Chapter 68: Teacher Wen Asked For A Thank You Gift

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After the ending, the program group asked all the guests to record a simple farewell ceremony together, and everyone left blessing cards for the program group.

After completing all these tasks, it was already noon. The schedule was tight as the flight back home was set to depart in the afternoon.

Ruan Jinghong hurried back to her room and packed her luggage.

She didn't bring a lot of things, and she was used to her quick movements, so she stuffed all the things into the small pink suitcase, and it took 20 minutes to finish.

Seeing that there was still a while before leaving the airport, Ruan Jinghong released the curiosity she had suppressed all morning, and couldn't help opening Weibo.

What happened yesterday, I don't know what's going on now.

Ruan Jinghong half-closed her eyes, and was a little trembling when she clicked on Weibo, after all, those swear words were too harsh.

After a whole night and a whole morning, the entry #Ruan Jinghong_Landing On The Moon, Touching Porcelain# is still on the hot search list.

Ruan Jinghong's heart skipped a beat, but she mustered up the courage to click in.

To her surprise, not only was there not a single comment scolding her in the entry for a long time, but it was also full of pink bubbles of joy and encouragement.

Many netizens took this entry to write jokes and play tricks, writing Wen Jin as Chang'e* on the moon, and Ruan Jinghong was a little rabbit on the ground who worked hard to fly to the moon and wanted to stick with her sister.

*Moon Goddess in Chinese Mythology, often depicted as a beautiful woman holding a moon-shaped object or accompanied by a rabbit. She is a symbol of beauty, femininity, and the moon.

Many of these netizens have changed to the same profile picture, which is very familiar.

Zoom in and see that it is the badge of "Heavenly Blessed Match".

This initial black hot search has been completely occupied by Wen Xiang Ruan Yu's CP fans.

What happened?

Ruan Jinghong scrolled through the comments and found that a netizen posted a picture of her and Wen Jin's Weibo profile pictures.

At first glance, these two avatars are unremarkable, no different from usual.

Ruan Jinghong's sharp eyes saw the identical badges next to the two portraits.

Feeling something in her heart, she searched Wen Jin's Weibo, and sure enough, she saw the blinding CP badge next to that cold face.

When Ruan Jinghong checked Weibo yesterday, she already knew that this badge was obtained by lottery, and the probability of winning was extremely low.

It has to be said that Wen Jin's badge appeared very cleverly, and without posting a single article, she could easily smash all the previous smears and rumors.

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No wonder the art style on the entry can be reversed so quickly.

One in ten thousand chance, is there really such a coincidence in the world?

Ruan Jinghong stared at the badge for a while, feeling something in her heart.

In the afternoon, the guests took the plane to return home one after another. Ruan Jinghong and Wen Jin took the same flight because they were in the same city.

As for Jin Ziyi, she still has an endorsement in G City, so she took another flight.

At the airport, Ruan Jinghong and Jin Ziyi, two little sisters who had only known each other for a few days, said goodbye for a while.

Jin Ziyi seemed particularly reluctant, "It's hard to meet a good match and be separated so soon, A'Ruan, don't refuse to answer my call when we return to China."

Jin Ziyi babbled alone, while Ruan Jinghong listened silently.

Indeed, few people are as patient as Ruan Jinghong, making Jin Ziyi happy.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm not on set, I'll answer your call anytime."

Ruan Jinghong couldn't help but feel that beneath Jin Ziyi's playful demeanor, there was a layer of hidden concerns. There seemed to be some entanglement between Jin Ziyi and Huo Yitong, but the time was too short, and Ruan Jinghong didn't want to interfere too much.

With Ruan Jinghong's promise, Jin Ziyi relaxed and broke into a smile, immediately giving her a big bear hug.

Just as they hugged for only a few seconds, Huo Yitong and Wen Jin, who were chatting nearby, walked over together.

Seeing Huo Yitong, Jin Ziyi felt a little uncomfortable, quickly let go of her hug, and walked towards the boarding gate with her suitcase.

Huo Yitong stood there for a few seconds, then followed.

Just now there were four people standing talking about other places, now only Ruan Jinghong and Wen Jin are left.

Ruan Jinghong raised her head and looked at Wen Jin. She had a lot to say in her heart, but at this time the airport was crowded with people, so she couldn't say anything.

"Let's go, it's about time to board the plane." Wen Jin smiled softly at Ruan Jinghong.

She carried the suitcase in one hand and Ruan Jinghong's tender little hand in the other, and followed behind the crowd who were about to board the plane.

As the plane took off, Ruan Jinghong and Wen Jin sat in two seats side by side in the first class cabin.

It is not tourist season at this time, and there are not many tourists around.

The scenery outside the window moved quickly until it changed into a solid color and entered the clouds.

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There is no Internet on the plane. To pass the time, Wen Jin is holding a magazine and looking through it intently.

Ruan Jinghong turned her head quietly, peeking at the superior profile of the person beside her, pondered for a long time in her heart, and finally spoke.

"Teacher Wen, thank you."

Wen Jin tilted her head when she heard the words, raised her eyebrows slightly, "What for?"

"Just... last night, that badge."

After all, there were other people on the plane. Ruan Jinghong subconsciously spoke concisely.

A smile curled up on the corner of Wen Jin's mouth: So that's it, it seems that the little thing is not particularly stupid.

After Wen Jin changed into the badge last night, she asked Wen Qing to try to give some training to those companies with marketing accounts.

There is also a circle among public relations, and the circle is well aware of the ulterior and dirty things between each other.

Those marketing accounts that rely on black navy belong to the lowest level of public relations. Wen Jin usually has little contact with these people, so she doesn't have to deal with them.

Now they have touched the scales and provoked the Buddha.

The professional black company is called Hengxin Information. They usually make money by spreading rumors and manipulating the online navy. They have engaged in numerous unscrupulous activities, and there is plenty of evidence against them.

With the network resources accumulated over the years, Wen Qing managed to obtain the desired information in just two hours.

She casually exposed the malicious deeds of that company online, such as "twisting the truth to whitewash a cheating male celebrity, orchestrating online attacks against his girlfriend," "spreading rumors about a female star being kept by a wealthy businessman, causing her to withdraw from the industry in despair," "publishing a series of malicious articles and edited photos defaming a talented young actress before an award ceremony, leading netizens to mock her for months before realizing something was amiss."

Each of these incidents is supported by recorded conversations, chat logs, and some even have contracts as solid evidence.

When the revelations came out, the entire internet was in an uproar.

She had long suspected that someone online was orchestrating the rhythm, and it turns out it was all coming from the same company.

This company puts on a hypocritical facade in public and even went public, but behind the scenes, they are up to no good.

There are so many melons surfacing all at once that netizens are struggling to keep up.

Public opinion has always been a double-edged sword. Hengxin Information initially used public opinion as a weapon to achieve their dirty goals. Now that the truth has been exposed, they are being bitten back by public opinion.

Not only has this company been heavily criticized online, but their stock price has also plummeted, hitting the limit down. They must be incredibly busy and stressed right now.

As for those marketing accounts that were in cahoots with them, they were just pawns. After making dirty money for so long, they will soon find themselves unemployed.

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After netizens vented their anger at Hengxin Information for a long time, some people finally remembered the poor ex-girlfriend of the cheating male celebrity, the female star who was driven out of the industry by rumors, and the young actress who faced mockery due to the black articles and missed out on awards.

Some people expressed sympathy, some apologized, and some silently felt guilty. However, the damage that has already been done is difficult to repair.

If in this case, Hengxin Information is the party B responsible for the implementation, then Party A who instigated them to act like this is even more abominable.

It's not difficult to find this Party A. That night, the relevant information was sent to Wen Jin's mobile phone.

When Wen Jin saw the photo, she sneered disdainfully.

I thought it was a big Buddha, but it turned out to be a little fresh meat, to be precise, a rich second-generation little fresh meat, a rich idiot.

Wen Jin quickly recognized this person as Deng Yun, whom she had personally beaten up in the parking garage half a month ago.

The reason why she recognized him so quickly was because she had checked this person's information half a month ago.

Knowing that he is her Duwei fan, the last time he chased after Ruan Jinghong was probably because his brain was not working well.

At that time, she quietly put pressure on Deng Yun's company and gave him some trouble.

Thinking about watching Ruan Jinghong in person in the future, it would be better to keep her away from this psycho, anyway, it would be very difficult for them to meet again.

But she never thought that this person would be so maddened that he would spend a lot of money to trample a little girl who had never provoked him to death just because of his imagination. She wished he could cut off his future*.

*that "future"

When Wen Jin learned that this matter was because of her, the more guilty she felt and the more resolute she acted.

If the time estimate is good, by the time they return to China, Deng Yun will no longer be a character in the entertainment industry.

As for Deng's Pharmaceuticals, she heard that there were several life lawsuits a few years ago, so it's time to investigate them together.




This translation is originally posted on

The plane flew smoothly through the clouds, but Ruan Jinghong, who was sitting in the first-class cabin, felt uneasy all the time.

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After she mentioned the badge, Wen Jin remained silent for a long time, as if caught in some memory.

Could it be me, who made a mistake?

Ruan Jinghong blinked her beautiful big eyes, and to avoid embarrassment, she pretended to be nonchalant and turned her head to look at the scenery outside the window.

After Wen Jin finished reminiscing, she  observed the little thing's reaction before her eyes.

She smiled and picked up a lock of Ruan Jinghong's long hair, and played with it around her fingers.

"Since you already know, I suppose a mere verbal expression of gratitude won't suffice?"

Ruan Jinghong: Huh?

I didn't mishear, did I? Someone as honorable and selfless as you, Teacher Wen, is now seeking something from me... a token of gratitude, perhaps?

Ruan Jinghong turned her head and looked at Wen Jin's teasing smile. Ignoring the fact that a strand of her hair was still wrapped around the other party's fingers, she gently bit her lip, her mind quickly spinning as she cautiously made a suggestion.

"Then why don't I treat Teacher Wen to dinner after returning to China?"

Chinese people value etiquette, and if you don't know what gift to give, there's nothing that a meal cannot solve.

But after Ruan Jinghong finished speaking, she immediately regretted it.

Teacher Wen is a movie queen and has to worry about the company's affairs. She is so busy all day long, so there is no space for my meal.

Wen Jin saw that Ruan Jinghong's expression changed so quickly, like a face change in Sichuan opera, and without waiting for her to change her words, Wen Jin immediately responded: "Alright, let's set it for tomorrow."

Going back tonight and having dinner tomorrow? Why such a hurry?

Ruan Jinghong was momentarily stunned, unable to react immediately.

Seeing Ruan Jinghong's stupid look, Wen Jin deliberately joked: "Why, are you reluctant to treat me?"

"No, no," Ruan Jinghong shook her little head like a rattle, deliberately straightening her small chest.

"Tomorrow it is then, Teacher Wen can eat whatever she wants, I have money!"

Ruan Jinghong said, already thinking about where to eat tomorrow, and secretly preparing for a big hemorrhage*.

*big spending 

Because the person she wants to invite is Teacher Wen, whom she has always admired, for the first time, Ruan Jinghong, a little money fan, feels that even if she bleeds heavily, she is willing to do so.

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