Chapter 60: Haunted House

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With Wen Jin by her side, the terrifying atmosphere of the theme park diminished significantly.

Ruan Jinghong tightly held Wen Jin's fingers and kept encouraging her, saying, "Teacher Wen, don't be afraid. We will definitely make it out."

Wen Jin felt sweat forming on her fingers and chuckled softly.

I have nothing to be afraid of.

 Because Wen Jin had driven away many of those creepy NPCs earlier, the surroundings became eerily quiet. Wen Jin's light laughter at that moment became particularly noticeable.

At that moment, the two of them happened to be standing on a wooden bridge, next to a small water channel formed by a fountain.

The water wasn't deep; it just appeared gloomy due to the surrounding lighting.

Ruan Jinghong was already feeling extremely anxious, and Wen Jin's laughter made her scalp tingle. As she stumbled, her feet slipped, and she accidentally fell towards the bridge.

Wen Jin swiftly grabbed her arm, pulling her out of the water channel, preventing her from becoming completely drenched.

However, Ruan Jinghong's clothes still got wet, with a large patch at the hem.

Ruan Jinghong, being pulled by Wen Jin's arm, didn't notice the state of her own clothes and shivered as she said, "Teacher Wen, it feels like...someone is laughing."

That's me laughing. How could you be so timid?

Wen Jin helplessly twisted the hem of Ruan Jinghong's shirt, squeezing out a handful of water.

"Let me support you. Don't fall again."

Already frightened like a quail, Ruan Jinghong didn't care about avoiding suspicion anymore, especially since there were no following camera here.

Just as Wen Jin finished speaking, Ruan Jinghong immediately clung to her arms like a koala afraid that she would run away.

Wen Jin felt pleased with the little thing's proactive closeness, but...

"If you hold onto my arms like this, I can't walk, you know?"

Reluctantly, Ruan Jinghong released Wen Jin's arms and instead tugged tightly at her sleeve.

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Wen Jin allowed Ruan Jinghong to hold onto her sleeve and reached her hand through Ruan Jinghong's waist.

"This way, you won't fall." 

The two of them supported and assisted each other as they exited the house in the theme park. The bright sunshine gave Ruan Jinghong a sudden sense of rejuvenation, but a sudden gust of cool wind caused her to sneeze unintentionally.

Benefiting from the natural light, Wen Jin noticed that Ruan Jinghong's clothes were quite wet, and being exposed to the wind like this could easily lead to catching a cold.

"Let's go back and change our clothes first, be careful not to catch a cold," Wen Jin promptly decided.

"But... the filming..." It was already close to noon, and it was soon time for today's filming. As a working person, Ruan Jinghong didn't dare to be passive or slack off.

"We can film after changing clothes."

Wen Jin initially wanted to say, "Let's not film for now," but considering the little thing's character, she knew Ruan Jinghong would probably prefer to tough it out rather than delay work. So she changed her approach.

Ruan Jinghong thought for a moment. "How about I run back by myself? I'll be quick. Teacher Wen, you can continue filming around here for a while."

Wen Jin furrowed her brows: Why do you suddenly have this idea now?

Seeing Wen Jin's displeased expression, Ruan Jinghong nervously shrunk her neck, feeling guilty.



This translation is originally posted on

please read it there. and check out other stories too.

Just as they were at a stalemate, a familiar face appeared before them. It was Xiao Ming, the assistant to the assistant director.

"Queen Wen, Teacher Ruan, you're here. I heard Teacher Ruan's clothes got wet. Fortunately, the director asked us to bring the guests' luggage along. The changing room is over there. Do you need me to show you the way?"

Talk about perfect timing.

Wen Jin raised an eyebrow and didn't ask further questions for the time being, accepting Xiao Ming's offer to lead the way.

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Ruan Jinghong, happy that the program filming wouldn't be delayed, didn't suspect anything. Being bold, she didn't feel any doubts and took the clothes before heading into the theme park's changing room.

At this moment, only Wen Jin and Xiao Ming were left outside the changing room.

Xiao Ming noticed that as soon as Ruan Jinghong left, there was a noticeable change in Wen Jin's aura.

"Queen Wen, would you like to change your clothes too?" Xiao Ming cautiously observed her expression.

Wen Jin decisively declined, "No need. My clothes aren't wet. But you, appearing so timely, seem to be well-prepared."

Xiao Ming knew he couldn't hide it from her and honestly confessed, "I was just following the director's instructions. Originally, we planned to go to the theme park together in the afternoon for the shoot. The cameras were already set up. But before the scheduled time, you both went in on your own."

So that was it. Wen Jin's lips curved into a cold smile. "So you guys have prepared a lot of activities for us inside. No wonder such a large theme park has no other visitors nearby."

Xiao Ming didn't dare to hide anything from Wen Jin and chuckled, "We did have many activities prepared, like water gun shooting and such, but with Teacher Ruan's reaction... we didn't get to use many of our preparations, only these clothes."

If she got scared like this without even using the preparations, it would have been worse if we had used them all.

Wen Jin understood the whole situation and didn't maintain a stern expression. She softened her tone and said, "When she comes out after changing clothes, don't tell her there are cameras in the theme park."

"I promise to keep it a secret," Xiao Ming made a gesture of sealing his lips.

But why?

Wen Jin saw the suspicious look in Xiao Ming's eyes, she curved her mouth slightly without saying much, and her eyes focused on the tightly closed door of the changing room.

I'm afraid that if she knows her reactions will be seen by the national audience, she will feel ashamed and die of embarrassment.

At this moment, just a door away in the changing room, Ruan Jinghong is attentively dealing with the dress on her body.

This dress was personally selected by Shen Yun when she first entered the company. At that time, the company wanted to portray her as a pure and innocent girl, but later there was a slight deviation in the effect.

This time, Ruan Jinghong went abroad to record a variety show with a group of influential celebrities. Shen Yun, looking at the shirts and jeans in her suitcase, insisted on including this dress as well.

Ruan Jinghong couldn't turn down the kindness and thought it wouldn't hurt to bring an extra piece of clothing. After all, it wouldn't add much weight.

Besides, after going abroad, she would have more freedom to decide whether or not to wear it.

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Who would have known that out of all the replacement clothes, the production team would choose this dress?

Ruan Jinghong didn't understand what magic this dress possessed to be favored by so many people.

But now was not the time for her to be picky.

Ruan Jinghong sighed, took off her wet clothes, and slipped into the dress.

The dress seemed to have been unworn for a long time, and now it was resisting her efforts. No matter how much she reached behind her, the zipper stubbornly got stuck in the middle, refusing to go up or down.

With her hands crossed in front of her, and a wet shirt covering her chest, Ruan Jinghong had no choice. She approached the door, leaving a gap in the back.

She knocked on the door a few times and waited until she heard someone approaching before speaking softly.

"Teacher Wen, may I trouble you to come in for a moment?"

Wen Jin, who had been waiting outside, sensed the situation and quickly blocked the curious gaze of Xiao Ming. "Please wait outside for a moment."

Wen Jin entered the dressing room through the gap Ruan Jinghong had left and locked the door behind her.

Although she was mentally prepared before coming in, her breath hitched when she caught sight of the partially exposed fair and rounded shoulders.

There are plenty of female celebrities wearing off-the-shoulder evening gowns, but the little thing in front of her happened to be wearing a modest floral dress, which was slightly disheveled and partly concealed, arousing extra imagination.

As Ruan Jinghong saw Wen Jin entering alone, she felt relieved but also a bit embarrassed by her somewhat fiery gaze.

She held her damp shirt tighter and felt a bit melodramatic, so she could only pretend to be at ease and say, "Teacher Wen, it seems like the zipper on my back is stuck. Could I trouble you for a moment?"

"Sure, let me take a look," Wen Jin replied calmly, although her voice suddenly became somewhat hoarse.

Unaware that the person in the room was equally nervous, Ruan Jinghong's heart was pounding like a startled deer. She obediently turned around, exposing her large expanse of snow-white back to Wen Jin's gaze.

Wen Jin was relieved that there was no mirror in front of them at the moment; otherwise, all of her thoughts would have been laid bare in front of the little thing.

She slowly approached Ruan Jinghong from behind, her fingers resting on the zipper on her back, feeling the warmth and delicacy beneath her touch.

Both of them trembled slightly.

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Wen Jin forced herself to stay calm and gently shook the zipper twice, assessing the situation. "Indeed, it's stuck. Some fabric got caught inside. I need to loosen the zipper a bit first."

"Um, thank you, Teacher Wen," Ruan Jinghong blushed, her voice soft and refined.

Wen Jin took a deep breath and grabbed the zipper, pulling it down, while her other hand held the fabric of the dress, separating it from the zipper.

The fabric was freed from the zipper, and at the same time, the dress's zipper was opened to the waist.

Ruan Jinghong felt a coolness around her lower back and whispered, "Teacher Wen, is the zipper still stuck?"

"It's not stuck anymore. Don't turn around, I'll fasten it for you."

Wen Jin tried to keep her tone calm, but because they were so close to each other, her warm breath sprayed onto Ruan Jinghong's exposed back.

She watched as the little thing's shoulders trembled, and her own heart trembled in response.

With such an opportunity, a captivating beauty right in front of her, it was a sweet torture for Wen Jin.

She felt her willpower weaken, wanting to fasten the zipper in one go, but afraid it might get stuck again.

So she could only hold the edge of the dress with one hand and pinch the end of the zipper with the other, carefully and slowly pulling it up.

The air was so quiet that the sound of two hearts beating could be heard. The brief moment of zipping up became incredibly agonizing.

Ruan Jinghong felt like a fish on a chopping board, about to melt in Wen Jin's hands.

She now somewhat regretted asking Wen Jin for help. If the person standing behind her right now was Xiao Ming, perhaps she wouldn't have been so nervous.

Ruan Jinghong couldn't understand where these thoughts came from. Clearly, compared to Xiao Ming, Wen Jin, with whom she had spent more time together day and night, was indeed more familiar.

Finally, Wen Jin successfully zipped the zipper all the way up.

The pure white floral dress, like a blooming white lotus, transformed into a shy and closed flower bud in her hands.

And that small, timid flower bud had recently blossomed passionately towards her.

In this moment, Wen Jin felt as if a long-dormant fierce beast within her heart had been awakened, roaring, wanting to devour this fragile flower bud and prevent anyone from tainting it.

This was an extremely dangerous and perverted thought, and Wen Jin was startled by her own suddenly unleashed desire. She reached out and grasped Ruan Jinghong's fragile waist.

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