Chapter 1180: Your Brain is Muddleheaded

He had been grossly revolted by the Vassal Prince of An’nan after conducting a secret investigation on him, where he found out that this vassal prince had planned to shove the Northern Qi princess into his hands.

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Ha ha, how could things in this world go as smoothly as he wished?

That’s just wishful thinking! He even wanted to shove an unknown woman onto him. If he didn’t drive this Vassal Prince of An’nan into a bad fix, then his name wasn’t Mo Lian!

Mo Lian spat with a sneer, “Does the Vassal King of An’nan’s Estate think that We are unaware of their little maneuvers during these past years?”

“It’s just that he might not have the life to enjoy what he wants.”

He was going to hand over a lifetime of peace and perpetual well-being to Yu’er! Some people had been in high positions for so long that they seemed to have long forgotten not only their surnames but their true identities, as well.

Then he might as well thoroughly remind them of this fact.

Not everyone in this world could be provoked at random.

Huifeng’s gaze shifted before he quickly followed the crown prince out.

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Yet after taking two steps, he suddenly looked back in surprise. “Your Highness, it couldn’t be that the crown prince consort went into closed-door cultivation again!”

The crown prince simply didn’t want to bother with him!

This guy just stabbed at his heart unintentionally all the time with his garrulous chatter. So infuriating!

—-My Qiao’s section break—-

The next day.

As agreed upon, Situ Yi brought Second Young Sir Dou to the Eastern Palace. After exchanging greetings, the crown prince ditched them and led Qiao Mu out in her reluctance.

“Hubby, cultivate!”

Duan Yue facepalmed. He had heard this sentence the most over the past two days!

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Mo Lian also coughed vexedly before holding her small hand and coaxing, “Okay, okay, cultivate, cultivate. After we take your pulse and eat breakfast, you can continue cultivating, okay?”

Qiao Mu knitted her eyebrows as she sat ramrod straight on a stool and glared at Second Dou with large eyes.

“Quack! Hurry up.”

Situ Yi hastily coughed to cover up his amusement, and he quickly stood up to appease Second Young Sir Dou, “Please do not take offense, Second Young Sir. Our Little Junior Sister has overexerted herself cultivating, so her brain is muddleheaded.”

“Your brain is muddleheaded!” Qiao Mu snapped back.

However, Situ Yi turned around and looked at Qiao Mu with a smile. “Little Junior Sister, what is my name?”

“Senior Brother Situ!” Upon hearing this, Qiao Mu had ‘you think I’m an idiot’ written all over her face.

Didn’t Hubby tell her this person’s name two days ago? How could she forget!

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Second Dou’s eyebrows creased as he turned to look at Situ Yi.

Duan Yue then said with a chortle, “Second Dou, let me tell you. Actually, Qiaoqiao wasn’t scolding you just now. It’s just that we offhandedly told her that a group of people whose names are ‘quacks’ will be coming to take her pulse these two days.”

“So just now, she was actually, cough, just calling your name.”

Second Dou: …

What else could he say to this bunch of oddballs?

“Crown Prince Consort, please extend your hand.”

Second Dou felt Qiao Mu’s pulse with knitted brows, his eyes intermittently observing the small, wooden face close to him.

“It’s very normal!” Second Dou gazed at Mo Lian and them with a puzzled look.

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Why were these three people looking at him with disappointment!

This young crown prince consort’s body really was completely normal, alright?

“Quack!” Hopping down from the chair, Qiao Mu pattered toward the back room, not bothering to give them another glance.

“Where is the crown prince consort going?” Second Dou was confused.

Duan Yue rolled his eyes and replied, “She’s going to cultivate! These past days, she has been in this industrious cultivating state every single day, disregarding the affairs of the world all for cultivation.”

As they spoke, the four people were astonished as they noticed that large amounts of mystic energy generated by heaven and earth were gushing toward the back room.

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