My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem

Chapter 862: Chapter 862

Chapter 862

When Calypso walked in on us and overheard the last part of our conversation, I carefully tried to remember everything we had spoken out loud to make sure she didnt hear anything we didnt want her to hear. Thankfully, she didnt seem upset or angry. She had the same half-smirk on her face that she usually did, seemingly enjoying the pair of us chatting. Some of the other girls said she liked us to interact and grow friendly with each other, as she would bed several of us at once when she was in the mood.

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Although she said this, Calypso had only taken one girl to her bed a night. Supposedly, the girls were on a rotation, much like I had done with my girls. I didnt feel comfortable knowing that we had such a thing in common. I wasnt on the list yet, but Siti was. In three days, Siti would be Calypsos night attendant, which typically meant that she would expect some service.

At first, I had worried about Siti, but Siti only laughed it off. Did you think the Grand Master only kept me around because I was a Blue Mage? Naturally, I warmed his bed many nights. In reality, being his apprentice and being in Sitis harem, there isnt much of a difference to me. Here, I can at least share in it, and Calypsos a bit prettier than that old man, isnt she?

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Siti had been afraid at first, but after a few days when she finally understood her responsibilities as well as why Calypso found her compelling, she had relaxed considerably. It turned out she wasnt an innocent virgin and was familiar with using her body to get what she wanted. I had learned that she used to work for the Travelers Guild like most Blue Mages, but that her superior had demanded unreasonable favors from her for her to keep her position and advance. That was why she eventually left with the Grand Mage.

Thus, Siti only waved goodbye as I followed Calypso outside the tent, and it was no longer clear if she even truly wanted to escape. When I had asked her directly, she said that it depended on how good the sex was. Since Calypso was a much older woman than probably even the Grand Master, she likely had a lot of experience to fall back on. Well, it wasnt like I planned to be her bed partner any time soon. Id escape as soon as I could.

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As I was thinking this, we had walked to the edge of the camp. The forest surrounding it was thick and didnt give you a view through. I had never seen a dungeon with an open sky and a night and day cycle before, but the more I was in this place, the more I grew convinced it was a dungeon.

What do you think of this camp? She asked harmlessly.

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Isnt this a dungeon? I asked, once again not able to still my tongue.

Her eyebrows rose, and then she smirked. I knew you were the right one. I felt it as soon as you entered. Your presence causes my heart to beat rapidly. You have the potential!

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Potential for what? I asked helplessly.

You can become a Dungeon Master, like me!

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