Chapter 78: Teacher Wen Is So Scary, Like A Fairy Who Eats People

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Ruan Jinghong held the hairdryer in her hand, keeping her eyes on the nose and her nose on the heart*. After much effort, she successfully dried and smoothed Wen Jin's ink-like flowing hair.

*眼观鼻鼻观心 (yǎn guān bí bí guān xīn)  1. The appearance of bowing one's head due to shyness, shame, etc. 2. It means to concentrate, not to be distracted. It implies the practice of maintaining composure, self-control, and inner awareness.

She turned off the hairdryer and had the look of a well-behaved little kitten, with a hint of seeking praise.

However, Wen Jin's mind was not focused on how her hair turned out, but that didn't stop her from feeling an itch in her heart whenever she saw the little kitten, wanting to stroke that furry little head.

And indeed, she did just that. She reached out and gently stroked the soft hair on the top of Ruan Jinghong's head, rubbing it for a while. In the end, she couldn't resist and pinched the small and round earlobe that resembled a pearl, as if she hadn't had enough.

Ruan Jinghong enjoyed the tender affection that Wen Jin showed her. Although she sometimes felt shy, most of the time, it made her feel cherished and loved.

Wen Jin looked at the young girl in front of her, with her obedient and gentle appearance, and saw her own reflection shining brightly in her eyes, like stars. She couldn't help but want to embrace her and shower her with love.

But it wasn't possible yet. She was still someone without a proper status.

Wen Jin thought of this, feeling a hint of grievance welling up in her heart. She withdrew her hand and spoke with a somewhat cold tone, "It's late, let's sleep."

With that, she tucked herself into the covers.

Ruan Jinghong: ?

Just a moment ago, Teacher Wen was full of tenderness. How did she suddenly change her face like that?

Ruan Jinghong looked at Wen Jin lying on the bed, facing away from her, and inexplicably turned off the bedside lamp, carrying her doubts as she lay down. 

Before, she had been drunk and crying. Although she took a nap in between, the quality of her sleep wasn't very good. 

Once she nestled into the warm blankets, drowsiness quickly enveloped her. 

The night was as dark as ink, and the cold moon hung high. 

On the same small single bed, one person was engaged in a devoted rendezvous with Duke Zhou, while the other quietly recited a calming mantra in her heart. 

Wen Jin had just challenged herself in her mind, intentionally turning away and ignoring the other without a word. 

But this momentary resistance came and went quickly. Before three minutes had passed, she couldn't help but want to catch a glimpse of the little thing's face behind her. 

However, abruptly turning away and then suddenly turning back would seem very strange. 

So she silently counted a few seconds in her mind, secretly hoping that the neglected little thing would take the initiative to strike up a conversation. 

The result...she was met with even breathing from behind. 

Wen Jin no longer pretended, she turned her body and used the moonlight to gaze upon the serene sleeping face before her. 

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The girl seemed to have been blessed by Nüwa from birth, crafted with exceptional care. 

Her features were exquisitely refined, as if she had been meticulously painted, devoid of any sense of distance. Instead, she appeared incredibly cute because of some silly little movements.

Not knowing if the person in deep sleep was dreaming of something delicious, her little mouth smacked a few times.

Wen Jin watched with wide eyes as those two enticing pink lips opened and closed, unable to resist extending two fingers to pinch the lips together.

"You heartless little thing, you sleep so sweetly."

Perhaps because she felt very at ease and secure in her own home, Ruan Jinghong slept soundly. Even when her lips were pinched, there was no sign of waking up.

In her drowsiness, she felt something brushing against her face, causing a slight itch, so she raised her hand and swatted it away.

Wen Jin, who had one hand still holding the person's lips: ...

Is she really asleep or not?

Wen Jin's other hand maintained its grip on the person's lips, those thin and tender pink lips looking moist and delicate, seemingly very tasty.




This translation is originally posted on

Apart from the scenes in the murder mystery game where they had to act in close proximity, she had never been so close to this place she longs for.

Even though the little thing had been drunk and unaware earlier, there were clearly many opportunities when it would have been easy to obtain what she desired, yet she inexplicably felt some hesitation.

The more one yearns and desires, the more one should savor it at the most appropriate time.

Wen Jin's inner turmoil between restraint and recklessness reached its limit. Finally, she fiercely rubbed the center of those lips with her thumb and took a deep breath before settling back down.

The night breeze was cool, but a fire burned in some people's hearts.

Wen Jin originally thought it would be a sleepless night, but to her surprise, the steady breathing sound had a magical effect on helping her fall asleep.

She leaned closer to the source of the sound, embracing it in her arms, and finally entered the realm of dreams.

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Ruan Jinghong woke up in Wen Jin's embrace, setting aside the dream where a big dog kept nudging her and even reached out its paw to touch her mouth. She had slept relatively soundly that night.

The two of them had shared a bed before, but it felt somewhat different this time.

Perhaps due to having enough sleep, Ruan Jinghong rarely woke up on her own without relying on an alarm clock. She reached out and grabbed her phone to check the time. It was 6:45, still early.

Beside her was a warm and soft sensation. Ruan Jinghong tilted her face, and the breathtaking beauty of Wen Jin's face came into view.

When Teacher Wen is asleep, her aura is less aloof and more soft and fragile.

Ruan Jinghong gently lifted Wen Jin's hand and placed it on top of her own head, mimicking the way Wen Jin would often rub her head.

Her Teacher Wen, the one she liked and admired the most, was lying right next to her, and just yesterday, she confessed her feelings.

It all felt like a dream. Ruan Jinghong had never imagined that she would dare to have such bold dreams.

Would this dream end once she agreed to be with her?

There have been similar situations in the past where tantalizingly delicious food or precious treasures in dreams would suddenly vanish when they were within reach.

If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up at all.

In fact, Wen Jin woke up earlier than Ruan Jinghong, but seeing that it was still early, she decided to pretend to be asleep while hugging Ruan Jinghong.

Unexpectedly, this act of pretending led to a pleasant surprise. Ruan Jinghong, rarely taking the initiative to be affectionate, was showing intimacy. Such treatment had never happened when both of them were awake.

The soft and fluffy feeling in her palm was incredibly comfortable, but...

It's been three minutes, why is she still just rubbing her head against my palm?

Could you be a bit bolder in your actions so that I have a reason to "claim it back"?

Wen Jin quietly waited for a while longer, but seeing that the little one in her arms showed no intention of going further, she could only pretend to wake up slowly, gradually opening her eyes.

Upon seeing Wen Jin's eyes open, Ruan Jinghong, feeling somewhat guilty, stopped rubbing her palm and closed her eyes, pretending to be fast asleep.

However, Wen Jin intentionally didn't let her off easily.

She let go of the hand that was pulled to the top of Ruan Jinghong's head and slid it down along her cheek, gently pinching the softest part of her flesh.

"You were quite bold just now. Are you trying to back out now that you're feeling soft?"

Caught red-handed, Ruan Jinghong opened her eyes pitifully, "I didn't..."

Some people have naturally attractive eyes.

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Wen Jin looked at those beautiful, cat-like eyes that were seemingly teary, although no tears were present.

This is terrible!

She had intended to tease the innocent girl, but she found herself unable to resist first.

Wen Jin withdrew her hand from the charming little face and pretended as if nothing had happened.

"It's time to get up. Do you have an extra toothbrush here?" she asked, abruptly changing the topic.

"Yes, I do." Although the topic seemed to have taken a leap, Ruan Jinghong obediently nodded and went to fetch a new toothbrush for Wen Jin.

She didn't understand why her beloved teacher, Wen Jin, had been so unpredictable lately. Was this the power of being a master of acting?

Ruan Jinghong rinsed the new toothbrush with water and considerately squeezed toothpaste on it. She filled a cup with water and handed them both to Wen Jin, who had arrived at the bathroom door.

Wen Jin took the oral care items from her and, with the excuse of saving time, invited Ruan Jinghong to brush their teeth together.

It wasn't a big deal, after all.

Ruan Jinghong took out her own toothbrush and stood beside Wen Jin.

There was a half-height mirror in front of the bathroom sink, reflecting their almost synchronized movements and postures.

In the early morning, the two of them squeezed into the same bathroom, brushing their teeth together. It seemed like a scene that would only occur between family members who had been living together for a long time.

They almost simultaneously spit out the mouthwash and rinsed their toothbrushes clean.

Wen Jin placed her toothbrush back in the cup beside her and looked at Ruan Jinghong, who had just wiped off the foam from her mouth with a towel. She spoke up and asked, her intentions unclear.

"Do you have any plans for today?"

Ruan Jinghong didn't know what Wen Jin was getting at, but she obediently answered.

"I'm going to the company later. Sister Yun said there are some scripts for me to take a look at."

After listening, Wen Jin's expression remained unchanged. After a moment, she spoke again. 

"That's good. I also have some things to take care of at the company in the morning, but it's still early. Let's have breakfast together later, and I'll drive you there."

Ruan Jinghong didn't dare to let the busy person with countless tasks be her driver, and instinctively refused.

 "No... There's no need to trouble you. I can take the subway by myself."

"The subway?" Wen Jin's gaze fell on Ruan Jinghong's face, her expression unreadable.

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Ruan Jinghong felt inexplicably guilty under her gaze. It then occurred to her that she had recently appeared on a variety show, and her popularity had changed. She was no longer the unnoticed, insignificant figure from before. If she rashly took the subway now, it might cause unnecessary commotion.

"In that case... I'll take a taxi." 

"A taxi?" Wen Jin looked at her, with a smile that seemed to hold deeper meaning.

Ruan Jinghong was puzzled. Taking a taxi should be safe and efficient, right?

"Ruanruan, did you forget what I said to you last night? Or should I help you remember?" Wen Jin advanced towards Ruan Jinghong, step by step.

The bathroom was already cramped, and Ruan Jinghong hadn't taken a few steps back before her back pressed against the cold tiles on the wall.

Wen Jin placed one hand against the wall, imprisoning the little thing within the small space she had marked out, not allowing her to escape.

Her other hand, however, considerately rested on Ruan Jinghong's back, shielding her from the chill of the tiles.

Ruan Jinghong felt the palm-sized warmth, and it quickly turned into a burning sensation.

The distance between them was too close, and the scent emanating from Wen Jin was too strong. She felt her legs go weak.

Wen Jin looked at Ruan Jinghong's embarrassment and deliberately brought her face close to her neck.

"We agreed that I'm pursuing Ruanruan now."

Wen Jin breathed against Ruan Jinghong's delicate neck, successfully causing a slight shiver on her tender skin.

"And we also agreed that we would have some intimate interactions occasionally.

Wen Jin retracted the hand that was supporting the wall and instead held Ruan Jinghong's chin, tilting her head slightly to place a kiss on the corner of her mouth. "Just like this," she said.

Ruan Jinghong blinked her long and dense eyelashes several times. It was early in the morning, and she felt dizzy and weak, just having gotten out of bed.

Teacher Wen's breath smells like mint.

Seeing the little thing's incredibly obedient appearance at this moment, Wen Jin's smile finally regained its brightness.

"So, now, Ruanruan, are you still willing to let me take you to the company?"

Ruan Jinghong was being touched by Wen Jin's hands from front to back, and her gaze was captivated by Wen Jin's smile. The corner of her mouth still carried Wen Jin's lingering breath.

"I... I'm willing." She dared not say otherwise now.

Teacher Wen is so scary, like a fairy who eats people.

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