Chapter 6: Isn't This My Rumored Girlfriend?

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University A is the leading prestigious school in H City, and there are bigwigs from all walks of life coming out of University A, so this 70th anniversary celebration is extraordinarily grand and lively.


All kinds of limousines stopped from the east gate to the north gate of the school. At this time, Ruan Jinghong, who was dressed as a student and entered the school on foot, seemed extraordinarily low-key.


Ruan Jinghong wore only light makeup today, and her slightly curly light brown long hair was simply tied into a ponytail, revealing a smooth and full forehead.


She was wearing a white waist puff sleeve shirt on her upper body, and a pair of light blue cropped legging jeans on her lower body. The simple and pure dress outlined her slender figure to the extreme. Her wrists and ankles, which were not covered by fabric, were so glowing white in the sun.


Ruan Jinghong in student attire is not as glamorous as in the grand ceremony, but still eye-catching.


The officer of the Student Union, who was in charge of entertaining people in the campus, saw Ruan Jinghong, and came to her very actively, and said enthusiastically, "Student, you're a freshman, right? Go to the lecture hall over there." He pointed in one direction.


Ruan Jinghong actually didn't intend to go to the lecture, but just wanted to revisit the old school and wander around. But she couldn't resist the officer's enthusiasm so she could only change direction accordingly.


Ruan Jinghong dragged Qiao Xin to the lecture hall, which was already crowded with people on the third and outer floors.


The two of them found a seat in the back row on the second floor, and couldn't see the situation on the stage at all. Fortunately, there is also a projector, and the image of the speaker on the stage is magnified dozens of times and projected on the big screen.


The person speaking on stage right now is Wen Jin, the honorary professor of University A.


Different from the tactful and coquettish woman at the grand ceremony a few days ago, Wen Jin at this time is wearing a well-made slim light gray lady's suit, the sleeves are slightly rolled up, and her long hair is tied up in a bun, giving her a somewhat pedantic air.


During Wen Jin's school days, her grades in all subjects were top notch.  Now that she is on the stage, she can casually chat with these juniors about her experience, and is quite comfortable.


Her speeches are not as dry and theoretical as some professors, but she uses examples from real life to entertain and teach. Coupled with that good voice like a cold spring in an empty mountain, the number of people in the lecture hall broke through a new high.


Fortunately, the anniversary of University A is closed, and outsiders are not allowed to interview, otherwise the trending search will have to "explode" again at this time.


Ruan Jinghong looked up at Wen Jin, who was shining brightly on the big screen, and at the juniors sitting next to her who looked forward to her feeling like she was dreaming back to her school days.


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The children in the ivory tower* always kept a little bit of innocence. When Ruan Jinghong bathed in the academic atmosphere of the University of A, she only wanted to study well, to find a stable job in the future to give full play to her strengths and become a useful person to society.


*people who are still sheltered and not yet exposed to cruelty and corruptness of the world


However, in her senior year, she was dug into the entertainment circle by scouts because of her outstanding looks.


Her classmates who are familiar with her are very puzzled. With her character, she is not likely to survive in the entertainment industry.


Many classmates who had a good relationship with her before came to ask the reason, but she just smiled gently and perfunctorily.


There was nothing complicated about it, except that acting was the highest-paying job she could find, and she happened to need that pay at the time.


A burst of thunderous applause brought Ruan Jinghong back from memory to reality. It turned out that Wen Jin's speech had ended. But the students seemed to have more to say at this time, and they rushed to raise their hands to ask questions.


Ruan Jinghong left her seat silently. It will be very crowded when the students leave the hall together after asking questions.


Qiao Xin answered a phone then said that she would leave first, now Ruan Jinghong was the only one left in the passageway of the lecture hall.


"Xiao* Ruan, here." Ruan Jinghong was stopped by someone just as she walked out of the lecture hall. She turned around and saw that it was Professor Jiang who was teaching culture at University A.


*Xiao means little, used by someone older than the subject as pet/nickname when affixed before the surname to indicate closeness/ Xiao is also a surname so sometimes it get confusing.


Professor Jiang is fifty-seven years old this year. It can be said that she has dedicated most of her life to University A. Few people can match her enthusiasm for teaching and educating people.


Ruan Jinghong is a dance student, and her classmates in her class somewhat value art over literature. But Ruan Jinghong, takes culture classes more seriously than dance classes, and the whole class will never find another one.


Ruan Jinghong thinks that she is not biased, she treats every subject equally and earnestly works hard. She knows that her intellect and talent are not as outstanding as some of her classmates, so she can only work harder.


However, in the eyes of others, her behavior like this makes her "a dance student who prefers cultural lessons", which is very strange.


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However, Professor Jiang was happy to see the results, and made Ruan Jinghong her subject representative for her class.


During the four years of college, Professor Jiang also had eyes for Ruan Jinghong. Although she was a little puzzled that she chose to enter the entertainment industry instead of staying in school, it did not affect the friendship between the  teacher and student.


Ruan Jinghong reunited with her mentor after a long absence, and she was delighted in her heart. She walked up to Professor Jiang in a few steps, as well-behaved as when she was studying, "Professor Jiang."


Professor Jiang smiled kindly, and she was still in good spirits at the age of nearly 60. "You also came to the school celebration. I haven't seen you in a while. Have you been working well recently?"


"Work is going well. My business level has improved compared to before, and my manager even praised me. Professor, you still look healthy as always."


Old scholars don't know how to understand the twists and turns of the entertainment industry, so Ruan Jinghong tried to speak lightly.


After the two exchanged pleasantries for a while, Professor Jiang said: "After the speech is over, the school will hold a dinner party. You should come, Xiao Ruan..This time, an honorary professor from our school came to give a speech, named Wen Jin, and she is also making movies. Yes, you can get to know each other."


The old professor didn't check Weibo, she said it without any intention, but Ruan Jinghong was inexplicably guilty: Wen Jin, the frequency of this name appearing recently is really high.


Professor Jiang saw that Ruan Jinghong was a little hesitant, and she only thought that she was as thin-skinned as she was when she was a student, and she was ashamed to initiate a conversation. Then she decided by herself: "What about you, come with me now, and get to know Professor Wen later."


Professor Jiang is not in the entertainment industry, but she also knows that connections are needed everywhere in this society. For her former protégé, she thought she could help her a little, so she helped her a little.


Ruan Jinghong was embarrassed, but she couldn't ignore Professor Jiang's kindness, she could only bite the bullet and follow her to the dinner party, thinking of slipping away while there were many people.


University A's school celebration dinner is held in the auditorium, which has two floors. The first floor is mostly for teachers and students, and the second floor is mainly for returning alumni.


Ruan Jinghong was led to the second floor by Professor Jiang. She saw many characters who could only be seen in TV magazines on weekdays. She felt a little out of place. She didn't realize that she herself was also a person who just got off the No. 1 hot searched position.


Some of the young people having dinner on the second floor recognized Ruan Jinghong and gave her a friendly smile, but they didn't come forward to chat because of Professor Jiang who was next to her.


"Our Xiao Ruan is still popular as always." Professor Jiang noticed the eyes of the people around her, smiled kindly, and led Ruan Jinghong to the innermost seat of the auditorium.


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Ruan Jinghong followed Professor Jiang to a stop, and saw a tall, well-dressed lady walking towards her. The person who came was the current principal of University A: Mu Sheng.


When Mu Sheng became the principal of University A, Ruan Jinghong had already graduated, so she didn't know Mu Sheng.


But Mu Sheng knew Ruan Jinghong. As a young woman in her early thirties, she rushed to the front line of eating melons on Weibo in her spare time, especially the melons* of her childhood friend, which was more exciting to eat.


*T/N: lol this sounds so wrong but always remember to eat melons or melon seed is to follow/ be an onlooker to gossip/rumor/scandal


After Mu Sheng greeted Professor Jiang, she turned her attention to Ruan Jinghong, who was a little embarrassed, with four points of assessment, three points of curiosity, and three points of scrutiny.


Professor Jiang naturally noticed the reaction of her beloved student and daughter, patted Mu Sheng's arm lightly, and said angrily: "This is my student, don't scare her. By the way, where is Xiao Jin? Didn't you invite her, she's not with you?"


"She's sitting at that table, and I'll take you there." Thinking about the first-hand live melons, Mu Sheng was very active.


Wen Jin is naturally quiet, so Mu Sheng specially arranged a small table for her with the fewest people in the auditorium. At this time, she was sitting alone in front of the table, holding a red wine bottle and pouring wine into the glass.


"Wen Wen, look who I brought here."


Wen Jin raised her head when she heard the sound, and said in her heart: Besides Aunt Jiang, who else can you bring here?  But the moment she raised her head, she saw a pair of both familiar and unfamiliar eyes.


Isn't this my rumored girlfriend?


Wen Jin suddenly felt as if she had broken the barrier of the dimension. She saw Professor Jiang leading her rumored girlfriend forward, and said kindly, "Xiao Jin, it's really rare to see you recently, and you have grown more beautiful again. This is my beloved student, whose name is Ruan Jinghong, who is also an actress like you. As a senior, you can take her with you when you have the opportunity."


My rumored girlfriend is really capable.


Wen Jin seldom takes the initiative to talk to people, but she still has to take care of Aunt Jiang's face.


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"It's a pleasure to meet you." Wen Jin greeted proactively with her slender and beautiful palms hanging in the air.


"Teacher Wen, hello." Ruan Jinghong was so embarrassed that she wanted the earth to swallow her whole, her face is so red all the way to her ears. She bit the bullet and put her soft white jade palm on Wen Jin's, and when their fingertips touched, she felt her heart zapped like an electric shock.


This polite handshake didn't last long, and soon the two of them let go and stood in proper order.


Seeing this, Professor Jiang was finally relieved, "You young people have something in common, so eat and have fun here, and I'll go to the next table to catch up with those old guys."


There were only three young people left during the banquet, and the atmosphere was even more awkward.


At the next table was a queen and a principal, and Ruan Jinghong, who had the weakest aura, buried her head very low, trying to reduce her sense of existence.


Wen Jin originally didn't like being disturbed by strangers, but seeing her rumored girlfriend in such distress, she couldn't help feeling a little bit of compassion.


It was because of my thoughtlessness at the grand ceremony that I made such a blunder, otherwise she wouldn't have to be so nervous.


Thinking of this, Wen Jin poured a glass of fruit juice thoughtfully and put it in front of Ruan Jinghong's seat.


"Thank you." Ruan Jinghong responded very politely, thinking that there was finally something that could stand in front of her.


After the only elder at the table left, Mu Sheng finally revealed her true nature, and said with a teasing smile: "Wen Wen, you are always cold-hearted towards us little friends who grew up together, so it turns out that you like this kind of behavior. Kind of like a kid."


"Cough...cough cough" Ruan Jinghong, who was drinking fruit juice to cover up her embarrassment, choked on Mu Sheng's words.


Wen Jin took out two tissues and handed them to Ruan Jinghong with a cold expression, and glanced at Mu Sheng, "A few days ago, Uncle Mu asked me about your recent situation, and I was thinking about how to tell him, about you and that eighteen-year-old little sister."


Ruan Jinghong didn't expect to hear a shocking gossip while eating here, she hurriedly covered her mouth with a tissue, trying not to show herself too surprised.


"I really have nothing to do with her!" Mu Sheng was pinched seven inches by the snake, and raised her hands in surrender, "Come on, since we were kids, I never took advantage of you. You two slowly get in touch, and I'll go to another table. It's a reward."


Perhaps in order to retaliate, Mu Sheng said the words "get in touch" with gritted teeth.

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