Chapter 70: If Teacher Wen Likes It, Then Let's Try Every Flavor

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Considering their status as artists, in order to avoid causing commotion among the crowd, all the restaurants selected by Ruan Jinghong are on Huaxin Street, where she and Wen Jin dined together last time.

In the early morning of the next day, Ruan Jinghong ate some breakfast and went to the special Sichuan restaurant early to check out.

She went so actively that the restaurant hadn't opened yet when she arrived.

The boss lady was supervising the staff in the front hall, organizing the inventory at the reception. When she saw Ruan Jinghong entering the store, she greeted her with a cheerful smile and spoke in a fluent local dialect, "Sister, we haven't opened yet. If you want to eat, come back in an hour."

Ruan Jinghong has no trouble listening to the Sichuan dialect, she looked at the proprietress, who was half a head shorter than her, and her movements were capable, so she could be considered petite.

As for being cute... Well, she's very friendly and cheerful, so she can be quite adorable.

She politely asked, "Excuse me, are you the owner of this place? Can you cook the dishes here?"

The owner laughed and replied, "I'm the owner here, but we have hired a chef. I can't cook."

As they were talking, a slightly overweight middle-aged man approached the front desk and mentioned that they needed to restock the vegetables.

The owner pointed at the man and introduced, "He is our chef here. He's responsible for cooking."

The fact that the chef was a man disappointed Ruan Jinghong, as he didn't match her expectation of someone petite and cute. She sighed with a hint of disappointment.

"Thank you, boss. I just came to gather some information. Sorry to bother you," she said and left the Sichuan restaurant.

The owner, observing Ruan Jinghong's visible disappointment upon seeing the chef, wondered aloud, "Why are young people so fussy these days? Is there something wrong with how he looks?" She glanced at the chef next to her.

After leaving, Ruan Jinghong hurriedly headed to the Suzhou famous cuisine restaurant but received a call from Wen Jin on the way.

"Ruanruan, are you awake?" Wen Jin's voice carried a gentle and affectionate tone.

Being called by such an intimate nickname made Ruan Jinghong blush, and she obediently replied, "Teacher Wen, I'm currently on Huaxin Street, preparing for today's meal."

So dedicated?

Wen Jin was satisfied with her response.

She put on her coat and held her phone while continuing the call, "Send me your location. I'll come over and pick you up in my car. It'll be inconvenient for you to carry everything alone."

Ruan Jinghong hadn't decided on a dining location yet, but since Wen Jin wanted to come, she cooperatively sent her location.

After sending it, she felt a bit strange.

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Teacher Wen was originally coming for the meal, so why is she going to pick me up?

'Inconvenient for you to carry everything alone?' Does that mean she plans to pack the leftovers after we eat?

That makes sense. Teacher Wen is usually busy with work, and it's rare for her to have some personal time to enjoy a meal. Naturally, she wants to fully indulge herself.

I haven't even told her where we're eating, but she trusts my judgment so much that she's coming in person and planning to take leftovers with her.

I must carefully select a restaurant to ensure that Teacher Wen won't be disappointed!




This translation is originally posted on

Ruan Jinghong arrived at the Suzhou Famous Cuisine restaurant, where the back kitchen was semi-transparent to reassure customers.

Even from the dining area, one could see the chefs preparing in the kitchen at a glance.

Based on their attire, Ruan Jinghong quickly identified one head chef and three assistants in the kitchen.

The assistants were all male, but it didn't make a difference.

However, the head chef was a girl, quite different from Ruan Jinghong's impression of the soft-spoken Jiangnan girls. This head chef was a tall beauty with blonde hair and blue eyes, standing close to 1.8 meters tall.

Since there were no customers in the restaurant at the moment, the preparation work was not very busy.

The head chef noticed that a pretty girl in the dining area had been staring at her for quite some time. After giving a few instructions to her assistants, she walked out of the kitchen.

Using broken Chinese, she greeted, "Miss, you've been standing here looking at me for a while. Are you interested in me?"

Foreigners always spoke so directly, which made Ruan Jinghong, who was used to being more subtle, somewhat unaccustomed.

But it was indeed Ruan Jinghong who had secretly observed first, so she followed the conversation, "Mm, I see this is a famous Suzhou cuisine restaurant. Are you the only head chef here?"

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The blonde beauty understood Ruan Jinghong's implied meaning and responded warmly.

"Yes, I'm the head chef, the only one here. I've admired the culinary delights of China since I was young. I've been an apprentice here for over ten years and graduated two years ago. Don't worry, my skills are definitely not inferior to any local Suzhou chef. Would you like to give it a try, Miss?"

 The head chef finished speaking and sent a wink with a smile.

Seeing the chef's enthusiasm, Ruan Jinghong couldn't just turn and leave. Although she wasn't as petite, her personality was quite charming. 

Maybe give it a try?

Just as Ruan Jinghong was about to agree, Wen Jin appeared in the restaurant, seemingly out of nowhere. She wrapped her arm around Ruan Jinghong's shoulder, pulling her close to herself, and faced the welcoming blonde beauty with a graceful and elegant smile.

"Sorry, we have other plans for today, so we won't dine here," she said and then walked towards the entrance with Ruan Jinghong in tow.

The blonde beauty shrugged helplessly and called out from behind them, "Miss, if you ever feel like dining here, you're always welcome." 

Wen Jin picked up the pace.

Ruan Jinghong stumbled a bit and hesitated, looking back. However, just as her head was turning halfway, her gaze was captivated by Wen Jin's cold and superior profile, and she couldn't fully turn her head back.

"Teacher Wen, this place looks decent. Are you really not considering it?"

Although the chef is not petite enough, she is cute.

"Don't think about it, the cook isn't petite and cute enough." Wen Jin said firmly, without stopping.

Option two was swiftly dismissed, leaving Ruan Jinghong sighing with frustration: Teacher Wen's requirements for the chef's physique are too strict,"I'll have to quickly find another option.

Unaware of Ruan Jinghong's thoughts, Wen Jin had a sense of foreboding since she received the location at a Suzhou stir-fry restaurant.

She drove at 1.2 times her usual speed, barely avoiding speeding.

As she hurriedly arrived, she caught sight of a foreign woman with blonde hair and blue eyes teasing the little fool.

But the little fool looked ignorant, being teased without knowing it, if she came later, maybe something would happen.

Wen Jin stuffed Ruan Jinghong into the seat of her Porsche and drove straight to the nearest supermarket.

Ruan Jinghong had intended to suggest a Yunnan restaurant that was also good, but seeing the determined look on Wen Jin's face, she decided to keep quiet and let her take the lead.

If Teacher Wen already has a preferred place in mind, then I'll just have to foot the bill as the host, and be lazy.

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To her surprise, after getting off the car, Wen Jin brought Ruan Jinghong to a supermarket instead of a restaurant.

Wen Jin led Ruan Jinghong to the section where food ingredients were displayed and placed her hand on the handle of the shopping cart, wearing a smile as gentle as a breeze.

"You go ahead and choose, my chef."

Ruan Jinghong finally realized that when Wen Jin asked her to treat her to a meal, it wasn't about taking her to a restaurant, but rather about Ruan Jinghong cooking herself.

The words "a petite and cute chef" echoed in Ruan Jinghong's mind, causing her cheeks to blush. She felt like a naive young girl being teased by a rich young master.

She inwardly scolded herself: Why am I so stupid? It took me this long to understand what Teacher Wen meant.

Ruan Jinghong, despite not being a professional chef, enjoyed cooking for herself after studying. Although her culinary skills couldn't compare to those of a professional chef, at least she could make something edible.

Also, considering Teacher Wen's status, there's no restaurant she hasn't been to.

Showing gratitude and treating someone naturally involves personally cooking, which better expresses sincerity.

Ruan Jinghong quickly understood this time and took the initiative to enter the food section, carefully selecting ingredients.

Wen Jin followed behind, pushing the shopping cart. She noticed that every time Ruan Jinghong chose a particular vegetable, she would compare and examine two or three similar ones before finally making the best selection. It was quite meticulous.

The vegetable and fruit sections were adjacent to each other. After selecting the vegetables, Ruan Jinghong thought it would be nice to have some fruits after the meal. She stood in front of a pile of watermelons, lost in thought.

Wen Jin, seeing Ruan Jinghong facing the dilemma of choosing from the watermelons, approached and picked the roundest one, giving it a tap near her ear.

"How about this one? It's mature, and mature ones are better." Wen Jin placed the watermelon in the shopping cart, but her gaze remained fixed on Ruan Jinghong's eyes.

Ruan Jinghong looked at Wen Jin's straightforward gesture of choosing the watermelon and couldn't help but pause. Why did she feel that Wen Jin's statement, "mature ones are better," carried a deeper meaning?

After exploring the vegetable section, the two of them moved on to the meat section.

Ruan Jinghong, knowing that Wen Jin preferred southern cuisine, decided to make a dish of boiled sliced pork and another dish of spicy stir-fried shrimp.

After carefully selecting the pork tenderloin and shrimp, she noticed Wen Jin standing beside a shelf, holding two brightly colored drinks in her hand.

Ruan Jinghong usually drank orange juice and milk tea the most, so seeing such attractive drinks was also a bit novel.

She reached out and took a bottle, looking at the description on the label: "momo cocktail."

"Teacher Wen, this seems to be alcoholic. You came here by car." Ruan Jinghong placed the beautiful drink back on the shelf.

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"This is a flavored alcoholic beverage with a low alcohol content, and I can call Xiao Yuan over. You don't have to worry. I've heard that this one has a good taste. Want to give it a try?" Wen Jin held two bottles of cocktails in her hand, respectfully seeking Ruan Jinghong's opinion.

Since Teacher Wen said so.

Ruan Jinghong reached out to pick up a few other colored cocktails from the shelf and took one bottle of each, placing them in the shopping cart.

"If Teacher Wen likes it, then let's try every flavor."

Wen Jin saw the confident look on Ruan Jinghong's face and a scene from a movie she once glimpsed on a tablet playing in a lounge flashed through her mind at an inappropriate moment.

"It seems like you've taken over this fishpond."

She couldn't help but visualize it.  

Ruan Jinghong looked at Teacher Wen, who had always been calm and composed, with a puzzled expression as she suddenly let out a "pfft" chuckle. She couldn't help but feel amazed.

It was just a few bottles of cocktails, yet Teacher Wen is so happy. It turned out that despite appearing to have many things, Teacher Wen is actually a simple person at heart.

With these thoughts in mind, Ruan Jinghong felt that she should be even kinder to Wen Jin.

After all, Teacher Wen is such a wonderful person.

So during the rest of their shopping, whenever Ruan Jinghong noticed Teacher Wen's gaze lingering on a shelf for a few seconds, she would immediately pick up the item without hesitation and place it in the shopping cart.

Although Ruan Jinghong was usually money-conscious, she could afford to go shopping in a supermarket.

Before long, the metal shopping cart was filled to the brim.

The two of them spent over an hour in the supermarket, and it felt more like a plundering than a shopping spree. Finally, they arrived at the checkout counter. As they had agreed beforehand that Ruan Jinghong would be treating, Wen Jin didn't rush to pay.

After Ruan Jinghong paid the bill, she realized that despite buying so many things, the total cost was still less than the average per person expense at the restaurants she had considered earlier.

The cashier lady recognized Ruan Jinghong and Wen Jin, and she couldn't help but let out a crazy scream in her heart as she watched the two of them pushing the shopping cart and holding hands.

However, maintaining professional etiquette, she had to smile, scan the items, and collect the payment, even though it was difficult to hold back her excitement.

Ruan Jinghong noticed that the cashier girl at this supermarket was particularly friendly, which further increased her positive impression.

Good quality, affordable prices, and a nice attitude from the cashier lady. I'll definitely come back here in the future.

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