Along with those words, Kogane shoot «Wind Cutter». The Pawns jumped out in front and tried to protect Akeno from the blade heading toward her. The blade of wind cut the black armor in two and severed the Pawn’s left arm.

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Kogane’s magical ability was powerful, but it was easy to totally suppress him if Ryuzaki used his «Perfect Dragonization». He should silenced that guy by taking his spirit magic with the dragon scale thats excelled in physical resistance and magic resistance, struck with the tail or flame breath, etc. So claimed Nekomiya.

Ryuzaki almost closed his eyes by reflex, but then a person shadow appeared before his eyes without any prior indication. That person, still putting his left arm behind his back, raised the Egyptian cross gripped in his right hand. An invisible semicircular barrier expanded and repelled the back lightning.

“Strange, black crimson energy is not effective to you bastards…”



Perhaps Suou noticed them gaining on him, he turned toward inside the forest at once and dropped his altitude. Kaminari spoke in a voice mixed with bitterness.



When Ryuzaki informed, Kogane twitched and his shoulders started trembling.

In the royal palace, Akai had said ‘Can you not order me?’. He had said trivial words that couldn’t be thought of as a command but she was coming to embrace rejection toward things called ‘command’ and ‘domination’ to the point of being hypersensitive even against that.



“Kogane, listen to our story!”




“So you want to know, let’s take you as well.”

Kaminari Totoha’s wings which accumulated lightning, ate the wind and steadily came closer to Suou’s back. By having Kyousuke ride, she received the effect of «Characteristics Amplification». Physical specs greatly improved, Kaminari was closing the distance with the escaping Suou at unprecedented speed.


“Even I am the same, I believe I’m well-bred!”




Still didn’t destroy the smile on her lips, Akeno said.

“That gryphon was done in by me. I guess Suou was trying to keep it a secret from you, but there is no meaning in keeping silent anymore. You are already useless for the negotiating role anyway.”


“I have no plan to help you perform an elaborate suicide.”

«Really, thanks!»


Raising his body from the ground, Suou, whose school uniform had become tattered, said.

“Ahh, geez! Both Goubayashi and Harao, please say something!”



“Or possibly the difference in education.”


“What are you planning to do to Kogane, Bishop Akeno!”

Same as usual, Kogane was a boy who made the worst choice possible at the last moment. It was an action came from his inherent timidity. Probably the remark he had said ‘Suou is a good guy’ was in no way a lie. And he was only faithfully carrying out that Suou’s instructions.



Immediately after, wave of black energy released from Akeno’s both arms. It stretched straight to Kogane and restrained his body. Phase 2 «Spirit Possession» was canceled, he seemed to have fainted and his body that became limp was captured by the Pawns.

Besides, they could overcome the difference in war potential with these number was something too doubtful to say. Even at Phase 2, Goubayashi exceeded being a match for a Pawn, but it was unknown if he could go against a Bishop.

“Take him.”

Kyousuke kicked the ground, Suou prepared to counter attack.

Probably Akeno also understood that fact. She didn’t destroy that thin smile floated on her face.

«Amazing, you instantly understand!!»

“Shall we do this, Utsurogi. Well, I already got no method to win against you. But if you got carried away, I will instantly reverse it.”


“Let him be. He’s that sort of guy.”



“Kogane, I’ll tell you Washio’s last words.”

Chantless rapid-firing of magic by means of spiritualization of physical body, as well as increasing power and range. That was Kogane’s Phase 2. Akai had explained that it was «Spirit Possession». Probably it was the blooming with direct guidance from the blood clan. Even among High Elf’s Phase 2 abilities, his was of exceedingly high rarity.

“Akeno-san…. Did you, kill Washio?”

“Please tell that guy I apologize! For being silent and not being able to play Tekken!”





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How should they escape? It was doubtful whether Harao’s instant movement could carry others. Even if he could, at best, carrying Nekomiya alone would be the limit. Ryuzaki and Goubayashi had no choice but to escape by their own strength.

Ryuzaki failed to avoid Kogane’s «Wind Cutter». Several scales were easily peeled off and blew away, blood scattered. With «Perfect Dragonization», his defensive ability would rise yet again, but that form would just frighten Kogane further, making him drew back.

Her attitude was strange compared to the time when they met at the church. Kyousuke wrinkled his browns.


Seeing the Pawn’s arm rolling around, Akeno laughed.


Taking advantage of that gap, Goubayashi cladding in golden fighting spirit flying kicked the hydra, knocking off one of its head. The cooperation play by the two people, while few in number, had already crushed 2 heads. The progress of the battle was unfavorable, however, it was by no means inferior.

To hurt my classmate.




Kyousuke said clearly.

The faint smile on Akeno’s face disappeared for an instant.






∗Fuu∗, laughed Akeno, she spread red wings on her back. It felt like that smile floated on her mouth seem to have some implication, but Kyousuke and the others didn’t understand to probe anymore than that.

“There’s also Ryuzaki and others. Moreover, that is…”

Ryuzaki broke into a run but the remaining Pawns pinned him down from his left and right. Akeno floated a scoffing smile and jerked her chin.

“How, how dare…!!”

Looking at his own hands, Kogane was frighten. Maybe he was aware he had repeated an irreparable sin once again. Perhaps here was thinking, he belonged to the blood clan camp, and if that blood clan had kill Washio, he would feel like he had become a traitor without know anything. And on top of that, by turning his attacks against Ryuzaki, he had completely lost the place where he belong.


And when it became that even a Knight joined in.

Ryuzaki felt sorry for Nekomiya but over there still hadn’t been cornered to the point of requiring assistance. He decided to concentrate on the boy in front of him.

5 Pawns and 1 Bishop. The different in war potential was hopeless. He had never thought that having Akai return to the branch school would bounce back to them in this way.

Rin shouted. Kyousuke also nodded. However, tricky movements by liquefaction was not the true value of this Extreme Cross. Kyousuke pulled back his fist and vigorously bashed the wall. The closed room made of blood was very easily destroyed, the blood box, unable to maintain its shape, collapsed, making a splashing sound.



Kogane wasn’t supposed to be the kind of man clever enough to be able to weighting two things on a scale. So far, he had been moving with the assumption that both sides of Suou and Ryuzaki could coexist but that had collapsed then.





“Ahh, it’s ‘again’. Kogane, so end this already.”

Kaminari’s wings still cladded in blue lightning, making crackling sounds. Precisely because she, in her own way, had been enduring her fear and doing her best that they could catch up. Kyousuke’s heart was getting proud at each of his classmate perseverance.

Kyousuke struck Suou’s body into the ground and jumped aside. Glaring at Knight Suou in front, he took 2, 3 steps back in order to protect Ryuzaki and the others. Both arms naturally took a Jeet Kune Do stance.

“I’m okay not! I was extremely scared!”


I don’t know if it’s sophism or a sound argument, but it’s quite hard to be convinced.



“But well, if I can escape from that shitty domination of blood here it may not be bad. That’s the reason I’m going to fight you here and now.”

“Ku, I can’t follow this…!” [Notes]


With just the number of Pawns itself made this a splendid banquet. Even against the Pawn which is the lowest grade soldier, in 2nd year class 4, only Akai and Stream Cross in compressed state had scored a victory against them. And then, it depended on the level of what Goubayashi could do, but they cannot go without saying that two unhurt Pawns and one Bishop was harsh.

Lightning-like energy crawled around his whole body. He had a sensation of strength coming out from his body.

“It’s because the only one who takes a Bruce Lee stance in our class is Utsurogi.”







What there were several vampires wearing black armors. And surrounded by them, a vampire woman wearing sister clothing stood. The black armored were Pawns, and then the sister clothed woman was a named one in the information. It was understood that Nekomiya who sensed her presence, had her movements stiffened for a moment.


Suou came standing in Kyousuke’s way as he tried to break into a run. He immediately liquefied and tried to pass through, but Suou cut his own artery with his claws, and blood gushed out. Suou blood instantly formed a wall and shutdown Kyousuke and Rin’s body.

“Hey, you guys…!”

It seemed that the even the paralysis ability that completely suspended the hydra’s movement couldn’t bind the Pawn. But striking at the instant when the movement became dull, Goubayashi fist sent the Pawn flying.

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“Ah, I, I, again…”


Kogane’s magic with Phase 2 ability activated easily mowed down trees and pulverized them. Ryuzaki called out to him while dodging his attacks. Kogane, however, still had the expression like being afraid of something, and continued rapid-firing magic one after another.

«Since ‘naked is embarrassing’ is a subjective problem, it’s OK OK.»



Still putting his hands his school uniform pockets, Suou shouted so to Akeno who was flying away.

“T’s because I’m well-bred.”


Kogane muttered. Akeno the Bishop. The one who personally took care of Washio. Kogane, who had also heard that information, turned obviously frighten eyes toward Akeno.

“That again…”


“What is it?”

Kyousuke looked up into the sky but Akeno’s figure had already disappeared. Suou had splendidly accomplished his role.


“It seems I can’t have any expectation for you as an obedient soldier. But if you’ve grown this much, there should be plenty enough value.”

Even Nekomiya the snob couldn’t talk back to Harao’s words, and had no choice but to run from place to place as before.



“Utsurogi, is it…?”


“Ahh, It appears that you’ve heard.”



In contrast to the Pawns who revealed vigilance, Akeno put her hands on her mouth and laughed amusedly.





“You should apologize.”



Spouting water from his back in one gulp, he accelerated the falling speed. Soon, Kyousuke and Rin grappled with Suou from behind.

Akeno laughed. Continued after Kogane, she intended to take even himself. He wanted to resist this situation, but he couldn’t put strength in his body. As the minimal rebellious intent, he glared at Akeno, but she didn’t show any sign of caring about it and just radiated black crimson energy in the form of lightning.



“Kogane, stop attacking! You said that you want to apologize to Washio!”

“Won’t the cloth get torn if we blow water like this?”

Goubayashi group’s battle continued in the back. They had just crushed the 3rd head then. The hydra might be disposed of even if he left them alone. But what of the bunch in front of his eyes then?


«This is the same as Akai-san’s Bloody Corps!»

While similarly avoided the hydra’s jaws that continuously approached, Harao replied. He wasn’t running from place to place like Nekomiya. Still with the posture of putting both hands around his back, his figure went ∗fu∗ and disappeared. The next movement, Harao was standing in a different place. It was instant movement. And when he raised the ankh holding in his right hand, one of the heads chasing after Harao’s movement completely stopped as though being paralyzed.



Suou floated a bitter smile. Kyousuke pulled back his fist and took the stance of Extreme Blow. Suou, still putting his hands in his school uniform’s pockets, took a slouching posture and glared at Kyousuke.



With Akeno’s words, Kogane floated an idiotic expression for a moment, but it instantly distorted into a look of strong emotions. The power of spirits dwelling in his body spun around, creating wind blades.


Kyousuke narrowed his eyes. That was Akeno. There were 2 Pawns in the surroundings. No, it was three. One person lost an arm and was standing a little behind.




Said Kyousuke.

Among these, Nekomiya who had the lowest offensive ability was desperately running from place to place to escape the looming hydra’s jaws.


Nekomiya who was standing in a place slightly away from Ryuzaki, shouted. Presently, the only one who was facing Kogane was Ryuzaki alone. Goubayashi, Harao and then Nekomiya were dealing with the hydra surrounding them. They were fighting without both Akai and Ryuzaki, so naturally, the battle was unfavorable.

“I see, that person seems quite good.”



“Run away, Akeno…”

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“Now then,”

Ryuzaki pinned down his shoulder and looked at Kogane. His expression naturally became tough as he endured the pain. And yet, he barely maintained his gentle smile so as not to make Kogane nervous.


Ryuzaki called his name in a weak voice. Despite flinching for a moment before the existence of the Pharaoh appeared in front of them, the Pawns launched an attack from behind. However, Harao disappeared again for a moment, and raised the ankh from a place some distance away. The Pawn’s movement became a little dull.

“If so, t’s the difference in education.”

He had no plan to be helplessly defeated like this. Still being held down by the Pawns from left and right, Ryuzaki tried to dragonize his whole body but the Pawns immediately released black crimson energy and obstructed his action.





“But, I, already, such a…”

“No, it’s enough. Thank you, Kaminari.”

“T’s because I’m well-bred.”


“The Queen also did stupid things. No matter how one struggle, a kin can’t go against the King’s words. Hey Utsurogi, If it’s you who have shared the Queen’s blood, you will understand.”


~ Part 2 ~

Making sure to lock up the body of Suou, who raised a surprised voice, two people fell toward a slightly open spot in the forest. A thunderous roar shook the earth, clouds of dust raised. Trees crashed, ∗gyaa gyaa∗, birds in the forest made noisy sounds and flew toward the sky.


When Ryuzaki’s thought was spinning around, two people shadows dropped down from the sky.


“Your friendship make-believe ends here.”

“Dragonewt. Phase 2 Ability was «Perfect Dragonization». It’s not something so rare but I heard that the degree of power that can be draw out is sufficient.”




Things such as weighting Suou and themselves on a scale, he had never thought of it.

There was no timidity in Suou’s words. Realizing that Kyousuke didn’t come attacking, he sighed.



It was the feeling of serving as rear guard. From that conducts, Suou probably didn’t intend to return alive. He considered who could have been the one called ‘that guy’ Suou had said. He couldn’t find it among the names told by Akai.

“There’s only stupid men in this class…!”


“After Utsurogi and others beat the Wight King, he may have been upset and told Kogane cruel things, but then, Washio———“

However, the appearance of Akeno before his eyes was subtly different from what he had heard from Akai and Rin. Akeno Miyabi. He heard that Akeno the Bishop was a woman who always had a too serious and fastidious look. Yet, the ‘Akeno’ in front of his eyes then, relaxed her mouth and floated a somewhat mysterious smile.

“Class rep! That guy can no longer hear what we say!”





No, rather than such at thing, the problem is,

The Pawns, still holding Kogane’s both arms, spread red wings on their back and flew up. Ryuzaki raised his pair of eyes and glared at Akeno.

Kyousuke and Rin jumped off from Kaminari’s back. Nose diving after Suou. While adjusting his position by blowing water from his back or elbows, he was exploring for the same drop point.



Ryuzaki confirmed the Pawns standing around Akeno. The number was 5. One of them had a face that seemed like he saw it somewhere before but he couldn’t recalled where was it.


Ryuzaki and the others completely didn’t cut in between Kyousuke and Suou’s glare-off. They silently watched over this place.

“I know! That’s why I’m trying to make him hear it!”



“Fumu, Phase 3?”

That is to say, we look like wearing clothes but theoretically we’re naked, isn’t it? That’s not OK at all.

“Thank you for being friends with Kogane.”

“Isn’t that how yankee is?”


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Kyousuke didn’t utter a single word. He glared at Suou without breaking his Jeet Kune Do stance.

«I don’t want to say this so late in the game, however.»



Ryuzaki inquired from behind.



“There are too many things to report to the King. Akeno, you take the Pawns along and quickly escape.”


“I, I said! But, but Washio has already died, didn’t you s…!”


«Totoha-chan, have you become okay with thunder?»

“Think to escape so easily!?”

“Rin, let’s go!”

«The cloth is part of my body, so it’s OK OK.”

Ryuzaki wasn’t the only one behind him. Goubayashi, Harao, Nekomiya. Everyone was safe. Apparently, they seemed to have already finished exterminating the hydra. This seemed to be a more reliable lineup than he had thought. He couldn’t even imagine how Harao was fighting at all.

«Ah, Kyousuke-kun! I saw Suou!»

“Is that so!?”

Roughly scratching his head, Suou said.

“I mean, why has Harao master Phase 2 ability!?”

It was only a moment until the two crossed and the game was decided.

“That’s right! So put your hands together in front of his altar!”

Kogane, still with an about to cry face, stopped attacking for a moment.

“That’s right. But well, you gotta defeat me. Anyhow, see here, you don’t know when the king’s order will arrive, and we will be let free? Unlike the Queen, our locations is always known to the King.”



“Ah, Ryu, Ryuzaki…”

Episode 41 — Extreme Dream




«Kyousuke-kun also exposed your naked bones but I guess you wasn’t embarrassed.»

Harao puffed up his chest against Akeno’s words. Nekomiya who was applying «Shadow Heal» to Ryuzaki had an amazed expression.


Rin started muttering.

If the same ‘command’ came down from the King to Suou or Akai, they wouldn’t be able to resist it.


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When looking at it, the hydra already had all of its heads crushed, exposing just a big corpse. Fresh injuries were conspicuous on Goubayashi’s body, Harao’s bandages also frayed somewhat and his prided golden mask had a scratch on it. Probably, they had fought in quite an unreasonable way in order to save Ryuzaki. Thanks to that Ryuzaki was somehow safe.


Ryuzaki reflexively turned around to the words that came from a completely different direction. And then, what reflected in his sight stiffened his body.


Certainly, there was something Kyousuke recalled when hearing Suou’s words. When fighting at the fortress line, an unidentified feelings welled up from the bottom of his heart. That was probably a ‘command’ to seal the Pawn’s mouth issued by Akai who hated leaking information to the enemy.

“Good grief.”

That said, Akeno again cladded black energy on both arms. This too had been explained by Akai. This was a special spiritual energy called black crimson energy that only Bishop, Queen, and then the Pawns who wore the black armor could use.



With a second shot, the second body struck against a tree trunk.

However, Kogane is,

«Despite being able to care about your comrades, how can you do such cruel things to Washio-kun and Saa-chan?»


“Rin! Let’s blow it!”




Kyousuke looked at Suou descending into the forest, muttered.


Even if he overlooked Suou here, he didn’t know when Suou might become the King’s vanguard and came attacking. And when that happened, Kyousuke didn’t know if he could be in the state of Extreme Cross like this time. Keeping him alive was no different from letting a dangerous bomb take care of itself.



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