Chapter 50: Because…The Little Thing Is Very Cute

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Speaking of which, this is the second time the two of them have woken up from the same bed. The difference from the last time was that Wen Jin had her arms wrapped around the warm softness, and their distance was so close that she could clearly hear the sound of another heart beating.

Wen Jin stretched out her hand to trace the sleeping person's appearance. With her fingertips outlining the smooth and delicate forehead, delicate and neat eyebrows, the small and straight nose, and the smooth and supple face. Finally, she stopped at the soft and delicate lips.

The sleeping little thing is also so cute, almost like a doll.

Wen Jin didn't have dolls when she was a child. She was too precocious and thought those things were too childish.

But now she couldn't let go of such a real-life version of a doll. While the other person was asleep, she stroked and pressed her fingers on her face for a long time, until she left a shallow red mark on the tender and white skin.

Wen Jin also realized that her behavior was somewhat strange at this moment and forced herself to withdraw her hand. But facing that peaceful sleeping face, she always feels fluttery and unwilling.

So she remained to hug Ruan Jinghong with one hand, propped up the bed with the other, and like a thief, she tilted her head and pressed a kiss on that soft and smooth face.

Warm and delicate against her lips, with a unique fragrance of a girl mixed with the scent of some vanilla shampoo.

The uninterrupted touch made Wen Jin's heart tremble for a moment and she sighed in satisfaction.

Ruanruan is really soft*, even softer than cotton.

*another pun on her pseudonym.

Wen Jin thought the kiss was very light, but when she looked up, she still saw a red mark on half of the originally clean face.

The cheeks on both sides are flushed red, which looks quite symmetrical.

Looking at her masterpiece, Wen Jin couldn't help feeling a bit guilty. After all, stealing a kiss while someone was asleep was not very bright.

In the past, she absolutely disdained doing such sneaky things, but there was a thunderstorm last night, and her fragile heart was frightened. It's not too much to seek comfort at this moment...right?

Wen Jin looked at the two obvious blushes on the beautiful little face and leaned in like a thief, and blew on it trying to cover up the crime, but it was of no use.

Frustrated, she frowned and thought to herself: Why is her skin so delicate, it turns red even at the slightest touch?

At this time, the alarm on Ruan Jinghong's phone by the bed rang, and Wen Jin quickly got up and pressed it.

However, when this wave of noise subsided, the person naturally woke up.

Wen Jin noticed that Ruan Jinghong woke up, feeling even more guilty. She hurriedly put away the appearance of stealing fragrance and jade*, pretended to be calm, and said, "Morning."

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*1. having an illicit affair (between unmarried people); 2. being good at seducing men or women


This translation is originally posted on

please read it there. and check out other stories too.


Ruan Jinghong looked at Wen Jin who was close to her, and was stunned for two seconds. Various memories of last night flashed through her mind as she sorted out the current situation.

"Teacher Wen, good morning." Ruan Jinghong, who just woke up, spoke with a soft nasal voice.

"There's still time before the filming. You can wash up here. I'll tidy up the room first." Wen Jin spoke in an orderly manner, with a calm look hiding her nervous heart.

Even to the dull Ruan Jinghong, she can tell that Wen Jin is acting a bit strange, somewhat…pretending to be calm, as if trying to cover up something.

She thinks she understood why. After all, being seen in such a fragile and abnormal state last night would make anyone feel uncomfortable.

After last night, Ruan Jinghong's perception of Wen Jin has quietly changed, and she no longer simply respects her like a deity.

Teacher Wen also has moments of vulnerability and needs to be protected. This kind of Teacher Wen seems more grounded and adorable.

Ruan Jinghong didn't expose Wen Jin's guilty conscience, but obediently followed her suggestion to wash up.

In front of the bathroom sink.

Ruan Jinghong looked at the sudden addition of a few red marks on her face and fell into confusion.

Hmm, why is there such a large red spot on my face? Could it be that there are mosquitoes, but it doesn't itch?

Is this an allergy? I didn't expect this to happen and I didn't bring any medicine, I should ask Teacher Wen for some later.

When Ruan Jinghong finished washing and returned to the bedroom with a red face, Wen Jin had already tidied up the bed.

Wen Jin saw a real-life doll wearing a pink cat cotton pajama with slightly curled light brown long hair standing in front of her, unprepared by the radiance, with an unsuspecting smile on her face. She felt even more ticklish in her heart.

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"Teacher Wen..."

The doll spoke and it was calling her. Wen Jin pressed the tip of her tongue against her palate.

"Do you have medicine for allergies here?"

Wen Jin: ?

Seeing that Wen Jin was puzzled, Ruan Jinghong pointed to the red marks on her face and explained.

"I woke up and found red marks on my face, and I can't get rid of them. So I was wondering if this is an allergy. I didn't bring any medicine. Do you have any here, Teacher Wen?"

Before Wen Jin came to record the variety show, Xiao Yuan made all kinds of preparations for her, which naturally included medications for allergies.

But she knew how Ruan Jinghong got those red marks on her face, and she shouldn't let the girl misuse medicines.

"No, "Wen Jin replied decisively.

"Then…how about, other alternatives…"

"Nothing. The recording is about to start. Go back to your room and change clothes." Wen Jin quickly interrupted Ruan Jinghong, almost pushing her out of the bedroom.

Ruan Jinghong: ?

If you don't have it then you don't. Why is Teacher Wen so strange?

Maybe it's because she didn't rest last night. It's really pitiful to be afraid of thunder, so I'd better not bother her for now.

Ruan Jinghong thoughtfully found an excuse for Wen Jin in her heart.

On the fourth day, the program took the guests to G City, which is adjacent to W Town, and sent each group of guests a map, asking them to go to the places marked on the map to take photos and check in.

G City can also be regarded as a famous ancient city here. Ruan Jinghong had longed for this place before, and now she is very pleasantly surprised to get such an opportunity.

The buildings in the ancient city are crisscrossed and rugged, and it is not as easy as finding the way from the farmers' market to the small courtyard as before. The task of reading the map fell on Wen Jin.

Wen Jin, who was neatly dressed and standing in front of the camera, regained her usual composure. Both of them tacitly did not mention that they shared a room last night.

It was still early in the morning and Wen Jin didn't rush to the first scenic spot, but walked side by side with Ruan Jinghong on the stone road, admiring the surrounding scenery leisurely.

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A warm breeze swept through, entangling their long hair.

Ruan Jinghong felt her hair being pulled so she tilted her head and tried to break free from the constraints. However, she accidentally made her hair stick even tighter.

In order not to pull her scalp, she had to get closer to Wen Jin.

"Don't move." Wen Jin supported Ruan Jinghong's head with one hand and carefully inspected where their hair got tangled up.

It turned out that a few strands of her hair fell into Ruan Jinghong's hairpin, which made the two of them entangled with each other.

Wen Jin took off the hairpin from Ruan Jinghong's head and rescued her own hair from the hairpin one by one. Only then did the two separate from the brief entanglement.

Their hair is now free, but they are still extremely close.

Taking advantage of her position, Wen Jin grabbed Ruan Jinghong with one hand and put the newly removed hairpin into her pocket with the other.

"You're actually quite cute without a hairpin."

Ruan Jinghong had no objection to this, but being cute or not isn't a priority. The main point was that she doesn't want to experience the embarrassment of having their hair tangled together again.

But, you can return the hairpin to me.

Ruan Jinghong looked at the hairpin that had fallen into Wen Jin's pocket but felt that asking for a hairpin in front of the camera would cause a fuss.

Teacher Wen probably forgot about it, so I'll just find her again when we go back.

They met a little girl on the road, carrying a basket containing freshly picked flowers.

Wen Jin stepped forward to speak with the little girl in the local language, exchanged the H coins obtained from her previous skating win for a bouquet of bright roses from her, and only accepted six coins for change from the little girl, telling her that the rest was a tip.

The little girl was very happy. She came to Ruan Jinghong, smiled, and said a lot of things in a language she didn't understand, and finally put her hands on her chest, connected her middle fingers, and made a heart gesture towards her.

Ruan Jinghong, who couldn't understand the local language, expressed confusion about this.

Wen Jin stepped forward and patted the little girl's shoulder. After the girl left, she handed the roses in her hand to Ruan Jinghong.

Ruan Jinghong took the roses and was a little puzzled, "Teacher Wen, why did you buy flowers for me?"

"Because...the little thing is so cute." The corner of Wen Jin's mouth curled up in a happy arc.

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Ruan Jinghong blinked in thought.

Little thing...does she mean the little girl selling flowers just now? She's really cute indeed. Her smile looks so sweet.

Teacher Wen is really a caring person, and she doesn't forget to help with the kid's business.

Ruan Jinghong held the rose in both hands, and smiled innocently, "Thank you for the flowers, Teacher Wen. They are very beautiful. Teacher Wen has such a good eye."

Wen Jin had received countless roses before, but it was her first time giving roses to others.

Compared to handing over all roses to Xiao Yuan to deal with them every time she receives them, the reaction given by the little thing at this time should be regarded as... quite positive.

Wen Jin also felt very satisfied with the positive feedback she received for giving flowers to someone for the first time.

She took Ruan Jinghong's hand again, and held the six coins she just got with the other hand, "Let's go, the first check-in attraction is ahead."

Their first check-in attraction is the Teshville Fountain, one of the must-see tourist attractions in G City.

The fountain is located in the south of Saint Anne's Square. It is a baroque architectural sculpture made of marble with the theme of the return of Poseidon in ancient mythology.

T/N: I'm pretty sure G City is fictional, but probably used Spain and France as references among other places.

Statues of ancient warriors stand around the fountain, with smooth lines and full of power.

The majestic large fountain in the center is like a sapphire inlaid here, shimmering under the surrounding lights.

Countless wishing coins are piled up at the bottom of the fountain pool, reflecting light in the sun, as if to illuminate the entire G city.

Yes, the wishing coin, this fountain also has another name, it is called the Wishing Pool.

According to the legend, as long as you hold a coin and throw it into the pool with your eyes closed, if it successfully sinks to the bottom, your wish will be granted.

It was only then that Ruan Jinghong understood why Wen Jin exchanged coins just now. She tilted her head to look at Wen Jin, and asked obediently, "Teacher Wen, can I have a coin?"

Wen Jin unfolded the six coins in her hand and slowly said, "Have you ever watched the" Teshville Love Song "? It is said that if you drop a coin here, you will one day come back here again. If you drop two coins, you will meet your ideal lover. If you drop three coins at once, you will meet your lover and eventually get married

Ruan Jinghong blinked and looked at Wen Jin with a pair of beautiful big eyes.

"I'll take one then."

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