Chapter 77: How Did The Little Kitten End Up Crying Like A Little Bunny?

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The two finished their dinner with their own concerns. Ruan Jinghong got up habitually and said, "I'm going to wash the dishes."

Turning around, she saw Wen Jin sitting on the side of the sofa, looking at her with a half-smile.

Ruan Jinghong, who was belatedly aware of it, really wanted to smack herself on the head.

What dishes should I wash for takeaway dinner?

While Ruan Jinghong was standing in embarrassment, Wen Jin had already started to put the empty food box into a takeaway bag, and went out with the bag and threw it into the trash can in the corridor.

When she returned to the room, Ruan Jinghong was still standing on the same spot, not sure whether to sit down or remain frozen in her current state.

Knowing that she had something on her mind, Wen Jin didn't make a sound to disturb her, but went to the tea table to pick up a bottle of cocktail, unscrewed the cap and drank it as an after-dinner drink.

Soon a bottle of cocktails was exhausted, Wen Jin took out her mobile phone and retreated.

"It's getting late, I'll ask Xiao Yuan to pick me up."

Ruan Jinghong's gaze followed Wen Jin's dialing finger. She opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

Wen Jin dialed Xiao Yuan's number in front of Ruan Jinghong and deliberately put the call on speaker to let her hear the conversation clearly.

As soon as the call connected, a weak coughing sound came from the speaker.

"Cough... Boss... What can I do for you... Cough, cough!"

Wen Jin didn't directly state her purpose but expressed concern for Xiao Yuan's condition. "Did you catch a cold?"

"Cough... I didn't pay attention and caught a chill last night, cough, cough... It's not a big deal. Are you done with your work? Do you want me to come and drive? Cough, cough, cough!"

"It's nothing. Since you're coughing like that, take a day off and rest well." Wen Jin comforted Xiao Yuan briefly and decisively ended the call.

Listening to the busy tone coming from the phone, Xiao Yuan felt a bit unsatisfied: It's over already? I've only used 10% of my acting skills.

Xiao Yuan, who had just returned to work, found it a bit unfair that her main task the next day was just to answer a phone call. She felt a bit guilty about receiving her salary.

Wen Jin put away her phone and sighed with some regret. "I didn't expect Xiao Yuan to suddenly catch a cold. Well, I'll just drive back by myself."

"But..." Ruan Jinghong, who had been listening to the entire phone conversation, couldn't help but speak up. "Teacher Wen, you just had a drink. It's against the rules to drink and drive, and it's not safe."

"You're right." Wen Jin nodded in agreement. "As public figures, we should adhere to laws and regulations and set a good example. This is indeed troublesome."

"Then... " Ruan Jinghong bit her lip, mustering up the courage to express what was on her mind.

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"If Teacher Wen doesn't mind, you can rest here for the night before leaving. By tomorrow morning, the alcohol will have dissipated, so driving won't be a problem."

Wen Jin walked to Ruan Jinghong's side and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"So you are inviting me to spend the night at your house?"

Ruan Jinghong almost bit her tongue when she heard the words: Why does this sound a bit weird?

But it didn't seem to change the meaning.




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She looked up at Wen Jin. The other party didn't say yes or no. Her beautiful eyes stared straight into her own like waves.

Ruan Jinghong became nervous again. In fact, she always remembered that she still owed Wen Jin an answer at the moment.

She lowered her head and hesitated for a moment, and when she looked up again, her eyes were a little clearer.

"Teacher Wen, I have thought about what you said to me before dinner.

"I am very happy to be liked by Teacher Wen, but also terrified."

"I also like Teacher Wen very much, but... just treat me as hypocritical. I'm not ready to fall in love yet. I'm sorry."

After Ruan Jinghong said these few words, she watched Wen Jin's expression anxiously.

But Wen Jin has always managed her expressions well. Even if her confession was rejected, she could not see any strange emotions on her face.

Wen Jin sat Ruan Jinghong on the sofa, her tone was as gentle as ever, "Just sit here for a while."

After saying that, Wen Jin walked straight to the entrance, opened the door, and left.

Ruan Jinghong watched Wen Jin's figure disappear behind the door, feeling a strong sense of loss and grievance welling up inside her.

Teacher Wen, who is so outstanding, perhaps it was the first time she took the initiative to confess to someone, and I rejected her. I really don't know what's good for me.

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She must be unhappy and doesn't want to see me anymore.

Although it was a result caused by herself, she still felt so uncomfortable in her heart.

Even before it began, she was already feeling this miserable.

Ruan Jinghong sat on the couch, hanging her head, tears falling like broken pearls. Before long, there was a puddle of water stains on her pajama pants.

She was still grieving when, at some point, the front door was opened again, and Wen Jin walked into the room carrying a sealed bag.

"I just borrowed the spare key hanging in the entrance, hope you don't mind."

Ruan Jinghong looked up, her delicate face marked with tear stains. She looked at the returning figure, a bit dazed. "No... I don't mind."

Seeing this, Wen Jin quickly sat on the couch, taking out tissue to wipe away the tears on the crying kitten's cheeks, her heart aching as she did so.

"I've only been gone for a short while, and the little kitten has turned into a little bunny crying like this, with such red eyes, hm?"

Wen Jin's tender fingertips glided across Ruan Jinghong's cheeks through the tissue, and the real touch made Ruan Jinghong feel the warmth of the person beside her.

She sniffed and had a tearful smile on her face. "I, I thought..."

"You thought that I was rejected, got angry, and didn't want to see you, so I went for a drink and drive?"

Ruan Jinghong looked at Wen Jin with tear-filled eyes, appearing innocent and aggrieved.

"Little fool." Wen Jin gently pinched Ruan Jinghong's smooth cheek.

Clearly, she was the one who had been rejected, but Ruan Jinghong was the one crying so pitifully.

At first, Wen Jin thought that if she were to be rejected, she might lose control and resort to some drastic measures.

But the reality proved that when faced with the person she held dear, she would always soften without conditions.

She did feel upset in that moment of rejection, which was why she decided to go out alone and calm herself down.

However, she had no intention of leaving it at that, which was why she took the spare key hanging at the entrance.

In her mind, she analyzed every word Ruan Jinghong had said just now. Although it was a rejection, there was an obvious attachment and reluctance in her tone.

Especially, the phrase "I also like Teacher Wen very much" gave her endless confidence.

Wen Jin stared at Ruan Jinghong's tear-stained face, determination hidden beneath her gentle demeanor.

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Since the little thing now likes me, she can only like me.

If she still has concerns in her heart, then it's up to me to break down those concerns.

Ruan Jinghong finally managed to stop crying and cautiously asked, "So, Teacher Wen just now?"

She felt an inexplicable sense of guilt and unease towards Wen Jin, speaking softly, afraid to raise her voice.

Wen Jin naturally embraced her in her arms and lifted the sealed bag in her hand for her to see.

"Just now, I went to the car to get some spare clothes for an overnight stay here. I can't possibly not change clothes, right? If I borrow your clothes, I might not be able to fit into them."

As Wen Jin said, she pointedly glanced at the little bunnies covered by the pajamas.

Ruan Jinghong noticed Wen Jin's gaze and recalled Wen Jin's admission to her previous drunken actions. Instantly, her face blushed, resembling a modest young lady being flirted with by a dandy.

The feelings of guilt and sadness just now were instantly washed away.

Is it an illusion? Why do I suddenly feel that Teacher Wen is a little different now, a little... bad?

Ruan Jinghong became shy, but when she figured out what Wen Jin meant, she suddenly became happy again.

"So, is Teacher Wen willing to stay tonight?"

"Of course, I have to stay. Otherwise, what would happen to a certain little silly cat, crying all alone in the room?"

Relying on the fact that the little thing doesn't reject her now, Wen Jin's behavior became more and more unscrupulous.

She embraced Ruan Jinghong and played with each of her fingers.

Her face was beautiful, and even her hands were so pleasing to look at.

Seeing the little one in her arms obediently allowing herself to be teased, Wen Jin's heart softened. She discarded her teasing demeanor from before and transformed back into the gentle and refined Teacher Wen.

She hooked her hand under Ruan Jinghong's chin, lifting her habitually lowered face to meet her gaze.

"I understand Ruanruan's intentions. You said earlier that you are 'not ready for love', so let's not talk about it and get along slowly.

"Didn't we get along pretty well when we recorded the variety show together before?"

"Now that we've talked about it, I'm going to pursue Ruanruan too.

"Maybe sometimes there will be some intimate behavior, if Ruanruan doesn't like it, you can always speak up."

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"I haven't forgotten that you said you liked me just now, so whether or not we're officially in a relationship, you can't like someone else. Otherwise, it would be half-hearted. Do you understand?"

Ruan Jinghong, with her chin held, was forced to gaze at Wen Jin's beautiful thin lips as she finished speaking, causing her mind to momentarily struggle to keep up.

It wasn't until Wen Jin closed her mouth and stared at her for a while that Ruan Jinghong realized the last sentence was a question.

"Under...stood." Ruan Jinghong wanted to nod absentmindedly but found her chin being held, making it impossible to do so.

Very well, Wen Jin, satisfied with the successful negotiation, expressed her contentment.

She rubbed her thumb against Ruan Jinghong's smooth chin for a moment before finally letting go and taking her change of clothes as she walked towards the bathroom.

It's just a matter of status, something I will eventually have.

After finishing her shower, Wen Jin entered the bedroom and saw Ruan Jinghong already blow-drying her hair, sitting by the bedside. The bedding had been replaced with new ones at some point.

The little thing at the bedside had curled up into a small ball, leaving enough space on the bed to form a "大" (da) shape.

Wen Jin walked up to Ruan Jinghong, casually playing with her own dark long hair, her eyes filled with affectionate tenderness, causing Ruan Jinghong's heart to beat uncontrollably like a little deer.

"My hair is a bit damp. I can't sleep like this. Ruanruan, can you blow-dry it for me?"

"Okay... sure." Ruan Jinghong obediently went to get the hairdryer, not even considering why a big living being with hands and feet couldn't do it herself.

Wen Jin sat next to Ruan Jinghong, letting her fiddle with her silky black hair. At one point, she intentionally pulled down the neckline of her pajamas, claiming it was too hot.

Ruan Jinghong was already captivated by Wen Jin's presence.

Now, accidentally catching sight of a large expanse of dazzling whiteness, she trembled and could only focus her gaze on the cowlick on Wen Jin's head, no longer daring to look around.

Don't look at evil, don't look at evil.

Wen Jin felt the change in the hot air above her head, and she sensed a momentary fluctuation from the person behind her, but now everything returned to calm and stillness.

What a piece of wood!

Clearly, Ruan Jinghong was right there, exuding warmth and tenderness. However, hindered by the invisible boundary between them, she couldn't boldly take advantage of the situation.

At this moment, she realized: Sometimes, lacking a formal status could be quite inconvenient.

Author's Note:

Successful negotiator Teacher Wen: It's just a matter of status. I will have it sooner or later.

Failed seducer Teacher Wen: Sometimes it's inconvenient to lack a status.

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