Episode 12: The Uncool Hero

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Soojiki’s note: I am very very very very sorry for being a month behind release..and nearly two months behind ending this chapter Orz! RL became….interesting per say. From school, to gaming, to socializing, to partying with international students, to more partying etc etc… Going to get back into the weekly pace I hope! I am no dead yet, but might be as I have to play catch up with school now! But as promised, here is this episode. Look forward to a RVSSL chapters, and possibly half the YTL: Imouto! Need to sleep as I need to wake up in less than 4 hours (stayed up to finish and edit, will edit after class)

As always, read on

Generally speaking, the armor that Gofunkawahara gave to me is quite heavy. It’s a pain for me if I were to pull it apart separately, though poorly at that. With that said, how are we going to enter the labyrinth, or even bring it into the base? If Rin and I can fuse together it would be fine, but we still want the other students to not know as well. Well, Rin said she’ll help with separating the armor, so its fine for now.

“All that’s left is to just persuade Ryuzaki……”

Akira muttered to himself.

The come back for Ryuzaki to once again be the class leader. The tactics in which he will command the skeleton and the Black Knight is not bad in itself, but its important that he agrees with this.

“But lately, Ryuzaki hasn’t been looking lively at all”

“His eyes are like a dead lizard…..”

“More like a fish…….”

With Goubayashi gone and his confidence at rock bottom, its like he’s spending everyday as a living corpse. Not literally like me though, who became a living corpse, but that example doesn’t fit really well. Whoops, back to the main topic.

As mentioned previously, I still believe that Ryuzaki is best suited for bringing the class to order. But there’s no meaning to it, if he himself is not willing to do it. How the heck are we going to get him to bring his self-confidence back up? In any case, the general mentality, or rather each individual student’s hearts like Akira, still judge him strictly.

“Kyosuke, just now you were thinking of something mean about me, right?”

“How’d you know!?”

“It’s cause we’re Homo, right?”

In the end, we continued with our usual bantering as we entered the dining hall. There was no one inside. At the time we were relieved that there was no one there, but a boisterous laughter could be heard behind us. My body unintentionally flinched.

“Heeey, isn’t that Utsurogi?”

The voice calling out belonged to Washio. I didn’t want to be found by this guy at all.

It was not just him alone. With him were Hakuba, Roper and Kogane. The girls tagging along were the usual Kikino and Kumosaki. Both were clinging to his arms.

I tried to keep my words short so I won’t bring Rin any trouble. Meanwhile Akira, ignoring them, just entered the dining hall.

“You’ve finally showed up, and here I thought you were dead. Ahh—, I forgot you were already dead from the beginning”

Gera Gera, as they laugh together with Washio and joined in the joke. Driving the sound out of my head, I looked straight at Kogane.

Kogane matched me, as his eyes sent icy vibes. Not laughing at all, but still cold. As he looks at me, there remained no traces of the previous times in which we used to talk.


Kogane finally spoke.

“What were you doing together with Himemizu-san?”

Not expecting her named to be called, Rin jumped up in surprise.

“Aah, that’s uh, by chance?”

“No, I just thought you both suited each other”

A smile formed from Kogane, the kind of smile peculiar to that of a person with absolute superiority. But that smile seemed a little warped, even unpleasant.

“That Himemizu-san who was once captivating, became a slime. It’s unworthy for Utsurogi, but you both look good together. Too bad you’re no longer the class idol~”

Washio and Hakuba were both holding back their laughter. Meanwhile, Rin shrunk as if hiding. In the beginning, she couldn’t care much about her changed appearance, but his manner of speaking affected her.

I remembered that Kogane sent loving gazes towards her in the bus, as if yearning for her, but now

Kogane hasn’t change. Rin‘s also the same. But

“Take back what you just said now, Kogane”

My hands furled into a fist.

“Hmmm, what’s wrong Utsurogi. Don’t tell me that you really like Himemizu-san? Mybad, mybad. I didn’t think you had such preference……”

“I said take it back. Kogane! Or else……”

“Or else what? Going to fight me again?”

“Damn right I’ll fight again”

Kogane clearly scowled. The atmosphere slowly changed into a risky situation. Hakuba and Washio stepped in front. Kogane, as usual, kept his frivolously smile while calling out to me in a composed attitude.

“You seriously can’t read the mood Utsurogi? It’s just a joke. A gag”

“Your jokes are dull then”

Kogane’s expression changed. I lost my cool as soon as he said those words. My fist was never released from its grip. Resolving myself, I stepped forward, bringing myself near Kogane’s face and said

“Don’t pretend to hide your boring jokes behind your laughter. Kogane”


The first to strike was Kogane. His fist landed firmly on the side of my skull, sending it flying. Rin caught it so there’s no regrets, but next up were Washio and Hakuba who, one after another, rushed towards my defenseless body. With a skeleton’s body, just like that, I became in pieces.

Of course pain would came with this result. Kogane saw that my skull was being protected by Rin.

“But you know what, I’ve always liked your dull jokes”

“What’s that? Trying to smooth things over now huh? Please”

Kogane sent a hard kick at my scattered bones and walked out the corridor. Near the corridor I saw an unexpected scene. Ryuzaki was seen along with the group. Seeing that situation, it seems that Ryuzaki is following Kogane’s orders. Like that time when we were 1st year, with the delinquent dragging Kogane. That figure overlaps entirely with Ryuzaki current state.

“I guess we have to call Gofunkawahara again….”

Rin said that as she gathered my scattered bones. Her voice no longer its usual cheerfulness.

“Sorry Himemizu. I should have gotten at least one punch”

“Uun. Its fine. You got angry for my sake right?”

Rin said as she diligently placed all the bones into one pile.

“I’m really glad. Kogane-kun and Utsurogi-kun are still friends”

“Aaahh, that is…..”

Kogane is actually the one who was crazy over you.

I couldn’t say that to her. If I were to say that, who knows what could happen. Kogane had looked down on her becoming a slime and his the words he just spat out trampled over her heart. Kogane falling for her only happened when they were human, nothing more and nothing less.

Anyone could have followed the path Kogane went through in falling for Himemizu Rin, who’s always cheerful to everyone and is a kind-hearted girl. I guess everyone is two faced. Gossiping a little, too optimistic at times, and including that she’s a straight girl.

With that, Kogane……

“That is…..what?”

“Ah, no. Its nothing”

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I sighed as I looked at my body in pieces.

“Utsurogi-kun, I’m happy”

Rin said once again.

“When I could no longer run and was going to rot away, you called out to me. In the same way, you also got angry for me. I’m really happy”

“O, Ooo….”

“But, I couldn’t even thank you…..I’m disappointing right……”

As I thought, compared to her usual voice this carried a heavy feeling. I became worried.


“You see, I became a slime. I want to convey my happy feelings or be more straightforward, but that I can’t even do…..”

I can vaguely guess what the meaning behind her straightforward feeling she want to convey is. Kogane’s words may have strongly stung to Rin’s heart as she thinks. Or possibly up until now, the feeling might have not been able to come out.

Rin, losing her legs, could no longer run. And that’s not all. She also lost her arms so she can’t hold anything. She lost her body so she can’t hug anyone too. Her symbol as the bright sun because of her smile, she can’t even do that now.

I’m also the same. I can’t get angry, smile nor cry. No emotions can
surface on my face. That’s why I can understand a portion of her feeling.

“Then isn’t it fine?”

I managed to narrowly say something as Rin body quivered.

“It’s good that I can just make you happy. Isn’t that fine?”

“Y, yea….. Thank you…..”

“Well, saying that while in pieces doesn’t sound as cool as I thought”

“That’s not true”

Rin gently placed my head on top of the bone pile. I want to quickly become a human again. Ah, rather I want to be a human form.

“There’s really no need to give your thanks thought. Didn’t you lend me your strength? For the sake of saving everyone in the class and Ryuzaki, your strength is necessary too you know.”

“Ahh—, I figured you think like that…..”

Rin smiled a bitter smile as she said that, filled with nuance.

“Sorry, did I say something weird?”

“N—n. Well, this is just like Utsurogi-kun”

Furu Furu as her body shake, as if she was shaking her head. Her voice finally went back to its usual tone.

“Utsurogi-kun, you kind of look like a hero.”


“Yup. With a just about one punch, you’d immediately be in pieces. So it’s more like a uncool hero!”

Why does this feel like it’s the same words Akira said back when we were kindergarten through elementary school?

But I’m not that important. After all, I’m just doing it for self-satisfaction. There’s never once in which I do it for the praises.

“I’m not like the hero you say I am though”

Rin, while touching my skull, replied

“Since you saved me many times, you’re my hero”

“That’s, very straight, to the point I’m also embarrassed…….”

“Really? Then show it on your face”

“I cant even do that!!”

After shouting, I can’t tell if its from laughter or retorting.

Skeleton or Slime, both are not considered to be weak. Up until now, we’re unable to do simple things humans could do. And that’s irritating and tough. We can’t even fill in the gaps for that or have the know how to do so.

What I can do for Rin is in fact just helping her and going with her. I’m sure she thinks of that too. At least it’s fine for the present.

“Ok, its about time right? For the both of you that is”

A cold voice forced its way into the mood that was gradually getting delicate.

“Hyaaaaaaaaaah! It’s the legal wife!”

“That’s Akira!?”

That’s Akira. Hino Akira. Using her whole body, Rin leapt and crawled on the ground <em as if retreating.

“I’m sorry, I’m soo sorry! If I wanted to flirt with Utsurogi-kun, I should have received permission from Akira first!!”

“What are you saying Himemizu!?”

“I don’t mind. I’ve already acknowledge it. I have no plans to claim ownership over Kyosuke anyways”

“You too Akira!?”

Seems that the time Akira received food from Sugiura, he heard the sounds of trouble from Kogane and his group and rushed here. Afterwards, he saw Rin and I talking together and just watched the situation developed. How does he use that strange mind of his? Thanks to him, I thought my heart stopped beating for a moment. Wait, I have no heart though.

“But still, that fellow Kogane…..Treating Kyosuke like this so far….”

“Ahh, Hino-kun is getting angry”

“I’m not angry. It’s just that Kogane behavior in regards to Kyosuke, it feels as if there’s a strong resentment.”

“So you’re not angry……”

In just a moment, Akira’s body burst into flame. He also lost his arms, legs, face and body, but has yet to express any complaints or hardships which makes me wonder. Though I known him for quite awhile, there’s a slight annoyance because of not understanding at times.

“Kyosuke, I don’t know how you can stomach all of Kogane behaviors”

“Well, there’s no space in my stomach in the first place…..”

“I was asking seriously”

“Aah, un……..”

Well sure, Kogane’s behaviors are intolerable. For that reason, I want Ryuzaki to regain his leadership role to settle the class together.

But, its just a thought.

However, that’s separate from speaking to Rin and Sakuma in a vulgar manner. I won’t permit that and that’s already a fact. The first time was the eye, but the next time I’ll continue further. That’s where I’ll step over that line as it’s intolerable.

Kogane’s a friend. Though for his companions, I have no thoughts about it for now, as he’s still my friend for sure.

“Since he’s a friend, that gives me more reasons to express my opinion to him freely…I think”

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Understanding my feeling, Rin spoke up

“Like throwing a punch?”

“If I didn’t fight, then that would be fine. But, if I didn’t do it, I’m sure someone else would have done it in my place”

“I see……”

Now after have our time to talk, bata bata as the sounds of someone running could be heard at the corridor. Those footsteps didn’t belong to one person…or two people at all. During that slight intermittent, a scream could be heard and both Akira and Rin turned towards that direction. Since I was in pieces and I couldn’t turn my head, Rin helped by shifting my head.

It was Gofunkawahara and Okuma. But, it was not just them

“Huh……its those labyrinth skeletons…….?”

Behind those two were the skeletons, following them.

“Uwaaaa! You’re broken into pieces again Utsurogi!!”

Gofunkawahara called out as he looked towards me.

“My bad Gofunkawahara, can you fix me again”

“Leave it to me. Since this is the 3rd time around, I’ll get it done in less than 10 minutes”

As I asked, he immediately set to work reconstructing my body. Since it’s cramped in the corridor, he brought it all to the dining hall to begin working.

Okuma brought the skeletons to where I was at.

“Utsurogi, the skeleton’s are acting weird debu. They probably want to talk with you debu”

“Skeletons and……me?”

As soon as I asked, they understood. The numerous skeletons nodded in sync, while their chins, kata kata, began moving to bring something to my attention. Perhaps if they had some facial muscles, the sounds they’re producing would slowly make their face more rugged.

The stairs connecting the 11th floor to the 10th floor, from ceiling to wall, were destroyed. It’s possibly the act of the Wight King.

Listening to what was spoken, a tense atmosphere filled the room.

“The Wight King… say, is it that time when Sacchan and the others met it?”

Gofunkawahara asked as he slowed the pace with my arm, while working on the reconstruction.

“If the walls and ceiling were crushed, wouldn’t the boundary it could hunt increase to the 10th floor too?”

“And it’s not just that alone. You have to think about the height and width of the stairs from the 10th floor upward. It’s possible its boundary spread to even the 5th floor already.”

From Rin and Akira’s words, the tension spread even more.

The 5th floor through the 10th floor is an important area, as it holds most of the food supplies and items that can be easily found. It’s possible that, including Kogane’s group that already went, there may be many classmates down there already. It would be fine if they noticed the abnormality soon, but its likely to be too late……

“Nee, is what was said true?”

Sugiura came out of the kitchen, asking with anxiety.

“I’m sure that Kogane-kun brought Ryuzaki-kun to go down to the 10thfloor….”


“I’ve yet to attach your upper body yet Utsurogi. Don’t move.”

Gofunkawahara commanded as I attempted to stand.

“Ok, but after reconstructing we’re immediately going. Give me a hand Akira, Rin”

“Planning on bringing the armor, Kyosuke?”

Akira’s tone containing a hint of rebuke.

“We’ve yet to speak with Ryuzaki for his cooperation. If we leave now, we won’t accomplish our primary goals. It’s possible we’ll have to use 《Trinty FullCross》 against the Wight King”

“So you want to just sit around and do nothing? Kogane and Ryuzaki might die for sure!”

“Besides Ryuzaki, is it necessary for you to worry so much about Kogane too?”


“That’s why I hope you fix that habitual hasty thought of yours!!”

With reconstruction partially complete, I rose in protest to what Akira mentioned before.

“Moou….Guess it can’t be helped that you both would argue….”

As Rin muttered, Akira and I both sent sharp looks at her.

“U, Umm, I’ll also go……”

Everyone turned towards the dining hall entrance.

Standing there were three people. Since they were classmates, their faces were easily recognizable, though it was quite unexpected that they would be there. Especially the person in the middle. With silver hair, red pupils, two small horns sticking out and with a voluptuous body wrapped in thin cloth. In her hands was an empty tray as she about to return it.


The succubus Sacchan. She came here to return the silverware.

“I’m going too Utsurogi-kun. I’ll warn those who went down and tell them to take shelter from the 4th floor and above.”

“Sakuma? But……”

“It’s fine. I also want to be a person Utsurogi-kun can depend on. Just like Himemizu or even Akira”

Hearing those words, Gofukawahara Nya Nya as he smiled while
jabbing his elbow at me.

“Besides that, I’m also strong. I’ll come right after you, after making sure everyone has taken refuge. It’s fine since it’s not that dangerous right?”

Akira began pondering. Of course there is a safety plan, but if someone were to meet the Wight King by chance, we would not know what to do. Although we know that fire is its weakness, its possible that Sakuma alone would not be able to compete against it.

“It’s dangerous if you’re alone”

As I said that, Harui and Hebitsuka place their hands (or wing) on her shoulder.

“Like, if we go then its fine, right?”

“Well, I’m not strong but the least I can do is alert everyone”

“Then, we’ll also come along debu. “

Speaking while getting up was Okuma. Debbu as he slapped his
stomach and spoke to me.

“Exploring the labyrinth together with Gofunkawahara, we’re very knowledgeable about its structure debu! As soon as we finished organizing things, we’ll chase right after you debu. Is that fine debu? Gofunkawahara”

“Aah, I’ve already know what its like chasing your stinky stench. It’s impossible not to!”

These two will always be the regular good duo. As of now, Okuma has an extremely ugly figure as an orc. It caused the accompany girls, some of them at least, to slightly falter. Meanwhile, Sakuma immediately smiled and said 『Thank you, Okuma-kun』. The girl who was the number-one person poor at talking to men, greeted him from the beginning and caused Harui and Hebitsuka to reluctantly agree.

Well, those who are gossipy called them the “AV Duo” (primarily a specific group). But apparently from Rin, it seems that Okuma is dating Gofunkawahara’s sister. He’s faithful to his woman, I hope.

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Returning the tray, Sakuma was about to leave the dining hall when Rin called out

“Eh, w, what?”

“Don’t overdo it. It’s not just Utsurogi-kun, but everyone is worried about you”

“Un…….Thank you”

Sakuma once again gave a smile and with Harui, Hebitsuka and Okuma, they began running through the corridor.

Rin, Akira, Gofunkawahara and myself along with the other skeletons were left behind. Going back to her kitchen, Sugiura took care of the trays that were just sent back. And like that 3 people….no, with Gofukawahara and the skeletons, 10 people began preparing.

“Everyone, make sure you eat before you go! It’ll be bad if you get hungry while out there”

Saying so, she returned again to the kitchen.

“Both Harui and Hebitsuka’s mood seemed fine. And after all the insulting gossip they did against Himemizu.”

“Whats wrong Akira? Its rare for you to get angry for another person”

“I’m not angry. But Himemizu is a friend of yours. Speaking ill to your friends, gives me the right to remember any resentments”

“Is that so, then can you stop using my standards to bash others….?”

I muttered with slight frustration. While viewing the scene, Rin hopped on top of the table and made her way to where I originally was. Then, in a cheery voice

“It’s fine, since I don’t mind at all! Lets eat!”

She also gave stew to the dumbfounded skeletons standing around. They were confused but upon seeing myself eating the stew, they imitated my actions. In this world, it seemed that their meals consist magical energy, so they began eating the food just exactly how I would. It’s kind of similar to an offering at the Buddha altar.

However, the food they ate fell straight to the floor. It’s going to be troublesome cleaning up afterward.

After earnestly reconstructing my body, Gofunkawahara began eating too.

“First of all Akira, we’ll run after Sakuma and the others but everyone else will be taking shelter. Is that fine?”

“Aah. It’s too late and I’m not going to say it as I’m exhausted. However, we will have to face the Wight King. There’s too much uncertain factors”

“But if we leave the Wight King as it is, we won’t be able to go just past 4thfloor anymore, right……”

As I said that and smacked my lips because of the stew (not that I have any), the skeletons also copied that.

It’s exactly that. The Wight King activity range would expand towards the 1st floor to the 10th floor. Doing so would greatly restrict our movement. We all would receive a serious blow if that were to happen. Since we can’t hunt large monsters at all, we might revert back to the days in which we struggled with food provision.

“But isn’t this a good thing?”

Rin lifted the bowl of stew up and the content was absorbed as she said that. I have to bear in mind that she has no other ways to eat besides what can be considered ‘rude’. I tilted my head to her question

“You say good, but how so?”

“Well, in this way we can go help everyone!”

She energetically replied as the bowl was placed back onto the table.

“With Gofunkawahara, Okuma, Sacchan! Also with Aya-chan, Harui-san and Hebitsuka-san. Together with the skeletons too! We all can go help the others. You see I, even though they said some awful things about me and even if they they gave me the cold shoulder. Even if no one said anything to you and I when they drove us both to the corner……..”

I’ve also thought of that.

There was not much bullying that happened in the class at first but as we tripped into a different world, that gave the first opportunity of it being actualized. The strong, the weak, those who possessed something, those who had nothing. With such wide difference, those like Washio and Hakuba began exerting violence on the weak students. Driving other students into a corner similar to Rin and myself.

In the middle of that, no one ever extended a helping hand.

“I thought others would be kinder. I didn’t know the situation on Utsurogi and Hino”

Gofunkawahara said as he earnestly worked on my bones again.

“But then again you’ve been kind. Especially to the classmates. Even if someone’s life is hanging, no one would want to help them, so I’m glad that you’re coming out of it alive, Utsurogi.”

“Aaah…..Thanks, Gofunkawahara

Akira silently watched our conversation. As I took the empty bowl, I glanced at Akira’s direction.

“Akira. I am…..”

“I know. You don’t have to say anymore. If you’re already planning, I also won’t plan to abandon the classmates too. “

Gofunkawahara whispered to Rin 『How does Hino understand Utsurogi that much just from us talking? 』to which Rin replied as usual 『You see, Hino-kun is Homo with Utsurogi-kun! 』. Thus explains how the rumor began to spread.

If only that fire ball just…

“However, I’m against trying to defeat the Wight King. I’ve said this clearly enough. For the safety of the base, someday we may have to fight, but even then……”

“Hey, Hino”

Gofunkawahara interrupted Akira

“What is it, Gofunkawahara”

“The armor that Okuma and I searched for, its for Utsurogi, Himemizu and yourself to use when you guys fuse together, right?”

“A, Aa…. Since the Wight King’s weakness is fire, I’m able to use my power to amplify Kyosuke and thought of that as a counter plan. But, I can’t say how much it amplifies though…..”

“I see now. Then, I got something else to add to that”

As the items was gradually placed on my body and confirming it, Gofunkawahara began to grinning broadly.

I got a bad feeling about this.


~~~~~Kogane POV~~~~~
“Flurry Wind Spirits, I order thee to cut my enemy down《Wind Cutter》!”

The pack of Gravehounds that blocked my path were decimated by my Spiritual Aria. As the other Gravehounds were scattered, I relentlessly pursued the remaining monsters.

“Blazing Fire Spirit, bring destruction upon the enemy 《Fire Ball》!”

Fireballs were sent rushing from several directions, smashing into the Gravehound as it hits the floor. The small scaled explosion swallowed the monster’s death throes. Rubbles fell as the explosion affected the ground and walls. Through the dense clouds of dust, several Gravehounds could be seen running away.

The shadowy figures behind me jumped out. It was Washio and Hakuba. Even more was Rooper, who used his tentacles to bind the Gravehounds attempting to ecape.



Washio with his legs and Hakuba with his horn delivered the final blow to the remaining Grave Hounds. From the beginning, they were a pack of 10 but dropped to 0 in a matter of minutes. Washio, Rooper and I high-fived each other, and we crossed arms with Hakuba’s horn in substitute for his arm.

“Amazing as always…..”

Kikino muttered in amazement. I gently smiled and laughed while saying

“If its this amount, its too easy. Soon, Kikino and Kumosaki will be able to do it too”

“Can we?”

“You can, you can. Both of you are extremely strong!”

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My, Kogane Yoshiki’s smile, was refreshing. Kikino turned towards Kumosaki, whose face immediately turned red.

Currently, we’re on the 5th floor. The enemy to this extent were too easy, which is good. We’re all in an optimistic mood


However, behind us was Ryuzaki as he made a difficult face.

“…….um, Kogane”

Thinking a bit and then speaking without restraint

“Eh, what? Aah, if it’s you it’s impossible. You’re not even worth it if a fight breaks out as you’re weak”


I quickly replied, while Washio tried his best to not burst into a laughter from behind. Seems that both Hakuba and Rooper were also doing the same thing while snorting.

But Ryuzaki just shook his head

“No, what I meant was, don’t you think something was odd with those dogs?”

“Odd? Why?”

“No, it’s more like they were afraid of something…… Like they were running
away from something…..It gave off that kind of feeling”

Though Ryuzaki’s face was full of seriousness, I scornfully laughed.

“What? Trying to appeal to the crisis management? Well, then again, just the other day your confidence fell to the ground right”

“Wro….no, it’s different. That case is certainly like that but, the relation of that to this is……”

“Ok, ok, ok, ok. Well, be careful. But you know, this is only the 5th floor right? What monsters could they possibly be afraid of?”

It’s already well known that the Gravehounds were the top dog in the vicinity of the 5th floor. Their natural enemy would of course be the monstrous 2nd year class 4 students, but that’s not all.

Trying to point that out, Ryuzaki silently fell back to being silent. I
shrugged my shoulders.

It’s a good thing that I brought him along. Of course no one thought that.

His solid body made him be a great use as a shield. At first, we played at the thought of bringing him along but now it turned out to very annoying. Always saying unnecessary things and always dropping the mood.

“Ryuzaki, if you’re scared, its fine to return you know?”


Being made fun of, Ryuzaki once again fell silent. He’s seriously not laid back.

“Ne-Ne-, Koganee-. Forget about him and lets go-“

Kumosaki brought her body closer as she said her suggestions. Though she’s not like Sacchan, her ample breast easily squeezed my arm. Recently, her actions have been bolder. Feeling good, I brought my arm to her waist.

“You’re right-, lets go-“

Washio and Hakuba began to indecently tease. Though it can get annoying, its not at all bad.

Kicking the corpse of the Gravehounds to clear the passage way, we continued forward. At that time, I heard a strange tremor like noise.

Zushin, Zushin , as the sounds were like a thick and heavy gigantic footstep. Kumosaki clung even tigher, while Washio and Hakuba anxiously looked towards me. The tremor even caused the walls and ceiling to shake, as pieces of grit fell down.

There should be no monsters in the 5th floor that is able to cause something like this. Something is weird.


Kumosaki’s face full of terror as she clung even tigher than before. While that was going on, the footsteps gradually approached.

“Wa, what….? What is it. What is that……”

“This huge thing, why is it here…..?”

Hakuba and Washio suddenly exposed their confusion.

At that moment, I saw the thing that was not supposed to be here.

Its shadow came from the passage and suddenly the figure appeared. 6 large arms, carrying two ominous shapes. It’s body nearing the edge of the ceiling. Recognizing its existence, my body completely stiffened.


It’s beastly war cry carried resentment and was like it resounded from the bottom of hell itself. Getting goose bumps. Why, why is this thing even here??!

The Wight King.

It was the abominable being that came from the 11th floor, where it trapped the classmates after encountering it. It’s height possibly going past 5 meters, its 6 arms each wielding grotesque blades and before we knew
it, everyone called its name 『Wight King』.

But this thing was not supposed to be here. It was impossible for its huge frame to pass through the narrow passage way from the 11th floor to the 10th floor. It was supposed to be absolutely peaceful
from the 1st floor to the 10th floor since it can’t reach here at all

And yet, it’s here in front of us.

“Ko, Kogane! Kogane, RUN!”

Kumosaki screamed as she pulled onto my arm, to which I finally came back from being stunned. Washio and Hakuba were already running. The Wight King glanced over and noticed us and slowly drew near.

Run? Right, I have to run. I can’t help it if I have to run.

However, I suddenly thought of the past. Sakuma and Tsurugi were able to hold out against this huge bastard. Even without our power, they were able to return alive too. If those two can do it, then I alone am more than enough

That’s right, I can do it. If it’s me, I can do it.

It’s because I’m strong that I can do it.

Right now I am not the bullied school child, the one sitting in the corner alone, the shrimp glasses wearing geek, the past Kogane Yoshiki.

I stood to protect Kumosaki and while glaring at the Wight King, began calling out the Spiritual Aria

“Blazing Fire Spirit, bring destruction up…….”

Just as I was about to finish, the Wight King returned its glare to me.


Of the 4 eyes that were there, one had been crushed in. The remaining 3 had simultaneously glared at me. At that moment, I instinctively believed

I can’t win against it.

The sprouting fear is to difficult to erase. Forcibly entrapping me, all efforts to fight against it was in vain. Afraid of the strong, the timeframe to run, waiting for the storm to pass. Those thoughts repeatedly came to me. Feet are frozen in fear and I can’t move at all.

Not choosing to escape is literally a deadly mistake. Already, the Wight King drew closer than ever. Kumosaki screamed in desperation near my ears. However, the 6 swords were already swung, aiming at my head, and simultaneously descended.

Author’s note”
It’s finally the climax battle! Please Enjoy!!

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