Chapter 89: Why Does It Feel That Teacher Wen Is Happier Than Grandma?

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The old lady sat in the main hall, watching Ruan Jinghong trimming the potted plants with a loving expression on her face. She occasionally gave suggestions as she spoke.

Ruan Jinghong was patient and responded to the old lady's suggestions one by one. After carefully trimming the potted plant, she brought it over to the old lady, her smile humble and shy.

"Madam, this is actually the first time I've encountered this type of potted plant. If I didn't do well, please don't be upset."

The old lady looked at the potted plant in front of her, and even the wrinkles on her face carried a smile.

"Ruan yatou, you are truly skillful. The way you trimmed the leaves, even an old lady like me who deals with these every day can't compare. Have you worked with this type before?"

Ruan Jinghong honestly replied, "Mm, there was a time in the past when my grandma was interested in these flowers and plants, so I learned some from her."

The old lady patted Ruan Jinghong's hand and nodded.

"I remember you mentioned that you were also raised by your grandma since you were young, which is quite similar to Wen yatou. When she was little, she really gave me a lot of worries."

The old and the young chatted harmoniously, and they didn't even notice Wen Jin walking into the main hall.

It wasn't until Wen Jin walked to the seat next to her Grandma and gently patted Ruan Jinghong's back.

Ruan Jinghong turned around and was momentarily stunned when she saw the person behind her.

Today's Teacher Wen looks so beautiful.

She wore a floor-length, light golden gown with satin fabric and embellishments of sheer decorations on the skirt, shimmering and radiant.

The waist adornment accentuated her already superior figure, making her look even more tall and elegant. Her arms beneath the semi-transparent gold chiffon sleeves were fair and delicate like lotus roots.

Her hairstyle was still the same simple bun, showcasing her graceful swan-like neck.

Ruan Jinghong noticed that Wen Jin was wearing a diamond necklace around her neck, with star-shaped diamonds placed against her fair skin, sparkling with everlasting light.

Wen Jin noticed that Ruan Jinghong had been staring at her necklace in front of her chest for several seconds. She calmly adjusted the diamond ornament to let her have a clearer look.

The old lady watched this interesting interaction between the two young people and didn't interrupt.

It wasn't until Ruan Jinghong realized where her gaze had been fixed that she abruptly nodded and greeted in a pretended calm manner.

"Teacher Wen, you're back."

Wen Jin found it interesting to see the blushing appearance of the little thing in front of her. Clearly, she was the one being "inspected" by the gaze, but now it seemed like the other person was the one being teased.

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If it wasn't for the presence of her Grandma nearby, she really wanted to playfully tease this shy little thing.

Wen Jin had a mischievous thought in her mind, but she maintained a sincere expression. She nodded and gently patted Ruan Jinghong's shoulder.

"Mm, what were you two talking about that got you so engrossed?"

The old lady timely chimed in, "We were just talking about Ruan yatou's childhood. It turns out she was also raised by her grandma when she was young. No wonder you two get along so well."

"Oh, really?"

Wen Jin looked at Ruan Jinghong, realizing that she didn't know about this. She vaguely felt that the little thing's family might be somewhat different, but out of respect for the other's privacy, she hadn't investigated further.

Unexpectedly, she would say everything to her Grandma, whom she only met once.

"Yes." Ruan Jinghong nodded sincerely.

"Madam is very kind, and being with her always reminds me of my own Grandma. Speaking of which, it's been quite a while since I last visited my Grandma."

As Ruan Jinghong spoke, there was a hint of disappointment in her tone.

Having just learned about Ruan Jinghong's Grandma's illness and her long-term stay in a nursing home in another city, the old lady didn't want her to feel sad. She happily interjected.

"Since Ruan yatou has said that, then you don't need to call me 'Madam' anymore. Just like Wen yatou, you can call me 'Grandma.' With such a well-behaved granddaughter, I would love to have a few more. If there's a chance in the future, I would like to meet your grandma and exchange experiences on raising grandchildren together."

Ruan Jinghong: Call you Grandma at our first meeting?

She turned to look at Wen Jin, who raised an eyebrow and smiled without giving a clear response.

Then she turned back to the kindly old lady, finding it hard to refuse the request of an elderly person.


Ruan Jinghong's voice was soft, but the hall was quiet enough for both nearby individuals to hear clearly.

Ruan Jinghong looked at the evident smile on Wen Jin's face.

Was it an illusion, or did it seem like Teacher Wen was even happier than Grandma?

"Ah, good girl."

The old lady was delighted by the sweet gesture, taking off a jade bracelet from her wrist and placing it into Ruan Jinghong's hand.

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"Since you've called me Grandma, there's nothing special that this old lady can give you. Wear this bracelet for protection and good luck."

Ruan Jinghong nervously held the jade bracelet. It was a vibrant green color, with a warm and translucent texture. Its value was clearly significant.

Just for trying to please an old lady with a change in address, how could she accept such a valuable gift?

"Grandma, I can't accept this. Today is Teacher Wen's birthday, and I came as a guest without bringing any gift, so how can I accept your gift?"

The old lady glanced at Wen Jin, deep in thought, then turned to Ruan Jinghong with affection.

"The fact that you're here is the best gift. Wen yatou is a solitary person, and not many people bother with her. It's rare for her to bring a child to our house."

Wen Jin, who allowed her own grandma to describe her as "unapproachable," not only didn't refute but also joined in.

"Just accept it. It's Grandma's heartfelt gesture. If you refuse, Grandma will be sad."

Seeing Ruan Jinghong hesitating, the old lady signaled Wen Jin, saying, "Wen yatou, help Ruan yatou put on the bracelet."

With the pair of grandmother and granddaughter singing in harmony, Ruan Jinghong couldn't refuse.

She touched the gentle texture of the bracelet on her wrist and could only express her gratitude repeatedly.

The old lady observed Ruan Jinghong's wrist adorned with the bracelet and nodded in satisfaction.

"Indeed, this accessory looks even better on young people. Ruan Jinghong has fair skin and a handsome appearance. At the upcoming cocktail party, she will definitely stun the whole crowd."




This translation is originally posted on

Meanwhile, in a brightly lit villa not far from the house, preparations were underway for a grand reception.

Guests were gradually arriving, and the atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation for the upcoming lavish party.

The Wen family, with a century-old heritage in H City, was different from other families as it followed a matrilineal system, with men marrying into the family.

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Grandma Wen, the matriarch, stood out among her cousins and wielded power for thirty years, successfully establishing the Wen Corporation as a leading enterprise in H City.

The Wen Corporation had diverse industries, including catering, real estate, entertainment, electronics, and more.

After retiring, Grandma Wen handed over the reins to her daughter, Mrs. Wen.

However, Mrs. Wen was neither as ambitious and driven as her mother nor as meticulous as her daughter. During her tenure, the Wen Corporation faced its lowest point.

Fortunately, Wen Jin, in her early twenties, quickly took over and turned things around.

Wen Jin had always been focused on her career, but Grandma Wen couldn't bear to see the family business being mismanaged by her own daughter. She insistently brought her granddaughter back into the fold.

When Wen Jin just took office, almost no one in the industry had high expectations for her.

Despite her remarkable achievements in the entertainment industry at such a young age and recently winning the title of Best Actress, she faced a completely different challenge in managing a business.

At that time, a group of people who were eager to see her fail were waiting to witness her downfall. However, Wen Jin used thunderous means to show everyone how she could handle the industry.

She personally went to the grassroots level, inspecting the operational details of every aspect.

She recruited professional teams and conducted a comprehensive audit of the company.

She was willing to be tough and replaced more than half of the senior management in the headquarters.

In just six months, she successfully cleaned up the mess left by her mother.

Since then, when Wen Jin was mentioned in the business circle, she was no longer seen as just an entertainer but as a person worth currying favor with throughout the entire industry chain.

Wen Jin usually kept a low profile and avoided various banquets, and she had never hosted a birthday party in the past few years.

Now, on her 30th birthday, she finally had the opportunity to make a public appearance. Many people who had received the news in advance were eager to secure a guest seat and went to great lengths to win their invitation.

But the Wen family's invitations were rigorous. This time, in addition to inviting immediate family members and family acquaintances within the third generation of the Wen family, they also invited some heavyweight companies with a lot of business contacts.

However, despite that, the lobby of the three-story villa was still bustling with people. Even though the party had not officially started, the guests were already mingling with familiar faces, engaging in small talk in groups of two or three.

Most of the attendees were influential figures in H City, and this venue was an excellent social gathering place. In the northeast corner of the lobby, several stylishly dressed young women gathered. They were all distant relatives of Wen Jin, belonging to the same generation. In today's context of the one-child policy, they were considered relatively close relatives.

Relative A held a wine glass, with a gossipy expression on her face. "Have you heard? This time, at Third Grandma's house, it seems that she didn't come alone but brought a companion."

Third Grandma referred to Grandma Wen, who was the third eldest among her sisters of the same generation.

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Relative B didn't believe it. "Where did you hear this news? Everyone knows that that person in third Grandma's house is the most difficult to get along with. For so many years, she has kept her distance from relationships. She is a public figure, and if anything happened, we would definitely hear about it, right?"

Relative C chuckled. "Xiao B, you really don't pay attention to the news. She has been hitting the hot search several times recently. Don't tell me you don't consider that as 'anything happened'?"

Relative B retorted, "Do you call hot searches, news? I can arrange for ten hot searches for you in a minute if I contact the media. Hot searches are all about money. You can arrange them however you want as long as you have the funds."

Relative A took a sip of wine. "Xiao B, you're too naive. Hot searches can be manipulated, but who would go through the trouble of fabricating stories about her? Do you really think that person is easily fooled? I bet there will be some excitement later."

Relative C chimed in, wanting to join the conversation. "Speaking of which, I took a look at her and that little celebrity's fan posts, called something like... Wen Xiang Ruan Yu. I have to say, it seems quite plausible. Don't judge that person from third Grandma's house by her usual appearance. Maybe she couldn't resist loneliness and ended up keeping a little star as a lover, and a female star at that. Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Although same-sex marriage has been legalized for many years, it still seemed strange to opinionated Relative C that someone would keep a same-sex lover.

Quiet relative D couldn't help but speak up. "Stop referring to her as 'person from Third Grandma's house' or 'her.' 'Wen Jin' is not a taboo word. Moreover, today is an important day for her. Let's just enjoy the meal and not dwell on other matters."

Relative A grumbled, "Hey, aren't we here to be bored and chat? If she really brought that insignificant little star, it wouldn't be presentable at all. Let's hope she doesn't embarrass herself."

Relative D didn't resonate with their conversation and pretended to be focused on picking up some snacks.

These people, while expressing curiosity, actually hid feelings of jealousy deep inside. They were all descendants of the Wen family, but only Wen Jin had always been "the child of another family" from childhood to adulthood.

The flowers belonged to her, the praises belonged to her. It seemed that she was forever associated with everything beautiful and flawless.

Now, finally, they had an opportunity to catch onto her "flaw," and they couldn't wait to spread it and create anticipation.

As these people continued their casual conversation, there was suddenly a commotion at the main entrance of the lobby. They rushed to the railing on the second floor to see what was happening and realized that the hosts had arrived.

In the center walked Grandma Wen, wearing a qipao. Despite being in her seventies, she appeared spirited and walked with the grace of a red carpet celebrity. 

On her left side was Wen Jin wearing a light golden long dress, tall and elegant like a graceful swan.

On her right side, was Ruan Jinghong wearing a pure white evening gown with a tail, innocent and beautiful like a Persian cat, radiating cuteness and elegance.

Many people here rarely had the chance to see the real Wen Jin in person, and they felt that the famous celebrity had an even greater visual impact up close than on video.

They didn't just see her as a star; after all, one decision from her could potentially impact their businesses for the next few years.

At the same time, Ruan Jinghong walking by her side also sparked curiosity among many people. Not every business person was interested in entertainment gossip.

Who was this young lady who could walk beside Wen Jin and Grandma Wen?

Some observant individuals had already noticed that the jade bracelet on the white-dressed girl's wrist seemed familiar.

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