Chapter 67: Anything You Wish For

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When Wen Jin wore this badge, many of the small marketing accounts that had previously jumped on the bandwagon and criticized for attention saw the situation was not favorable and quietly deleted their Weibo accounts. However, the big V, Everyday Entertainment, who originally initiated the trend, continued to resist stubbornly. After all, they were entrusted by someone and had to fulfill their duties faithfully.

Seeing that they couldn't control the comments on their previous Weibo post, they edited a new content.

Everyday Entertainment: On stage, they are actors, and the audience are fools. Nowadays, when artists participate in variety shows, they not only have to focus on the show itself, but also deal with matters outside of it. It can only be said that money is hard to earn, and the workload is difficult to bear. Resourceful celebrities can do whatever they want, with a group of people accompanying them in their act.

This Weibo post doesn't mention any specific names and doesn't include any pictures, but when combined with the previous post, everyone knows what they mean by their sarcastic remarks.

It's basically implying that Ruan Jinghong is a resourceful celebrity and the production team is using her for publicity, while Wen Jin is cooperating with the production team for work purposes.

This big V was also heavily criticized by netizens. In an attempt to salvage their reputation, they spread rumors. However, their new post stepped on a landmine.




This translation is originally posted on

please read it there. and check out other stories too.


In the eyes of many passers-by and netizens: You can spray the program group, you can spray small sticky coffee, but the warm actress who insinuates both virtue and art is acting for money to cooperate with the program group to hype acting, that is an insult to her personality!

In the end, the big V clearly underestimated Wen Jin's popularity and public favor. Even though they didn't directly criticize Wen Jin, their insinuations were enough to trigger a swift backlash in the comments.

[The blogger is crazy. Who do they think is being controlled by a production team? Will Queen Wen, with her level of fame, allow anyone to control her?]

[Passerby, if you spray an 18th line, I will eat melons and watch dramas, but it’s too much to spread rumors about Queen Wen]

[I used to see that this blogger as quite sharp and sober, why did he suddenly lose his mind? Unfollowed]

[Since both of them have this badge, maybe they just get along well, and it’s normal to shoot a variety show business promotion]

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[I just wanted to say that the blogger is blowing things out, it's just a badge,why is it heinous?]

[Those jumping up and down like this, can't they be collecting money?]

[I know you're in a hurry, but hold on for a moment]

Because of the big V's death, there is no need for CP fans to continue to charge, and the vast number of real passers-by are drooling, and this big V blogger is about to drown.

And what are the fans of Wen Xiang Ruan Yu CP fans doing at this time? They are celebrating the Lunar New Year!

At this moment, the "Heavenly Blessed Match" badge has become the new profile picture for the "Wen Xiang Ruan Yu" Chaohua. In less than two hours, their journey went from their CP being criticized and trending, to the main characters personally stepping in to post sugar.

Happinesss came too quickly, like riding a roller coaster.

The second episode and the various Q-version murder mystery endings provided plenty of material for the CP fans. Just now, fandom wives started passionately creating content, taking advantage of the collective celebration to share their first wave of works.

While everyone was liking and commenting "Happy New Year" under the freshly released works, they were also discussing the evening's developments in the CP group.

[The wave before today scared me to death. I thought Meow Meow and Queen Wen would avoid suspicion in the future]

[What do real couples avoid? I didn’t expect that Queen Wen would go off to protect her wife in person. Queen Wen V587*! ]

*Powerful and domineering, The pronunciation of V587 is equal to 威武霸气(wei wu ba qi)

[Hey, but there is indeed a big gap between Meow Meow and Queen Wen now, and sometimes it's nerve-wracking to ship the CP]

[True love is invincible, the parties don’t mind, we just need to protect them well]

[Yes, let’s have a good time together. Guard them. But I also hope that Meow Meow can grow up quickly]

[Meow Meow can only be Queen Wen's little wife, but she also needs to be A to the outside world, I don't want to see anyone stepping on her like today]

This group has already filled up to 2,000 people, and it is extremely active at this time. While everyone is sincerely shipping the CP, there are also many people who are genuinely worried about Ruan Jinghong's future.

At the beginning, it was just a lively atmosphere, but when it got serious, it was also considered long-term.

Among the many members of this group, Wen Jin's assistant Xiao Yuan was also included.

During the few days of vacation, she was eating all kinds of fan food at home, and now she really treated Ruan Jinghong as her daughter-in-law, and her boss as her son-in-law. It seems a bit rebellious to think like this…

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But she is used to diving, just watching everyone's speeches, thinking silently: When the boss and my daughter come back this time, I must work hard to protect their love!

The next day Ruan Jinghong woke up on her own without relying on the alarm clock, and looked at the time, it was 6:31.

It was another day of part-time work, she forced herself not to read Weibo news, and took advantage of enough time to go to the bathroom to wash up carefully.

Recently, she got used to the efficiency of her movements. Even if she took a complete set of nursing care seriously and put on a set of carefully selected clothes, it was only 7:15.

She thought it would be better to arrive at the restaurant earlier so that she wouldn't make others wait every time. Just as she opened the door and took a few steps, she coincidentally bumped into Wen Jin, who happened to be leaving at the same time.

"Teacher Wen, good morning."


Wen Jin glanced over Ruan Jinghong's face, seeing that she was in a good spirit, she was slightly relieved.

She slowed down and walked to Ruan Jinghong's side, walking side by side with her, seemingly casually, "Today is the last day of program recording, and everyone will go back to China in the afternoon, do you have any plans?"

"It's the last day?"

Ruan Jinghong's genuinely surprised appearance convinced Wen Jin that she had indeed forgotten about this.

"Today is the sixth day. We shoot indoors in the morning and pack up and go back to China in the afternoon. Didn't Wen Duoduo talk about it in the group chat?" Wen Jin patiently explained.

"Uh, Teacher Wen, I went to bed early last night, and I haven't had time to see the group chat yet." Ruan Jinghong's mood was somewhat affected yesterday, and she even forgot such an important episode, and she didn't even start packing her luggage at all.

Wen Jin saw Ruan Jinghong's annoyance, stretched out a finger, poked lightly on her soft face, and smiled lightly.

"It's okay, there is still time to go back to the room to clean up after recording in the morning, today's shooting task is not heavy."

Ruan Jinghong was stunned for a moment when her face was poked. Seeing Wen Jin's calm look, she felt that she was being too sensitive. So she pretended to be nonchalant and continued to walk forward.

"Wait a moment," Wen Jin called out to Ruan Jinghong, pointing towards another hallway. "We're not going to the restaurant for a meal today. We'll go to the post-interview room."

Ruan Jinghong paused and followed Wen Jin's gesture, directing her attention to the indicated hallway. She nodded in acknowledgment and followed Wen Jin towards the post-interview room.

Wen Jin purposely stopped walking, almost colliding with the closely trailing Ruan Jinghong.

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The little fool behind her raised her pretty face, her big eyes were full of doubts, and she looked extremely cute.

Wen Jin restrained her urge to ravage that kitten's face with her hands, and smiled decently, "Is there anything you want to ask?"

"Teacher Wen, do you know what topics we're going to cover in today's interview? I didn't know about this segment beforehand, so I didn't prepare."

Ruan Jinghong had appeared on some small variety shows before, but she never had to prepare for pre-interviews or post-interviews. She didn't think it was necessary.

Wen Jin sensed the little thing's unease and reassured her, saying, "Don't worry, they're all routine questions, such as 'your experience filming the show' or 'impressions of other guests.' Just answer truthfully. Rest assured, no one will give you a hard time."

Ruan Jinghong looked at Wen Jin's friendly appearance and felt inexplicably at ease. As they spoke, the two of them arrived at the post-interview room.

Adjacent to the post-interview room was a resting area with tea and snacks prepared. Due to time constraints on the final day, the guests' breakfast was accommodated here.

As it was an individual post-interview, Wen Jin entered first.

Ruan Jinghong sat in the outer area, devouring tea and snacks while mentally rehearsing.

She quickly finished eating, glanced around, and took a moment to freshen up. When she returned, she coincidentally collided head-on with Wen Jin, who had just finished the interview.

So fast?

Ruan Jinghong pulled a polite smile at Wen Jin, and calmed down in the comforting eyes of the other party.

The two passed each other and switched rooms.

The post-interview was conducted by a young lady, around thirty years old, with a kind and charitable appearance. 

Ruan Jinghong sat on the chair, hands resting on her knees, looking disciplined like an attentive elementary school student. 

The post-interview lady started with some casual chat to help Ruan Jinghong relax before formally entering the questioning phase. 

"Miss Ruan, you have been here for six days recording the program. How have you been feeling these days?" 

Perfect, Teacher Wen hit the mark with the topic. 

Ruan Jinghong smiled somewhat shyly and replied, "I feel like my days are filled with meaningful activities, from morning till night, even more compact than when I was filming before."

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"What left the deepest impression on you?"

What left the deepest impression on me? Ruan Jinghong's mind flashed with many scenes, including the night of the thunderstorm where she embraced Wen Jin, the awkward accident in the amusement park changing room, the nervous intimacy on the Ferris Wheel...

However, it wasn't quite convenient to mention any of those.

Ruan Jinghong pondered for a moment and said earnestly, "I think the most memorable thing was playing the murder-mystery game before. It felt like it exhausted all of my IQ."

The smile on the young lady's face grew wider, but she still maintained her professionalism .

"Among the guests you get along with these days, which one impresses you the most?"

The guest who impressed me the most?

Ruan Jinghong's rationality told her that it would be safest to answer Jin Ziyi. She has a distinctive personality and is funny, and most of her followers are comedians, and she is close to her. It is a perfect time to mention her.

So she blinked her eyes and spoke seriously.

"The one who impressed me the most was Teacher Wen, who has been with me for the longest time.

"At the beginning, I thought she would be very cold, but after getting along with her, I realized that she is the most gentle person I have ever met. She is patient and careful in everything, but also versatile and omnipotent.

"I used to think that Teacher Wen depicted on the Internet was perfect, but also unreachable. Now I find that the real Teacher Wen by my side is more perfect than perfect, but not so out of reach..."

Ruan Jinghong was almost immersed in her memories, but when she looked up and saw the increasingly smiling expression of the young interviewer, she belatedly realized that she had said too much just now.

Wait a minute, how did it differ from the script I prepared earlier? When did I start speaking without thinking, with my mind lagging behind?

The young lady, seeing Ruan Jinghong suddenly pause, continued to prompt her with questions.

"Then do you have anything to say to Queen Wen?"

There seemed to be a lot to say.

Ruan Jinghong tried her best to let her brain control her mouth, she must not make any more long speeches.

She thought for a while, then looked up at the camera, the light in her eyes shining like stars.

"Teacher Wen, it is my greatest luck to have the opportunity to know you. I hope that everything will go smoothly for you in the future, and you can get anything you wish for."


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