Chapter 98: My Baby Is So Cute

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In the chat box, nine out of ten messages were photos of on-set accidents from various production crews, and one was a news article about an accident.

It's unclear where the other person obtained these images, but each one is incredibly clear.

The photos show actors falling from heights during a Weiya, being rescued from water, and being saved from a fire scene.

The injuries are horrifying, comparable to a scene from a horror scene.

Wen Jin noticed the slight trembling of the body in her arms. She covered Ruan Jinghong's eyes with one hand and reached out with the other to carefully examine the phone.

Ruan Jinghong stubbornly refused to let go, gritting her teeth as she sent a "?" to the other person.

The red exclamation mark was glaring, and immediately after sending those threatening messages, the person had already blocked her.

Ruan Jinghong looked at the profile picture of the person who had sent her a friend request through the production group chat just half an hour ago and returned to the group to check the member list.

She couldn't find that profile picture at the bottom of the list; it seemed that the person had already left the group.

So how did they join the group? They went through so much trouble just to send me these threatening pictures.

Seeing Ruan Jinghong's pale face and furrowed brows, Wen Jin gently rubbed her forehead with her thumb and pulled her into her embrace, asking softly.

"Ruanruan, have you encountered any strange things in the past few days, or have any strange people said anything strange to you?"

Strange people, strange words.

After Ruan Jinghong returned to China, she only had a handful of time to go out. Apart from staying with Wen Jin, she went to the set alone.

If it's something strange...

She recalled the phone call that happened in the afternoon and Fu Ziyan's inexplicable threatening remarks.

At first, she thought that person simply didn't like her, and she didn't know the reason behind it. She just wanted to avoid unnecessary trouble.

But now, it seemed that there was more to it than just dislike.

What kind of grudge or resentment would make someone want to make her suffer?

Ruan Jinghong didn't want to worry Wen Jin, so she carefully chose her words.

She said that today, during the script reading, she might have stood out and upset some of her fellow cast members, who threatened her privately to leave the production.



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This translation is originally posted on


These photos were probably sent as a prank to scare her.

Wen Jin turned Ruan Jinghong's body, pressing her head against her chest, preventing her from looking at the phone. Meanwhile, she enlarged one of the photos.

The photo showed a person falling from a high altitude, with brains bursting and eyes about to pop out. The image was terrifying, to the point that it could be used directly as a promotional poster for a horror movie without any editing.

With such malicious intent, it was more than just a simple prank or scare tactic.

Wen Jin quickly deleted all those photos and took a screenshot of the unknown WeChat ID, sending it to herself.

Ruan Ruan's head was held down by Wen Jin, and she felt the soft rise and fall of breath.

Even though there was still some space around them, she felt a bit suffocated, almost being smothered in this tender embrace.

She struggled slightly in Wen Jin's arms, afraid of hurting her and not using her full strength. As a result, her feeble efforts resembled more of a cute act of seeking affection.

Wen Jin swiftly dealt with the WeChat situation and then realized that she had unintentionally pressed the little thing's head in the wrong position.

She smiled at the little cat-like Ruanruan, who seemed to be drowning, gently moving her hand to release the furry little head from her embrace. Her finger caressed the slightly damp eyelids due to breath-holding, contemplating.

"The atmosphere in your production team doesn't seem to be very peaceful. Are you still planning to go there tomorrow, Ruanruan?"

"Of course I will, I have signed a contract."

The worker Ruan Jinghong was very contractual and replied without hesitation.

"The contract is not a big deal. If Ruanruan doesn't want to go, then she doesn't have to."

Wen Jin's fingertips slid across Ruan Jinghong's cheek, landed on the white and tender earlobe, and pinched it lightly.

In fact, she quite supports the little thing to start her own career. Young people just want to work hard.

But from the bottom of her heart, she doesn't want her baby to be aggrieved. It's really conflicted.

"But I want to go." Ruan Jinghong's face was itchy slightly after being teased by Wen Jin, but she still met her rippling eyes and firmly expressed her inner thoughts.

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Wen Jin sighed slightly when she heard the words. Every time the little thing looked at her with such bright eyes, she couldn't help but soften her heart.

She wrapped her arms around the waist of the person in her arms, and kissed her softly on the forehead.

"Since Ruanruan wants to go, then go. However, I have to let Xiao Yuan accompany you."

Sister Xiao Yuan?

"But, if sister Xiao Yuan comes to accompany me, what will you do, Teacher Wen?"

Ruan Jinghong thought it was wrong, and shook her head slightly, but was caught by Wen Jin.

"I'm busy with other work recently, so I don't need her for the time being. Ruanruan goes to such a dangerous place alone, and I can rest assured with her by your side."

Ruan Jinghong, felt embarrassed when Wen Jin described the filming set as "such a dangerous place."

But she also understands Wen Jin's concerns. Those photos just now really shocked her. Maybe Teacher Wen is also very timid.

So she obediently nodded and accepted Wen Jin's proposal.

It's just that... now she has a headache. How should she explain to others why the movie queen's assistant is by her side?

The matter has been finalized, Wen Jin couldn't see the little thing frowning and thinking, and bit her ear punitively.

Always frowning at a young age, what would you do if you get wrinkles?

Ruan Jinghong's body is very sensitive in many places, and the earlobe is one of them. Usually pinching is fine, why still bite?

She raised her eyes and stared at the trickster, her eyes were angry and tender.

Wen Jin was so easily seduced that her heart itched slightly. She rubbed a piece of tender meat from the side of the person's ear in her mouth, and even blew into that cute ear hole maliciously.

Ruan Jinghong was so provoked that she retreated again and again, but was grabbed by the person next to her pillow.

Gentle whispers sounded from her ears.

"What time will Ruan Ruan arrive at the set tomorrow?"

"Ten... half past ten." Ruan Jinghong's breath was uneven, but she managed to say half a sentence.

"It's still early. I'll drive you there then."

As Wen Jin said, she hooked the waist of the person in her arms, and carefully drew a pattern on that delicate touch.

The night breeze is gentle, like the gentle intimacy between lovers.

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The young couple who have just fallen in love are about to part in the blink of an eye.

The turbulent tide made them try their best to integrate each other into their own flesh and blood.

Considering that Ruan Jinghong will start filming in the future, Wen Jin thinks her actions are very measured, trying not to torment the other person's waist and legs, and even the imprint of love is only left in places that are absolutely invisible when changing costumes.

Heh, she is really a considerate girlfriend.

Ruan Jinghong was tormented by Wen Jin, and in a half-dreamy state, she only felt the sensation of a cold towel being used to clean her legs.

Being sleepy, she couldn't care less about being ashamed at this time, but relied on her actions.

After cleaning up the battlefield, Wen Jin lay back on the bed, and grabbed the cute little girlfriend beside her into her arms.

She also felt exhausted after working till midnight, but she was still reluctant to close her eyes.

The desk lamp in the room has been turned off, but Wen Jin, who has excellent night vision ability, can still see clearly the brows and eyes of the little thing on the bed.

My baby is so cute.

Wen Jin sighed contentedly in her heart, and then thought again: I just expressed my heart last night, but it took only two days, and I have to say goodbye tomorrow morning, it's really annoying.

It was the first time she experienced the feeling of being in love when she lived to be thirty years old, and even the sudden emergence of her love brain was ten times stronger than that of ordinary people.

If it wasn't for the fact that she should respect the other party's career, she would have wished to find a rope now to tie her to her at all times.

She thought of the photos she had seen before, and she felt worried again.

The production team doesn't know what's going on, what if someone bullies my baby?

Forget it, let's send a message to Xiao Yuan first.

Also, the approval of the new IP project has to be accelerated, the actor who will play opposite on the little thing's next project can only be me.

So at 2:30 in the morning, Xiao Yuan and Wen Qing each received a work text message from Wen Jin.

Xiao Yuan, who was on vacation for a long time, was fine. When she saw the content of the text message that she was going to be a bodyguard for her idol, she immediately expressed that she would fulfill her mission.

While Wen Qing, who has been thrown out to work by Wen Jin in the past two days, now has a pair of panda eyes, choking speechlessly.

In the middle of the night, you're asking me to quickly finalize the director, screenwriter, and other members for the new IP project. Do you expect people to be awake at this hour?

Wen Qing felt that she couldn't spoil her cousin like this, so she immediately called to refute.

Wen Jin's mobile phone was turned to silent at the moment. She was afraid of disturbing the sleep of the baby in her arms, so she immediately hung up the call, and not long after, she received a text message with a length of 100 characters from Wen Qing.

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Knowing her cousin's temperament like the back of her hand, she quickly sent another text message to patch it up.

[0.5% of shares]

Wen Qing saw this message and confirmed that it was sent by her cousin.

All of a sudden, her back is no longer sore, her legs are no longer hurting, and her energy is full!

What is the most tempting thing for senior workers is not a salary increase, but a share!

This means that she is one step closer to early retirement and counting her money.

She gave a reply at the speed of light, for fear that Wen Jin would regret it if she was a second late.

[Okay boss, no problem boss. I'm going to sort out the information of the directors and screenwriters to be invited now, and make appointments one by one early tomorrow morning to talk]

She would only call Wen Jin the boss when she was extremely excited.

The next morning, Xiao Yuan arrived at the apartment building where Ruan Jinghong lived, driving Wen Jin's Lamborghini.

With milk pudding in one hand and soy milk buns in the other, she rang the doorbell of the little idol's house.

Speaking of which, ever since the boss returned to the country, she had driven her here twice, but each time she was sent back by the boss just as she arrived downstairs, not even getting a chance to meet the boss's wife.

Actually, as a diligent employee, she wasn't in such a hurry to leave work either.

Now, I finally have the opportunity to have a close encounter with the boss's wife, oh no, I mean to work diligently up close.

She woke up early and even specially made the pastries that the young girl liked, eagerly going to showcase her performance.

When the doorbell rang, it was only eight o'clock in the morning. Ruan Jinghong, who had been tossed about half the night and now only recognized the alarm clock, was still trapped in the bed and refused to get up.

Wen Jin was half asleep and half awake from the noise. While habitually kneading the soft side of her body, she reached out to reach for the vibrating mobile phone.

Seeing the text message from Xiao Yuan, she had no choice but to get up and get dressed, and walked to the entrance to open the door.

Seeing Xiao Yuan holding a food bag in one hand, she yawned sleepily.

"Didn't I tell you that it's fine to drive over at nine o'clock to pick me up, and you even brought breakfast?"

Xiao Yuan smiled brightly, "As the one who enjoys the boss's salary, it is my duty to take care of the boss's well-being! I take this responsibility seriously!"

She glanced inside the house and asked: "Where is the boss's wife?"

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