Chapter 7: Such A Soft, Cute And Easy To Bully Appearance

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At this moment, only Ruan Jinghong and Wen Jin were left at the table.

Many people at the next table recognized the two of them as the main characters on the hot search two days ago. After all, everyone is still young and cannot hide the raging spirit of gossip in their hearts. But because of the occasion, it is not easy to go up to inquire directly, so they can only prick up one ear and glance away from time to time.

There were obviously many vacant seats beside this table, but the people who passed by sat next to each other as if they had made an agreement.

At this time, Ruan Jinghong not only had to bear the table alone with the rumored object, but also had to bear the invisible eyes projected from all directions, it was like sitting on pins and needles.

Thinking of a way to resolve the embarrassment politely, Ruan Jinghong struggled so much that a row of teeth marks appeared on her lips.

"Sorry." Wen Jin took out her phone, her voice was cold, "Do you mind if I use my phone?"

"Please feel free to do so. Teacher" Ruan Jinghong seemed to be pardoned, and even used honorifics.

Wen Jin turned on her phone with a focused look, and Ruan Jinghong was relieved when she saw this.

This time, I can also play with my mobile phone, it shouldn't be considered impolite.

Ruan Jinghong's actions preceded her consciousness, and her fingers randomly slid across the names of the contacts on her phone.

Such an awkward situation really calls for someone to confide in

Shall I message Qiao Xin? If she knew that the person next to me at this time is Wen Jin, she would be excited to chase after me again.

Ruan Jinghong thought for a moment, then opened the Penguin app that she doesn't use often, and clicked on the profile portrait carved with white jade.

Ruan Ruan: I am at the dinner party, and there is a beautiful Bingshan* sitting next to me, and I am under a lot of pressure. Cat trembling.jpg

*iceberg/a person who has a cold demeanor 

Huaijin holds Yu: Are you eating out now, too? Me too. Surrounded by unfamiliar people, so boring.

Ruanruan: Yeah, today is our school's anniversary. I revisited my old school, but I was dragged to a dinner party. It's okay if I'm just not familiar with her, but this beauty at the same table as me has too much aura, and she's my senior, anyway, right now…I'm very nervous.

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It's also a school gathering, what a coincidence.

Wen Jin stared at the phone screen with a blank expression, but the text she sent didn't match the expression on her face at all.

Huai Jin holds Yu: Don't panic Da Da, you are so cute, no one can refuse you. Go up bravely and take her down. Come on.jpg

Ha? Have you misunderstood something, are the little girls thinking like this now?

Ruan Ruan: Don't talk nonsense, we only met for the second time, and we haven't spoken a word in total. There were some misunderstandings before, but in was really embarrassing.

Second meeting? Some misunderstanding happened?

Suddenly a strange thought flashed in Wen Jin's mind, she raised her eyes and glanced at Ruan Jinghong, who had her head bowed and was blushing. She shook her head.

How could a shy little girl be Ruanruan?

Huaijin holds Yu: If she's not good at talking, let's ignore her. I'll chat with Da Da. It just so happens that I'm very bored right now.

Ruan Ruan: Misery loves company.jpg

Huai Jin holds Yu: Dog Hugs.jpg

Here Ruan Jinghong and Wen Jin were still exchanging messages intently, but the guests at the next table who had been quietly watching their movements couldn't hold back.

Guest A: "It's rare to meet the big actress Wen Jin here, why don't we go over and say hello?"

Guest B: "Why are you so blind? Don't you see that she is sending hot messages with her little girlfriend. Won't it be annoying to approach her at this time?"

Guest A: "Little girlfriend, which one?"

Guest B: "Don't you read Weibo? It's the one next to her. The young couple are sitting face to face but communicate with each other on their mobile phones. What kind of hidden love is this?"

Guest A: "Ah, I don't think the two of them seem to know each other at all, they're just sitting there and playing with their phones."

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Guest B: "What do you know? This is called love. You pretend not to know each other on the surface, but you're having a hot fight in private. If I hadn't read Weibo, I would have been fooled by the two of them and knocked me dead."

Guest A: "Pay attention to the occasion, you're in a school celebration, you're still shipping CP."


Ruan Jinghong got addicted to sending messages on Penguin, and didn't realize that CP fans were by her side.

Ruan Ruan: Finally, an hour has passed, and I can go to say goodbye to the professor in another hour. Come on, cat.jpg

Huai Jin holds Yu: Is it so difficult? You can go to the outdoor rooftop to have some air, and then come back after an hour.

Ruan Ruan: I would like to, but the seniors at different tables are still here. I always feel that it is not good for me to ask to leave first.

Huai Jin holds Yu: I have a way, have some drink or something on hand, just pretend to accidentally spill some on your clothes, and then use the excuse to clean up. Your table mate doesn't know you well, so naturally she won't be keeping an eye when you come back, even if you bumped into someone outside, you can still say that you are drying your clothes.

Ruanruan: Really, I never thought of that, you are so smart!  Be honest, have you used this trick before?

I don't even need to use this method.

Huaijin holds Yu: Don't worry Da Da, this trick is sure to work a hundred times.  Come on.jpg

As soon as Wen Jin sent the message, she heard the sound of the glass colliding with the table. She looked up in response, and saw her rumored girlfriend at the same table holding the foot of the tilted glass with one hand, and the sparkling drink was poured into the corner of her white shirt along the edges.

When Ruan Jinghong saw Wen Jin looking over, she quickly said the lines she had memorized just now, "Teacher Wen, I'm sorry, I accidentally spilled my drink. I'll go out and clean it up." After speaking, she quickly picked up her bag and ran to the restroom.

Wen Jin: ...

Fortunately, I am the only one at this table. Are you afraid that others will not see that you poured it on purpose?

In this way, the subtle doubts in Wen Jin's heart were confirmed 99% at once. She picked up her phone, just in time to see another message from her Da Da.

Ruan Ruan: Friend, I escaped! Finally, I don't have to share the table with the oppressive senior Bingshan, and the air becomes so fresh!  Speaking of which, in order to avoid getting naked, I sprinkled it very skillfully just now, and only wet the corner of my clothes. I would like to give a thumbs up to my awesome self.  like.jpg

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OK, 100% sure now.

Heh, Senior Bingshan, whose air oppresses people.

It turns out that you called the action of holding the cup and pouring it directly just now as "sprinkling". How did this kind of acting survive in the entertainment industry?

Wen Jin casually copied and sent back the emoticon package that she liked, got up and left her seat.

At this moment, Ruan Jinghong went alone on the roof, blowing the wind. The people in the inner hall of the auditorium were busy drinking wine, but the roof was very quiet.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the night came a little early, and a cool breeze blew by, bringing the ends of her slightly curly hair to her cheeks.

"Ah choo!" Ruan Jinghong, who was dressed thinly, rubbed her reddish nose, with tears in her eyes.

Although she only wet the corners of the clothes as a pretense, it was still quite cold when it was directly attached to the skin.

Ruan Jinghong had no pockets, so she could only rub her hands and hopped up and down on the rooftop to keep warm, she looked like a little squirrel whose tail was stepped on.

When Wen Jin came to the rooftop, she happened to see such a bouncing little squirrel.

Ruan Jinghong jumped and turned around, and suddenly saw a slender and beautiful neck come into view, she raised her head in surprise, and what caught her eyes was the face of the Queen of Iceberg that she had just seen not long ago.

"Wen...Teacher Wen!" Ruan Jinghong took two steps back, almost biting her tongue.

"Didn't you go to clean up? Why did you come to the rooftop?" Wen Jin asked knowingly.

" clothes are wet, I came up...came up to dry." Ruan Jinghong stammered a little.

Very good, apply what you have learned, and the keywords didn't even change.

Wen Jin didn't expose her, she took off her suit and put it on Ruan Jinghong, "It's too stuffy inside, I came out to blow some air, it's hot, please wear my coat for me."

Surrounded by the jacket with the fragrance of a mature woman, Ruan Jinghong's body felt warm. No matter how dull she is, she can still see that Wen Jin said this on purpose at this time, in order to take care of her. But can she dare?!

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"Teacher Wen, I'm not cold."

Ruan Jinghong tried to take off her jacket with trembling hands, but was held down by a warm palm.

"But I'm hot, you see, my hands are hot."

Ruan Jinghong was held down with one hand, and a lingering heat came from the back of her hand.

It's quite hot indeed.

Ruan Jinghong was infected by such heat, and her face turned rosy up to the ears, and the tears at the end of her eyes shone in the night, just like a kitten being bullied.

Wen Jin looked at the person in front of her, and her heart turned soft: Such a soft and cute appearance that is easy to bully, isn't it just Ruanruan*.

*Ruan also mean soft

Wen Jin acted before her consciousness, and stroked Ruan Jinghong's fluffy head with one hand, "Since we're all here, why don't we enjoy the night scene. I heard that from the roof of Auditorium A, we can take in the scenery of the entire campus.”

As a student who has studied in University A for four years, Ruan Jinghong is very familiar with this place, so she introduced it naturally: "Yes, the tallest building over there is Mingde Building. I had a class there when I was a freshman; next to it is the library, which is open from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm every day, and teachers and students need to hold a pass to enter; there is also the small forest between the girls’ dormitory and the library, from here, it looks like in the shape of a crescent moon..."

When mentioning her alma mater, Ruan Jinghong seemed to have endless words, and she was completely different from the soft and shy one before. She really loves this place that accompanied her through four years of college.

Wen Jin's mouth twitched into a smile, looking at the bright eyes of the little girl beside her, she suddenly felt that this big University A, which she had never paid attention to before, suddenly became much more pleasing to the eye.

Ruan Jinghong talked for a long time, only to notice that Wen Jin was smiling and silent, bit her ower lip as if slamming on the brakes.

"Teacher Wen, do you think I talk too much?"

"No, you introduced it very well. I can already outline the panorama of University A in my mind." Wen Jin stretched out her hand to smooth out the rowdy hair on the top of Ruan Jinghong's head. She pondered about it for a while, then pat Ruanruan's wild and unconstrained little head, now she has no intention of restraining herself.

Ruan Jinghong's heart beat twice faster as the warm and soft palm touched the top of her head.

So strange, obviously half an hour ago, it was very awkward sharing the table with senior Bingshan, why does this moment suddenly gentle?


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