Chapter 62: Teacher Wen, Good Or Bad?

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What brand of perfume?

Wen Jin was momentarily stunned by the question, looking at the person in her embrace with a meaningful expression.

"Does it smell good?"

"It smells really good." As if to prove the credibility of those words, Ruan Jinghong drowsily twitched her nose.

She waited for a while but didn't get a response from Wen Jin. So she raised her head in confusion and coincidentally met Wen Jin's ambiguous gaze.

Ruan Jinghong belatedly felt that something was off. Following Wen Jin's gaze, she saw the camera that had been set up on the side all along.

Oh no, that embarrassing scene just now, it was all captured on camera.

But fear of heights is a common human emotion, and being afraid is understandable, right?

Ruan Jinghong tried to console herself in her mind, but no matter how hard she tried to convince herself, her earlier act of burying her head in Wen Jin's embrace and sniffing so eagerly seemed rather foolish.

 Ruan Jinghong abruptly startled herself awake and hastily moved away from Wen Jin's embrace.

At this moment, the Ferris Wheel was slowly descending. She no longer had the initial trembling, sitting upright like a statue.

Wen Jin noticed that the little thing beside her seemed to have regained consciousness. As reckless as she had been earlier, she now became extremely cautious. She appeared as if she wished to shrink into a speck of dust.

Wen Jin curved her lips, deciding not to continue with the embarrassing topic from before. Instead, she gently comforted Ruan Jinghong.

"We'll be landing soon. Are you feeling better?"

"I'm much better now. I guess I just have a fear of heights. Sorry for troubling you, Teacher Wen."

At this moment, Ruan Jinghong was constantly aware of the camera nearby. Her answers were as official as possible, and she maintained a professional demeanor.

Wen Jin noticed Ruan Jinghong suddenly becoming unusually serious and understood what was on her mind. She considerately played along.

"No worries. I didn't expect that riding a Ferris Wheel would unlock your little secret. Xiao Ming will probably be very happy to see this footage."

The ambiguous and tense atmosphere gradually dissipated amidst such banter.




This translation is originally posted on

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please read it there. and check out other stories too.

After getting off the Ferris Wheel, Wen Jin returned the camera to Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming quickly glanced through the footage, and when she looked up again, her eyes showed a deep respect towards Wen Jin.

As expected of the Movie Queen Wen, even more skilled at capturing footage than us professionals.

Thanks to the footage from the Ferris wheel, Xiao Ming had fewer 'great ideas' for the rest of the shoot and hoped that Wen Jin would have another chance to offer to be the temporary replacement again.

It's a win-win situation—being able to slack off and having excellent material for the show. What's not to love?

Afterwards, the two of them leisurely strolled around the amusement park as they had wished. Though lacking in narrative, since their ride on the Ferris Wheel, they seemed to be enveloped in a pink bubble.

Just walking together was a delightful sight, and the atmosphere between them was pleasing.

The afternoon shoot ended successfully, and the guests gathered in the courtyard as instructed by the production team.

The team allowed everyone to calmly finish their dinner, but a few young individuals who were familiar with Director Wen's mischievous nature expected a surprise attack. They ate with caution, yet their appetites remained unaffected. It was only when the food on the table was completely consumed that the familiar loudspeaker resounded once again.

"Good evening, everyone. Today marks the fifth day of our gathering here, and it's the airing of the second episode of our show.

"To ensure that each of you can see your performance clearly and promptly, the production team has prepared a large LCD screen to provide a perfect and comfortable viewing environment.

"At the same time, tonight we will be recording a special recap segment, which will be the hidden part of our third episode."

Jin Ziyi had food in her mouth and, hearing the director's vague words, she nudged Ruan Jinghong with her arm and asked, "What does the director mean?"

"The director said that we'll be working overtime tonight to watch a variety show together," Ruan Jinghong, the part-timer, responded with understanding.

"Yeah, she made it sound like she's offering us some special benefits," Jin Ziyi quickly retorted with a sarcastic remark.

Sarcastic remarks aside, recording a recap segment was a common practice in many variety shows.

The production team had put considerable effort into arranging a spacious screening room specifically for this occasion. It featured three large LCD screens, surround sound, and sofas placed all around, allowing everyone to choose their preferred seating.

The six guests entered the same screening room, yet it didn't feel crowded at all.

Considering that the variety show would run late, the production team provided ample time for the guests to freshen up. By the time they gathered in the screening room, it was already 8:30 in the evening.

Due to time constraints, the second episode of the variety show began with a two-minute introduction to the background of the script "Princess Harmony" The camera then cut to the guests, who had changed into their costumes, entering the crime scene one by one.

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Next to each guest's entrance, there was a small card introducing the background and character setting of their role in the play.

After all, it was a variety show, and the suspenseful atmosphere was limited. Most of the bullet screen comments displayed an omniscient perspective, laughing and commenting on the acting skills of each guest.

[Jin Ziyi's crying is so funny. It wasn't this exaggerated in "Windfall" Looks like she's giving a true performance this time.]

[Don't even mention those two idols wearing ancient costumes. They have a great sense of style, but it would be even better if they didn't speak.]

[Front comment is bad, but I really didn't expect Screenwriter Huo to be the most natural in character so far.]

[Why is Ruan Jinghong so clueless? But I guess it fits the amnesiac character setting, 233.]

[Queen Wen has arrived! Once Queen Wen appears, the whole vibe changes. It feels like watching a high-quality historical drama.]

For actors, the most important thing is how the audience evaluates their acting skills.

Right from the start, the two idols were publicly executed as they watched their awkward performances on the big screen. All they could do was smile politely and gracefully.

The one with the least psychological burden was Huo Yitong, the screenwriter. She had a satisfied expression on her face, as if she were watching someone else's variety show.

Jin Ziyi was intentionally being funny, both in the drama and in real life.

Wen Jin was accustomed to receiving praise from everyone, so she took it in stride. However, every time the camera cut to Ruan Jinghong, she would show an indulgent smile.

Ruan Jinghong had been enjoying herself earlier, thinking she was doing quite well. But when the scene where she used props to prove Jin Ziyi's innocence was shown, the comments section was filled with "hahaha."

[To those who said Ruan Meow Meow's cluelessness was just a character setting, come out and apologize. She's naturally clueless. Why don't you try playing such a role?]

[Upstairs seem to be defending Ruan Meow Meow, but I don't think she would be happy to see that. dog head/]"

[In this kind of IQ- testing segment, can Ruan Meow Meow really survive past the first episode?]

[She's got a wife to protect her. As soon as Queen Wen spoke up, she immediately cleared Ruan Meow Meow's suspicion.]

[Playing a murder mystery game and still showing affection, the icy dog food is being slapped onto my face. Cold-hearted/]

These barrages are unfiltered, and netizens have no inhibitions when they get excited.

When others were laughing "hahaha" at Ruan Jinghong, she could still pretend to be calm. But seeing everyone unabashedly making jokes about her and Wen Jin, with the person in question sitting right beside her, and after experiencing some minor awkwardness during the day, her ears betrayed her by turning visibly red at an alarming speed.

Ruan Jinghong discreetly turned her head to see Wen Jin's reaction, only to be caught by her gaze.

At that moment, Wen Jin was reaching for the bottle of mineral water on the table. Seeing the little thing's shy and evasive demeanor, she playfully teased, "Do you want some water too?"

"Yes!" Whenever Ruan Jinghong felt nervous, she needed to divert her attention with external objects.

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Fortunately, Wen Jin gave her an opening, so she quickly took the water bottle, unscrewed the cap, and drank almost half of it in one breath, making a "gulugulu" sound.

When she finally caught her breath and looked up, she saw Wen Jin smiling elegantly, but her words made Ruan Jinghong feel both amused and helpless.

"I was actually planning to get you another bottle, but since you were so thirsty, you can have that one too."

Only then did Ruan Jinghong realize that some of the water had already been consumed, and she belatedly realized: Did I just indirectly kiss Teacher Wen?

Thinking about the cameras surrounding her from all directions, Ruan Jinghong suddenly felt like she was being publicly executed in front of a national audience.

She lowered her head, wishing she could just bury it in the ground like an ostrich, but the second episode of the show had just begun.

Seeing Ruan Jinghong's face turning red as if it were about to drip blood, Wen Jin shook her head helplessly.

You are so thin-skinned right now, what would happen later?

She reached out and touched the cowlick on top of Ruan Jinghong's head, telling a well-intentioned lie.

"Just kidding. There was a little spill when I opened that bottle earlier, and no one had drunk from it before."

Ruan Jinghong, hearing this, grasped onto the lifeline and didn't delve into where the water had spilled. She looked at Wen Jin with a slightly reproachful gaze.

"How could Teacher Wen tease people like this? You're so bad."

Wen Jin's heart skipped a beat from the reproachful gaze of Ruan Jinghong.

Teacher Wen isn't bad before, but now Teacher Wen wants to be bad.

Considering they still had to film for over an hour here, Wen Jin restrained herself and cleared her throat, reminding her.

"Focus on the show. Look at you, stumbling around in the dark at night. No wonder netizens say you're a bit slow."

By this point, the variety show had progressed to the part where the guests were searching for the princess's diary. In the darkness, Ruan Jinghong was walking unsteadily, but fortunately, she was being led by Wen Jin.

The barrage were already flying across the screen, with most people not even caring about the princess' diary. They treated the murder mystery game as a romantic variety show.

Especially when Wen Jin said, "My princess," the screen was filled with pink bubbles that almost completely covered people's faces.

[Passer-by accidentally clicking in: Isn't this really a historical idol drama? Queen Wenis so adorable that I can't even stand properly anymore.]

[Sit down, it's a regular move by Queen Wen. Newcomers should watch the first episode; there are even more adorable moments.]

[I envy Queen Wen's night vision. So, during the nighttime scene, things must have be... hehehe.]

[We haven't reached the midnight slot yet, so please put on your pants first.]

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[Ruan Meow Meow makes funny faces so cute. I want to pinch her. Does she think nobody can see because she's night-blind?]

[Given Ruan Meow Meow's IQ, she probably thinks that way.]

Ruan Jinghong, who suddenly became aware of her hidden intelligence: ...

She felt annoyed, but it seems like they were right.

During the filming, she only felt complete darkness around her, but she didn't expect the footage to be so clear when it was being broadcast.

Ruan Jinghong's face kept changing from red to pale like a revolving lantern, and she could only pretend to stay calm as she watched the video.

[Am I the only one seriously watching them complete the tasks? Finally, the first page of the diary appears.]

[What the hell is this? Filming a female ghost at night, so scary!]

[I wasn't scared by the female ghost; I was scared by Ruan Meow Meow's screams.]

[Ruan Meow Meow has the same level of courage as me. Ahh...]

[What's so scary? It's obviously a staff member dressed up. Look at how composed Queen Wen is.]

[I don't care if the female ghost is scary or not. I only care that my CP hugged again. It's practically confirmed!]

[It's hard not to suspect that the production team arranged the female ghost to create more intimate moments between them.]

[The two of them, one bold and one timid, are naturally a perfect match!]

[Is there no one speaking up for the female ghost? One commands the ghost, the other gets scared to death.]

[Female ghost: You are noble. You are amazing!]

[Queen Wen is so cunning. She scared away the ghost and took the opportunity to lie and hug her wife. dog head/]

Through the camera's perspective, Ruan Jinghong finally saw the footage that she hadn't seen behind her at that time.

At that moment, when she was terrified, she was leaning against Wen Jin's embrace, and the ancient well behind her was empty. There was no female ghost there at all.

So, at that time, was Wen Teacher lying?

Was it intentional?

Such thoughts emerged in Ruan Jinghong's mind, and she inexplicably became nervous.

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