The monster that appeared on the 11th floor, it was a 5 meter giant.

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Compared to Goubayashi who only was an ogre of 3 meters, 5 meters was a huge difference. Possessing dark red muscles that were protruding, 6 arms and 2 face. The smell of decomposition hung in the air and each arm wielding large swords. Just looking at his fearsome appearance can overwhelm anyone. Although to some extent, they have had battle experience and grown accustomed to monsters, the class fell into panic in a blink of an eye.

It was as Kogane had said before.

Gallantly standing up to fight was Goubayashi and Tsurugi and barely managing were Sakuma and Ryuzaki. The monster’s fearsome appearance is not the only ability it possesses. With just one swing from its sword, cracks appeared from the ground and wall due to the shock wave. The shockwave crashed into the bodies of Sakuma and Tsurugi.

The panic induced students flooded towards the stairs leading to the 10th floor. Nonetheless, the 10th floor was also rampant in strong monsters too, making it a dangerous floor as well. Losing the feeling of solidarity and reasoning, there was no other place left in which the classmates can break through.

In addition to that, the monster was also cunning. Only 4 people united in trying to fight against the monster, while a great number tried to escape since they thought it was easy to exterminate as a game. Goubayashi ignored the other students who were running. The first to confine the monster had been Tsurugi. Goubayashi’s pride in his strength would not allow for her to take it all, however, Sakuma restrained him.

“Goubayashi-kun, Kogane-kun and the others…Please”


The panic induced students were clamoring, they were too used to their peaceful base that their powers were limited. Ryuzaki and Goubayashi, those two guidance is necessary. Goubayashi rarely hesitated, but finally gave in to her words. It was the correct thing to do.

Sakuma and Tsurugi contained the monster, while Ryuzaki and Goubayashi gathered the students who were running away.

“We can’t leave any classmates behind!”

Ryuzaki displayed a firm opposition in leaving the two behind and yet at the end, Goubayashi forcibly dragged his arms. There was no time to listen to his optimistic egoism and attempt at persuasion. Taking big or taking small. The situation before was that urgent.

Goubayashi and Kogane first had to regain composure within the class, maximizing the return to base as top priority. They were able to run up the stairs with all the students who had fell into panic and not one student was missing. They were able to make it safely to the base.

And yet, Sakuma and Tsurugi even now were still unable to return from the lower levels.

Ryuzaki who received shock, became entirely nervous. Kogane directed all his anger towards him. And thus now was the current situation.

Essentially, they were supposed to stop at the 10th floor of the labyrinth, but with the atmosphere of wanting to go further continuously pouring down, Ryuzaki judge it enough to go further. But its difficult to point all the blame on him alone. Going from the 10th floor to the 11th floor, the power difference changed dramatically, in which no one could have predicted it.

However, his judgment still endangered the class, and not to mention that Sakuma and Tsurugi was left behind.

“I get it now Ryuzaki. You’re weak, crying here about doing whats right and yet Sacchan is…….”

“That’s enough Kogane”

Unable to watch anymore, Goubayashi finally restrained Kogane.

“What Goubayashi! Taking Ryuzaki side again!?”

“I said that’s enough. Kogane”


Clearly glaring, Kogane finally became silent. That Kogane who usually stayed in the corner of the class compared to now who strongly self-asserted himself, once again became timid.

“Ma, listen to what I have to say”

Opening her mouth to speak, was the queen Akai who had reincarnated into a vampire. She was the only one sitting in the dining hall desk, while naturally checking her nails.

“You can’t pin the blame just entirely on Ryuzaki. Kogane, Goubayashi as well as Sachi. It could have been anyone one”

Sachi is implied as the shorten form of Sakuma Sachiko, as everyone recognized in a few moment.

Queen Akai’s word were severe. It’s possible to say such words since she’s a
third-party, while saying it all calmly and blunt. Kogane at that point, glared at her with resentment. She had been speaking out of turn, while also fooling around with her nails. Not daunted by it at all, Akai returned her long-silt eyes back towards the gloomy Kogane.

“What? Got a problem?”

“Iya, it’s as you say Akai”

While those two were bumping heads, Goubayashi decided to speak. The entire time, Kaoruko stayed silent, in which Goubayashi sympathized with her.

“Alright then. We’re not putting the blame on just one person. What we should be doing first is thinking of who will be going to assist the two.”

“That’s the issue, just who is going to go assist?”

Goubayashi folding his arms, while surveying the dining hall in a circle.

Listening to the story, the monster mention before is considerably strong. On the contrary, a half-baked ability would just become a hinderance. To sum it up, the location in which the monster is found, where Sakuma and Tsurugi had been left behind. Sure enough, entering a peaceful state had been the issue, as the depressing state spread around like a disease to the students who knew the truth.

“I will be going. What about you, Ryuzaki?”

Goubayashi declared as he overlooked Ryuzaki. He raised his face and was about to say something, however Akai interrupted.

“Stop. It’ll be troublesome if you died”

Plainly spoken, and yet it was a cruel way of speaking. Continuing, she also said more

“I’ll also go. That’ll be fine right”


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“What, something wrong?”

It was a surprising proposal, as many in the class already knew the extent of her abilities. It was the selection at which they can be relieved. The only influential person left was Kogane, as all eye’s turned towards him.

After Ryuzaki’s caustic words cutting at him, his thoughts of immediately volunteering changed into a facial expression showing hesitation.

“So then, its fine if you don’t come”

Akai was blowing on her nail, while saying that. Speaking with cold-hearted words, as if naturally dressing up with enthusiasm, without even look at Kogane.

“You can sure talk as if self-important, but can’t be courageous when its important right? Well that’s obvious, even if you’ve became an Ikemen, inside you’re still Kogane.” [TL: First sentence is similar to western phrase of : You can talk the talk, but can’t walk the walk”]

“You’ve said enough. Asuka”

“Really? Sorry Kaoru”

Kaoruko reprimanded her, while Akai unexpectedly and meekly apologized. She
was not a companion of Kogane. Kogane was about to talk back to Akai who glared, but his words could not come out. Goubayashi exhaled a big sigh, and on the ground holding his knees was Ryuzaki. He once again, hid from the glances, unable to say anything further.

“This is a terrible thing right?”

Watching the current situation, Sugiura muttered to herself, isolated from the onlookers

“Nee, Utsurogi-ku…..are?”

Turning her head, Utsurogi who was supposed to be there, was not.

“Hino-kun? Surarin? Are, where did they go…..”

Hino Akira and Himemizu Rin both were not there. Sugiura made a wondering face, while tilting her head to the side.

“Its dangerous Kyosuke!”

Exiting the base and going down the stairs, Akira chased after me.

Iya, it wasn’t just me, Rin was together with me. The slime flesh was attached to the skeleton body, the so-called combined state. We reached the 2nd floor passage without losing our way.

“Sakuma is still below right? There’s no time to be wasting right”

“Calm down! Goubayashi and the others did not even know the enemy! Have you guys even thought about how you’re going to manage it?”

“If returning, I’ll be able to do that”

“You also have the same opinion Himemizu!?”

From there, I stopped my legs

Rin and I shared the same thoughts. For that reason we’re both going the same way. However, from Rin’s mouth (not that she had one to begin with) it was directly said. Hence’s the reason why my legs stopped.

“Unn, you see, I”

As Rin began to speak

“At that time when we were at the boat fighting, if its Utsurogi-kun and I, I think we can do things quite skillfully”

With my body supporting her, Rin can relatively change as freely as she wants. It’s not just the capacity and density that she can manage, it’s also possible for her to change the mass and hardness. If it was to be used normally, my bones would end up scattered and would be reconstructed into different joints like last time.

This skill, which was simple battle abilities, is an unmeasurable strength. Rin continued

“That’s why Utsurogi-kun and I share the same opinion. Perhaps, if Goubayashi and the others could not do it, we might be able to”

“It is as you say. If we happened the fight, Goubayashi and the others should be coming along soon. But if we’re going to rescue Sakuma and Tsurugi, its useless if we don’t hurry.”

Akira immediately answered. Being a mere fireball, I still can’t understand his emotions.

“Seriously. That’s why I dislike people like you guys”

As he abused us with his words, he came along as a freebie.

“But we’re no longer humans”

“Yesterday it was liking, almost as if pretending to be Homo…..”

“Shut up! Lets get going already!”

Saying so, Akira’s body burst into flames in excitement as he flew towards us. Maybe his emotions are reflected by how hot his flames gets? Perhaps since he’s a wisp, instead of looking cool, truth is that he has violent emotion contained within him, which fits his character as a fireball.

“By the way Utsurogi-kun. Can I ask one question?”


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As Akira chased after us, Rin’s words resounded within my head.

“Sacchan and Tsurugi, whose name did you hear to make you start running?”

“What’s with that?”

“Aya-chan mentioned that those two were stuck down there and you suddenly dashed out right?”

It’s about the thing back at the dining hall. Sugiura uttered news about Sakuma and Tsurugi left behind. There’s no doubt that was the trigger for my previous action. That said, with how Rin heard it, she began to tease

“It’s Sacchan right? She suddenly became pretty!”

“Stop joking around. This is rather a serious situation”


I don’t know why she suddenly asked that but those two’s life is on the line, so there’s no time to speak. Running while still interested, Rin meekly apologized.

“If speaking about Sakuma, it has nothing to do with her being pretty. She’s just a library room buddie”

“Library room? Ahh, Sacchan is part of the library committee!”

“Are you interested?”

“li, a little….”

When we were humans, Sakuma Sachiko was part of the library committee. We often talk about what kinds of books we liked. That’s one of the reasons as to why I have relations to her but… Since Kogane, Akira and I belonged to the same otaku club, its hard to talk about what we like as the trends are not consistent. Its only with Sakuma that I can talk to my heart’s content on books.

I like novels (syosetsu). Because Kogane recommended webnovels to read, I also read plenty of light novels. But my number one book would be Children’s book. I was the one who requested a large quantity of hard-covered books, as I could not find any in the high school library.

Meanwhile, Sakuma was like the “book girl” in which she reads anything.
Because of that, I’m able to match with her when talking about books.

“Childrens book!”

Rin surprisingly cried out.

“Utsurogi-kun reads some surprising stuff! You’re so calm and adult-like! Ah, therefore? Tell me some more amusing stories!”


Since reincarnating into this world, we did not have much time to talk like we
used to. It would be pointless to talk about it too, since Sakuma became very popular and busy all of a sudden. And yet, there’s no relation in considering to save her. There should be though.

“How about Tsurugi? Recall anything?”

“Tsurugi……..She was part of the disciplinary committee. When I was late, she
was holding a shinai, chasing after me….”  [TL: A shinai is a wooden kendo stick]

“Ahh—, I remember that too! I got away while Utsurogi-kun got caught!”

“Yea, it was unreasonably painful too”

Though it was expected, being she was a kendo practitioner. Reincarnating into a Dullhan, it kind of fits with her image. Its strange since she didn’t reincarnate into a living sword instead.

“…..Why do you think I became a skeleton and Himemizu became a slime?”

“Hmm—? About that, it might be because I’m funya funya?”[TL: Funya funya probably means soft/squishy like]

Might be as she said. Just like how Akira became a fireball as he had a violent tendency within him, that might pass as a reason.

Which reminds me about the 4 legged duos. When Hakuba was a human he had what could be called a『unable to understand women』 kind of feeling around him. It just might be as simple as that. If that’s the case, then me becoming a skeleton and Sakuma becoming a succubus,

“This discussion is no good!”

“? O, ok?”

Ignoring my thoughts, the only thing there should be on rescuing Sakuma and Tsurugi. With that, we call dived further down.

This labyrinth is a monster haven. We had hoped to travel without any uneventful situation, but things didn’t turn out like that.

“AAhh, Utsurugi-kun! Your friends!!”

At the same time Rin spoke, monsters appeared before our us. Donning worn out kilts, those warriors also carried swords in their hands. And yet, throughout their body, their flesh has already decayed away. Often seeing it in fantasy games, the so-called Skeleton Knights.

If comparing your friendly skeleton here, they did not seem all too friendly like me. Drawing their swords, they slowly approached us.

“But I have no such friends”

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“That’s a naturally sad confession…..”

Akira caught up and had to throw a comeback. Well, with his cooperation, we’re sure to break through.  [TL: For those who don’t now what a comeback is, it’s basically a clever retort/response…jokingly of course]

Although the skeletons movement were slow, their unity was quite commendable. We had some experience due to the battle with the goblins back in the heavy cruiser. As soon as we immediately became surrounded, we simultaneously made our attack. I grasped my fist as tight as I could. Matching my movements, Rin began managing the density of the fist.


I thrust my fist and yet the skeleton nimbly evaded it. With our movement becoming rigid and a gap created, the skeletons retaliated with their swords.


Rin (?) screamed. As the swords pierced Rin’s body, I barely received any damage. Rather, since she harden her body when the swords had pierced, the swords were stuck. Nice follow!

Since I received no damage, the problem was with Rin. And yet, the skeleton failed to recognize that and continued attempting to pierce Rin with their swords. Before long, we started to becoming something similar to a hedgehog.

“Wa, wait Utsurogi-kun!”

While Rin was being pierced with the edges of the swords, she cried out.

“What’s wrong Himemizu!”

“Ano, maybe….just maybe…”

Rin canceled her hardening and the swords fell to the ground. What is she doing? With the swords on the ground, the skeleton picked it back up. Again, they aimed at Rin and began attacking. There were no swords coming my way though. Rin muttered 『I thought so』 and aborted the fusion while falling to the floor.

From there, the skeletons surrounded me as if to protect me. And since Rin fell to the ground, they began attacking only in her direction.

“These skeletons, it’s like they’re protecting you, Utsurogi-kun!”


“Un. Because, doesn’t it look like the slime is digesting the skeleton…. Ah, ouch! Wai, that’s bad! There is”

With the skeleton sluggish movement, they continued to stab Rin.

It’s basically as Rin said,『friends』 right? Its like at the heavy cruiser, where if Gofunkawahara had come along, then its possible to end things on a peaceful side.

Akira came flying and gently floated as if before was a miracle.

While randomly pondering, Rin shrieked again.

“Utsurogi-kun! Stop thinking so much and help me!”

Whoops, forgot about that. The skeletons ganged up on her, with their swords entering and leaving out of the class idol. If left any longer, it would be bad.   [TL: might have been a lewd reference, as it said: クラスのアイドルに長くて硬いものを入れたり出したりしている. That translate directly to “as the long and hard object goes in and out of the class idol” to my understanding.]

But why did the skeletons do this? Out of sincerity?

“A—, umm, everyone”

I tapped the skeletons standing to protect me on the shoulder and they simultaneously turned towards me. Their empty eye’s piercing me. Scary. Its scary, but I also have the same face. I’m no longer human. Not human but…

“That slime is my friend….. I’m happy that you’re doing this, but could you stop attacking?”

The skeletons began talking amongst themselves kata kata, what could the by discussing about? Whatever they’re talking about, I don’t know but…


Somehow, the nuances is passed down. The other skeletons were able to convey my words. In accordance to my words, they finally stopped attacking Rin.

“Yare yare, you look horrible….”

As Rin crept along the floor, back to my location.

“Surprising….. We were able to reconcile with those skeletons.”

Akira floated towards us and the skeletons put up a vigilant stand. I had to explain that it was another friend and then folded my arms while tilting my head.

“Since we’re the same monster species, we can understand each other through the heart? But how? There was no such information about this until now.”

“I wonder if it’s that?”

Rin bounced tapon tapon while speaking.

“While we’ve been diving the labyrinth, we’ve only faced strong monsters right? On this side, there’s only weak monsters appearing right? Which remind me that we’ve never met the same species of monster as ourselves”

“Ahh, makes sense….”

Since reincarnating into a skeleton, its natural that I would be weak. Factions created like Goubayashi and Kogane’s group easily decimated the species. But, I’m extremely grateful with this chance meeting. If we’re able to understand with monsters in this labyrinth, there’s a chance that we can acquire information about Sakuma attacker.

“But it’s a good thing, those skeletons”

Rin said such things

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“Since there’s no parts of a skeleton to eat, there’s no reason to attack them for food. If talking with them properly, in the future it might get easier to explore the labyrinth”

“Ooohhh….. That’s true….”

As I admired her words, the skeletons chins clattered kata kata as if saying something. I was able to understand, to some extent, what they were saying consciously.

Where should we go from here? What should our plans be for now? That seemed to be a genuine question as a same family rather than suspicion. Their thoughts are rather simple and pure, compared to humans.

“We’re trying to rescue our friends”

As I began explaining, the skeletons inclined their heads to the side.

“They’re a pair of Succubus and Dullhan. They were left behind in the 11th floor. Have you heard any information? The monster was about 5 meters, with 6 arms and two face………”

My description up til then had been fine, until the Skeletons all at once started shouting. Iya, it’s not that they could scream, but rather their bones started clattering.


“Are they….scared?”

Rin cried out in a surprised voice, while Akira muttered some doubts.

I began clattering my bones in trying to imitate their speech, attempting to calm them down and then began to put great effort into listening to them. It was not common of them to be frightened.

Through the story, I was able to understand that the monster was dreadful. For that reason, I attempted to pull as much information possible.

The monster is called a Wight King

If heard, this would have met some student’s expectation due to the labyrinth having an underground cemetery. As time passed, magic had been left too long unattended allowing the undead to resurrect. It seems that half of this labyrinth contained undead type monster.

The Wight King itself was an undead, but was an individual bestowed with special powers. Could it have been something different, or did magic played in its resurrection? That I won’t know, though at any rate a strong individual has been resurrected.

Undead monsters are unable to eat, but at fixed intervals they absorb magic in order to preserve their life. The Wight King may have killed the other monsters living in the labyrinth, luring the leftover magic as bait.

“Does it have any weakness?”

The skeletons shook their heads in disagreement. Well, of course that won’t be a simple question.

“Assuming its trait, if it’s aiming for monster that have magic then…”

“All the more reason this rescue takes maximum priority. If its monster that have magic, Sakuma is in more danger”

I turned towards the skeletons.

“Thank you. After this, if my other friends pass through, be careful to not attack them”

Expressing my gratitude, I was about to leave when within the skeleton group, they presented me with a sword.



The skeletons clattered with their teeth. That much, I was able to understand their intentions and received the sword.

“…..Giving it to me? Thank you”

Gripping the handle firmly, the response from my bones returned. The skeleton species may have been optimized to use swords. Though the sword’s handle has tears and it could not be called a sharp sword, having just a weapon is reassuring enough.

“Utsurogi-kun, I, you and I are also a splendid weapon right!”

“I know. I can also rely on Himemizu……Un. I’ll also rely on you Akira, so stop
scowling at me”

“I’m not scowling”

Rin coiled from my feet and again we combined. With the slime as the flesh, the sword’s handle was once more tightly gripped. The sense of touch was not exactly as it was before, since it does not constantly stick.

“Yosh! Lets go!”



I began running out and next to me, Akira glided. While watching the three strange monsters, the skeletons began clattering kata kata and trembling.
Author’s note:
Next update is planned in 12 hours.

Before meeting the Wight King, Kyosuke obtained a new power! Enjoy!

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