My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem

Chapter 861: Chapter 861

Chapter 861

Two days had passed since I had last spoken with Calypso. In that intervening time, I had a chance to look at the camp a bit more. I wasnt able to go far. Our guard, Salicia, didnt allow us, and I wasnt ready to make a break for it until my mana had returned. She still didnt act like she knew me at all. That was probably for the best. If she had retained memories and her old personality, she could have told Calypso everything about me. Thankfully, Calypso never even thought of asking her such a question, and I liked to think that Salicia was somewhere in there and deliberately keeping this from her. At least, it made me feel closer to the woman that I had lost.

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I had tried to talk to some of the Bandits a few times, but they seemed disinterested in talking to me. I was Calypsos woman, and that was as far as it went. This honestly surprised me a bit. Bandits were Bandits, after all. They were cheaters, liars, and murderers. How could they possibly respect Calypsos orders? At first, I had thought that Salicia was our guard because she didnt trust the Bandits, but now I was thinking there was more to it.

Meanwhile, I continued to dwell on the idea that had been sparked in my head. I was certain we were in a dungeon. That was why I wasnt able to get a clear location on my girls, let alone send them a message. Unless they were in this dungeon with me, I couldnt contact them. Even though I had a blessing that allowed me to make Portals out of a dungeon, it didnt work for other skills. As for making a Portal, that was impossible with my mana blocked. I still couldnt use mana. I tried every day and was seemingly unable to cast a single spell.

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From what I remember the Grand Master telling me regarding the knife, it corrupts mana and damages the soul. Your mana was turned into miasma forcefully. As long as it is corrupt, you will be unable to use any spells. It will need to be cleansed first. Siti explained. Did you need me to reinforce your cosmetic spells?

My tattoos were something that Siti had helped me hide using illusion magic. Void and space magic had a close relationship with illusions. When it came to a spell that just hid marks on my skin, I guess it was a common enough spell for some women to get that Calypso wouldnt care or notice.

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How do you cleanse mana? I asked.

Only a Priest can do it.

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So, it was like that. I thought I could do it with White Mages Purification, but that involved me being able to use mana, which was something I couldnt do! Thats when a thought occurred to me.

Would I be able to use miasma spells?

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Huh? I mean, you would have to have some demonic or dark ability that gave you skills that used miasma, but you would have access to them.

As she said, The curtain opened and Calypso walked in, causing us both to freeze in surprise. Come with me, Deedee, its time that I showed you some things.

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