Chapter 49: A Teacher Wen Like This Makes People Want To Hug Her

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"Teacher Wen?"

Ruan Jinghong looked at Wen Jin, who seemed to be rooted on the sofa, and reached out her hand carefully to touch her shoulder.

Unexpectedly, Wen Jin trembled violently as if frightened.

"Sorry." Wen Jin looked at Ruan Jinghong, who looked a bit confused before her, she forced herself to calm down and said, "It's so late. You should go back first."

Without waiting for Ruan Jinghong's reply, she got up on the sofa and staggered towards the bathroom.

Ruan Jinghong: …

The thunder outside continued rumbling, and Ruan Jinghong unexpectedly caught sight of another side of Wen Jin hidden under her calm and elegant demeanor.

Fragile, defensive, and reluctant.

Ruan Jinghong's rationality told her that everyone has their own little secret, and Wen Jin obviously didn't want others to see her like this.

As a sensible adult, it is wise to leave, respect others' privacy, and maintain a safe distance.

But her feet seemed to be filled with lead, still unable to move an inch.

Why don't I sit for a while and wait for Teacher Wen to come out of the bathroom? I'll leave if she is in better condition.

Ruan Jinghong didn't know how long she sat on the sofa until the bathroom door opened again.

Wen Jin was wearing a dark black silk pajama, with wet hair flowing down, leaving a wet patch on her back. It looked like she had just finished bathing.

But her expression looked a bit weaker than before, like a patient who had just woken up from the intensive surgery bed.

Wen Jin leaned on the wall and grimaced when she saw Ruan Jinghong still in the room.

"Why are you still here?"

Anyone with a bit of emotional intelligence will understand that this is an order to leave.

At this moment, Ruan Jinghong didn't care about being annoying. She took a few steps forward and supported Wen Jin's trembling body and pleaded, "Teacher Wen, can I stay for a while longer?"

She didn't say 'I'll take care of you', which would put the other person in a relatively vulnerable position, it's obvious Wen Jin wouldn't like that.

Wen Jin didn't speak but let Ruan Jinghong support her to sit on the sofa, took out the hair dryer from the side, and stood to blow her wet long hair.

Wen Jin, who usually takes the lead when they are together, now looks like a porcelain doll that Ruan Jinghong can manipulate.

For nearly ten minutes of the hair drying, she was eerily quiet the entire time.

At first, Ruan Jinghong tried to find some topics to attract Wen Jin's attention, hoping to break the awkwardness, but received no response.

She was not a social expert in the first place, so forcing an awkward chat would only make it even more awkward.

So she just shut her mouth and concentrated on blow-drying Wen Jin's hair.

Ruan Jinghong used her fingers as a comb to run through her smooth long hair. She didn't turn off the blower until the hair on her fingertips gradually dried.

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"Teacher Wen, it's done."

Ruan Jinghong looked down when she didn't hear a response and saw Wen Jin already wandering into space at some point.


Just as Ruan Jinghong was struggling to say something more, a sudden sneeze broke the silence.

Ruan Jinghong's palm touched Wen Jin's wet back and got annoyed at herself for being careless.

She lowered her head to discuss with Wen Jin, "Teacher Wen, your hair got your clothes wet before, why don't you change into another one, otherwise you might catch a cold."

"Mm." This time Wen Jin finally came to her senses and responded with a hum but made no move to get up at all.

Ruan Jinghong recalled Wen Jin's state when she first got out of the bathroom, and thought that it would be difficult for her to get up and go back to the room alone.

So she consciously bent down and placed Wen Jin's arm on her shoulder.

In order to relieve Wen Jin's discomfort, she deliberately joked, "Teacher Wen, you can use me like a cane. Do I look like a cane in this way? 'Deng Deng Deng'

As she spoke, she deliberately put her feet together and jumped forward, imitating the appearance of hitting the ground with a cane a few times.

Amused by Ruan Jinghong's cute antics, Wen Jin's face softened and was finally not as tense as before.

She let Ruan Jinghong help her into the bedroom and directed her to find another set of pajamas for her.

Under Ruan Jinghong's worried gaze, she unhesitatingly took off the wet clothes.

Ruan Jinghong turned around in a panic when she saw that Wen Jin's hands were so flexible that she could handle them on her own.

"Then…Teacher Wen, I'll go out first. I'll stand at the door. Call me if you need anything."

After she finished speaking, she bounced like a little rabbit and stood at the door.

Wen Jin looked at the slender figure outside the room but felt a rare sense of peace in her heart.

There was still thunder outside, and the constant roar was still harsh and repulsive, but she was no longer as uncomfortable as before.

Whenever she hears the sound of thunder before, she is like a snake caught in a chokehold, frightened and out of control.

She doesn't want her most embarrassing appearance to be seen by others, especially by the person she cares about.

She can only use all her strength to arm herself tightly.

It's just that she didn't expect that the little thing, who has always been very cowardly, would not be intimidated this time.

She is so brave, yet also so gentle, with her by her side, she felt at peace.

It's you who doesn't want to leave.

Wen Jin pinched the palm of her hand and said to herself.

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Ruan Jinghong stood outside the room for more than three minutes, when she heard a familiar and pleasant voice.

 "I'm done changing."

Ruan Jinghong entered the room. At this time, Wen Jin had already put on silver-gray silk pajamas again. And the black satin pajamas that were replaced were lying on the bed at the side, and a wet patch can still be seen on the exposed top piece.

Ruan Jinghong consciously stepped forward to pick up the black pajamas and walked toward the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Wen Jin stopped her.

"Teacher Wen, I'll put your clothes in the washing machine for you."

"No need, just put it there." Wen Jin said and pointed to the chair beside the bed.

Ruan Jinghong put down her clothes as instructed, and turned her head to look carefully at Wen Jin's expression.

Her complexion was still pale, but she looked a little more normal than before.

Wen Jin knew what Ruan Jinghong was thinking, so she spoke in a low voice and weak voice: "Actually, I'm very afraid of thunder."

Ruan Jinghong: I can see it.

"Every time I encounter thunder, I can't sleep alone at night."

Ruan Jinghong: Poor Teacher Wen.

"So can you stay here with me tonight?"

Ruan Jinghong: Huh?


When Ruan Jinghong came over, she was wearing regular home clothes. If they are to sleep together, she has to change clothes.

"Then Teacher Wen, I'll go back to my room first and change into my pajamas, and I'll be right back."


This translation is originally posted on

please read it there. and check out other stories too.


Wen Jin saw Ruan Jinghong's hasty departure, and the thunder in her ears seemed to have been amplified several times.

What she just told Ruan Jinghong was actually the truth.

It's because the other party is a little fool, their closeness and her own selfishness, that she can say it without hesitation.

Ruan Jinghong said that she'll just change clothes, which usually takes a few minutes, but at this moment, her heart is suffering greatly.

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She is afraid of being deceived, afraid of being left behind.

The familiar panic, fear, and anxiety tried to pull her into the abyss again.

It turned out that the calmness and peace of mind just now were temporary, and without her sedative, the recurrence came so quickly.

There were two little people in her heart, each holding their own opinions and crazily tugging at each other.

The little man with demon wings said, 'She lied to you. She left and won't come back. Enjoy this darkness and loneliness alone.'

The little man with an angel halo on his head said, 'She won't deceive you. She will be back soon, and she can be trusted.'

Little Devil: She lied to you!

Little Angel: She will come back!

Little Devil: She lied to you!

Little Angel: She will come back!

The two argued more and more, looking like it would end up in a brawl.

In Wen Jin's mind, there was a war between heaven and man, and her headache felt like it was about to explode.

Just then, the bedroom door was pushed open.

Ruan Jinghong was wearing a cute pink cat pajama, and under the warm indoor light, she looked as if she was wearing a small halo.

Wen Jin sat on the bed, and the moment she saw Ruan Jinghong approaching, she swept away her grimace and pasted a smile on her pale face.

However, the smile looked a bit sickly in Ruan Jinghong's eyes.

She bit her beautiful thin lips and wondered: Why does Teacher Wen look weaker in just a few minutes?

Ruan Jinghong didn't dare to delay, she came to the bed, kicked off her slippers, knelt on the bed, and reached out to Wen Jin.

"Teacher Wen, should I turn off the lights?" Ruan Jinghong knelt on one knee on the bed and asked for Wen Jin's opinion.

"Leave a little light on."

"Okay." Ruan Jinghong adjusted the brightness of the light according to Wen Jin's instructions. While adjusting, she observed Wen Jin's face. She didn't stop until the other party showed a comfortable and relaxed expression.

"Teacher Wen, go to sleep, I will be here with you."

Ruan Jinghong put down the pillow for Wen Jin and tucked the blanket over her body.

Wen Jin, who was afraid of thunder, now looked like a child who needed to be taken care of.

Wen Jin leaned her head against the pillow, her beautiful eyes wide open, as if trying to capture Ruan Jinghong's every movement.

Upon seeing this, Ruan Jinghong patiently coaxed, "Teacher Wen, close your eyes and go to sleep."

"I can't sleep with you sitting there."

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As soon as Ruan Jinghong heard the words, she quickly got into the blanket and lay down, fearing that being a second late would affect Wen Jin's sleep.

"Closer, it's cold." At this moment, Wen Jin seemed like a big baby, capriciously making all kinds of demands.

Ruan Jinghong accepted all these requests, and she slid towards Wen Jin's side until there was only a layer of quilt between them.

Ruan Jinghong reached out and patted Wen Jin's back through the blanket, gently coaxing, "Sleep, you won't hear the thunder once you're asleep."

Wen Jin didn't say anything else this time. She is mentally exhausted tonight and quickly falls asleep under Ruan Jinghong's gentle pat.

Ruan Jinghong listened to the gradual and gentle breathing in her ears and looked at the stunning beauty who was slowly closing her eyes in front of her. She finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Teacher Wen is not as omnipotent as I imagined.

However, a Teacher Wen like this makes people want to hug her.

Ruan Jinghong turned sideways, stretched out an arm, and wrapped Wen Jin's shoulder through the blanket. Seeing Wen Jin's brows relax in her sleep, she felt very satisfied.

Wen Jin had a very long dream during the night.

In the dream, she went back to when she was seven years old when her parents had a heated argument at home, jade ceramics were thrown to the ground, and all kinds of insults were hurled endlessly as if they had a sworn hatred with each other.

No one noticed that she quietly locked herself in her room, holding her frail arms, squatting at the foot of the bed, and shivering.

Just as the sky was thundering, the booming sound came one after another, making her feel as if her whole body was trembling with the room.

It seems that since then, the sound of thunder has been an indelible nightmare engraved in her.

Whenever she falls into this nightmare, her whole body will fall into a very weak state night after night.

This time the thunder continued for a long time, but when she looked up, she saw a girl as cute as a kitten who stretched out her hands to hug her.

"Don't be afraid, I will be here with you."

The girl's appearance was like a ray of light thrown into the darkness.

Little Wen Jin reached out and tightly embraced this beam of light, feeling so warm and soft.

This peaceful and beautiful feeling lasted all night.

When Wen Jin opened her eyes in the morning, the thunderstorm outside had already subsided.

One of the two original blankets on the bed was kicked to the foot of the bed at some point, and the other was draped over the two exquisite and graceful bodies.

Wen Jin maintained her posture in the dream with both hands, embracing...her light.

Ruan Jinghong, who had been disturbed by the sleeping Wen Jin for most of the night, had not yet woken up.

In the morning light, her bare little face is as beautiful as a lotus flower. Her long eyelashes are like butterfly wings casting a shadow on her eyelids, and her nose which has been rubbed red looks very cute and charming.

Wen Jin embraced the beauty in her arms and was reluctant to let go.

I have always liked you before this, but now, I think I can't do without you anymore.

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