Chapter 71: Little Bunny, Quite Cute

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The two of them had bought quite a lot of things, filling up four plastic bags completely.

Ruan Jinghong raised her hand to reach for the bag on the checkout counter, only to realize that her hand had unknowingly stuck to Wen Jin's hand, probably when scanning the items.

She lowered her head, intending to pull her hand away, but Wen Jin released her hand first and grasped two heavy bags, walking ahead without hesitation.

Ruan Jinghong quickly picked up the remaining two bags and followed closely behind.

These two bags didn't look big, but they were indeed quite heavy.

Ruan Jinghong walked behind, making a "puff puff" sound, too preoccupied to continue thinking about why her hand had stuck to Wen Jin's hand over such a trivial matter.

Fortunately, the supermarket exit wasn't far from the parking lot, and the Porsche had ample space in the interior. They directly placed the items they purchased from the supermarket on the back seat.

It seemed that Wen Jin's earlier remark, "It's inconvenient to carry so many things alone," was indeed quite insightful.

Wen Jin drove once again to the residential area where Ruan Jinghong lived. It was a familiar route, and she didn't need the homeowner to give her any directions.

This was the first time Wen Jin entered Ruan Jinghong's living space. It wasn't large, but it looked clean and bright.

Ruan Jinghong had only returned to her place last night and had done a quick dusting.

At first, when they entered the apartment, she didn't feel anything was amiss. It was only when she noticed a corner of fabric sticking out from the gap in the sofa that she felt a sense of alarm.

She had thought about treating Wen Jin outside and never expected her to enter her home.

Living alone for a long time, she had become somewhat careless. Some things might not be promptly put back in their place once unpacked; she would casually toss them somewhere and could easily find them when needed.




This translation is originally posted on

Before Shen Yun and Lele came over, she would receive a phone call and tidy up a bit.

But now...

That pink suitcase from yesterday, she had intended to organize it before going to sleep.

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However, as soon as she opened it, she saw clothes and bottles scattered all over the sofa. She immediately gave up on the idea of sorting it out for the time being.

Resting for a night and then organizing wouldn't hurt.

Ruan Jinghong stuffed the clothes that had just been taken out back into the suitcase one by one. Since they had become unfolded and it would be troublesome to restore them to their original state, the space in the suitcase was not enough.

If it couldn't fit, then she wouldn't force it.

Exhausted from the day, Ruan Jinghong closed the suitcase. The bra that couldn't fit was casually stuffed into the sofa.

After completing these rough actions, she yawned and went back to her room to rest.

Recalling the sequence of events, ever since she entered the apartment, Ruan Jinghong didn't dare to set down the plastic bags on the sofa and take a moment to relax. With her shoes just changed, she carried the two heavy bags straight to the kitchen.

Naturally, Wen Jin followed behind her.

They arrived in the kitchen and took out the ingredients from the bags, placing them on the stove one by one.

The drinks could be put in the refrigerator for now, and as for the assortment of fruits, if they weren't in a hurry to eat, they could be taken to the living room. Having them all piled up in the kitchen would affect the chef's performance.

Wen Jin was about to carry the watermelon she had personally picked and head towards the living room when Ruan Jinghong hastily called her.

"Teacher Wen, how about... we just put the watermelon on the floor."

Put it on the floor? There will be a lot of moving around here, and placing a watermelon on the floor could easily trip someone.

Wen Jin didn't argue with Ruan Jinghong over such a small matter. After a moment of contemplation, she placed the watermelon next to the refrigerator farthest from the stove.

After arranging everything from the plastic bags, Wen Jin pinched her slightly sore arms from carrying the weight. "It's still early. How about we rest in the living room for a while and cook later?"

Upon hearing Ruan Jinghong's request for Wen Jin to go to the living room, she shook her head in a hurry. "It's not early anymore. It's almost lunchtime in half an hour. I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it alone. Teacher Wen, can you stay and help me?"

In theory, Ruan Jinghong, as the host, had mentally prepared herself to cook alone before entering the house.

However, the circumstances required otherwise.

Wen Jin, who typically had a light appetite, wasn't actually feeling hungry at the moment. But she thought to herself: Maybe the little thing woke up early and feels hungry now.

Being able to cooperate in the kitchen right after entering the house was quite a romantic thing, like a married couple who had been together for many years.

So, despite feeling a bit tired after just entering the house, Wen Jin immediately agreed to Ruan Jinghong's request.

When two women work together, the tasks become less tiring.

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Speaking of which, this was already the second time the two of them had collaborated in the kitchen. The first time was during the cooking competition segment of "Holiday Saturday"

Ruan Jinghong asked Wen Jin to stay, but she didn't want to burden her with too much work. She only asked her to wash the vegetables and heat up the pot.

As for more challenging tasks like de-veining shrimp and cutting meat, Ruan Jinghong took care of them herself.

After finishing the tasks assigned by Ruan Jinghong, Wen Jin didn't rush to leave.

She rinsed the oranges she had bought under water, peeled them, and separated a segment to reward the hardworking chef.

Wearing a pink apron, Ruan Jinghong put the chili peppers in the pan and stir-fried them with fluid movements, showing a hint of a chef's style.

When she saw Wen Jin offering something to her mouth, she didn't hesitate and opened her mouth to eat it.

Sour and a little sweet.

At this point, the chili peppers had released their flavors, and the spicy aroma filled the air, even with the ventilation fan running, it couldn't completely dissipate.

But Wen Jin felt that this fiery atmosphere was sweet.

Ruan Jinghong stirred the ingredients in the pan with a spatula for a while until a plate of spicy and fragrant stir-fried shrimp was ready.

"Teacher Wen, would you like to taste it?" Ruan Jinghong held her proud creation, with a hint of offering it as a treasure.

The stir-fried shrimp had a generous amount of chili peppers. Each shrimp had been carefully deveined, removing the head, tail, and vein. The shrimp shells were thin and could be chewed and swallowed directly.

Wen Jin didn't often eat spicy food, but she could handle it. She picked up one shrimp with her chopsticks and chewed it slowly, under Ruan Jinghong's expectant gaze.

It was spicy and delicious.

With tears in her eyes, Wen Jin gave Ruan Jinghong a thumbs-up of approval.

Delighted by the affirmation, Ruan Jinghong happily carried the dishes they had prepared and went to the living room with Wen Jin.

The small square dining table was placed across from the sofa. Since Ruan Jinghong was renting the house, she hadn't made any major changes to the layout.

For her, as someone living alone, the dining table was usually just for show, but now it served its purpose.

The two of them had worked together in the kitchen for over forty minutes and prepared two meat dishes and two vegetable dishes: stir-fried shrimp, boiled pork slices, sautéed vegetables, and stir-fried corn.

Time was limited, and many ingredients hadn't been used, but it was enough for their lunch.

Since entering the entertainment industry, Ruan Jinghong rarely had time to cook for herself, but now she had the opportunity thanks to Wen Jin.

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She tasted the homemade boiled pork slices.

The meat was tender, with a spicy and numbing flavor that left a lingering aftertaste.

I still have my culinary skills from the old days.

Ruan Jinghong thought narcissistically in her heart, raising her head to observe Wen Jin's reaction.

Wen Jin ate with great elegance, taking small bites and savoring each mouthful. She managed to bring out the essence of Sichuan cuisine, rich in the flavors of the martial world, with the refinement of a French gourmet meal.

However, the dish in the bowl was visibly diminishing at a rapid pace, indicating the diner's fondness for the food.

Ruan Jinghong didn't prepare a large portion, considering that both of them were female artists who needed to maintain their figures. Wasting food was shameful.

Moreover, Sichuan cuisine, as a culinary style, required an abundance of seasonings to be authentic and flavorful.

Now it seemed that she had underestimated the allure of her culinary skills on Wen Jin.

Wen Jin fed herself another half bowl of rice, and as she noticed the sparkling eyes of the little thing across the table, she realized that she had become somewhat overly indulgent in her eating.

Initially, she had intended to display a look of great enjoyment, giving the little thing who had worked hard for a while more confidence and a sense of accomplishment.

Unexpectedly, she had actually become genuinely engrossed in the act.

Strange, I wasn't really that hungry, so why can I eat so much?

Wen Jin glanced at the table and was surprised to see that her appetite was much larger than usual.

Ruan Jinghong, thinking that Wen Jin had stopped eating because she had eaten too much and felt embarrassed, quickly persuaded her.

"If you like it, Teacher Wen, please eat more. There are still plenty of ingredients in the kitchen that haven't been used. They are all here to treat you."

Seeing Ruan Jinghong's earnest expression, Wen Jin no longer played coy and picked up her porcelain bowl again.

"Let's eat together."

For the lunch of two meat dishes and two vegetarian dishes, both of them fully practiced the CD-ROM action*.

*clean plate action

Their stomachs proclaimed, "We're full," but their mouths continued to clamor, "I want more."

Because they had eaten so much, the colorful array of cocktails they had bought in advance was temporarily neglected.

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Wen Jin sat on the sofa, gently pressing her slightly bloated belly, murmuring to herself: This seems different from what I had planned before.

Fortunately, Ruan Jinghong didn't suggest that Wen Jin should immediately go home after treating her to this meal.

"Teacher Wen, if you're not in a hurry, you can sit on the sofa and watch TV for a while. I'll come over after I finish washing the dishes."

"I'm not in a hurry."

Ruan Jinghong settled Wen Jin and then started washing the dishes in the kitchen. She was very conscious of her role as the hostess and worked diligently like a busy little bee.

There weren't too many utensils for just the two of them, and there was only one sink in the kitchen.

As a guest, Wen Jin didn't insist on politeness and unnecessary competition in such matters.

She sat on the living room sofa and didn't rush to turn on the TV. Instead, she closed her eyes and immersed herself in the traces and atmosphere left by the little thing's life.

It was a unique breath of a young girl, delicate and shallow, mixed with the lingering scent of food, yet emitting a fatal attraction.

Wen Jin felt a bit overwhelmed, despite being in the same house, her mind was filled with uncontrollable fantasies and daydreams.

She placed her hand on the armrest of the sofa, hoping to calm her racing thoughts with the touch of an external object. However, she unintentionally came into contact with a soft and smooth fabric.

This feel is a little different from the material of the sofa, isn't it?

Meanwhile, Ruan Jinghong stood by the sink, washing the dishes while glancing at the abundantly stocked kitchen counter nearby. 

Teacher Wen seems to be able to stay a little longer today. With so many ingredients left, let’s make another meal tonight. What should I do...

Thinking about what to prepare for dinner, she mentally arranged and named various dishes. Once she settled on the dinner menu, she felt satisfied and mentally gave a thumbs up to herself.

Ruan Jinghong, you've done a great job today. Keep up the good work and make sure Teacher Wen feels at home! 

I wonder how she's enjoying the TV right now?

After drying the dishes, Ruan Jinghong walked towards the living room to check on Wen Jin.

However, just as she reached the kitchen doorway, a sudden realization struck her. She remembered something she had momentarily forgotten in the excitement of the meal.

Oh no!

Ruan Jinghong hurriedly rushed to the living room and caught sight of Wen Jin holding her pink bunny bra, her expression unclear.

Sensing Ruan Jinghong's presence, Wen Jin maintained her raised posture, and their eyes met. There was a smile on Wen Jin's face, a charm rarely seen in her usual demeanor.

"Little bunny, quite cute."

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