Chapter 79: Is There A Possibility That The One Who Drives The Porsche Is The Queen Wen Herself?

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Ruan Jinghong finished washing up and was ready to make breakfast.

Normally, she would have a simple breakfast, and when she had more time, she would personally make a cup of soy milk. If she was running late, she would ask Lele to bring something on the way.

But now there was another person in the house, and she couldn't neglect her.

Ruan Jinghong wanted to showcase her cooking skills. Luckily, she had been to the supermarket yesterday, so she had sufficient ingredients on hand.

She asked about Wen Jin's preferences, but Wen Jin always had an easy-going attitude towards food, so she decided to handle it herself.

Considering the figure management of a female celebrity, she made walnut and peanut soy milk for the drink, and then prepared two servings of fruit salad with the various fruits she had bought yesterday.

When Ruan Jinghong brought the breakfast to the table, Wen Jin had already changed into formal attire and was sitting at the table. The clothes were taken from the car last night.

At the moment, Wen Jin was holding a phone and sending messages, with a serious expression, seeming to be busy with something.

Ruan Jinghong didn't want to disturb Wen Jin's work, so she arranged the food and obediently sat aside.

Wen Jin noticed Ruan Jinghong's presence and quickly put away her phone. Looking at the simple food on the table, her expression changed instantly to a spring breeze.

"Did you make all of these yourself, Ruanruan? You're really amazing!"

Ruan Jinghong blushed at the praise.

It's just soy milk and some cut fruits. Teacher Wen is exaggerating.

Ruan Jinghong watched as Wen Jin picked up a cherry tomato and ate it with a satisfied expression.

It's been a long time since I made salad, but it seems to have turned out well.

When Wen Jin eats, she usually doesn't talk, and Ruan Jinghong doesn't usually disturb her.



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But seeing her tense expression just now, it still makes her a little worried.

Ruan Jinghong glanced at Wen Jin several times before cautiously asking.

"Teacher Wen, do you have something important to deal with today? If..."

"It's nothing serious," Wen Jin interrupted Ruan Jinghong's unfinished sentence, put the fork into the bowl, and smiled gently.

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"We still have time to send you to the company."

In fact, what Wen Jin said was true. It was just a report from a subordinate about a dissatisfaction from one of the frontline artists regarding their treatment and a request for contract termination.

It was a bit troublesome, but not a very big issue.

Ruan Jinghong felt relieved temporarily when she heard Wen Jin's confident words.

However, she also noticed that Wen Jin was indeed unhappy just now, so she behaved unusually well at the moment, trying to cheer her up.

She used a fork to separate the salad in front of her and picked up a piece of apple soaked in yogurt.

"Teacher Wen, you personally selected the yogurt used in this salad yesterday. I heard that the cows supplying the milk are naturally raised in open pastures. Each cow is very healthy and lively, and they can even climb trees. Can you feel it when you eat it?"

Wen Jin: Pfft.

Eating a salad and being able to taste whether the cows can climb trees or not?

However, seeing the serious look on the little thing across from her, she had to take this question seriously as well.

So she also picked up a piece of watermelon soaked in yogurt with her fork and chewed it.

"Well, the taste is more delicious than the salads I usually eat, maybe those cows really can climb trees."

One dares to ask, and the other dares to answer.

The two finished breakfast, and an hour had passed since they woke up.

Ruan Jinghong went back to her room and changed into casual clothes, then she took two masks and went to the living room.

Wen Jin took one of the masks from her hand and smiled, "You're being cautious now."

Ruan Jinghong used to be carefree, living in the same residential area as the typical office workers with a 9-to-5 schedule, so there wouldn't be any inconvenience.

However, ever since she went abroad to record a variety show and returned, in just two days, she had been recognized by several people in the same complex.

Luckily, the middle-aged people and children who recognized her were not star-chasers, and their attitudes were friendly, so it didn't cause any trouble. 

However, things were different now, and it wasn't appropriate to continue attracting attention like this.

Moving to a new place in the short term was definitely not realistic, so she bought several black cloth masks at the supermarket, trying to be more discreet.

Ruan Jinghong remained silent, but Wen Jin understood what she was thinking.

Speaking of which, yesterday they were lucky to not encounter anyone when they took the elevator from the garage to this floor.

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Despite appearing absent-minded on most days, Ruan Jinghong was cautious when it mattered.

Wen Jin didn't mind being recognized herself; at most, she would sign a few autographs.

But Ruan Jinghong lived alone here most of the time, so it was better to avoid unnecessary trouble. 

With masks on, they left the house. On Saturday, not many people were willing to get up early, so they had a smooth ride in the elevator and on the road.

Wen Jin drove and dropped Ruan Jinghong off at the company, and it was just after 8:30 am.

Ruan Jinghong thanked Wen Jin and was about to get out of the car when she was called back.

Wen Jin leaned over to unfasten Ruan Jinghong's seatbelt, brushed away the stray strands of hair that fell on her forehead, and planted a kiss on her smooth and full forehead.

"Goodbye kiss. Work hard."

"Wen... Teacher Wen, goodbye."

Ruan Jinghong almost stumbled over her words as she hurriedly fled.

When Ruan Jinghong got off the car, she walked hastily and accidentally collided with a young woman near the company entrance.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Ruan Jinghong apologized quickly, looking up and realizing that it was someone she knew.

It was Luo Ziyun, one of the female artists who joined the company around the same time as her. They had some conflicts over resources in the early days, but now Luo Ziyun was in a semi-neglected state.

Luo Ziyun, upon hearing Ruan Jinghong's apology, responded sarcastically.

"Sneaky and careless, could it be that you've done something shameful and afraid of being seen?"

Ruan Jinghong knew that Luo Ziyun never liked her and had no intention of engaging with her. She headed straight to the manager's office.

Unexpectedly, Luo Ziyun followed behind her and spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear, even from several meters away.

"I saw the Porsche that just dropped you off at the company."

"Some people are truly amazing, spreading rumors about their ambiguous relationship with the Movie Queen Wen, while cozying up to a Porsche benefactor."

"The way you're playing both sides is truly awe-inspiring. No wonder the company is favoring you with all the good resources."

"I wonder how Queen Wen or the Porsche benefactor would feel if they found out your true identity one day."

It was a Saturday, but the entertainment company was still bustling with people. Upon hearing Luo Ziyun's words, whispers filled the air.

Ruan Jinghong: ...

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Is there a possibility that the person driving the Porsche is actually the Queen Wen herself?

Ruan Jinghong didn't intend to waste time arguing with Luo Ziyun and hurriedly walked faster, leaving her behind as the scheduled time with Shen Yun was approaching.

Luo Ziyun felt completely ignored, which made her furious. She tried to catch up by running a few steps but almost bumped into the glass door of the office with a loud "bang."

When Ruan Jinghong entered the manager's office, Shen Yun was sitting on a leather chair, reviewing the documents on the desk. 

Shen Yun noticed Ruan Jinghong's arrival and pointed to the chair opposite her, saying, "A'Ruan, you're here. Please have a seat."

Ruan Jinghong obediently sat down across from Shen Yun, and the few drops of sweat on her forehead were evidence of her recent haste.

While handling office matters, Shen Yun also caught some noises from outside the door. She briefly reassured Ruan Jinghong, saying, "Luo Ziyun's contract is expiring soon, and she has been having some conflicts with the company lately. She's in a bad mood and venting her frustration on others. Don't take it to heart."

Ruan Jinghong nodded to show her understanding. She never cared about unimportant people.

Speaking of Luo Ziyun, she also joined the company at the same time as Ruan Jinghong.

This small company may have its flaws, but there is one commendable aspect.

They fully respect the artist's wishes when it comes to contract duration. Unlike many big companies that prefer to bind artists for five or ten years, here you can sign for one or two years if you want.

Anyway, it's all about who looks good and signs with a basic salary. They can't provide many resources, and there's no need to invest heavily in artist development.

Ruan Jinghong also signed a two-year contract just to go with the flow, and now she has only six months left on her contract.

However, Shen Yun did put in effort and wholeheartedly worked for her.

When taking on projects, she didn't solely consider the company's interests but also took Ruan Jinghong's demands into account.

Shen Yun was indeed a workaholic. After a brief reassurance, she quickly got to the point.

She handed three scripts on the desk to Ruan Jinghong and said, "These scripts have arrived in the past two days. They are willing to let you audition. Take a look and see if there's any that you're interested in."

Ruan Jinghong took the scripts and flipped through them one by one. There were two A-level production leading roles and one S-level production supporting role. 

For someone who had only played A-level supporting roles before, it was a clear upgrade in terms of resources.

The first A-level script was "The Fragile School Flower Falls in Love with Me."

The female lead was a beautiful girl with a weak constitution who had a condition where she would faint upon seeing the color red. Only by kissing the male lead could she recover.

The plot was cheesy and full of clichés, with an abundance of kissing scenes. Ruan Jinghong immediately passed on it.

The second A-level script was "Adorable Cat Detective."

The female lead was a cat-like alien who came to Earth. Due to her partner's unexpected disappearance, she got involved in a series of bizarre cases.

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In the end, relying on her wit and intelligence, she solved various cases, brought the culprits to justice, and successfully reunited with her friend.

It seemed relatively interesting, although during the filming, she would have to wear a cat headgear for a significant portion of the time.

The third script was an S-level production called "Breaking Heaven."

The female lead is an ordinary girl from a common family. After the unfortunate loss of her parents, she fortuitously joins a sect and devotes herself to cultivation, hoping to gain insights into the great Dao*.

*In Chinese philosophy and spirituality, "Dao" (or "Tao" in Wade-Giles romanization) refers to the fundamental principle or way of the universe. It is often translated as "the Way" or "the Path." The concept of Dao is found in various philosophical and religious traditions, most notably in Daoism (or Taoism).

During her worldly trials, the female lead saves the female supporting character, who is actually a spirit cat in disguise, and takes her as a spiritual companion. Together, they journey to vanquish demons and evil spirits.

The character Ruan Jinghong was invited to audition for is the female supporting character, the spirit cat. In the early stages, her interpersonal relationships are quite simple, as she simply admires her master and remains fiercely loyal.

Ruan Jinghong skimmed through a few pages of each script. The third script, "Breaking Heaven," truly lived up to its S-level production status. The writing was noticeably smoother compared to the previous two scripts.

This was an occupational disease for Ruan Jinghong, as she also worked as a part-time online writer. Many other actors wouldn't pay as much attention to the quality of the script.

After finishing reading, Ruan Jinghong expressed her preference for the script "Breaking Heaven."

Upon hearing her answer, Shen Yun nodded.

"These three scripts are the best resources available for you at the moment, and I also think "Breaking Heaven" is the most promising one.

"Even though the character of the cat girl is the second female lead, her role spans 80% of the entire drama, and the character design and styling are good.

"Moreover, she has popularity.

"The female lead carries the drama, so you don't have to shoulder the entire burden yourself.

"So, the competition for this role is actually quite intense. Many washed-up actresses who have won awards are vying for this role to make a comeback.

"Although the production team has invited you to audition, whether you can succeed or not still depends on yourself.

"Personally, I think you can choose either "School Flower" or "Adorable Cat" as alternatives. I'll push aside the other one for now, but both production teams are very interested in you.

"These two dramas can attract attention through the beautiful sick girl image in one, and by promising a great relationship with the female lead in the other. If you can handle the lead role successfully while riding on the current popularity, you'll soar directly.

"However, the final decision depends on you."

In reality, Ruan Jinghong wanted to focus solely on preparing for the audition of "Breaking Heaven," but she understood that Shen Yun's considerations were more comprehensive.

She didn't want to go against Shen Yun's good intentions, so she chose "Adorable Cat" as the alternative.

After all, just reading the script of the sickly school flower who needs to kiss the male lead to get better gave her a headache.

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