temper, and poured out all my thoughts, ignoring her feelings too much.

Ruan Jinghong stood under the shower and rinsed the foam off her body, reflecting sincerely.

She wanted to go and apologize, but didn't know where to start.

Wrapped in a home bathrobe, she casually wiped her wet long hair, opened Weibo, and entered the word "Wen Jin" before consciously searching.

Whenever she was unsure of what to do, she habitually tries to rely on the almighty internet, but this time she missed the mark.

At this moment, not long after the first episode of 'Holiday Saturday' was broadcasted and launched, it was the moment when netizens were shipping the CP the hardest.

Although most people are used to addressing "Queen Wen", it didn't prevent the real-time front row of "Wen Jin" spot from being occupied.

Ruan Jinghong looked at the joyful faces of netizens, and even the last word of the guessing game with zero tacit understanding could be forced to portray as "a special love affair of a young couple", deeply feeling disconnected from the vast number of netizens' minds.

Not only did she not get the answer she wanted here, but she was inexplicably nervous by the screen full of shipping on their CP.

As for where this nervousness came from, she didn't quite understand it in her heart. Perhaps subconsciously, she was afraid that these remarks would also be seen by Wen Jin.

I annoyed Teacher Wen for talking too much about emotional issues before. If she sees these comments now, wouldn't she be reminded of the recent unhappiness and even more disgusted with me? What should I do?

The more Ruan Jinghong thought about it, the more she felt that this would be the case, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt like crying.

She took out her phone, clicked on the familiar profile picture, and tapped on the screen.

Ruanruan: Recently, I've been teased to be a couple with a senior of the same-sex. No matter how I explain it, no one believes me. cry loudly.jpg

She subconsciously evaded her responsibilities, and blamed the netizens who were crazy about the CP.

At this point in time she doesn't expect to get a reply from J. She just subconsciously thought of her as a safe and harmless tree hole.

It's better to have a place to release any worries than to hold them back alone.

It's just that she didn't expect that almost at the same time as the message was sent, the opposite side displayed "typing message..."

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Ruan Jinghong stared at her phone screen and waited for almost a minute before seeing a sentence sent from the opposite side.

Huaijin holds Yu: Do you hate that same-sex senior?

How could I possibly hate Teacher Wen? If only she didn't hate me.

Ruan Jinghong rubbed her reddened nose with one hand, and tapped her phone's keyboard with the other hand.

Ruanruan: That's not true, she is particularly powerful, being rumored with me is downgrading her, I'm afraid she will hate me because of it.  crying cat.jpg

Wen Jin froze for a moment when she saw this message: Is this what the little idiot had in mind?

She thought over and over again, and typed every word very seriously.

Huaijin holds Yu: Then has she shown that she hates you?

Ruanruan: That's not the case. She's well-mannered, so even if she really hates me, she won't show it. hurt.jpg

Wen Jin almost forgot that a certain fool always likes to add a filter on her.

But this is not the time to be proud, she still has to put in a lot of effort to coax this person, even if she is clearly the one who has been offended.

Huaijin holds Yu: If she didn't show it, then maybe she doesn't hate you. Da Da is so cute. If I were your senior, I would definitely like you very much.

But you are not.

Ruan Jinghong whispered in her heart, but J's explanation still comforted her.

Ruanruan: I feel better after chatting with you, thank you. coquettish cat.jpg

 Huai Jin holds Yu: smiling dog.jpg

Wen Jin sent out an emoji, took a sip of wolfberry tea from the thermos cup, and a notification popped up on the phone at the right time: The UP master* you're following just updated, 'A Glance Back at Wen Xiang Ruan Yu's 500 Past Lives in Exchange For A Brief Encounter In This Life']

*content uploader


This translation is originally posted on

please read it there. and check out other stories too.

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This UP master is considered to be Wen Xiang Ruan Yu's long-standing fan. Almost from the time when the two of them were first rumored to be having an affair, she edited Wen Jin and Ruan Jinghong's videos on B site.

But at that time, the materials were really limited. Ruan Jinghong's garbage web dramas were completely different from Wen Jin's movies, it was also thanks to the UP master for the filter adjustment frame by frame.

Wen Jin has been paying attention to this UP master for some time, and seeing that she always rushes to the front line in producing new food, this time a feature film is released, and she did not disappoint.

Without much expression on her face, she silently clicked on the video.

With a large number of the same frame from the variety show, the UP master can be said to be a fish leaping to a wider sea, mixing and editing the lines of the two people's previous historical drama scenes and the cut from the variety show, unexpectedly creating a sense of story and destiny in their past and present lives.

The short three-minute MV cut out the story of the two people's helpless miss from ancient times to the period of Republic of China*, a BE** in two lives, until they were drawn by fate to meet again in the modern times.


**Bad Ending 

The UP master selected almost all the material from yesterday's pilot episode so the story development is not very long, and the final HE* is just on point, but 80% of the ingredients are still outrageous.

*Happy Ending 

But this video is very mature and clever in terms of editing techniques, filter adjustments, storytelling and BGM matching.

Just a short while after it was released, 5,000 people watched it at the same time. The Wen Xiang Ruan Yu CP fans who were looking for food quickly took this place as another place for friends to gather together.

Wen Jin silently played the video several times in a loop, until she was able to memorize every scene in the MV, and then generously gave it a thumbs up.

She wanted to loop the video again, but she suddenly heard a knock on the door.

It's already this late. So annoying.

Wen Jin put down her phone, frowned slightly, and came to the door to open it.

After chatting with J, Ruan Jinghong prepared herself mentally for a long time before mustering the courage to knock on Wen Jin's door.

At this moment, she saw Wen Jin looking displeased and she became even more nervous.

"Hi, Teacher Wen, you haven't rested yet, have you? "Ruan Jinghong raised a cute smile and said nonsense knowingly.

Wen Jin saw the thoughtful face at the door, and her mood brightened a lot, but her face remained as cold as ever.

I don't want her to think that I've been waiting for her all night.

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"Not yet, what's the matter? Come in and talk about it" No matter how calm Wen Jin's tone was at this time, she is actually excited deep inside. The professionalism she had cultivated for many years allowed her to separate her mood from her expression.

Ruan Jinghong obediently bowed her head and walked into the room, thinking to herself.

Teacher Wen seems to be still angry at the moment, but since she invited me into the room, it means there is still room for change.

This is it. My head will get slashed whether I stretch my head or shrink it*.

*means that no matter how you deal with it, the result will probably be the same.This is usually use to persuade someone to take a step forward since there is really nothing to lose 

Come on, I can do it!

After a few steps into the room, Ruan Jinghong mustered up her courage.

She looked up at Wen Jin's expressionless face, and said carefully: "Teacher Wen, it was my fault tonight. If you are unhappy, just scold me. Don't hold back your unhappiness. Don't…"

Don't ignore me in the future.

Ruan Jinghong did not express the fear hidden in her heart.

It was rare to see the little thing "opening up" so quickly, which was somewhat unexpected for Wen Jin.

She pursed her lips, keeping the corners of her mouth from turning up too high, and said calmly, "Then tell me, what wrong did you do tonight?"

When Ruan Jinghong saw an opening, she proactively admitted her mistake, "I shouldn't have said anything about Teacher Wen's emotional needs. Teacher Wen is the best, no matter what she thinks, she is right!"

Although, I still hope in my heart that Teacher Wen isn't a love brain, it's best to focus on pursuing a lifelong career! But I will try my best to keep these thoughts in my heart in the future and not speak them out in person to avoid being disliked.

Wen Jin: …

This wave of apology seems to have recognized the mistake, but there seems to be something wrong.

Wen Jin suddenly felt powerless as if she had punched the cotton with her fist. She sighed in her heart, staring at Ruan Jinghong's delicate little face, resisting the urge to pinch it.

In the end, she returned to her usual gentleness, "It's okay, I don't blame you."

"Really?" Ruan Jinghong raised her face happily, her beautiful big eyes were full of enthusiasm, "Then can we still be like a few days ago?"

Ruan Jinghong whispered a prayer in her heart: Teacher Wen's promise is as good as gold. Since she personally said she doesn't blame me, does that mean she won't ignore me?

Wen Jin was almost burned by those star-filled eyes for a moment, she turned her head slightly, and said in her heart: But I don't want us to be like how we were a few days ago.

Seeing that Wen Jin didn't reply for a long time, Ruan Jinghong's beautiful eyes were so anxious they almost burst into tears.

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Wen Jin couldn't see her pitiful appearance, it would give her the urge to take her into her arms and tease her severely.

In the end she had to compromise, "Mm, just like a few days ago."

Ruan Jinghong, who finally took the reassuring pill, appeared very happy. She exposed a mouthful of pure white teeth and her eyes curved into a crescent moon.

"I know that Teacher Wen is the best person, I am so happy. Then I won't disturb Teacher Wen's rest now. Teacher Wen, goodbye"

Upon hearing this, Wen Jin's newly softened heart was enveloped in a layer of dark clouds.

Did you just come here to say a few words, and then leave again?

"Wait a minute." Wen Jin quickly picked up her phone on the side.

"I heard that Director Wen said that each group of guests would have an exclusive BGM. She just sent a few song samples over. Since you're here, let's listen to it together."

Ruan Jinghong, who had just received Wen Jin's "forgiveness" naturally wouldn't refuse such a reasonable request.

She already knows in her heart about Wen Jin's dedication to work even at such a late hour, and immediately sat aside and obediently listened to the tune.

There are a total of five single demos sent by Director Wen, including cheerful, artistic, soothing, sweet, and pastoral.

She actually planned to match different BGMs with different scenes. As the most important guest of the program group, all program-related things naturally had to go through her  first.

Wen Jin usually doesn't pay much attention to BGM matters, but now she just found a temporary reason to keep Ruan Jinghong for a longer time.

In order to better understand the effect of each song, Wen Jin specially took out a pair of stereo headphones and gave one to Ruan Jinghong.

Ruan Jinghong was unaware of Wen Jin's cautious thoughts at this moment. She took the earphones and listened attentively to every piece of music.

Although her musical attainments are limited, since this is a job given and explained by her most respected Teacher Wen, she must take it very seriously!

Ruan Jinghong listened to the music while humming silently in her heart, and conceptualized the effect of different songs combined with different variety show images in her mind. It didn't cross her mind that this matter is not for a guest like her to worry about.

Due to the traction of the earphones, the two heads got closer and closer. Wen Jin looked at the fluffy head that is close at hand, with a particularly round cowlick on it.

She quietly blew on the cowlick and a few cute dumb hairs somersaulted playfully.

Ruan Jinghong felt a slight coolness in her scalp and looked up at Wen Jin beside her. Seeing that the other person was still cold and calm, she blinked in confusion.

"Boom!" A series of thunderclaps sounded in the air at some point, followed by the sound of pattering rain.

The thunderstorm came suddenly and violently, shaking the chandelier in the room.

The warm light hit Wen Jin's suddenly pale face, and for the first time, Ruan Jinghong saw panic on her calm and composed face.

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