Chapter 61: The Little Thing In The Past Has Never Been So Proactive

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When Ruan Jinghong and Wen Jin came out of the changing room together, their cheeks and ears were flushed.

Seeing this, Xiao Ming, who was waiting outside, approached with concern and said, "Teacher Ruan, why is your face so red? You're not running a fever, are you?"

If she hadn't mentioned it, it would have been fine, but once she did, Ruan Jinghong's pretty face turned even redder, resembling a cooked shrimp.

"It's nothing, just a bit hot outside. Is the afternoon filming about to start? And where is Xiao Chen?" Ruan Jinghong cleverly changed the topic.

Only then did Xiao Ming remember her proper job and grinned, saying, "Xiao Chen went elsewhere to film some materials today. For now, I'll be with you, Teacher Ruan and Queen Wen."

"Thank you for your trouble."

As for the change in the camera crew, Ruan Jinghong didn't pay much attention to it. After all, it was simply a matter of having a mobile camera following her around, and she had gotten used to it these past few days.

However, as the afternoon went on, things were not as simple as she had imagined.

Though they were both part of the filming crew, most of the time, Xiao Chen remained quiet, focused on adjusting the camera.

Meanwhile, Xiao Ming was particularly... proactive and sociable.

"Teacher Ruan, why don't you try the roller coaster? It's particularly thrilling and worth watching."

"Teacher Ruan, you and Queen Wen should get closer. It'll make your on-screen chemistry more harmonious."

"Teacher Ruan..."

Truly the apprentice of the assistant director, her aspirations were not limited to being a cameraman. If it weren't for Wen Jin being present, she would have even taken on the role of a director.

Ruan Jinghong was advised by Xiao Ming all the way, feeling somewhat helpless. "Can we just wander around here for a bit and see if we find something interesting before trying anything?"

Honestly, she really didn't want to experience any more roller coasters or flying rides, especially with someone filming her up close.

"But..." Xiao Ming scratched her head in a dilemma. Just casually wandering around wouldn't make for interesting shots. What if the director didn't like these shots lacking storytelling elements?


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This translation is originally posted on

please read it there. and check out other stories too.

At that moment, Wen Jin stepped forward and pointed to the nearby rotating Ferris Wheel. "The Ferris Wheel over there is also a featured attraction here. Let's go and ride it."

Xiao Ming's eyes lit up at the mention of the Ferris Wheel. It had storytelling potential. She immediately hoisted the camera and looked ready to go.

But Wen Jin blocked her way and said, "However, the Ferris Wheel usually doesn't allow three people to ride together."

The meaning behind her words was clear.

Xiao Ming, unwillingly, half squatted down. "I can be an invisible person beside you, quietly filming without making a sound. Just treat me as if I'm air."

How could I believe that you would quietly film without making a sound? 

Wen Jin reached out and took Xiao Ming's camera, saying: "You just want to capture some footage, right? Well, let me use this camera for a while. I guarantee that I'll make it work for you. Find a place to rest for a bit. I don't want any accidents to happen on the Ferris Wheel due to being overweight."

Wen Jin's words were quite exaggerated. Although the Ferris Wheel is mostly designed for two-person rides, it could certainly handle the weight of three people.

Her intention to dismiss Xiao Ming was evident. Even if Xiao Ming had thick skin, she didn't dare to oppose Wen Jin forcefully. She hesitated and asked, "Then... what about this camera..."

"Don't worry, I'll use it properly for you."

After saying that, Wen Jin held Ruan Jinghong's hand with one hand and held the camera with the other, heading towards the Ferris Wheel's ticket booth.

Ruan Jinghong secretly glanced at Xiao Ming, who was sitting under the shade of a tree behind them, and admired: "You always have a way, Teacher Wen."

She had been nagged throughout the journey, and her ears were almost calloused. She felt uncomfortable, like a manipulated doll.

But Xiao Ming was extremely driven, solely focused on the show. Ruan Jinghong didn't want to dampen her enthusiasm.

Wen Jin gently ruffled Ruan Jinghong's head and smiled, "Alright, I can see that you're tired from the journey. It's a good opportunity to rest inside the Ferris Wheel."

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Feeling the familiar warmth of Wen Jin's hand on her scalp, Ruan Jinghong was momentarily stunned, then casually turned her head as if nothing had happened.

The two of them entered the Ferris Wheel. Wen Jin securely placed the camera on the stand next to their seats and leaned back comfortably, turning her head to gaze at the scenery outside the window.

The Ferris Wheel slowly ascended, and everything around them began to descend, gradually revealing a different landscape.

They entered the Ferris Wheel not only to find peace and quiet but also to enjoy the view from a closed and ascending space, which brought about a unique experience.

Initially, Ruan Jinghong enjoyed looking outside the window with great interest, but as the Ferris Wheel climbed higher, her unknown fear of heights started to take hold.

Her head began to feel dizzy, and her body stiffened involuntarily.

On the other hand, Wen Jin appeared calm and content.

To ease Ruan Jinghong's tension, she initiated a conversation, "Did you often ride the Ferris Wheel before, Teacher Wen?"

While it seemed that Wen Jin's gaze was fixed on the scenery outside the window, her peripheral vision discreetly remained on Ruan Jinghong beside her.

Several minor incidents had occurred in the dressing room earlier, which now put them in another enclosed space together, adding a subtle awkwardness.

Wen Jin could only use enjoying the scenery as an excuse to conceal the awkwardness in her heart. In truth, she had no interest in the amusement park's surroundings.

All the combined scenery couldn't match the charm of the little thing beside her.

Now, upon hearing Ruan Jinghong initiating a conversation, Wen Jin maintained her sideways sitting position but turned her head to meet Ruan Jinghong's gaze directly.

"I'm riding it for the first time too, just like you."

"How did you know...?" Ruan Jinghong started to say but felt like she was grasping at straws.

"You're nervous," Wen Jin said, voicing Ruan Jinghong's concerns.

Ruan Jinghong remained silent. In front of Wen Jin, she always felt like a child with no secrets.

"Your hands are cold." Wen Jin held one of Ruan Jinghong's hands and moved to sit beside her. "Is it acrophobia?"

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Ruan Jinghong looked at Wen Jin, and her eyes answered everything.

The lack of oxygen at high altitudes made her head feel dizzy, and her mind involuntarily flashed with peculiar fragments. Those fragments hadn't passed much time since the incident in the changing room.

Earlier, Wen Jin had struggled to zip up her dress, and before Ruan Jinghong could even breathe a sigh of relief, she felt a slender and powerful hand suddenly resting on her waist. The sudden intimate contact made her heart skip a beat, yet she didn't make any movement to avoid this unfamiliar touch. Subconsciously, she even... enjoyed it.

At that moment, she almost instinctively reduced the force on her feet and fell back into the arms behind her. Fortunately, she managed to control herself. She pressed Wen Jin's hand with her own, her palm trembling.

Wen Jin also sensed the unusual atmosphere between them. She put her other hand on Ruan Jinghong's waist and pulled up her pure white close-fitting dress slightly. After taking a step back to evaluate, she released her hand, speaking calmly.

"There, you look beautiful in this outfit."

Everything seemed to return to normal, but the sudden surge of electricity couldn't deceive anyone.

After leaving the changing room, both of them tacitly avoided mentioning that small incident, but it created an invisible distance between them.

This made Xiao Ming, who was eager to capture exciting footage, extremely anxious, wishing she could knock their heads together. The already awkward atmosphere became even more awkward with Xiao Ming's meddling.

If it weren't for Ruan Jinghong's fear of heights, she would have wanted to rest quietly and maintain a safe distance from Wen Jin to avoid a recurrence of the awkwardness. But things often turn out contrary to one's wishes, and she, who had never been in a high place before, didn't even realize how severe her acrophobia was.

At this moment, Wen Jin was once again very close to her, as if the scene in the changing room was replaying.

But Ruan Jinghong was powerless and unwilling to push her away. Uncontrolled images that had been deliberately suppressed kept flashing in her mind.

She looked at Wen Jin's cold and distant face beside her, opened her mouth, but couldn't utter a word as she wished.

Her palms were sweaty, and her lack of social skills made her seem even more clumsy and tongue-tied.

Teacher Wen held my hand. Teacher Wen is so gentle, but why does Teacher Wen look so anxious?

Ruan Jinghong leaned against the back of the chair, her mind starting to wander. She didn't even realize that she was covered in cold sweat, her face pale as paper.

Wen Jin noticed that Ruan Jinghong's condition was getting worse and had lost the initial romantic thoughts.

The Ferris Wheel was about to reach the top, and the people inside couldn't leave. However, the little thing in front of her seemed like she could go into shock at any moment.

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"Close your eyes," Wen Jin's voice sounded gentle but unquestionable.

Ruan Jinghong felt as if she were being hypnotized and obediently followed Wen Jin's instructions.

"Think about something that makes you happy, something you like, someone you like..."

Happy things... Why did the scene return to the changing room? Ruan Jinghong felt like her brain was no longer under control.

Wen Jin noticed Ruan Jinghong's breathing gradually calming down and reached out to touch her forehead. Fortunately, she was no longer sweating.

Just then, as the Ferris Wheel reached its highest point, a gust of wind passed by, causing the cabin beneath them to shake violently.

Ruan Jinghong, who had almost regained her composure, suddenly panicked and fell into Wen Jin's embrace.

She hadn't even had time to react to what had happened, but the tears welling up in her eyes honestly revealed everything.

Wen Jin held Ruan Jinghong's stiff and trembling body, and seeing her react like she was in distress, she instinctively reached out to cover her eyes and gently kissed her forehead to soothe her.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Such a simple sentence magically had a calming effect.

Ruan Jinghong leaned against Wen Jin's embrace, and between their breaths, there was a comforting and pleasant mature woman's fragrance.

This fragrance was different from any other scent she had encountered before, but it made her feel close and couldn't resist being drawn to it.

At this moment, Ruan Jinghong had completely forgotten about the camera by her side. She felt like a little bird that had been expelled, and the embrace by her side was her nest.

Wen Jin quietly held Ruan Jinghong for a while, feeling that her body was no longer as tense as before, but she still clung to her like a naughty child.

The previous Ruan Jinghong would never have taken such an initiative.

After all, it was someone she liked in her arms, and Wen Jin was also very sensitive at this moment. The breath sprayed by the little thing in her arms made her feel a bit itchy.

Wen Jin lowered her head and looked at the little reddened nose pressed against her clothes, twitching cutely. Unable to resist teasing, she said, "What are you sniffing?"

"Teacher Wen, what brand of perfume are you using?" Ruan Jinghong's mind was not yet fully clear, but following Wen Jin's question, she asked the curious question she had been wondering about for a long time.

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