Chapter 97: This Is A Fairy Who Seduces The Dead

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Ruan Jinghong skillfully served the dishes from the plate to Wen Jin's mouth, providing attentive and meticulous service.

Wen Jin, having a girlfriend who cared for her so thoughtfully, should have been happy and content.

However, why were all the dishes being brought to her vegetables?

Wen Jin expressed her dissatisfaction and decided to proactively find something meaty to taste for herself.

There was still a small portion of shredded pork with Beijing sauce left in the plate, its perfect combination of green onions and golden color failing to appeal to a certain carnivorous appetite.

Wen Jin's gaze fell on the gleaming white piece brought to her lips, and her mood became joyful.

Still, raw food tends to arouse one's appetite more.

A simple and ordinary dinner lasted for a whole hour as the two of them ate to their heart's content.

Ruan Jinghong's feeding session was quite substantial, and after an hour, she felt both her waist and legs becoming sore and weak.

Wen Jin considerately carried her into the bedroom and gently placed her on the bed.

She planted a kiss on her smooth forehead and then took the initiative to take care of the dishes and washing.

Ruan Jinghong looked up at Wen Jin's departing figure, her hand sliding from her forehead to cover her eyes, concealing a touch of crimson in her eyes.

Teacher Wen is truly becoming irresistible.

After finishing the cooking and tidying up, Wen Jin returned to the bedroom to get her pajamas for a change.

When she came back here last time, she left behind some spare clothes. Now, staying overnight, she was even more familiar with the place.

Ruan Jinghong leaned against the headboard, pretending to look at her phone while secretly listening to the sounds around her.

Even though they had only confessed their feelings and officially confirmed their relationship last night, their current interaction felt like that of an old married couple who had been married for many years.

While Wen Jin had become another mistress of this room.

This realization brought a small sense of joy to Ruan Jinghong's heart.

She casually scrolled through her phone screen, pretending to be nonchalant.

"Teacher Wen, how about I leave a spare key to this room for you? That way, you won't have to wait at the door for me to let you in every time you come."

"Are you talking about this?" Wen Jin approached the bed, raised her palm, and showed a key hanging on her fingertip.

"I just wanted to ask Ruanruan for it. I didn't expect that we have such a good understanding."

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This translation is originally posted on

While talking, Wen Jin leaned close to Ruan Jinghong's pretty cheek and sniffed lightly, her tone was ambiguous and charming, as if she was telling some ulterior secret between the two of them.

Ruan Jinghong's cheeks itched slightly by Wen Jin's close-range breath, and she shrank her neck in embarrassment.

"Teacher Wen, aren't you going to take a bath?"

Upon hearing that, Wen Jin lifted one of her arms and lightly sniffed, pretending to be aggrieved.

"I should go take a shower, or Ruanruan will dislike me."

Ruan Jinghong: ...

Not at all!

Teacher Wen's scent is always the most pleasant.

But she wouldn't say such embarrassing words out loud.

Wen Jin lightly teased her little girlfriend, then took her pajamas and went to the bedroom.

Indeed, it's time to seize the moment. With such a beautiful time and scenery, carrying a layer of dust, even if the little one doesn't mind, she herself would find it distasteful.

While Wen Jin was taking a shower, Ruan Jinghong took the opportunity to open the WeChat group for the production crew.

Tomorrow, the official filming will begin. The early stages of the production would be closed-set, and although the location was still within H City, they probably wouldn't be able to leave for a long time.

Perhaps, tonight would be the last night for her and Wen Jin to spend time together in the near future.

Knowing well that Wen Jin's visit this time was not just about having a simple meal, Ruan Jinghong still gently accepted and silently approved of everything.

This WeChat group was created today during the script reading session, and it consisted of nearly a hundred crew members and actors.

At this moment, the group was buzzing with excitement as they sent out red envelopes to celebrate the auspicious start of filming.

When Ruan Jinghong opened the chat window, she happened to click on the bottommost red envelope.

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Coincidentally, she had the best luck and received the highest amount.

As per tradition, the person with the best luck had to continue sending red envelopes.

So Ruan Jinghong could only feel a bit sorry for the small amount of money as she sent out a red envelope with the same amount.

Amidst the copy-pasted expressions of gratitude in the group, a group member suddenly sent her a friend request on WeChat.

Since Ruan Jinghong had just opened the group and couldn't distinguish who was who, she thought that they would be colleagues working together in the future and politely accepted the request.

Even though the other person had initiated the request, Ruan Jinghong still sent a smiling face in return, but the other person didn't respond to her.

What a weirdo.

Ruan Jinghong didn't take this episode to heart, and continued diving to read the chat messages in the group.

Some people are born social cows, and their ability to inquire about news is top-notch.

Ruan Jinghong learned from the conversations among the group members that they would be filming Weiya* scenes on the first day.

*喂牙" (wèi yá) is a Chinese term that literally translates to "feeding teeth." In the context of martial arts or wuxia novels, it refers to a fighting technique that involves using one's teeth as a weapon or attacking the opponent's vital points with the teeth./ Fight scene

Ruan Jinghong never really cared about the shooting sequence. Whatever order the director instructed, she obediently followed and cooperated.

This was actually her first time playing an important role in a period drama and her first opportunity to experience Weiya.

There were professional safety personnel on set, so there shouldn't be any issues in terms of safety.

As for fear of heights, sooner or later one has to take this step.

Ruan Jinghong couldn't help but continue scrolling through the chat messages, unaware that Wen Jin had already finished showering and was casually strolling around the bedroom in a wine-red lace pajama that accentuated her figure.

When Ruan Jinghong lifted her head, she was almost overwhelmed by the beauty before her, to the point of almost having a nosebleed.

However, she reacted quickly this time, swiftly grabbing a tissue from the side to cover her nostrils.

Since when did Teacher Wen have this kind of sleepwear?

Ruan Jinghong watched as Wen Jin walked from one end of the room to the other, and then back again.

Like a proud peacock king patrolling her territory.

Finally, Ruan Jinghong couldn't help but ask: "Teacher Wen, are you looking for something?"

Wen Jin approached Ruan Jinghong, who was sitting on the bed, with a seductive gaze.

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"I'm looking for a hairdryer. I just washed my hair, and it's still a bit damp."

She spoke while lightly shaking her damp hair, allowing a few mischievous droplets of water to slide down her collarbone.

Ruan Jinghong's gaze followed the path of the water droplets falling from her hair, and when she realized where they disappeared, her face turned bright red.

Lowering her head, she grabbed the hairdryer from the bedside and handed it to Wen Jin.

"The hairdryer has always been here, take it."

Wen Jin held Ruan Jinghong's hand as she handed over the hairdryer, her voice as melodious as a cold spring in the mountains.

"Ruanruan's eyes are better. I just finished showering and I'm a bit tired. Can Ruanruan blow-dry my hair for me?"

Here we go again.

Ruan Jinghong, who has been with Wen Jin for a long time, now somewhat understands her thoughts.

This is a fairy who seduces the dead without paying for her life.

Despite being aware of this, Ruan Jinghong willingly surrendered herself.

Ruan Jinghong knelt at the bedside, her position slightly taller than Wen Jin who sat on the edge of the bed.

She let Wen Jin lean half of her body on her shoulder, her warm body was still slightly damp, which made the little deer in her heart go "bang bang".

This wasn't the first time Ruan Jinghong had blow-dried Wen Jin's hair. They had a similar experience during a variety show recording when they shared a room.

Yet, her heart couldn't help but be captivated. This feeling made her sense a convergence of time, where the past and the present intertwined like a magical realm.

It turned out that a long time ago, she had been attracted by the person in front of her without knowing it. At that time, she just foolishly thought that it was the worship of the perfect senior.

Looking back now, since she was a child, she has clearly met many people, but all her heartbeats are devoted to the one person in front of her eyes.

The sound of the hair dryer was "humming", and there was a warm fragrance in the air.

Ruan Jinghong's slender and fair fingers ran through Wen Jin's ink-splashed long hair, with an almost worshipful mood: Why would someone be born so perfect in every way?

It's just that she was too calm, so calm that it almost made Wen Jin doubt herself.

Wen Jin was very dissatisfied when she saw that after she had used her charm for a long time, her little girlfriend was still as calm as the Tang monk*.

*The Tang Monk, also known as Xuanzang, is portrayed as a devout and virtuous Buddhist monk in the novel "Journey to the West." 

She was not willing to accept it and naturally refused to be obedient. Taking advantage of her girlfriend's focused hair-drying task, her hands couldn't stay idle and roamed freely, taking advantage of every opportunity on her body.

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Ruan Jinghong's little bunny was under Wen Jin's control, almost losing her balance.

She was worried that she might accidentally burn Wen Jin with the hairdryer. Hastily, she reached out to support herself on the edge of the bed, displaying a mixture of tenderness and annoyance.

"Teacher Wen!"

"Teacher Wen is here, keep going."

Wen Jin lifted the corner of her thin sleepwear with her fingers, her face cold as jade. However, her current actions were completely unrelated to her usual demeanor.

Ruan Jinghong's body was naturally sensitive, and she couldn't withstand Wen Jin's intentional teasing.

Although she was mentally prepared for it, they were still in the midst of blow-drying her hair, weren't they?

Fortunately, her beautiful long hair, which she had carefully tended to earlier, was already about 70-80% dry.

Given the current situation, she had no choice but to quickly turn off the hairdryer and place it on the bedside table.

The next second, she felt a tightness around her waist, and with Wen Jin's force, she slid straight down on the quilt of the bed.

The night is seductive, and in the ambiguous atmosphere is the tacit understanding of adults.

Ruan Jinghong closed her eyes shyly, acquiescing to Wen Jin's next move.

Wen Jin circled her little girlfriend with both hands, her movements were domineering and gentle.

Kiss full of love, passing through the forehead, eyelids, cheeks, and corners of the lips, are as gentle as clouds.

At this time, a series of hasty prompts interrupted the atmosphere where the two of them almost shot each other.

It was WeChat ringing. Ruan Jinghong had just logged into WeChat and temporarily turned on the notification sound, but she hadn't had time to turn it off yet.

Under the fierce attack of the person on her body, she stretched out a hand to reach for the mobile phone beside the bed.

She clicked on the chat box and received more than a dozen messages in a row.

When she saw the content of the message clearly, her small face turned pale.

Wen Jin noticed that the little thing who had softened into a puddle of water just now became stiff all of a sudden.

She clung to Ruan Jinghong's thin shoulders, lay on her side behind her and hugged her.

"What's wrong?"

Ruan Jinghong held the phone and didn't speak, because she didn't know how to say it.

Seeing that the little thing was silent, Wen Jin looked down at the bad guy in her hand.

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