《Trinity Full-cross》 was a failure in the end. It was difficult to balance everything. It was the first time I saw Akira, who’s usually proud and was the one who named it, being unusually down in the dumps. Time should heal that shortly. Rin and I, along with Sakuma, tried to encourage him. Meanwhile Akai was the same, finding no interest besides tending to her nails.

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“Don’t worry, its fine….. We’ll get the hang of the balance and challenge it again….”

Akira told us all in a heavy and yet composed short response.

“U, Utsurogi-kun. Go fuse with Hino-kun…….”

“N, Hmm?”

Rin softly whispered into my ear.

“Well, since I had a great time practicing, why do you go give Hino-kun a hand with his special training too?”

“O, Ohh…..”

I nodded and called out to Akira.

“Heyy, Akira. How bout you and I try out the new technique?……”

“No, I want to think more on Trinity Fullcross…..”

“We’ll take our time. There’s no need to rush. We’ll have plenty of trials…..”

Hearing my words, Akira had finally regained his usual bright composure. Wait, he was never that kind of person. Its more of his brightness went from 10 lux, to 100 lux in just that moment.

“I guess if you’re saying it that way, there’s no helping it then………”

While he was floating, Akira entered into my body. With the flame going circulating, Akira and I became a Fire Demon.


~~~~~~~~~~Rin’s POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

That’s soooo cool, I thought. The slime fusion usage is more like a bluff.

I began moving over to the rock, crawling on the ground zuru
zuru and began watching over Kyosuke, together with Sakuma and Akai.

These two people were able to at least have their figures, resembling that of a human and were the rare beings in the class. Being a Slime, I was really obviously envious of them too. Of course I was envious of their legs more, as I was the prefecture’s ace sprinter, but I was also envious of their arms and quite honestly, I envy their faces too.

If I had hands, I’d like to hold hands. If I had a face, I’d like to smile. Even if I were to imitate such things, even now it would all end up being a funny imitation.

“…..Is something the matter?”

Akai, with half opened eyes, gazed at me.

“Eee, no—nothing…..or wait, why are you looking at me!?”

“It’s cause you’re sensitive to stares”

Saying that, she began immersing herself with her nails again.

“Weelll, I was just jealous of the both of you having a human figure…….”

“If it’s me, I’m more jealous of Himemizu…..”


Sakuma muttered those words, making me stiffen.

I already knew that she has feeling of love towards Kyosuke. From the time we were humans, Ryuzaki and I were in the same group. From his information gathering, lots of various gossips flowed through. If its Sakuma situation, after reincarnating into a different world and with me being stuck with Kyosuke very closely (not metaphorically), I’m sure my existence may not be amusing at all to her.

“S, Sacchan……..”

“Ah, no, its nothing. When it comes to being envious or hating Himemizu, that is not……..”


What should I do. This is really awkward.

If looking in front, while the fused Akira and Kyosuke called out 『Blaze Cutter!』, their drawn sword was covered in flame. I knew it, flashy moves are cooler! I was getting excited just from watching them.

“Its inevitable that Sachi would be envious of Himemizu”

Fuuuuuu Akai dropped a bombshell while she was blowing on her nails.

“Ehh, I—I’m not jealous? I don’t reall—”

“You’re jealous. Well, I knew it couldn’t be helped. Right Himemizu”

“Eee—Why are you dumping this onto me…..”

I know I’m quite sociable. Being in the class top group and being called an idol is not just for show. But even I think this is hard topic to talk about, but this Akai Asuka.

Though we’re quite intimate and calling each other by first name basis, I’ll always just call her 『Akai-san』.

“Still, when Sachi was a human, she did have many chances. Isn’t that right, Himemizu?”

“Like I said, why are you passing it onto me……”

It’s more of a stronger feeling of gratitude towards Kyosuke that I have. Or is it possibly a small amount of that? I became self-conscious of what my feelings may have advanced into.When Kyosuke was talking about how much fun he had with Sakuma, it stung my heart a little bit. Well, it may just be that then.

Uumu, I’m also a girl. I shouldn’t be carelessly thinking about this though. Although it may be awkward, I’ll declare war against Sakuma. Even though Kyosuke’s only bones, he still is a man. If victory was decided by sex appeals, I’ll probably lose.

Well, even when we were humans, I had very little confidence on my sex appeals.

I was a little timid while gazing at Kyosuke’s special training, with Sakuma saying nothing more as well.

Kyosuke was once again displaying the power of Blaze Cutter


~~~~~Sakuma’s POV~~~~~~

The first time I, Sakuma Sachiko, met with Kyosuke was on one winter day
when we were 1styear students.

When I was a 1st year, I joined the library committee. I was never able to fit in with the class, spent my break reading books, reading books in the library afterschool…that was how I mostly passed time my first year in school. I never thought it was boring or lonely.

In high school, I was somewhat alienated besides from Akai Asuka and my other childhood friends (There’s 2, that said) who always worried about me and often took me to play with them.

I wanted time to stay like this when I was in middle school, but it didn’t. Even though I still thought of that, time began to move for me on that day.

“Aree…..? It’s not here?”

Afterschool, I was on my usual route of reading books in the library when I noticed the book I wanted was gone from the bookshelves.

I was unprepared as it was not a popular genre nor was it a popular book and this place was usually deserted. This is the library after all. Though it wouldn’t be strange if it was checked out. Downhearted, my shoulders dropped.

“Ummm—Excusee mee.”

Exactly at that moment, I heard a voice in front of the librarian counter. Swapping gears, I went towards the counter.

The librarian teacher was not here right now. In front of the counter was a male student waiting in vain.

“Yeees, I’m on my waay”

Part of the library committee duties, I sat at the counter. 『Please』 as I said and the book was presented before me. When I saw it, I was taken aback at the same time.

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Tall, serene features and a male student handed me the book. It was the book I was searching for! It was the children’s book that was already no longer published and the one I search on review sites, which did not get it much critically acclaimed reviews. But I was curious as it was supposed to give the feeling of tugging a person’s heartstrings.


“Ahh, sorry!”

Staring at the front cover while in a slight daze, I started the lending process while flustered. Looking at the history of this book, it was a book that no one had touched in about ten years. That day I also wanted to borrow this book too!At that time, outrageous thoughts started to sprout in my mind.

I wanted to get my intentions across to this male student standing before me. 『I wanted to read it first』 or even 『Please return it quickly!』or 『After reading it, tell me what your impression!』and so……..2

It was not simply a brazen request but rather, it was simply the first time meeting a colleague for the same story which gave off an entirely pure feeling to it.

I raised my face and was about to say something. But in the end, nothing came out.

It’s impossible for me to say it.

Calming my self, I continued on with the lending process, and at that moment I suddenly blurted out.

“Are you planning to read? This book that is”


“Not long ago, I placed this book at that spot over there. Not that I cared. I was just curious as I searched it up by chance on the net but, but it doesn’t matter since you’re checking it out instead. I’ll be happy if you can return it soon”

“Eh, but…umm, eh?”

The male student… wait no, according to the library card, he’s Utsurogi Kyosuke, was grabbing the reservation slip and rustling while filling in the
necessary information.

“After reading, tell me your thoughts. Bye now”

Stating that to Kyosuke, I left the library counter. The words I couldn’t say, I spilled everything out!

Waiting outside the library was presumably his friend as they exchanged friendly greetings and walked down the corridor. I glared at Kyosuke’s back as he held onto my book.

Later, I told this story to Akai Asuka and we shared a lot of laughter. Though its not like the Shoujo manga’s “encounter 〟nowadays.

Not that it really matters.

The following week, the book I wanted to read had returned and I finished reading it. In it, Kyosuke kept his promise and written a notification in it. Afterschool finally came and he showed up, in which I lent him books and we talked about our interest in books for a short while. It was a lot of fun.

That day, just a little bit of light shone in Sakuma Sachiko’s life.


~~~~~~Asuka Akai’s POV~~~~~~~


Originally a simple, glasses wearing, book loving girl and now she’s rivaling even against me, Akai (the queen). I heaved an enormous sigh because of Sakuma Sachiko. I’m currently in my exclusive room. Currently, the only students who have their own rooms are Kogane and myself.

It has been a few days since Utsurogi Kyosuke struck Kogane Yoshiki.

Since then, Sakuma no longer showed herself in the dining hall. Of course, Kogane still was there daily. My entourages, the Harpy Harui and the Lamia Hebitsuka, often went to grab food for both Sakuma and themselves. I’ve also heard from Kyosuke that he intentionally avoids contact with Kogane and eats at the time when Kogane would be gone. Those two used to have a good relation nevertheless, I think Sakuma became a bit lonely due to it. Because of that matter’s effect, Sakuma felt the physiological fear that Kogane have caused towards her, which is my frank thoughts on this incident.

Kogane’s behavior was the same as ever, even to his surrounding. Though I say that, even in the past he would have the audacity to behave in such ways to anyone, regardless if they were male or females, and it continued to increased over time. Even if I am not here, I’ll continue to keep Kogane away from Sakuma and due to that I have not heard the recent rumors.

The class that supported Kogane had been torn into two. Now, its whether they flatter him, or place distance.

It’s not because of the disgusting things he’s done. Rather, that day when they saw the challenger Kyosuke striking Kogane, their imagination on how to foolishly defy the oppressor began to rise. Though because of Washio and Hakuba, the 4 legged duo, showing their battle ability as a pretext, they were able to completely regain their authority and position in the class. Granted that they are not the top group, they alone are strong enough to declare so.

However, no matter how many distance they place themselves, its not like it would guarantee safety. Kogane’s clique gradually swallowed various other groups, forcing them to abide by their rules or else punishment would be inflicted with no chances of forgiveness. I have nothing to do with it entirely but ever since Sakuma has been comprised of my group, there were talks of getting the lonewolf type Inugami, a Werewolf, on our side too.

Kogane also tried to make a pass at her, a delinquent and a former bullied child mixing together, though it was a different kind of nerves he had. He tried putting his hands to feel her shoulders but after she shot off threats, he stepped back. After that, whether its lying down or eating, she moved location to the inner portion of the labyrinth. Completely in progress like a wild animal

“Aa—aa, this is soo uncomfortable right—? Esp—ecia—lly this atmosphere—“

Harpy Harui stretched grandly while saying so.

“I know, I know—Or rather, like, it’s boring isn’t it. Don’t ya think so too Sakuma?”

Lamia Hebitsuka looked over here seeking a response, to which Sakuma replied back with a bitter smile.

A long time ago, Sakuma had a hard time understanding these two speech, the so called gyaru language. Though it may be obsolete, it’s still gyaru.

And long ago I too was called the calm and beautiful class queen that was aloof and having charisma hanging around me. Even just associating around me, many female students thought they could obtain status. Thinking so, these two promptly guaranteed their position in the class by doing so.

I am, in a sense, different from Inugami, who’s different than the regular delinquents. Having a more mature atmosphere, and is supposedly a yakuza mistress or so the rumors goes (Sakuma knows that the unfound rumor is false though). With that, it just left my neighbors being Harui and Hebitsuka, to which no one made fun of.

“Hmmmm—, Sakuma, like what’s wrong with ya?”

“Hmm? Are ya like still worried about Kogane trying to woo ya? Just forget bout that”

“I—, its not like that though……”

Sakuma’s poor at handling those two. But, I thought it was best for her to be place here, rather than where dangerous people could be lurking. Well, not like we’re humans anymore.

“I know! It’s about Utsurogi isn’t it!”

Hebitsuka clapped her hands while shouting, while Sakuma body began turning red.

“Uwaaa—your white skin is like, totally turning red……Sakuma is too easy to read—“

“Ya hearing this Asuka—? Sakuma likes Utsurogi ne? But, isn’t he like a skeleton?”

“I—,it’s not like he was a skeleton when I first met him…….”

I don’t want to participate in that matter’s discussion. Besides, I was never made out for love talks. If they were to seek my advice, I’ll warmly give them the generic truth as most people would, but since their level of communication is only high in gyaru language, it would be different from giving it to the simple, introverted, and book reading girl.

Right now, Sakuma’s top curiosity is the relations between Utsurogi Kyosuke and Himemizu Rin.

When we were humans, she was for sure the only female student who could rank equally to me in terms of beauty. It could be said that Ryuzaki, Goubayashi and Rin’s top group is called the 〝light〟 side. Meanwhile, my group is the so called 〝dark〟 side. Naturally, she was the center of attention in her circle.

She was always a cheerful, kind, and naïve girl to anyone. Despite that, there was always some distance placed between Kyosuke’s group. In less that a month before coming here, Kyosuke was supposed to be just a number in the class to Rin.

And yet, they became friendly fast.

Even ‘combined’.

I know its different from Sakuma and the other’s understanding of ‘combined’, different from the lewd form. But compared to Sakuma who took a longer time becoming an acquaintance with Kyosuke, in a flash Rin overtook that or it gave off the impression of possibly surpassing Sakuma already.

Rin became a slime and Sakuma became a succubus. You could say they swapped beauty and feminine charms. However, it was supposed to bring Sakuma closer to Kyosuke but rather, it created a larger distance between them.

“I also want to be a slime……”

Sakuma muttered to herself though Harui and Hebitsuka both replied with 『Haa!?』

“Like, what’re ya saying Sakuma! You’re already blessed with such shapes!”

“Are ya like, an idiot!? You have the largest breast in the class now, Sakuma!”

“Why are you bringing up my breast…..”

That was originally one of her largest problems.

“Like, I’m a little different from Himemizu though. Ya should be careful of what ya say in front of her though”

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“W—why? That………Etto, Himemizu-san is pretty right?”

“Y’know it might be like that, but—“

Harui said in a shrilled voice and suddenly her wings were presented in front of Sakuma.

Growing from her shoulders onwards were harpy wings. It was beautifully white, fluffy and the sensation brought upon touching it is like tickling the nose.

“Like this, my hands. What’cha think?”

“Wha—do I think…..It’s beautiful isn’t it?”

“Like, it is beautiful. It’s beautiful but like Sakuma might not understand it too. Ya see, nails are my hobby”


That reminds me when we were humans, she did mention something like that to me.

My first entourage, Harui, loved doing her nails and never missed a day of maintaining it. When we became 2nd year students, she began to modestly start nail arts and even thought of advancing in that career route
in the future.

But, reincarnating into a Harpy meant Harui no longer had nails.

“Like for me—I can’t wear my prided pumps or boots on my legs……..”

Lamia Hebitsuka also gave a great sigh as she coils her lower half.

~~~~~Sakuma’s POV~~~~~~

After hearing those two share their regrets, I immediately understood.

Himemizu Rin. The Track and Field ace sprinter. Everyone in the class knew she loves running more than anyone, and she became a slime. The thing she loved has been unexpectedly snatched away from her. That pain, I’m sure she must have gone through a lot.

For that reason, Kyosuke held out his hands in assistance.

For example, returning the book he borrowed back to me swiftly.

For example, attacking the Wight King to come and save me and Tsurugi.

For example, what he had done just recently too.


Kyosuke has never changed at all. Asuka also has not changed at all. Maybe even Rin has never changed at all too.

He held out helping hands to both Rin and myself, each with our own separate issues.

With Rin’s natural characteristic and originally an energetic person, she could easily build friendship with Kyosuke. But I don’t know if she’s planning anything. Thus making her a formidable enemy. I formally recognized this. So far until now, my advantage over Kyosuke is slowly dying for sure. It’s because of myself being spoiled up until now due to the situations we have face, so this is my own responsibility to pick.

From now on, I’ll be more assertive than before. I won’t lose to Rin. I firmly grasped my fist .

“That totally reminds me, what’s Utsurogi and Rin up to now?”

“《Trinity Fullcross》’s practice they said”

“Ahh—, that mixture……”

From behind, I could hear Harui and Hebitsuka’s chattering.

That’s right 《Trinity Fullcross》. Currently, the special training is in its final
stage and the name was given by Hino Akira.

“Like, that seems fitting for Hino. Since he does like Kamen Rider and the whatchamacallit rangers.”

“SERIOUSLY? He’s an otaku!?”

“Nah, not exactly like an otaku. It’s cause he’s in Kogane’s group”

“Nooo— but like………that’s sorta cute right?”


~~~~~Ryuzaki’s POV~~~~~~

“Heeyy—, Sugiura, come on now. Lets go together—“

“I said no. I have to go prepare in stocking food”

“Ya’know each time I look at your octopus legs, I get a little excited just thinking of what we can do. Just once, can you suck me with your suction

“What kind of disgusting thing you’re saying! Moou, hindrances should just get out of the kitchen now, now, now!”

Pechan Pechan as Sugiura drove Kogane out with her octopus tentacles and he stumbled out towards the dining hall. As he was stumbling out, he was frivolously smiling and scratching his head. Seeing such atmosphere, Washio and Hakuba also played along.

As Kogane smiled, he called out in a coaxing voice 『It’s fine if you come into my room later tonight—』towards Sugiura in the kitchen, however there was no response. Several seconds later, his smiling act changed as he blatantly tsk loudly.

Viewing their current state with dead eyes was I, Ryuzaki, who was sitting at the dining hall’s corner.

If she were to be an ordinary person, Sugiura would have faced the punishment from Kogane’s group later on. It may be violent or there may be disgusting means of harassments. However, there is no need to worry if its Sugiura. Presently, there’s only one person in charge of cooking, which is Sugiura. If she were to leave, the students would have plenty of trouble preparing food, seeing as there’s no other students that can cook well.

At most, there may be a meager amount of harassment. Sugiura is stubborn, so if its her, she can endure it. I myself can’t make a move nor do I have the resolve to do so.

Just the other day, was the incident in which Utsurogi Kyosuke knocked Kogane off his feet.

I saw the incident before my eyes and hoped that the atmosphere would change, even if just a bit. Kyosuke’s heart would oppose any wrongdoings and I still thought it could bring new development in the class. I also thought it can cause changes in Kogane’s heart.

However, it did not be as I thought in the end. Instead, Kogane tendency to remonstrate withered and he’s now riding along with the current method. As Washio and Hakuba kicked Kyosuke, causing him to disassemble, Kogane scornfully laughed while watching.

As I was in the middle of dazing, two female student entered the dining hall. Kumosaki and Kikino.

“Thanks for waiting—, Kogane!……..Huh, Kogane? Whats wrong?”

Kumosai greeted in a cheerful voice as she inclined her head seeing Kogane pouting while looking in the direction of the kitchen. Kogane gave just a short reply『Nothing…..』.

Kumosaki had, a while ago, thought that Kogane was the single most disgusting student. By awhile ago, it was when they were humans.
And yet, after coming to this world, her views changed. His figure became attractive, his captivating powers, and before long his heart also began to entice her. Though Kogane is arrogant, perhaps he’s tender to his fellow colleagues.

“Geez, stop making such an angry face—! You’d said you’ll take me to the 10th floor right?”

Kumosaki clung onto Kogane’s arm and his facial expression finally calmed down, in which she gently rustled with his hair.

“Hm? Ahh…….right. Lets head on down to the 10th floor.”

“11th floor…..there is still That thing right……..”

“But I don’t think we have enough party members”

Kogane surveyed his group.

It was the usual people that was always in Kogane’s group. Inclduing Kogane, Rooper, Washio, Hakuba and with the females Kumosaki and Kikino. Kogane planned to include Sugiura as well. But since she was always on cooking duty, she usually soloed to the 2nd floor to hunt for provisions as that is where her powers can take her to.

In the most realistic situation, he would have wanted Sakuma, but she is heavily guarded by Akai. Gofunkawahara and Okumura could be forcibly dragged into the group or he could look for other female students who real abilities are not as on par with Sakuma. That was Kogane’s current train of thought.

Kogane’s group conversation eventually reached my ears, as I was just thinking about it as well.

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“Heey, Kogane. How bout taking Ryuzaki along?”

“Eeh, that lizard?”

“Great idea right? He’s reasonably strong and can act as a shield, seeing how tough he looks!”

That was shocking to hear, as I bolted my body up. Seeing my reaction, Kogane’s group giggled and laughed.

“Oi, ya listening in right……..”

“Uuwa, seriously…….”

Directing their voice to where I was at and though it was whispered, it was loud enough so that I could intentionally hear it all. While doing so, Kumosaki brought Kogane along as they walked towards my direction. While grinning broadly, Kogane said

“Heey—Ryuzaki, you heard what’s going on right? How about it? Want to tag along?”

“Aah, no, I……”

I diverted my eyes. Kogane sighed and slammed the desk with his fist.

“You’re going, right? Right Ryuzaki.”

“……..Ok. I’ll go”

Kogane’s mouth formed a big smile. I, until now through elementary, middle and highschool life, how many times have I seen such a smiling face. It’s as when a bully guaranteed his prey and their peculiar laughter and smiling face.

I was always concerned with the students who were directed with such smiles. When I was still immature and the center of attention in the class, I believed I could always use that as a mean of leverage in order to keep the harmony in the class.

At least that’s was what I thought when I was a human.

This smile, I never thought Kogane would be the one wearing it.

This smile, I never thought I’d be the person who it is directed towards.

I was conscious that this was the first time I have been bullied.

Shrink. Run away. Those words popped into my head.

“Alright then, Ryuzaki. We’re going first. You’d better hurry up with the preparation and come after us”

“What are ya saying—, Kogane, you said you’d take him but you’re just leaving him—“

“Brute—! Low-life—!”

Washio and Hakuba continued with their act and laughter. I no longer had any spare energy to laugh along.

Kogane’s group bustled out of the dining hall. I slowly stood to chase after them. Exactly at the time, a figured emerged from the shadows of the dining hall entrance. I was dumbfounded and muttered the name.



Having no particular interest, Akai Asuka replied back.

Even after reincarnating into a different world and with the hectic change in the class caste, she still retains her superior position as the Queen. Different from me, the leader who fell and became the bullied kid.

“It’s rare to see you eating at this time”

“I came to pick up Sachi’s meal”


Kogane was, as always, still trying to get with Sakuma Sachiko. If Akai was not here, it’s possible that Kogane would make his move on Sakuma and there would have been no student able to stop him. Akai is mostly doing some interference with any quarrels in the class in order to keep the minimum amount of harmony in the class.

No, doing, such actions to say for her position is highly unlikely. I self-

“You, are you joining Kogane’s group in diving down the labyrinth?”

Akai asked as she waited for Sakuma portion of the meal and kept her back towards the wall while maintaining her nails.

“They seemed to be having a fun conversation. A new toy is coming, or something like that”


“You’ve fallen so far. That is, this Ryuzaki”

It’s very rare for Akai to be chattering like this. It’s probably her way of watching out for me.

Her tone happened to have a sort of condemnation to it. For example, with just the other day, the incident where Kogane defiantly approached Sakuma. Kyosuke was the one who stopped that. However, that position should have belonged to me, who should have intervened from the beginning.

If I were to bear the full brunt of it, Kyosuke may have not made an unsightly appearance of himself as he became disassembled. Covered in dragon’s scales, I was built solid. Unyielding to both Washio and Hakuba’s attacks.

I clenched my fist.

“Then, what makes you say I can do something…….!”

Expressing my true feel like they were being squeezed out.

“I have no power and Goubayashi is longer with me. I’ve lost my confidence and you still think I can do something?! There’s already nothing left in me!”

“If you’re a guy that has nothing left, you should have nothing else to be afraid of right”

While looking at her pretty and polished nails, Akai retorted back. With her usual single phrase, why does it strangely stings at my heart?

“You were afraid of Kogane so you abide in his rules and you were afraid of making a wrong guess if Sachi was smiling or was fearful and did not go to her assistance because of that right.”

Fuuuu as Akai sighed and continued

“Well, not that it really matters anymore. Their hardships is pointless though”


“Akai-saaan, the food is finished—“


I knitted my brows and exactly at that time, from the kitchen was Sugiura voice which could be heard. Her octopus legs carried a single tray to be taken and as Akai was about to leave the dining hall.

“Asuka, who are ‘they’?”

“Not saying. They said its their special training and they want to keep it a secret, so its my duty in keeping it too”

Saying that, she left through the passage way.

What did Akai wanted to say at the end? It could be possible its her usual whimsical chatter.

However, she said ‘they said’. I became afraid. From my position, I’ve already fallen to the lowest. Going against Kogane and falling into an oppressed state. Having a bullied person’s mentality, I finally understood for the first time.

Thinking there’s nothing, and eventually defending from something fearful. That was the present me.

If that’s the case, is there something I can do today?

I am powerless. That’s the solemn reality. Releasing my clenched fist and looking at my palm, there was no answer that came out.


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“Ooohhh……We did it……!”

In front of me were smashed rocks and I unintentionally leaked out excitement.

The results of our special training showed as 《Trinity FullCross》 has been accomplished. At first, maintaining the balance proved to be difficult, but gradually we got accustomed to the movements and it became more smooth. As we improved gradually, the large rock became smashed into pieces. If attempting to break a large rock again, Streaming Blow is more than enough and though its not a large breakthrough, it’s a passing mark so far.

Canceling the fusion while wearing the full plate mail, losing its support, crumbled to the ground. Boyon as Rin settled at my legs.

“Iyaa, we’re somehow able to manage this”

Rin randomly was in a good mood, as her body expanded and contrasted. I also closed and opened my fist as if reaffirming the sensation.

“Well, we still have a long way to go as we may have a strong weakness, if we want to act as a substitute for Goubayashi.“

“Kyosuke, as I thought from that explanation, you were really serious about this……”

Akira muttered as his tone dropped a little.

“Aah, I think that it’s necessary for a leader to appear so the class can become calm. I also thought that Kogane is no longer able to fulfill that position.”

“I think that Utsurogi-kun is starting to already talk like a leader for sure—”

Tapu Tapu while Rin was splashing around, she raised an opinion in a carefree manner. As expected, in the corner of my field of vision and being gloomy and ignored, 『hebuu』 as a weird sound was uttered, and we fell silent.

“It’s impossible for me. Being a leader that is.”

“Well, that’s certainly true. Its more realistic for things to be pushed to Ryuzaki rather than for you doing it.”

Days before Goubayashi left, he asked me a question.

Who do you think is fit to be the leader in this class

Facing that, I brought up Ryuzaki Kunihiro’s name.

I didn’t consider it based on the fact that Goubayashi is his close friend. At the end of the day, the person who can bring the class together is, leaving out that nice guy, no one else who can do it. Of course, he’s indecisive, having a naïve judgment, and no matter who it be, he’s willing to show a kind face to them.

But, lumping all that together, he is still a suitable man to become the leader.

Of course he has insufficient parts about him and to compensate for that, Staff officer are necessary. Up until now, Goubayashi has been continuously fulfilling that position.

This time, I’ll be fulfilling that role.

“In regards to Kogane, I still think of him as a friend but”

The armor that rolled on the floor finally settled and while lifting it up, I continued

“Even still, I can’t leave the class in the hands of that guy. The incident with Sakuma could happen even more to other students”

“Though I’m a bit tired of your nice-guyness, its whatever. I also don’t want that ‘big shot’ Kogane to have his way.”

Well, the staff officer and the so called proud people, if Akira could say it, he’d lump Ryuzaki and I as the same type of people. For Ryuzaki to once again attain his leader position in the class, the tactics primarily belonged to Akira, who thought of it.

Although I say it’s a tactic, it’s very simple. We, acting as the Black Knight, would lead the skeleton unit inside of the labyrinth, feigning in following the orders of Ryuzaki. Akira judged that it would be more effective if more people were to witness such event happening. It’s possible that there are many who disliked Kogane dictatorial method. Adding with Akai’s cooperation, the prospect of this battle’s victory is very high.

“Uu—n….. This feels somewhat like repairing the class domestic affairs.”

From my foot, Unyoon as rin extended and said in a cheery voice.

“Feels like……….you say but, Himemizu, you used to be in the higher end of the class caste when we were human right?”

“No way, Utsurogi-kun. Does it look like I’m that sort of person who would be involved in such troublesome thinking?”

“Don’t look like it”


The human Himemizu Rin was the energetic symbol of the class. Cheerful to anyone, lighthearted, and kind. Beginning with the nice-guy Ryuzaki, the boys and girls in the top began working towards spreading charity, making the class of 2nd year class 4 atmosphere relatively better. Greatly different from the malicious bullying one year ago.

However, Akira puff a laughter.

“Don’t be fooled by Himemizu’s optimistic mask, Kyosuke. She’s really stubborn. If I were to behave like that, this class atmosphere would have not deteroriated, that I know. I’m that kind of person who’s poisonous. Ever since she became a slime, its effect on the entire class faded already but it also worked on me too”

Saying that, Akira looked (no eyes) in my direction.

“Resembling just like you”



I tilted my head and at the same time Rin changed her figure, forming a question mark.

Akira once again puff a laughter.

“Well whatever. Let’s go to the dining hall. It’s about time for Kogane and his group to leave”

“Hino-kun often say 『well whatever』 a lot right~”

“It’s his favorite phrase”

“Stop talking about unnecessary things. Kyosuke”

He’s hiding his embarrassment right. I slightly shrugged my shoulder while Rin was enduring from laughing out loud, Pfff, Pfff as she shivers.


Lower level of the labyrinth, the 10th level.

On this level, there’s a cemetery where the skeletons cover an extensive amount of activity in that area. They would never go beyond their boundary. There exist the skeleton’s natural enemy and the supreme ruler of the labyrinth lower levels and is called the large undead monster, the Wight King.

Due to the fact that the Wight King’s height exceeds 5 meter and having a large frame, it’s tied to the 11th floor as it cannot move pass the staircase. Only the 11th floor through the 15th floor have large staircases, through which the tyrant have control over those area.

It was supposed to be like that.

Those skeletons who disliked hunting and patrolling near the 10th floor had found traces of horrible things.

The destruction of the staircase. More accurately, reducing the narrow width by smashing the ceiling and walls. Seeing those traces shaking as the crude rubbles repeatedly move. At the time they discovered this, they first inclined their heads and when they then understood the meaning behind it, they started shuddering. Their whole body shaking, Kata Kata as their body made those sounds.

This is, That Wight King invasion of their region in the 10th floor. This is simply evidence of it happening.

The trembling Skeletons1 in unity proposed an idea to each other.

That eccentric and stray skeleton. Having odd companions consisting of a slime, wisp, succubus, goblin and other strange creatures, living in the upper layer of the labyrinth, that eccentric skeleton who actually returned alive after facing the Wight King once.

If its him, he can possibly repel that dreadful monster!

Agreeing on that idea, the skeletons simultaneously ran.


Authors note:

Alright Alright, we’re getting close to finishing this chapter! Tomorrow will be the end of Chapter 1! Enjoy

#1. Reminds me of RatMan’s lackey!

#2. Reminds me of Shiori from TOWGK

Looks like I finally got the stupid super script to link back to where readers were originally at!

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