Chapter 90: Why Lie?

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That bracelet may not hold much significance to the young people present, as the attendees today are mostly affluent individuals who are accustomed to wearing expensive jewelry.

However, those who have had dealings with Grandma Wen from the previous generation recognize the significance of that bracelet. It is a pair of jadeite bracelets that Grandma Wen acquired at a high price during the Tis Charity Auction twenty years ago. They are meticulously crafted from natural and top-quality Hetian jade.

Grandma is very fond of it and often wears it on important occasions.

This bracelet originally belonged to a pair, and someone vaguely noticed the other one appearing on Wen Jin's hand once.

Being able to receive this bracelet as a gift from Grandma Wen indicates a deep connection with the Wen family.

People judge others by their appearance, and even though some of the prominent figures present may not know much about Ruan Jinghong's background, they still view her with a different perspective.

Grandma Wen walked up to the central podium in the hall and, as the host, delivered a speech of gratitude, marking the beginning of the banquet.

Although the focus of this event is still on Wen Jin, despite her reserved nature, many people approached her to engage in conversations.

These individuals are cunning enough to know that if they were to directly offer a toast to Wen Jin, she would likely decline. So they target Ruan Jinghong, who is always by her side.

Ruan Jinghong, being the center of attention for the first time by so many strangers, feels a bit uncomfortable, but she maintains a polite and composed smile throughout.

It was the first time for Ruan Jinghong to be watched by so many strangers. Although she was not used to it, she always kept a polite smile.

In just a short span of ten minutes, she felt like she was an NPC in a game, serving the guests.

Wen Jin, understanding Ruan Jinghong's tolerance for alcohol, personally intercepted all the drinks offered to her, which played right into the hands of those around them.

After a few drinks, Ruan Jinghong realized that standing by Wen Jin's side would only become a burden to her. She looked at Grandma Wen, who was leisurely enjoying her snacks nearby, and leaned closer to Wen Jin's ear.

"Teacher Wen, I'll go accompany Grandma for a while."


Wen Jin nodded. The banquet had only just begun, and it wasn't sustainable for her to keep drinking like this. She initially wanted to bring Ruan Jinghong to show her influence, but for now, she needed to deal with these bothersome individuals around them..

Grandma Wen had delegated all her power several years ago and was quite content with a peaceful and quiet time. Though a few old friends came to exchange pleasantries, most of the time she was left undisturbed.

When Ruan Jinghong approached, Grandma Wen's face softened with affection. "You young people go have fun. No need to bother with this old lady."

Ruan Jinghong replied honestly, "I was there and ended up making Teacher Wen drink quite a bit. I don't know the others around, but I feel more comfortable with you, Grandma."

Grandma Wen could see that the young girl before her was gentle and shy in nature. While some elders preferred younger generations to be sociable and skilled in social interactions, she, being older, preferred someone obedient and low-maintenance. So, she agreed to have a chat with Ruan Jinghong by her side.

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The gossipy relatives had been keeping their eyes on Wen Jin and Ruan Jinghong, hoping to approach and gather some information while the two were apart. However, with Grandma Wen present, they had to temporarily suppress their gossiping spirits.

Ruan Jinghong realized that she had come to the right place as the quietest corner of the venue was where Grandma Wen resided.

She had thought she could chat and enjoy her snacks in peace until the end of the banquet. However, to her surprise, a middle-aged couple in formal attire approached them.

The middle-aged woman was wearing a brown dress and bore a resemblance to Wen Jin in her facial features.

She held a tall glass, which seemed to contain some kind of juice or beverage.

She raised her glass to Grandma Wen and called out, "Mom."

Grandma Wen nodded but showed no intention of clinking glasses. She turned to Ruan Jinghong beside her and introduced them.

 "This is my daughter, also Wen Jin's mother. And this is her current husband."

Current husband?

Ruan Jinghong remembered Wen Jin mentioning earlier that her mother and uncle also lived in this mansion.

She had assumed Wen Jin's "uncle" referred to Grandma Wen's son, but it turned out to be Wen Jin's stepfather, Mrs. Wen's current husband?

This sudden revelation was quite overwhelming.

Ruan Jinghong was shocked internally but maintained a polite and obedient demeanor, quickly greeting, "Hello, Auntie. Hello, Uncle."

Wen Jin's stepfather, who appeared quite young, in his thirties, wore frameless glasses and had a well-mannered demeanor.

When Ruan Jinghong greeted him, he nodded in her direction, seemingly trying to please her.

On the other hand, Wen Jin's mother responded with much colder indifference. She silently scrutinized Ruan Jinghong for a while before uttering a simple "Hmm" in response to her greeting. Then, she turned to Grandma Wen and engaged in a brief conversation.

Ruan Jinghong could sense that the relationship between Grandma Wen and Wen Jin's mother was not as close as a typical mother-daughter bond. It was starkly different from the scene she witnessed during their meeting in the afternoon.

Indeed, some families had a generational gap in their relationships.

After a few exchanges with Grandma Wen, Wen Jin's mother and her husband left.

As Ruan Jinghong watched the departing figure of Wen Jin's mother, Grandma Wen sighed softly.

Ruan Jinghong, obediently keeping her silence, walked behind Grandma Wen and gently massaged her shoulders.

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Grandma Wen patted the back of Ruan Jinghong's hand resting on her shoulder and slowly spoke, "Wen yatou has it tough too. I'm getting old, and I won't be able to accompany her for much longer. You spend a lot of time with her, so if you have the chance, please take care of her."

Her tone sounded like entrusting a legacy at the end of one's life.

Ruan Jinghong quickly responded, "Grandma, you have such vitality that you'll definitely live to be a hundred. As for Teacher Wen, as long as she doesn't find me annoying, I'm willing to go through fire and water for her, no matter what she needs!"

The old lady chuckled at Ruan Jinghong's serious and earnest demeanor. 

"There's no need for you to go through fire and water. As long as she has a trustworthy person by her side, this old lady will be reassured."




This translation is originally posted on

While Ruan Jinghong enjoyed a leisurely conversation with Grandma Wen, Wen Jin on the other side, as the host of the banquet, was overwhelmed with socializing.

She was not accustomed to social events and now, after finally being caught by everyone, she had to make up for a year's worth of social interactions in one evening.

She had put in a lot of effort to handle her business partners, relatives, and friends, thinking that she could finally take a breath and talk to the little thing. However, she saw a young man in a well-tailored suit approaching her with a confident smile.

A follower!

Wen Jin recognized the person who had been sticking to her since childhood, causing trouble for her from elementary school to university.

If it weren't for the ongoing banquet and her status as the host, she would have turned around and left immediately.

The young man's name was Lin Mu, the grandson of a close friend of Wen Jin's grandfather. They have attended the same school since childhood.

Wen Jin was naturally beautiful, like a porcelain doll, but her exceptional talent and cold demeanor intimidated many people.

However, Lin Mu was different from others. He was mature for his age and had a thick skin. Taking advantage of his family's relationship with the Wen family, he persistently sought to provoke Wen Jin.

Unlike other mischievous boys, he didn't resort to low tactics to bully girls for attention.

After all, he had witnessed Wen Jin's training in Taekwondo, and it was not to be taken lightly.

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He was like a clingy follower, wherever Wen Jin went, he would follow, even attending the same middle school and university.

Wen Jin was annoyed by this clingy behavior, but considering that he hadn't done anything overly offensive and his grandfather had a good relationship with her own grandfather, she simply ignored him with a cold face.

During their academic years, Lin Mu was practically Wen Jin's shadow, deliberately letting their classmates know about the close connection between their families.

Over time, it became a common assumption among everyone that they would likely end up together, inadvertently shielding Wen Jin from unnecessary suitors.

However, after graduation, as both of them pursued their respective careers, Lin Mu, this persistent follower, seemed to have toned down his behavior.

But he still found ways to approach Wen Jin whenever an opportunity arose, just like now...

Holding a glass of red wine, Lin Mu smoothly turned around in front of Wen Jin, thinking he looked suave as he complimented, "A'Jin, you look beautiful today."

"Call me 'Wen Jin.'"

Wen Jin placed her wine glass on the nearby table, showing no intention to clink glasses with him.

As she gazed at Lin Mu's fake gentlemanly face, she thought to herself: I never noticed before, but why does this person look even more greasy as he gets older?

Unfazed by her indifference, Lin Mu looked at Wen Jin affectionately.

"Speaking of which, it has been over two months since we last saw each other due to my business trip. When I found out it was your birthday, I made sure to hand over the project in Country Y to my subordinates and rushed back."

Wen Jin lowered her head, carefully selecting the pastries on the table, too lazy to look at him. "Work is important. You didn't have to come."

"How could I not?" Lin Mu moved closer to Wen Jin, appearing as if he was swearing to the heavens.

"In my heart, you will always be the first and most important. No work can surpass you!"

Wen Jin: ...

What are you blabbering about?

Assuming that Wen Jin was touched by his words because of her silence, Lin Mu continued.

"A few days ago, my Grandpa even mentioned that I'm not getting any younger, and it's time for him to hold his great-grandchild."

Wen Jin, charging up...

"I know you're busy with work, so when we have children, we can hire a nanny for a few extra months to help you share the burden."

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Lin Mu's words were full of conviction. He had expressed his feelings countless times before, either being coldly rejected or completely ignored. However, he had an incredibly strong mental fortitude, believing that the girl was just being shy or playing hard to get. So, on this important occasion, he decided to take a direct approach and let the person he liked see his plans for their future life.

He had naturally seen the rumors and gossip surrounding Wen Jin and Ruan Jinghong, so he secretly investigated Ruan Jinghong's background. After the investigation, he felt relieved.

After all, Ruan Jinghong was just an unloved and unwanted girl with only a half-dead grandma in a nursing home. The gap between her and A'Jin was insurmountable, and it was highly unlikely that they would have any intersection. Even if there was an intersection, it would only be a casual fling for A'Jin.

He was quite confident, but that confidence wavered when he saw Ruan Jinghong and Wen Jin supporting Grandma Wen as they entered the venue together. He felt that being separated from Wen Jin for so long had caused some uncontrollable variables to arise.

However, it didn't matter. He would bring these variables back under control. 

As Lin Mu continued to speak, going further off the rails, Wen Jin, who had tolerated his persistence before, became increasingly infuriated. Now, he was indulging in unrealistic thoughts, and her anger was about to explode. She clenched the base of her wine glass, ready to speak up, but then she saw Ruan Jinghong approaching from a short distance, holding the train of her gown.

"Teacher Wen, Grandma is looking for you." Ruan Jinghong walked past Lin Mu and took Wen Jin's hand proactively.

Wen Jin's anger transformed into tenderness the moment she saw Ruan Jinghong. She was about to leave with her, but the ignored Lin Mu on the side couldn't help but interrupt.

"Is it Grandma Wen? It just so happens that I haven't seen her in a long time and was planning to pay her a visit." 

Wen Jin's anger, which had just subsided, flared up again. She hadn't even had a chance to speak when she heard a polite but firm voice.

"Sir, Grandma has something important to discuss and only wants to speak with Teacher Wen alone."

After Ruan Jinghong finished speaking, she took Wen Jin's hand without looking back and left, leaving behind a bewildered Lin Mu, staring at their retreating figures, feeling a sense of defeat.

Wen Jin felt the protective gesture from the little thing and all the unpleasantness from before finally dissipated. A smile unconsciously appeared on her face, unnoticed even by herself.

"Where is Grandma?" Wen Jin asked, feigning ignorance as Ruan Jinghong led her to the villa's balcony.

Ruan Jinghong, who had just displayed a confident aura, now reverted to her usual shy and obedient demeanor. She let go of Wen Jin's hand and spoke softly with her head lowered.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Wen. I lied just now. Grandma didn't actually want to see you."

"Why lie?" Wen Jin leaned closer to Ruan Jinghong and asked.

"I saw that Teacher Wen didn't seem to enjoy talking to that gentleman, so I thought you didn't want to be with him anymore."

"You thought?" Wen Jin deliberately lifted Ruan Jinghong's chin, making her meet her gaze.

Ruan Jinghong became a bit nervous under Wen Jin's gaze and explained carefully, "I saw that you didn't seem interested in him, so I asked Grandma for her opinion before coming here. Did I... do something wrong?"

"You did very well." Wen Jin happily embraced Ruan Jinghong's waist and leaned in close to whisper in her ear.

"He should be grateful to you for saving him from embarrassment."

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