Chapter 91: Not Drunk Nor Filming

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The wide view from the balcony of the villa allowed them to gaze at the vast expanse of stars, twinkling in the sky like watchful eyes, as two graceful young women conversed in hushed tones, reminiscent of lovers.

Ruan Jinghong felt Wen Jin's closeness, and it seemed that a gentle breeze brushed past her ear as they spoke. She had promised her Grandma to take care of Wen Jin, and as an honorable young person who kept her word, she had been closely "caring" about Wen Jin's circumstances since accepting the request.

Even though Wen Jin appeared calm and aloof among the crowd, her elegance and nobility were irresistible, attracting the attention of many. In that moment, Ruan Jinghong couldn't help but feel a sense of pride: Indeed, Teacher Wen is so outstanding and well-liked.

However, sometimes being too popular is not necessarily a good thing, as it can attract certain clueless individuals who spoil the mood.

That persistent man in the suit was a prime example.

At first glance, Ruan Jinghong even thought he looked decent, but within seconds, she wished she could slap herself in the face for her momentary blindness.

While both of them approached to strike up a conversation, this man seemed to have no sense of propriety, oblivious to the fact that Wen Jin was not happy.

Ruan Jinghong was not happy either. She attributed it to her inability to tolerate seeing someone being put in such a difficult position.

Feeling restless, she quickly excused herself after briefly notifying Grandma, and without a second thought, she rushed forward to interrupt their conversation.

When she took Wen Jin away, she was filled with courage. With a solitary determination, she pulled the person to an empty balcony, until there was no one around, only then did she realize a hint of uneasiness.

What if that person is an important business partner of Teacher Wen?

Has Teacher Wen been enduring without showing any displeasure? Could there be some hidden situation?

Did my impulsive actions just create trouble for Teacher Wen?

She was usually a cautious person, and these concerns should have been considered before setting off. Now that the die is cast, she wonders if there is still time to make amends for the mistakes made.

However, Wen Jin didn't blame her. Instead, Wen Jin praised her gently, saying "You did well."

With the affirmation she received, Ruan Jinghong felt relieved and her heart leaped with joy.

In this way, her recent actions not only didn't cause trouble, but also successfully resolved the situation.

At this point, it seemed like everything could be perfectly concluded, but suddenly, the atmosphere became somewhat subtle.

Although the balcony was quite spacious, it seemed that Wen Jin was getting closer to her as they spoke.

Both of them were wearing lightweight evening gowns, allowing them to clearly feel each other's body warmth at such close proximity.

Wen Jin's hand was placed firmly but not heavily on Ruan Jinghong's waist, as if anchoring her in place.

Her other hand hooked under Ruan Jinghong's chin, forcing her to look up at her.

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"Ruanruan, you did so well just now. You deserve a reward."

Under the moonlight, Wen Jin's face was as radiant as the moon itself.

Ruan Jinghong watched as this exquisite face drew closer inch by inch, and in those focused eyes that gazed at her, it seemed as if they were filled with countless stars.

Both of them knew what was about to happen next in their hearts.

They were not drunk nor were they filming.

Following Wen Jin's lead, Ruan Jinghong closed her eyes, sensing what was to come.

"Hey, I've been looking for you two for a while. So, you're here."

A slightly teasing female voice broke the romantic atmosphere under the moonlight.

Upon realizing the presence of a third person, Ruan Jinghong hastily opened her eyes, feeling a sense of guilty unease for some unknown reason.

At this moment, Wen Jin's lips were only an inch away from her own long-anticipated touch.

She maintained the embrace around Ruan Jinghong's slender waist and turned her head unexpectedly, catching a glimpse of Mu Sheng's playful smile, which made her feel quite displeased.

Ruan Jinghong lowered her head, and if she weren't held by Wen Jin, she probably would have awkwardly tried to hide behind someone.

Under the vast sky, the main hall beside them was filled with people celebrating someone's birthday, and here they were with the birthday person...

Fortunately, or unfortunately, they were spotted by the principal of their alma mater. Hai...




This translation is originally posted on

Mu Sheng's gaze fell upon Ruan Jinghong's blushing face, resembling a red apple cleansed by moonlight, finding it quite amusing.

She had come to the balcony on behalf of Grandma Wen to find someone. From afar, she saw these two engaged in their own little world.

She watched with interest for several seconds, intentionally waiting until they were about to ignite before speaking up, wanting to see how her usually stoic friend would react in such a situation.

However, she underestimated Wen Jin's mental fortitude. Not only did she show no trace of embarrassment, but she seemed annoyed that her moment was interrupted.

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It was the shy reaction of the little one beside her that was truly amusing.

"What do you want with us?"

Wen Jin uttered a few words without any expression, already displeased with the interruption, especially when the troublemaker kept staring at the little thing in her arms.

Mu Sheng sensed Wen Jin's genuine unhappiness and shrugged her shoulders.

"What else could it be? We're about to enter the social dance segment of the banquet. As the birthday star, if you're not there, how can we proceed?"

Wen Jin pondered for a moment, realizing there might be some truth to that. Whenever their family hosted a gathering, they always included this social dance routine, calling it a way for the younger generation to connect.

Wen Jin wasn't interested in connecting with others, but she wouldn't mind having more interaction with the little thing beside her.

As for the interrupted reward, she would have to make it up later.

When Wen Jin led Ruan Jinghong back to the main hall, the previously lively crowd seemed to quiet down slightly. Everyone's gaze involuntarily fell upon their tightly held hands.

Wen Jin led Ruan Jinghong to the center stage and, although Ruan Jinghong intended to leave, she found her hand held tightly, making it difficult to break away. With one hand holding Ruan Jinghong and the other holding the microphone, Wen Jin delivered a brief speech, officially commencing the social dance segment of the banquet.

During those few sentences, Ruan Jinghong stood by Wen Jin's side, feeling anxious inside but maintaining an elegant and polite demeanor in front of the onlookers.

It wasn't until the lights dimmed and the music started playing that she felt a sense of relief, as if a heavy burden had been lifted from her shoulders.

Wen Jin pulled her into the dance floor, her slender and fair hand resting on Ruan Jinghong's waist once again, while her gentle voice carried a hint of enchantment.

"Ruanruan, wouldn't you mind dancing with me?"

It was a question, but spoken in an affirming tone.

In this dance floor filled with young and attractive individuals, Wen Jin was the only person Ruan Jinghong was familiar with, so she had no reason to refuse.

Wen Jin embraced her as they moved gracefully across the dance floor, resembling two swimming fish in a river.

In the background, besides the surrounding music, there were the cheerful whispers of the guests, creating a completely different atmosphere from the silent balcony scene earlier.

Yet, there was something so similar.

The same touch that carried warmth, the same ambiguous and alluring atmosphere, the feeling that in the next second, there would be no distance between them.

Ruan Jinghong placed her hands on Wen Jin's shoulders. Despite her background in dance, she seemed like a novice at this moment, even making several mistakes in the simplest social dance steps and nearly stepping on Wen Jin's toes.


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A light chuckle sounded in Ruan Jinghong's ear at such close proximity, making her aware of her recent blunders and feeling somewhat embarrassed.

"Don't be nervous, I'm guiding you." Wen Jin's voice remained as gentle as ever, as if she had infinite patience when dealing with Ruan Jinghong.

Taking a deep breath, Ruan Jinghong remembered that there were many acquaintances of Wen Jin surrounding them, forcing herself to focus and take it seriously.

Even if not for yourself, you can't let Teacher Wen lose face.

With Ruan Jinghong's renewed focus under Wen Jin's guidance, they gradually found their rhythm, and their dance steps became more fluid.

Ruan Jinghong recalled a few days ago when they were recording a variety show, she was the one teaching Wen Jin how to execute the dance moves step by step.

At that time, I had foolishly believed that Teacher Wen really couldn't dance.

Now, the tables had turned so quickly.

Lost in her thoughts, Ruan Jinghong relied solely on muscle memory to follow Wen Jin's rhythm.

In the blink of an eye, the background music changed from one song to another.

They had originally agreed to dance one song together, but now they had lost count of how many dances they had performed together.

Realizing that she had been monopolizing the birthday star for a while, Ruan Jinghong whispered:

 "Teacher Wen, it seems like we haven't changed dance partners at all..."

Though she felt reluctant, she also understood that as the protagonist of this birthday banquet, it seemed inappropriate for Wen Jin to have the same dance partner throughout the entire event, both in terms of etiquette and fairness.

"I don't want to change dance partners. Does Ruanruan want to?"

Wen Jin swiftly moved behind Ruan Jinghong with a dance step, her arms embracing her from behind, and she whispered with a breath that carried a touch of enchantment.

Ruan Jinghong wanted to shake her head. Of course, she didn't want to change partners. But sometimes, decisions weren't solely based on personal desires.

Seeing Ruan Jinghong remaining silent, Wen Jin spun her around, directing her gaze towards Lin Mu, who was watching them intently from not too far away.

"That person has been eyeing us for a while. If we change partners now, he'll be the first to approach. Ruanruan has seen his persistent manner before. Are you willing to push me into the fire pit?"

Of course, she wasn't willing!

Ruan Jinghong vigorously shook her head to the point where people nearby thought they had developed a new dance style.

She had promised Grandma to take good care of Teacher Wen, so how could she allow the pest to upset Teacher Wen right under her nose?

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Wen Jin was delighted by the little thing's intense reaction and kept embracing her as they danced until the end of the social dance segment.

The banquet lasted until 11 p.m. before finally coming to a close. There were three adjacent villas owned by the Wen family nearby, providing ample guest rooms for the attendees who had traveled from afar to celebrate the birthday.

From dancing to the end of the event, Wen Jin almost always had Ruan Jinghong by her side.

Everyone present was astute and could naturally discern Wen Jin's intentions. Even if some people recognized Ruan Jinghong as the starlet involved in the scandalous rumors with Wen Jin, considering the difference in backgrounds, they didn't dare to comment when they saw that Grandma Wen herself was pleased with their closeness.

Even the gossiping relatives who had been waiting to see the embarrassment of both Wen Jin and the celebrity were now silently admiring Wen Jin's boldness and the celebrity's shrewdness. They managed to easily win over Grandma Wen and even dared to display their connection semi-publicly on such an occasion. It was quite impressive.

It's worth mentioning that Grandma Wen, in her younger years, was nicknamed the "Iron Lady" and was a formidable woman who wouldn't tolerate any sand in her eyes*.

*use to describe someone uncompromising, strict, or intolerant, especially when it comes to small mistakes or flaws. 

To these prominent families, actors and celebrities were regarded as mere entertainers. They could be causally involved with, but to be in a serious relationship with one was beyond the acceptance of even some ordinary noble families, let alone the likes of the Wen family, a leading family in H City with a century-long legacy.

The current heiress of the Wen family, together with a starlet whose existence is unknown other than in the scandal, such a magical combination, yet not a single objection was raised by the Wen family elder.

Even those who wanted to see a spectacle could only respect and offer their blessings at this moment.

If anyone present harbored any discontent, it would only be Lin Mu, who had always considered Wen Jin as his only suitable match.

Wen Jin had never shown him any favor before, and he could overlook it. After all, the previous Wen Jin hadn't paid attention to anyone else either, and he considered himself the closest person to Wen Jin.

They had known each other since childhood, and their families were a perfect match. He had always believed that one day Wen Jin would marry him.

Otherwise, who else could she marry?

Never in his wildest dreams did he expect that as soon as he returned to the country, he would be intercepted by someone insignificant, someone who couldn't even be considered a rival. How could he accept this in his heart?

As the saying goes, some families are happy and some families are sad*. While Lin Mu was on the verge of exploding with anger, Wen Jin's good mood had remained since the moment Ruan Jinghong took her away and continued until now.

*happiness and sorrow coexist/ one man's joy is another man's sorrow 

As the birthday star, Wen Jin cooperated to complete the final proceedings of the banquet and promptly took Ruan Jinghong back to the old Wen family mansion.

Since it was already late, they could only stay overnight here before returning to H City.

Ruan Jinghong, being personally brought by Wen Jin, naturally didn't share the adjacent villa with the unfamiliar guests.

Anyway, the Wen mansion was spacious enough.

Ruan Jinghong obediently sat on a chair, waiting for the host to assign her a guest room. It was then that Grandma Wen spoke first.

"Since the neighboring villa has been under renovation, the guest rooms in this mansion haven't been cleaned for a while. It's just for one night. How about you stay in Wen yatou's room, Ruan yatou?"

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