Chapter 1179: You’re the One Who Took the Wrong Medicine

“It must be that you didn’t find out the cause!” Duan Yue berated, “A bunch of quacks, quacks I say!”

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“Quacks!” The little fellow also parroted Duan Yue’s words in a garrulous fashion.

Upon hearing this, Situ Yi was a bit speechless, but he still suggested, “How about I go invite the Dou Clan’s Second Dou to come over and examine Little Junior Sister?”

At this time, Qiao Mu was sitting on the side, and she had long been aggravated by the 17 to 18 physicians’ repetitive examinations. Therefore, seeing that they were in a heated discussion right now, she stealthily stood up.

It wasn’t until the trio appointed Situ Yi to go invite Second Dou from the Dou Clan into the palace to diagnose Qiao Mu that they discovered the little lass had actually disappeared.

Mo Lian cried on the inside as he ran into the bedchamber by himself to take a look. He then sighed after coming out. “She went into closed-door cultivation again. Go invite him tomorrow since she probably won’t come out again today.”

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However, the main reason was that he was also worried that if he went to bother her again, she might become so furious that she would go missing on him.

Situ Yi chortled out loud. “My Heavens, how much is Little Junior Sister thirsting to cultivate! She just ran off to cultivate in those few minutes that we didn’t pay attention to her.”

Yet Mo Lian let out a long sigh: How depressed should he be with a diligent wife that cultivated nonstop every day?

“What kind of drug makes someone think only about cultivation every day?” Duan Yue blinked as he commented, “This is too mysterious, don’t you guys think?”

Situ Yi hastily interjected, “Could it be that we are wrongly accusing that guy from Beijing Manor, and that it isn’t his fault at all? Or perhaps, Qiaoqiao was the one who was randomly eating things inside the secret realm and accidentally took the wrong medicine?”

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“You’re the one who ate the wrong medicine!” Mo Lian and Duan Yue rolled their eyes at him crossly.

“Qiaoqiao isn’t that dumb!”

Situ Yi simply shrugged his shoulders. “Then fine, I will bring Second Young Sir Dou over at this time tomorrow. Remember to allow me passage and don’t make me fight my way inside again. It’s annoying.”

Mo Lian acquiesced as he sent the two gods of plague away. After they left, Huifeng appeared before him with a flash.

“Your Highness didn’t go to morning court today, so you are unaware that the censors clashed with the Vassal King of An’nan directly this morning in front of the court.”

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Curling his lips scornfully, Mo Lian asked, “How was it? Are the results out?”

“The king followed your suggestion. Today, he announced in the morning court that the Vassal Prince of An’nan was meritorious in defeating Northern Qi, but he also needs to be punished for failing to discipline his troops. As the two offset each other, he will have neither merits nor demerits. In addition, the king also issued an edict removing one of the Vassal Prince of An’nan’s generals from his post. The royal edict should have arrived at that person’s estate by this time.”

Mo Lian snorted. “How about the matter with the Northern Qi princess.”

“The king was on board with your suggestion and bestowed the Northern Qi princess to the Vassal Prince of An’nan.”

Mo Lian laughed out loud. “Good bestowal. How could there be such a wonderful thing as letting her fester away in Our hands? Since he was the one who brought her back, let him enjoy the favor.”

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“The vassal prince is probably not going to take this lying down.”

“Just watch. This princess will not live for much longer either.” Mo Lian smiled darkly as he got up and walked outside.

Huifeng’s eyes suddenly lit up. “Your Highness means that the vassal prince will not marry the Northern Qi princess.”

“How could he be willing to marry a woman that is of no assistance to him? He has wild ambitions.”

Yet Huifeng pursed his lips. “Then should this subordinate secretly arrange for people to protect that unlucky Northern Qi princess?”

“No need.” Mo Lian commented apathetically, “The life or death of a small kingdom’s princess has nothing to do with us.”

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