It was just that he didn’t know exactly what to say beside that.

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“Ahh, It’s not a situation to be openly delighted, but one short-term problem is resolved.”

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It took but an instant to reach a conclusion with him. Whether he didn’t have any method to defend against Extreme Blow, or didn’t care to defend in the first place, was unknown. But splashing blood from his chest, Knight Suou collapsed. Even a vampire with that excellent physical ability and regeneration would die if his heart was crushed. This was something taught by Akai.

Sakuma was amazed by the words being told.

While strangely fidgeting, Sakuma said. Strange enough, he felt that it had been a long time since he saw this side of her.


“That’s not something to say to the person themself, was it?”

“Because it’s ‘Schwarzwald’. It’s quite eerie compared to the image of Japanese forests.”

“Yup. This forest is very similar to the forest in that book, isn’t it?”

“E–everyone, I mean…. I said something similar to Akira before.”


“His character is as strong as ever…”

Such conversation was bad for his heart (not there), his stomach (didn’t exist) hurt.

“That, are you saying that to everyone?” [Notes]

That was something Kyousuke couldn’t do anything about. It would be a lie to say that it wasn’t vexing. He had never thought that he himself would embrace shounen manga-like feelings such as «If only we meet under different circumstances».

“Ah, really…. Hino-kun…”


“No problem, but…. Ahh, you’re right.”

“I see, so exploring the old castle in the meantime?”

“Anyway, case closed with this. Everything resolved, is difficult to say though.”

So said Harao and disappeared with instant movement.



Suou’s burial, compared to Washio’s, was fairly modest. Ryuzaki, Goubayashi, Harao, Nekomiya who witnessed that battle. In addition to Akai, Sakuma, as well as Rin and Akira. 8 people — including Kyousuke, 9 people — gathered the remains of him who disappeared like ashes.



He wasn’t going to be dimwitted to the point of not understanding what Sakuma was saying. But it also meant that he wasn’t mature enough to be capable of catching it head on. What he felt was that he had thoroughly averted his gaze from his inside as well as the emotions in his surroundings, just to have the debt came back biting him all at once.


When asked Goubayashi about this, he said:


Kyousuke winced just a little at Akai’s words. ‘So it’s as expected?’ was his thought.

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Even in a world of magic, in a world where undead monsters ran rampant, what gone will never come back. That great principle is absolute. Where is Washio’s soul now on the path to the underworld? Is there also the concept of circle of transmigration in this world? Once, Selena has told of the existence of other-worlders called ‘reincarnators’. So will Washio’s soul really be born as something else?

“Ahh, Harao too, good work. Thank you for everything this time.”



~ Part 1 ~

«The concept of salvation for souls after death, is for the sake of the living to be independent from fear of death and look ahead. Rather than clinging to the fantasy that the death may revive, it is better to think that such things won’t happen from the start.»

“It seems that they have been using it as a hideout for a suitably long time. Various things were discovered.”




The battle was over. They decided to cremate Washio’s remains Kyousuke took back from the chimera, properly stored in an urn and put inside the Buddhist altar. Kyousuke too, attended the place that was possible to say the second funeral, and offered a silent prayer for Washio’s happiness in the next world.

It was a coldhearted tale, words one wouldn’t think belonged to a religionist.




“Protecting mine friends is also an obligation of Harao’s…. No one shalt disturb the sleep of Harao…”


“No need for that kind of things.”

Read at

Probably judging that anymore than this wouldn’t be things to say in front of a grave, Ryuzaki, accompanied by Goubayashi and Nekomiya, went down the hill. Harao yawned greatly.

While going downhill, Sakuma said ‘Of course, I’m going to do my best not to lose to Hino-kun too’, and Kyousuke ended up rolling down the slope again.

Since an unexpected response came back, Kyousuke resolutely fell forward, rolling on the slope.


“Yeah, you’re right…”




“D–do your best…!!”



In response to Akira’s words, Kyousuke looked at his own arms.


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“About things like Kogane-kun, or Kaoruko-chan,”


“I have also been regularly helped by Sakuma…”



Episode 42 — Toward the Eastern Sea


“I’m telling you just in case Utsurogi, don’t get carry away because you got to Phase 3. Because ‘you having my blood’ has already been leaked.”



“Nn, well yes.”


“Then, we will return to exploring the old castle again.”


“…Utsurogi-kun, do you remember the first time we met in the library?”



“Regarding future policies, we need to discuss again with Ryuzaki and the others.”

That the class was united, as well as Akai and himself being safe like this was entirely thanks to her efforts.


Since Sakuma had been steeling herself continuously for quite a while here, it probably couldn’t be help. There was hardly any chances to talk to Kyousuke. As one who was able to state her opinions to Akai, she was entrusted the position like the representative of the girls in the class, and then within a period of less than a few days, she had to rack her brain over the matters of Washio’s death and Akai’s coming out in succession.

“And, Akai-san’s objective, isn’t it?”


“I will do my best not to lose to Himemizu-san.”

“Ah, me too, me too–! I’m going back too! Let’s go too Hino-kun!”

“I said this earlier, but it’s thanks to Sakuma(s) that we were able to win this time. Thank you.”


Beside Sakuma who was fidgeting, Akai said readily.

“…That’s not something to say to the person themself, is it?”

This forest where human hands hadn’t touched in eons seemed like they could get lost in if they were careless.

After finishing his silent prayer, Ryuzaki said so.

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For many classmates, Suou was still an enemy. A monster who desecrated Washio’s death, led the chimera to attack the branch school, tried to kidnap Sakuma and gave her grief. To that Suou’s burial, he was hesitating a little when inviting other classmates, but Goubayashi and the others nodded.

And a lot of entertainment, beginning with tabletop games such as chess or playing cards, and when the power generator and video game were found, the classmates were greatly excited. Kyousuke, who finally understood the meaning of the words Suou last said to Akeno, felt just a little distressed.

“Then, I’m going back to the branch school.”




Kyousuke simply had no leeway to take him into consideration. There was the activity limit as told by Akai. If unskillfully eased up and Extreme Cross be canceled, Kyousuke would then be unable to EX-combine for a long time. And then, there was no guarantee that Suou wouldn’t attack Kyousuke and the others who lost their definite advantage.




In a place some distance away from the old castle was a small hill. Though a hill, it wasn’t a place that could be said to have good outlook due to the dense trees, same as the ruins of the royal capital. But Kyousuke had chosen it as the burial place for Suou Takafumi.

“I’m sorry for the various troubles this time. That we could win was thanks to everyone.”




“I know, right? The trees in this area are all conifers.”

Was it because the conversation got stuck, Sakuma suddenly started such a story.

Kyousuke felt like sweats were breaking out from his whole body. Naturally, he was all bones with no sweat gland.

Thinking about it, that he was conversing with Sakuma like this was incredibly nostalgic. It had been more than one and a half month since they came to this world. Very soon, it would be two months. Things like talking about the contents of a book read in old times was surely the first time since the library.

At the branch school, just before chasing after Suou, Akira had told him to say the same words said to Akira to Sakuma as well. It appeared that Kyousuke, who kept missing the chances for all kind of reasons, should say it on this occasion.

Akai, still with arms crossed, closed her eyes. Both Rin and Akira probably had noticed ‘that’. Akai’s goal had never been ‘returning to their world’ as raised by Ryuzaki.

“Let’s go downhill for the time being.”

“Future policies?”





While giving a hand to Kyousuke who spoke honestly as he raised his body, Sakuma was making a sullen face.

Like following after Akai, Rin and Akira went down the hill. The one surprised was Sakuma.


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“I shalt go back to the branch school and return to sleep…”

But those were words of Goubayashi Genshuu, a friend of Utsurogi Kyousuke. Kyousuke nodded contentedly.

Here in this place were Rin, Akira, Sakuma, Akai. Kyousuke turned around to the four and bowed his head another time.




Without being able to chase after the three who left hurriedly, she revealed her dismay. Kyousuke sigh —— -less body was the same as usual, but let’s go with the feeling of sighing for the time being. Those guys were being unnecessarily tactful.

“Eh, huh, hey … wait…”

However, that was clearly not a topic to be said in front of a grave. Akai took a breath and turned her back to Kyousuke and the others.

“Wh–what is it?”


His bones felt strangely weaker compared to before. It was the depletion of ‘the power of blood’ due to prolonged usage of Phase 3 ability. Akai had referred to this as «blood withered». The power of blood seemed to return with the passage of time but it also meant that Extreme Cross wasn’t something that could be used so unreservedly. It seemed not to be case if Akai was to constantly supply him with blood, but Kyousuke’s attitude regarding that was negative.

As Kyousuke tilted his head, Rin put out her understanding.


“As said by Kuremori, the engine section seemed to have received damage when the branch school was shaken by Suou’s attack, and the repair will take about 1 day.”

“What is it?”

Sakuma, when talking about such stories, showed a very merry expression. Rather than the tense expression these days, this face seems closer to her character, he thought.

Kyousuke reached Phase 3. Namely speaking, it indicated the fact that he had turned into Akai’s kin. Kyousuke too, had become unable to refuse the King’s order.


Akai had been concealing her power all for the sake of not letting the King sense her location. He didn’t how many conditions were necessary for the King to give his command to a kin. However, Akai couldn’t escape from that domination, so it was equal to Kyousuke also being under the King’s domination.

Suou had ridiculed the fate of blood of him who born as a blood kin as «shitty», but seeing as he did volunteer to be the rearguard for Akeno’s escape, he should have some sense of belonging. He didn’t do anything like saying something about where Akeno or Kogane could have headed to.


They would have intended to keep it as the base for invasion, similar to the aforementioned dungeon, the Promised Cemetery. The material that was useful for the branch school’s renovation had also been found.

“As for that, we have no choice but to follow it up by ourselves. Isn’t that right? Akai.”


“Ahh, I returned a borrowed book to Sakuma. It was ‘Witch of the Black Forest’, I think.”


Rin muttered. All those remained nodded silently.

There was another soul Kyousuke had to pray for.


There was some kind of implication in Akira’s words.

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