Chapter 51: I Always Looked Out Of Place Because I'm Not A Beast

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This translation is originally posted on

please read it there. and check out other stories too.



Ruan Jinghong took a coin from Wen Jin's hand, slightly closed her eyes, clasped her hands together, and silently prayed facing the wishing pool before tossing the coin.

"Teacher Wen, it's sinking!" Ruan Jinghong poked her head out and looked at the coin she had just thrown, excitedly exclaiming.

Teacher Wen's mood is about to sink.

Wen Jin glanced at the coin at the bottom of the pool and couldn't help but feel a bit reluctant, saying, "Actually, I have more coins here."

Ruan Jinghong gave a sweet smile and said, "A wish like 'lovers will eventually get married' is more suitable for two like-minded people to make a wish together. The scenery here is so beautiful, if there is a chance to do it again in the future, it would be a blessing. Perhaps when I come here again in the future, I will have found my true love, and it will be the same to make up two coins to fulfill the wish."

Heh, you've certainly made quite a calculation there.

Wen Jin put the remaining four coins into her pocket and tossed the last coin into the bottom of the pool.

"Teacher Wen, you didn't close your eyes just now," Ruan Jinghong reminded in a low voice.

"No need, sincerity is the key," Wen Jin glanced at Ruan Jinghong lightly and spoke calmly.

Indeed, Teacher Wen is remarkable. Even when making wishes, she is more carefree than others.

Ruan Jinghong silently admired in her heart.

However, the fact that Wen Jin only threw one coin in the end surprised Ruan Jinghong.

After all, according to what she thought, someone like Teacher Wen, who is a love brain, should have thrown at least three coins.

After making their wishes, the two of them took a photo at the spot for a check-in. Then, they started looking for the next photo spot 

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 The next destination for the two of them was the San Piero Grand Theater. On their way, as they passed Angel Bridge, they unexpectedly came across two familiar faces.

Jin Ziyi and Huo Yitong appeared on the bridge, one in front of the other. They didn't look like teammates who were working together to accomplish a mission. Instead, they seemed like strangers who happened to be walking on the same path without knowing each other.

Huo Yitong, who was walking behind, approached Jin Ziyi several times, intending to say something. However, Jin Ziyi seemed to avoid Huo Yitong's proximity as if she were a snake or scorpion. Every time Huo Yitong got closer, Jin Ziyi quickened her pace.

Their current situation is really strange.

Ruan Jinghong muttered to herself in her heart: Although they didn't seem very familiar before, this is the first time I've seen her running away.

"Ziyi." Ruan Jinghong approached and greeted Jin Ziyi, who was relatively closer.

"A'Ruan!" Jin Ziyi saw A'Ruan and seemed to have found a savior. Her eyes brightened in an instant as she hurriedly took a few steps forward and hooked her arm around A'Ruan's, completely ignoring the other's presence.

"What's going on?" Ruan Jinghong was pulled by Jin Ziyi, running all the way until they completely left the cameramen behind. Finally, she couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked.

"Hah, let's not talk about it." Jin Ziyi had a look on her face as if she didn't want to reminisce about the past, but deep down, what she really wanted at that moment was someone to confide in. People are contradictory creatures like that.

Indeed, there was no need for Ruan Jinghong to continue asking. She opened her mouth on her own and started talking, absorbed in her own thoughts.

"Didn't our variety show premiere last night? She came to my room and said she wanted to watch it together. She even brought two bottles of wine with her."

"I let her stay for the sake of 'not hitting a smiling person'*, and out of the humanitarianism among us in the same group. But that has nothing to do with the fact that she brought two bottles of Lafite that have been aging for quite a few years."

*stop being angry after the other person apologized. Remember she was fooled into being an ally during the role-play game


This translation is originally posted on

please read it there. and check out other stories too.

"After watching the variety show, it was already late, and then it started thundering. She unexpectedly insisted on staying at my place and refused to leave."

 "As two single women living together, we had also consumed quite a bit of alcohol at the time, so we ended up doing some things that adults do in a blur. Ah, that's how things happened, more or less."

"Ha?" Ruan Jinghong's eyes widened in surprise as she listened to Jin Ziyi's story, which took a sudden 180-degree turn.

Things that adults should do, does it mean the kind of thing she's thinking of?

"What's that look for?"

Seeing Ruan Jinghong's expression, Jin Ziyi felt embarrassed and said, "Although we did some things that only adults would do, our relationship is absolutely pure, very pure!"

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Perhaps to enhance her persuasiveness, she also raised her hand with fingers together, making a gesture of swearing to the sky.

Ruan Jinghong sneered at Jin Ziyi's hypocritical behavior.

Doing things that only adults would do and claiming it to be pure? I slept with Teacher Wen last night, and nothing happened. Now that's what I call true purity.

Ruan Jinghong couldn't help but mock inwardly, but seeing how helpless and uneasy Jin Ziyi looked, she didn't want to say anything that would upset her.

So she followed Jin Ziyi's words and said, "Since your relationship is so pure, why did you avoid her just now?"

"I... Well, I did avoid her a bit. With our pure relationship, it's known to the heavens, the earth, you, and me. But it seems she has some misconceptions about this matter. When we woke up this morning, she was acting really strange."

As Jin Ziyi spoke, her face was filled with melancholy. But then it quickly turned into a face full of indignation.

"You said we're all adults, so if something unexpected happens, can't we just silently let it pass without making a big deal out of it? Do we have to act like we care so much? Isn't that strange?"

You were the one who acted even more strangely. Can such a matter be easily overlooked?

If the person speaking wasn't someone she was familiar with, Ruan Jinghong would definitely roll her eyes at her.

As Jin Ziyi was about to continue sharing, she noticed several familiar figures approaching.

Huo Yitong, who seemed hesitant to speak, and Wen Jin, whose expression was indifferent yet capable of killing with her gaze, approached.

The two powerhouses walking together exuded an even greater aura.

Jin Ziyi's behavior of suddenly dragging someone and running off during filming was somewhat inappropriate.

Considering that she has just gone through an important phase in life and may be experiencing a period of confusion, Ruan Jinghong kindly decided to offer her support and help her find clarity.

"Teacher Huo, what a coincidence! Which tourist spot are you heading to for a photo check-in?"

Huo Yitong's gaze lingered on Jin Ziyi's face for a few seconds. Seeing that she had no intention of acknowledging her, Huo Yitong turned her head and looked at Ruan Jinghong next to her, then responded.

"Hanke Plaza."

"We are heading to the San Peiro Grand Theater, which seems to be in the same direction. How about going together?" Ruan Jinghong suggested, subtly exchanging a glance with Wen Jin.

In this situation, she couldn't just stand by and ignore the awkwardness between the two of them, even if she didn't know if they were heading in the same direction.

Wen Jin seemed to ignore the glance from Ruan Jinghong, but she didn't oppose her suggestion either.

So, with only Ruan Jinghong expressing agreement while the other three remained silent, the proposal was eventually approved by a vote of 1-0. The four of them proceeded to the next check-in point together.

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Wen Jin noticed Ruan Jinghong's little scheme and decided to put away the map, leisurely following behind the group.

She was very unhappy. After the group of two turned into a group of four, Jin Ziyi constantly stuck to Ruan Jinghong, as if they were the real pair.

The person you slept with is Huo Yitong, so if you have that ability, go stick to her. Why do you keep clinging to my kitten?

Wen Jin was secretly indignant.

However, her facial expression control was extremely proficient. The slight sense of imbalance hidden deep within her heart couldn't be captured by the close-up filming camera at all.

The four of them arrived at Hanke Plaza shortly after. It was the largest square in G City, measuring 140 meters in length and 80 meters in width. If it were in ancient times, it could have accommodated a small-sized army.

The square is surrounded by statues of great figures made of white marble, solemn and dignified.

In the center of the square, there is an arc-shaped facade formed by 13 cylindrical columns. Below the steps, two groups of fountains are gushing, symbolizing the two great oceans that pass through and nurture G City.

The people present, however, seemed to lack enthusiasm for such a culturally rich architecture.

The usually introverted Ruan Jinghong never imagined that one day she would have to take on the role of leading the call process.

"Teacher Huo, Ziyi, are you here to check-in? Let me take a photo for you." She said, pulling Jin Ziyi to stand in front of the curved facade, then extending her hand and waving towards Huo Yitong who was standing nearby.

Huo Yitong glanced at the two of them and remained silent, but she cooperated quite well. Within a few steps, she stood next to Jin Ziyi.

Jin Ziyi felt uncomfortable with Huo Yitong's proximity and took a couple of steps back, but Ruan Jinghong quickly grabbed her arm.

Once the two of them were positioned together, Ruan Jinghong took out her phone, crouched slightly in front of them, and switched to camera mode, displaying a professional demeanor.

"You two, get a little closer. There's enough space in between for another person."

"Yes, yes, that's it. Jin Ziyi, you can tilt your head slightly towards Teacher Huo, it will make your face appear smaller."

"OK, perfect pose. And the expression, try to look happier, smile a bit. Say 'cheese'!"

After Ruan Jinghong's efforts, they finally managed to take several photos that she considered perfect for their check-in.

When Ruan Jinghong sent all these photos to Jin Ziyi through WeChat, she noticed that Jin Ziyi's eyes had lost their sparkle and instead wore a look of despair and disappointment.

Jin Ziyi, who was forced to get close to Huo Yitong for a while and had to review these photos again: …

Wen Jin, who was completely ignored the whole time and watched the two add WeChat: ...

The sun rises in the east, and it rains in the west. Some families are happy, while others are sad.

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At least at this moment, Ruan Jinghong is very satisfied with her masterpiece. It's as if she has inherited the skills of a director, wholeheartedly and diligently managing the process.

"The check-in is complete, but do you have any other related small tasks? It doesn't matter if you don't, as long as there is more interaction between the guests, so that the program team can have more effective materials to shoot."

Words like these really show her dedication to the production team. If Director Wen were to hear them, she should definitely give her a big thumbs-up for her hard work.

After finishing her statement, Ruan Jinghong ignored the intense eye gestures from Jin Ziyi, taking a few steps back to stand beside Wen Jin. This created ample space for her and Huo Yitong to be alone together.

Wen Jin felt slightly relieved that the little thing finally remembered her presence, and her lingering frustration subsided a bit.

 She said to the cameraman Xiao Chen beside her, "Since we're already here, why don't you go capture some footage of the nearby scenery? We'll stay here for a while and won't be leaving anytime soon."

Implied message: We have something private to discuss, so please don't follow us.

Xiao Chen, being an astute person, was very cooperative and carried the camera to wander around near the statues.

"Teacher Wen, do you have something to say?" At this moment, Ruan Jinghong seemed particularly perceptive.

"You seem quite concerned about their relationship," Wen Jin looked at Huo Yitong and Jin Ziyi, who were still awkwardly interacting not far away, with an expression that revealed neither joy nor anger.

It was as if she had suddenly found someone to share the gossip with. Ruan Jinghong's big eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Teacher Wen, don't you feel that their relationship is actually quite different?" Ruan Jinghong asked.

It's just sleeping together, what's so different? I always feel out of place because I'm not a beast.

Wen Jin snorted softly: "I don't think so."

Seeing Wen Jin's oblivious expression, Ruan Jinghong sighed and shook her head: Well, I guess someone like Teacher Wen, who is busy with her successful career most of the time, may indeed be less sensitive to other people's emotions.

Ruan Jinghong had a look of someone experienced, analyzing the situation.

"Teacher Wen, you just don't understand. They may seem unfamiliar on the surface, but there is a bond between them. Now, they might be at a turning point in their relationship. Whether they will grow closer or drift apart depends on an external catalyst."

And I will become that external catalyst!

Ruan Jinghong added proudly in her heart.

"Oh, you can even see that?" Wen Jin glanced at Ruan Jinghong with a faint expression.

Ruan Jinghong proudly puffed up her chest upon hearing that. "Of course, I'm quite astute."

After all, I am an author of a Lily Novel in Little Liujang, so I can understand this kind of love between women at a glance.

Wen Jin looked at Ruan Jinghong's confident appearance with a complicated expression.

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