“Tsurugi-san, you alright?”

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Sakuma asked as she finally found cover. Tsurugi nodded heavily. Though saying that, she is still holding her head at her side, as she nods.

Since Ryuzaki and Goubayashi led the students to escape, a considerable amount of time has passed already. Tsurugi couldn’t tell if 1, 2, or even more time has already passed.

Facing the strong monster in front of them is equivalent to a suicidal mission. Though Sakuma also judge the same thing, she still stood to confine the monster. Not having interest in the students who had fled already, she moderately attacked as if provoking the monster more. Continuously attacking, Sakuma and Tsurugi went further into the inner labyrinth.

The stairs leading up to the 10th floor was a bit too narrow. And with the entrance behind the monster, it made things more difficult as they sought out new objectives.

“Behind….How do you think we’ll escape….”

Tsurugi remarked in an anguished voice.

Being in the inner part of the 11th floor, the structure is very simple so it was easy for one to not get lost. And yet contrastively to that, it would make it easier for the monster to find them in this map. Even now, the monster is searching for its game, as the earth trembles as it walks.

“From here to the 10th floor staircase…..It’s impossible….”

“It’s going to be difficult even though no matter how you see it, its only 500 meters in a straight line”

Though saying that, Sakuma did not give up on returning alive. Her looks show that she firmly kept her will burning. More likely, its like a raging volcano.

This girl is a strong child indeed.

Tsurugi thought as she looked towards the classmate whose figure has changed entirely.

Sakuma Sachiko, by no means did she ever stand out conspicuously in the class. If I had to say, she was more plain and docile who barely self-asserted herself. Wearing glasses, following the school regulated skirts and not being too showy, always reading books in the library, she was that kind of person.

Completely changing from being plain, all the boys have been captivated by her features and sensual body lines. There’s also the infamous clothing that’s unable to conceal her skin. Speaking from a public morals committee member view, bluntly exposing the body like that is immoral but the boys naturally favored it.

With the changes, Sakuma herself was not pleased with such attractions.
Though Tsurugi didn’t seem to see it that way.

For that reason, extravagantly praising her different appearance, those male students pampering her, invites suspicion.

The introverted Sakuma, although she dislikes exploring the labyrinth, she has been pressured to do so. Tsurugi has seen such scenes, but at the time when the giant monster was attacking, Goubayashi explicitly voicing his opinion, and seeing her firing instructions, Tsurugi bitter thoughts of her seeking sympathy and protection, changed into respect.

“Tsurugi-san…..Something wrong?”

“Nothing, its just that I think you’ve become splendid”

Resting for a short while, they recovered their strength. Tsurugi slowly stood up.

“Did this situation made you grow up? Or possibly was it your hidden powers, that until now was not known?”

“Eehhh…. I, its not a big deal…..””

“Humble too. That time you judged for Goubayashi and the others to leave, moreover you will to return alive is an excellent thing. I’ll support you.”

“Wanting to return alive….. Calling that an excellent reason is…”

Sakuma replied while fidgeting and being slightly embarrassed.

She might have a boy she likes. Currently, our entire class has reincarnated into monsters of sorts. Since that was the case, she should have asked about it before. For now, others besides Kogane is permitted.

Kogane is bad. That man, within the class, he has the the most dangerous aura around him.

Anyways, we have to return alive.

Ryuzaki and the others might come back to rescues us. Though there’s also a possibility they won’t be able to. For that reason, we’ll have to try and escape with our own power.

“….T! Tsurugi-san!”

Sakuma’s facial expression swiftly became grim. Tsurugi turned her head, but since her head was at her side, she was unable to see. This time around she turned her body.

Overlooking this way was two blank face. With six arms moving separately and wielding swords, it shivered in delight when it found its prey. From its mouth were uneven tusks and drools loosely flowing.

It’s that monster.

“Damn, we were found…..”

Tsurugi drew her sword, while Sakuma retreated towards the back to support.

“Sakuma, please hold onto my head.”

“U, Un…..”

A Dullahan’s body sure is inconvenient. If trying to place the head to where it would be, it would immediately fall. Thinking that, it would make fighting impossible. From the beginning, she did not think much about the concept
being field of vision. Though its still a lack of training.

Sakuma was preparing to provide support via magic. If they were to retreat, they would be further away from the staircase again. However, it would be difficult to run underneath its leg, or possibly slipping through its arm to get to the staircase. There’s no choice but to retreat. At that time while thinking that.


A bullet like object came and drove into the monster’s head.


Just a little bit before.

Encountering the lowest amount of combat, we went lower and lower. The sword that I received was inserted on my back. Or more accurately, inserted into Rin. She leaked out『Ewwww, the sword’s rust is salty…..』, but there was no other method to hold the sword, so she had to endure it.

Excluding the skeletons before, we mostly encountered undead type monster. Rin and I were amazed as we surveyed the surrounding, in which the wisp who had been running(floating) alongside them faced the two.

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“…….What’s wrong you two?”

“Iya, by any chance, is it thanks to Akira that we are not encountering many monster?”

Living things are originally afraid of fire. To sum it up, undead type monster’s weakness would be fire attribute. In our original world’s fantasy game, its often like that too. With Akira ominous lamp shining, its no doubt that its likely keeping the monster at bay.

“Which reminds me, the skeletons before relentlessly attacked me, but when facing against Akira, they faltered!”

“Aaah, does it really look like that?”

“Seems like this world has an attribute affinity system!—“

Sometimes, Rin likes to speak in gaming terms, as if she has an abundance of experience with it. The class idol, track and field ace, prefecture’s top sprinter is also a gamer? I also like to play games just like Kogane, though not matching his subtleness. Because of that, every time Rin speaks in gaming lingo, it’s a bit strange.

Iya, forget about that and focus on Akira’s flames. The Wight King is also an undead. If Akira’s power poses as a threat to the Wight King, rescuing Sakuma and Tsurugi would become a lot easier.

“And another thing, its likely that you have a hidden ability too—”

With a carefree attitude, Rin casually said so. I inclined my head to the side in

“Hidden ability?”

“Noo, in this case it would be different. Special characteristic? Passive ability?”

Her thoughts resounds inside my head.

“Each characters, having lower encounter rate in the dungeon or being easily finding undead, were there such options? That may have happened to Hino-kun”

“Don’t tell me! When we reincarnated, such abilities were given already?”

“It might be each monster race special characteristic! It’s hard to encounter a Willow Wisp as it is already!”

As one would expect, its all game-like terms again. Of course, it easy to understand, but the term “hard to encounter ability” is different from the afore mentioned “Living things are afraid of fire” and “Undead monster are weak
against fire”. Its basis foundation is not game-like at all right?

Though I was doubting it, for some reason Akira had been brooding over it.

“You believe it Akira?”

“Iya, don’t think of it as me believing Himemizu thoughtless remark”


“There’s just something small in my mind. But its only hypothetical so I’ll keep silent about it.”

During that time, we finally reached the stairs leading down to the 11th floor.

“Kyosuke, Himemizu, about what we talked about”

Akira voice was filled with tension


“Our purpose this time is to only focus on bringing back Sakuma and Tsurugi. Don’t bother attacking the Wight King too much.”

Kyosuke leaked out a small puff of laughter. Though he has no muscles to smile and no lungs to leak out air, Rin followed up with me.

“I know. We’re not that careless”



A blue bullet crashed into the Wight King’s head. Its obvious that from its
reaction, it did not do a considerable amount of damage, though it was from
an all out jump kick.

The Wight King raises its 6 arm and commences its attack at the new opponent. Our previous kick was lodged into its head, so we had to kick again in order to land back to the ground. As I looked upwards, its definitely huge. It is 5 meters tall, and its height is no joke when looking it eye to eye.

Though only 5 meters, it’s still tall.

With being huge, its strength must be tremendous. It would be appropriate to say all living things would instinctively feel so. However, standing there with arms folded and not entering the fight,


I glanced towards where the voice was coming from. There, it was the same body wrapped in a thin fabric like cloth Sakuma, who, while was covering her chest (big), had looked this way. And in front of her as if protecting her was a headless knight. That’ll be Tsurugi. It’s a good thing those two are safe.

“What the heck is that!”

Rin cried out

“Tsurugin head is gone!”

“It was originally like that”

“Ah, right…..”

Iya, not originally like that though.

Sakuma had all along been holding onto Tsurugi’s head. Tsurugi, on the other hand, stared intently at our direction and finally muttered

“Is that….Rin?”

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“Yahoo, Tsurugin!”

Unyon, as she extended her “hand” towards Tsurugi. At that exact timing, the Wight King sword came rushing in, which I evaded while jumping. Seems like we won’t be able to exchange greetings.

The next moment, rebukes came flurrying from Sakuma, though it was from Tsurugi’s mouth as Sakuma had been holding onto her head.

“What are you guys doing!”

“W-what….We came to assist you two….”

“Not that!”

Shaking wildly, the dullahan pointed in our direction.

“A man and woman showing such acts of overlapping intimacy…..extremely

“Ah—….as expected from a public morals committee member….”

“But Utsurogi-kun and I are not doing anything like that”

Though I was gradually getting accustomed to it, a man’s body literally being enveloped by a woman is quite bold. During the time when we were humans, it is almost impossible to implement that besides be preyed on. This is absolutely like being preyed on right? Though it feels more like a clownfish living its life inside a sea anemone

“Utsurugi-kun, that’s commensalism. Utsurogi-kun and I are more of a mutualism state, so it should be a sea anemone and hermit crab instead.”

“Nnn, right….”

Though being an easily optimistic girl, Rin sure has a strange and extensive amount of knowledge.

“Though Tsurugin will probably misunderstand, Utsurogi-kun and I only combined…….”


“Its not like that Tsurugi! Though I say combining, its looks like Aquarion or Godannar in a way! Its also like the Gamba star or even Gurren Lagann in which it’s wholesome and a pure form, kind of combining!”

“Whatever you’re saying, I don’t even understand it all!”

While such exchanging was going back and forth with Tsurugi, Rin and I had been frantically evading the Wight King’s attacks. Sakuma being Sakuma, her face was dyed bright red and while bashfully fidgeting, she was muttering『Combining…….』『Utsurogi and Rin were……』『Combining……』. That’s an extremely dangerous mood trend she has!

Flame bullets struck directly against the Wight King and at that time


Pyuuuuuu, as Akira came flying shaking with anger

“YOU! IDOIT!? ME! To THAT EXTENT! You! Seriously!!!”

“Ahhhh, umm. Mybad Akira…..”

The wisp body had been swelling up because of me. This is worthy of being the burning truth. Since we were separated by a considerable amount of time, Sakuma and Tsurugi could feel the heat from where they were standing.

With his anger as his energy, the flame bullets would be considerably stronger, as the Wight King who hates fire backed off a little. With the big gap created by it, that passage way out is almost guaranteed.

I immediately sent a signal to Sakuma and Tsurugi. As the two nodded, the Wight King attacked but was unable to land. The two had, at the last moment, darted straight ahead, passing the Wight King.

“Kyosuke, this is a loan!”

“How much have I already borrowed!?”

“Until yesterday, it has already been 99822 times already!”

“Uwaaaa, Assuming how long you have been friends, your date of birth would be around Janurary 16……”

Rin’s calculation is also fast? That’s an honor student for ya.

Though its about time for out carefree chattering to end. From here on out, the passage leading to the stairway height and width is more spacious. With scarce amount of shelter, its accurate to say that this is a perfect battleground for the Wight King. Sakuma and Tsurugi was chasing after us, while the Wight King following them in a run too! Each footstep was creating large thuds and tremors and immediately behind me I felt it drawing closer and closer.


“I know!”

Responding to Rin’s shout, I stopped and turned around. Sakuma and Tsurugi were both surprised.


“What are you…..!”

While firmly grasping the right fist, Rin began increasing its weight and toughness and concentrating on its density. With arranging a signal at the last moment, we needed to stop its movement.

“Jump Himemizu!”


My legs were reverted to its reverse joint form and the next moment we were high in the air. Moreover, we kicked the ceiling to accelerate our body.

Targeting its face, we put our entire strength into this punch.


Though barely any response. The two face, with its four ghastly caved in eyes instantaneously pointed in our direction.


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At my signal, Rin extracted the sword in our back. It was not my arm though. Rather, from my shoulder, she successfully grew her own arms. With the sudden birth of the third arm and able to freely brandish the sword, the Wight King’s 4 eye’s were pierced into.


That was the first time the Wight King screamed in pain. With the help of Akira’s flame bullet, we were able distance ourselves from the monster. The legs were then reverted back to its original shape.

“Utsurogi-kun! Himemizu-san!”

“Both of you, run away quickly!”

I shouted while running back to our exit. We were only able to barely damage the Wight King. With the gap created by it flinching, we have to run now. Moving our feet in the girls’ direction, Akira immediately stopped with the covering fire and moved as well.

A little later. The stairs were visible as we approach closer. All we have to do now is just ascend it.

Or so I thought at that time.

“Watch out Utsurogi-kun!”

A shout suddenly resounded directly within my head.

Immediately my body lurched forward. The slime’s flesh had detached itself from the skeleton’s frame. I didn’t understand what had happened at that moment, but was able to understand following that. Rin forcefully canceled our fusion state. With that, she was the one who took damage that caused our bodies suddenly fly forward.

Doshin, my body shook as the shock came from behind.

As I fell towards the labyrinth floor, I was able to catch a glimpse behind me.


The Wight King’s swords sunk into the ground at our previous location. The ground smashed, debris flying and clouds of dust rising. There was no reply from Himemizu. The Wight King raises its sword, and I was able to confirm her limp figure.

Though being a slime, she was strong against physical attacks. Where I would be weak against physical attack as a skeleton.

She protected me.

If I were to have taken the damage I would have died, but no matter how strong her body would be against physical damage, she must have sensed it. Not just sensing the pain, but feeling it as well. She was unable to reply and protect herself since she received a lot of damage already. It was clear that she fainted.

“R-, Rin……!”

Behind me, Tsurugi shouted. They were close friends using given name. Rin being into running, and Tsurugi being into kendo, each being the ace in their respective sports club. Its no wonder they had a deep friendship.

Sakuma also gasped.

So close to the exit, no one continued towards it. If they were to run, they would make it out. But no one would do that

Recalling what the skeletons had said before, undead monsters prey on magical powers and does not rely on food. If that’s the case, Rin’s body maintenance is its peculiar magical ability. If we were to leave her as she is, her life energy would be absorbed, killing her.

「《Evil Flare》!」

Sakuma immediately casted black flame towards the Wight King.

Having been in the labyrinth for so long and possibly fighting for many hours, her face showed deep colors of fatigue. And yet, Sakuma eyes showed strong willpower as she glared at the Wight King. It wasn’t just Sakuma, Tsurugi also gallantly rushed towards Rin’s location.

Although being weak to fire, the Wight King only flinched at Sakuma’s magic. With that gap, Tsurugi called out to Rin.

“Rin, hang in there! Rin!”

“U, tsu, Tsurugin…..?

“Lets get out of here quickly. You shoulder…g—, you can’t give me your shoulder….”

Rin began dragging herself across the floor, while the removal process started.

But it’s too slow. She does not have my body. Thinking that, I dashed towards her.

Akira called out from behind

“You’re going to die Kyosuke”

That voice was cold and calm.

“With a skeleton’s stride, your movement would still be slow. You’ll be within the Wight King’s reach and instantaneously be in pieces”

“Then you want me to just sit back and silently watch!”

I resented being unable to say what I wanted.

At that time, Sakuma had been providing support by using offensive magic spells. Tsurugi was protecting Rin as she slowly tried to retreat. If we were to just watch, Sakume would continuously provide support and the two would be safe. While supporting, once Rin reaches our location, we can fuse once again and run away. That would have been good.

But things were different.

Sakuma and Tsurugi had both collected a considerable about of fatigue. Its strange that they have not collapse yet.

“Kyosuke, do you remember what we had been talking about on our way here?”

Akira was really calm as he spoke


“About the hypothesis I had. Your desire. If its now, it’s a good time to experiment”

A monster’s innate ability, or possibly something relating to that. From what Akira had been saying, right now could be the time to break it. With my answer from before, Akira continued on further

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“However, if my hypothesis proved to be wrong, you will likely die”

“And you?”

“I’ll be fine. Most likely nothing will happen to me”

“Lets do it then”

“If you say so, but”

I nodded twice. Akira answered in a surprised voice.

“Well whatever. Kyosuke, this is also a loan”

Saying that, Akira immediately darted towards my body.

What are you—

And when I thought that, pain traveled throughout my body as I was being burned. This feeling, its like I felt it from sometime ago.

It was when Rin and I first combined. That time, I remember my entire body being squeezed with an intense amount of pressure.

But this time, similar to what happened last time, the pain instantly withdrew. In exchange, my entire body was covered in a new flesh.

Iya, this is.


Its similar to when Rin and I combined, covering my arms, legs and my chest. The fire flared as it coiled around my body. My entire body was ablaze. Clad in fire, it was like a skeleton demon. That was my current appearance. [TL: Would image it like the Man on Fire in MGS5 or Ghost Rider]

If I grasp my fist, powerful fire whirled up. Like reflecting my emotions, it would increase my firepower. As fire spewed out from my back, it started to resemble a phoenix’s wings or like a crimson cape.

When Rin and I combined, it looked like a slime eating a human. This looks like a human set to death by fire.

“Don’t you have any better example than that Kyosuke?”

Akira voice ranged in my head, just like Rin did.

“Well its fine. Looks like my hypothesis is correct”

“Akira, this is….”

“Your power”

I became bewildered as Akira began to explain it to me.

“It was a question I continuously thought about. You combining with Rin, it became obvious now that the potential to cross over is possible. Its simply you acting as the prop, reducing Rin’s burden. Though it seems you can’t catch on.

In short, its your so called individual ability or possible the skeleton race ability, but I don’t know for sure…..”

“Is it like a combined monster’s power being amplified?”

“Just like that. Well, monsters that are able to synthesize would be the most optimum.”

That example is a bad one though.

Seeing my body enveloped in flame, the Wight King clearly was frightened. Seems like fire is its weakness.

Since that’s the case, lets go!

I stepped forward with an air of superiority. Step by step…with each steps taken, sparks fell off.

It was not the Wight King who was only surprised. Rin, Sakuma and Tsurugi were all dumbfounded by the walking phenomenon. It’s not unreasonable. It’s me we’re talking about. (Though I was the most surprised)

“Awesome……! Utsurogi-kun, so cool!”

Rin revealed with high tension.

“Illicit sexual relationship…no, illict same sex relationship….!? Its not in the school rules!?”

Tsurugi became perplexed.

“Combined….!? Utsurogi-kun and Hino-kun both……combined!?”

Sakuma had somehow came to an absurd conclusion as she mumbled.

“I have a feeling they’re having an extremely unthinkable imagination…well whatever”

Akira replied in a abated tone.

“I’ll entrust all actions to you Kyosuke. Think of how you want to fight so that we can gain time for the girls to escape.

“Understood. Its different from the time with Himemizu, this body is not as fragile!”

Powerful flames flared up as I tightened my fist being clad in fire.

With this fire, I’ll fight against the Wight King with all my strength. Kicking the floor, the flame acted as a booster and at once my body accelerated.

Author’s Note:
Next update at 19:00

Kyosuke (Fire demon mode!) and the Wight King, how will their battle turn out! With that, the class will face new disorder as events unfold. Enjoy!

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