Chapter 72: Teacher Wen Can't Resist

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If embarrassment had a life, Ruan Jinghong felt like a groundhog at this moment, screaming and running frantically for 800 miles across the grassland.

However, she still needed to maintain a smile she deemed appropriate on her face. Stiffening her movements, she walked step by step towards Wen Jin, just like a guard undergoing inspection.

Perhaps comparing herself, lowers the bar for the guards, as when guards march, their steps are square, and they definitely wouldn't have the same hand and foot coordination.

Wen Jin looked at the little thing in front of her, taking steps with an air of self-importance. Despite being embarrassed to the point of blood rushing to her ears, her face remained solemn and tense like a statue, with a strangely curved smile at the corner of her mouth.

Wen Jin had originally intended to tease the little thing in front of her, but seeing how thin-skinned she was, she didn't want to push it too far.

So she kindly just unfolded the bra, allowing the little bunny pattern on top to fully reveal itself as the cups filled up.

Finally, the elegant face regained its composure, and the item was returned to its rightful owner.

Ruan Jinghong received the pure white bra that had once been intimately close to her, and it felt scorching hot in her hands.

The little bunny on it, which had accompanied her day and night, seemed to be bouncing and ready to jump out of the fabric, mocking her carelessness and stupidity.

Wen Jin saw Ruan Jinghong almost combust with embarrassment and tried to console her with a few kind words.

"I didn't expect you to have such a childlike side, liking these cute things. No wonder you're so adorable."

Wen Jin deliberately acted as if she didn't care, engaging in casual chat like it was a normal conversation between girls.

But even so, a string in Ruan Jinghong's mind had snapped.

It was her long-admired Teacher Wen, who had always been like a bright moon in the sky. And now she had witnessed her own foolishness in front of her.

If it were Shen Yun, Lele, Qiao Xin, or any other familiar woman in front of her, she wouldn't have felt so embarrassed.

The fabric in Ruan Jinghong's hand was soft, smooth, and comfortable, but now it felt like a hot potato, mocking her inadequacy.

Her mind was pulled in various directions, momentarily forgetting the courtesy she always cared about. She silently walked towards her room, still moving with the same hands and feet.

Ruan Jinghong's movements were mechanical, but her inner turmoil was intense, as feelings of frustration spread like flowing water.

Wu, I wanted to make a good impression today, but I ended up in such a huge blunder. 

By now, my image in Teacher Wen's eyes must be utterly ruined. Will she no longer want to have anything to do with me?

Wen Jin saw Ruan Jinghong moving towards her bedroom like a wind-up robot and couldn't stop her. But just as Ruan Jinghong was about to come into close contact with the wall, Wen Jin couldn't help but speak up.

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"Be careful!"

However, it was still too late by a second, and Ruan Jinghong's forehead immediately swelled into a big bump.

When someone is unlucky, even drinking water can get stuck in their teeth.

Ruan Jinghong rubbed the bump on her forehead with one hand, tears welling up from the pain.

Wen Jin quickly approached, supporting her and helping her sit on the nearest bed.

"Do you have any medicinal wine at home?" Wen Jin held Ruan Jinghong's hand, which was attempting to continue rubbing her forehead, and stopped her actions.

"Yes." Ruan Jinghong stood up to fetch it, but Wen Jin gently pressed her back onto the bed, leaving her no choice but to point towards the cabinet where the medicinal wine was kept.

Following Ruan Jinghong's instructions, Wen Jin found the medicine box in the cabinet, containing the medicinal wine and some gauze.

When she returned to the bedside, the culprit of the embarrassing incident, the bra, had vanished without a trace, presumably hidden by Ruan Jinghong in the bedding.

This little thing, even in such a state, still cares about saving face.

Wen Jin shook her head with amusement and didn't expose Ruan Jinghong's little gesture.

She stood in front of Ruan Jinghong, dipped a cotton swab in alcohol, and gently leaned down to disinfect the swelling on her forehead.

The cold and stimulating feeling made Ruan Jinghong involuntarily let out a "hiss", which turned into an intermittent moan. It wasn't that she wanted to be coquettish, it was just an instinctive physiological reaction.

Wen Jin had already known that this little thing in front of her, who often pretended to be strong, was actually quite delicate. So her actions became even more gentle and compassionate.




This translation is originally posted on

She believed her application of the medicine was extremely gentle, but the whimpering sounds from the little one's mouth didn't cease; instead, they became more alluringly delicate.

Those tender and melodious sounds seemed to possess some sort of enchantment, and even someone as composed as Wen Jin found it difficult to resist.

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Especially when the owner of the voice still had tears in her eyes, looking extremely pitiful.

Wen Jin really wanted to speak up and say: Stop whimpering. If someone who doesn't know hears you, they might think I've done something to you. Although I really want to, I haven't done anything to you.

But she couldn't, because if she did, this thin-skinned little one would probably bury her head in the bedding and suffocate herself to death.

With strong self-control, Wen Jin finally managed to disinfect the swollen bump on the forehead. Seeing that the bump was still very red, she couldn't help but lower her head and gently blew on that swollen area.

"Feeling better?" 

Ruan Jinghong looked up at Wen Jin's perfect face, which was so close, but she didn't say a word. Her moist eyes blinked, and her long and dense eyelashes seemed like butterfly wings touched by dewdrops.

Upon seeing this scene, Wen Jin's heart skipped a beat, but she didn't show any signs of being out of the ordinary.

Judging by her appearance, the pain should have subsided a bit.

Wen Jin took out a piece of gauze and carefully covered the swollen area on the forehead, then secured it with adhesive tape.

Now, on her originally beautiful and alluring face, there was an area about half the size of a palm that appeared white, adding a touch of whimsy.

Wen Jin didn't laugh out loud, but gently patted Ruan Jinghong's smooth little face. "Okay, it's better now. Be careful not to let the wound touch water," she said, while tidying up the medicine box.

Seeing that Wen Jin treated her as usual, seemingly not holding any grudges for her earlier clumsiness, Ruan Jinghong felt relieved.

With the embarrassing culprit, the bra, quietly hidden away, Ruan Jinghong felt a mix of frustration and regained confidence.

After placing the medicine box back in the cabinet, Wen Jin turned around and saw the little one still sitting obediently on the bed, looking somewhat dazed.

Could it be a concussion?

Wen Jin approached and raised her hand, asking, "How many fingers am I holding up?"


The hand turned into a pair of scissors. "And what about this?"


The scissors transformed into a fist. "How about this?"


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Ruan Jinghong recognized three consecutive numbers before she snapped back to reality: "Teacher Wen, I didn't lose my mind. I'm just sitting here recovering."

"Mm, you didn't lose your mind. Ruanruan is smart," Wen Jin said with a pleasant expression.

Seeing Wen Jin so happy, Ruan Jinghong realized that she genuinely cared about her. The shadow from the bra mishap finally dissipated completely.

Ruan Jinghong raised her beautiful little face and politely said, a bit belatedly, "Thank you for your hard work just now, Teacher Wen. There's still some time before dinner. Would you like to watch TV?"

Wen Jin glanced at her phone and indeed, it was still early. She had given herself a whole day off today, but there were still some matters she needed to attend to.

"Let's watch TV later. Can I borrow your laptop? I need to reply to some emails." 

No problem," Ruan Jinghong replied, and she opened the computer, entered the login password, and handed it over to Wen Jin.

Wen Jin looked at the cat wallpaper on the screen, finding the desktop clean and tidy, with only the default system icons and chat tools.

She didn't pry into the owner's privacy and went straight to the email application. After a week of absence from the company, there were many emails that required her attention. Choosing a new IP for production, contract renewal for the company's top artists, profit-sharing agreements with theaters... 

Each matter needed her personal review, and none of them were hassle-free.

Ruan Jinghong sat by the bedside, quietly observing Wen Jin's focused profile. 

They say that a serious woman is the most enchanting, and it seemed to hold true.

Teacher Wen, sitting in front of the laptop to work was different from what I usually see.

At this moment, she appears composed, intelligent, and completely focused, as if everything was under her control.

She remembered seeing some dance videos on B site, where the barrage comments praised them with "Good A*" At that time, she didn't understand what it meant for a woman to be associated with "Good A."

*very awesome 

But now, it suddenly made sense to her. Teacher Wen's serious and dedicated work style was indeed "Good A"!

If the voice of a person's heart can be directly turned into a barrage, then the air must be full of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Ruan Jinghong screamed in her heart, then came back to her senses and slapped herself lightly.

Get serious, Ruan Jinghong. While Teacher Wen is working diligently, you're daydreaming here and being obsessed. You degenerate!

So she took out her mobile phone, preparing to find something to distract her attention.

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Tomorrow she would have to report to the company, as a part-time worker she didn't have the same consciousness as Wen Jin, who was a boss, and didn't forget about work even during rest time.

At this moment, she just wanted to lie on the bed comfortably and browse Weibo.

However, considering that there was another person in the room, she couldn't lie down too comfortably, so she obediently sat on the edge of the bed and started playing with her phone.

She had just appeared in two episodes of a variety show, attracting a lot of fans with her good looks and adorable personality. The negative trending topics about her had also been effectively reversed, and at this time, the online evaluations of her were generally friendly.

She logged into her Weibo account and saw that her number of followers had increased from a five-digit number to a seven-digit number, with many new fans commenting and checking in on her recent Weibo post.

Although it was only just over a seven-digit number of followers, for Ruan Jinghong, who had been in the industry for a year and a half, it was an unprecedented momentum.

She remembered that she hadn't posted on Weibo for more than ten days, so she took a selfie with her mobile phone pointed at her face, with the caption: I'm back in China, it's better to stay at home.

Although the photography skills are mediocre, the beauty lies in its appearance.

Ruan Jinghong's Weibo account is mostly managed by herself.

The small company she worked in never thought of paying someone to run it for the artists. It would be unrealistic to point everything at Shen Yun as a manager.

Fortunately, Ruan Jinghong is enough to make people worry-free. Although she is tepid, her behavior is never out of line.

She regularly posted some selfies and shared moments from her life, providing fans with some perks, which didn't give anyone a chance to criticize.

Once this Weibo post was made, a group of fans quickly flooded the comments section, expressing their love and saying some flirtatious remarks.

[My daughter finally posted a selfie, it's so cute, let mom mua it]

[Is the gauze on little daughter's forehead a new imitation makeup? So cool!]

[Baby, you've worked hard, you've been hungry and mellow for a week after going abroad]

[The one who said hungry and mellow, there's nothing wrong with it, my daughter is the cutest no matter what]

Ruan Jinghong looked at the messages, expressing her liking sincerely and boldly. Most of them were new faces that she saw for the first time, but they still made her feel warm in her heart.

The hard work and helplessness in the entertainment industry is sometimes unspeakable. Whenever she is depressed, she just looks at the encouragement from the little angels and feels full of energy again.

Perhaps their liking is only short-lived, or they will like many others in the future, thus forgetting her.

But no matter what, at this moments their love is sincere and worth cherishing.

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