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My fist clad in fire and strength increasing, I began my assault on the Wight King. Though unable to feel my fist before, I was finally able to feel it again as my arm solidify. Must be Akira controlling it.

“It’s like I said! At that time, when Himemizu did not fight!”

“I—is that so…..!”

I’m currently wearing the Wisp, Akira, on my body. So to speak, being a fireball, but also being vapor.

Similar to Rin’s body when she is controlling the density, solidity and the weight, Akira is able to do it all. Though Rin’s body is more suitable for physical attack as Akira is not suited for it. Being clad in fire and when fused together, we would perform better at mid-range combat.

The Wight King’s morale decreases as he saw my body, similar to Ifrit. As I leapt towards him, he evaded my advance. Matching our movement, I was able to utilize Akira’s booster.

It’s different in speed when comparing it to that time with Rin. You can say that my body is currently using booster, just like thrusters! The explosive power is extremely high! Lastly, perhaps with Akira in charge of managing everything, if we were to make the best of it…..,

“Jump now Akira!”

“You and your usual absurd act!”

Though the swords were drawn, there was enough time for a jump. Flames
spew off my back, allowing me to float.

The flames spouting out my entire body is pushing against the air and allowing me to stay affixed. The Wight King glaring at me were like nails. With the six swords slashing, I evaded it similar to the 3-D-like gear maneuver. Making my palms facing each other, a ball of flame had been created. Supplying his magic
into the ball, it rapidly grew larger.

“Akira, on my signal, we’ll attack!”

“Yosh, roger that. Lets name it”

From his calm voice, he spoke of an unexpected thing.

“It’ll be 「Prominence Ball」, Kyosuke”

“W—well, not that it really matters but….Akira, by any chance are you having

“I won’t be struck with divine punishment if I’m having fun right?…..It’s coming!”

I nimbly evaded the two swords that were approaching me again.

Not yet.

Need to attract more.

I provoked the Wight King by flying around its head. While behind the Wight King, it paid no attention to Rin and the others. In front of the stairway, Sakuma, with little magic left, prepared a protective wall. Meanwhile, Rin and Tsurugi were struggling to reach the exit.

Very soon.

Just hold out a bit longer.

“Akira, when I say 『Prominence』, the next word 『Ball』is when we attack! Is that fine!?”

“Of course. I’ll try to match your timing”

Rin and Tsurugi finally reached the entrance of the stairway. The three finally glanced in our direction. First with Sakuma leading, next was Rin and lastly Tsurugi acting as the rearguard, they finally ascended the stairs.

Unable to see their figures anymore, I nose dived and escaped between the legs of the Wight King. As I exit between the legs, I held the enlarged ball of flame aloft.

“『Prominence!! 』”

At the next beat and overlapping our voice in perfection, the Wight King turned around in our direction.

””『BAAAAAAALllllllllll!!!!! 』””

With no gap to escape, the photosphere was fired.

Sure enough, the flame sphere crashed in front of the Wight King. Including the high density flames and with a thunderous roar, it enveloped the Wight King’s body. Explosion covering the entire view. Even if the Wight King were to shriek in pain, it would be entirely swallowed by the explosion. Unable to withstand the impact, it fell on its back.

I was not dumb enough to continue on with the attack. Rin and the others escaped. Our main purpose has been accomplished.

As the Wight King tried to stand, Akira and I had soared up the stairway. The wings expanding on our back really looks like phoenix wings.


“Utsurogi-kun, Hino-Kun, that was awesome…no, amazing!”

As we finally reached to where they were, Rin’s body undulated Pyon Pyon, as she came to greet us. Akira had canceled the combination, so I was now an ordinary skeleton.

The 10th floor has monster that are rampant, so this area could not be
designated as a safe area to be relaxed. However, we just escaped from the previous dilemma. Relaxing this much should be fine.

With the Wight King’s game escaping through the narrow stairway, it was unable to give chase anymore.

Of course, Rin was not the only person giving their admiration.

Sakuma and Tsurugi were both showing an excited attitude as they greeted us.

“Considerably different. Utsurogi is different compared to the beginning when you wanted to go exploring. You must have practice a lot in your own way”

This was Tsurugi’s response. Practicing a lot in order to find a new way to use the body to attack could possibly be the correct way to see this.

“Amazing! Its really amazing Utsurogi-kun! Utsurogi-kun and Hino-kun, c—, c—, combined……!”
That was Sakuma’s response. This kind of joyous feeling being emitted feels a little suspicious.

However, as soon as I turned towards her, her face swiftly became red as she
tilts her head downward. While she’s bashfully fidgeting, her downcast glances slowly raised in my direction.

“E, eeettooo……..Un….. That is….Thanks for saving us……”

“Ahh, its no problem, so don’t worry about it. Its good that you’re safe”


Sakuma face turned redder than before and became more bashful as she heard my sincere reply.

“I—I, that…. I never thought that Utsurogi-kun would be the one to come save

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“Ahh, somewhat unreliable eh. Were you disappointed?”

“No, rather, I’m extremely happy. Utsurogi-kun has always been kind, just like in the past……”

Sakuma, though bashful, finally raised her head. I hastily became embarrassed and averted my gaze.

“It’s was nothing like th—at, ouch!”

Since I averted my glance awhile ago, Himemizu grew twice… no, three times in size. Its entirely like rice cake cooking on top of a brazier.

“Hi—Himemizu!? What was that for? Why are you getting angry!?”

“Not reeealllllllyyyyyy~?”

While saying that, this room isn’t going to get any wider than it already is. Tsurugi is already struggling as her body is being pressured.

And so, that was how the time passed until

“Sakuma, Tsurugi, you’re safe!”

From the passage ahead, several student’s voice echoed as they could be seen running here.

“Goubayashi, Kogane….and is that Akai…..!?”

The haughty and lazy queen, Akai, is seen coming to such place? I was astonished.

This is without a doubt, the strongest team in the class. For the sake of rescuing Sakuma and Tsurugi, they assembled, or that is how my imagination played it. Though looking at their face expression tells a different story. Goubayashi was surprised, Kogane bore a grim face, while Akai was just bored.

They recognized that it was not only Sakuma and Tsurugi standing there. Rin, myself and Akira were recognized, as Goubayashi called out in a somewhat bewildered voice.

“Utsurogi….As well as Himemizu and Hino…..”

“Yossu, Goubayashi.”

Back when they were human, Rin and Goubayashi were in the same popular group and often exchanged their casual greetings.

I too extended my hand to my long time friend.

“Yo, Kogane”


Kogane was unable to hide his grim facial expression and replied in a vague manner. He then looked towards Sakuma.

“Sacchan, did Utsurogi and the other come to rescue you?”

“Aah, yea. Th——“


Akira abruptly cut off Sakuma. His manner of speech contained a bit of irritation.

“By chance, we were exploring and just met with these two. We won’t be of any match to Sakuma nor Tsurugi, so there’s no reason to fight right?

Rin and I, in addition to Tsurugi and Sakuma, felt Akira’s vigilance towards Kogane as he curtly followed up with blunt words. He kept the behavior, which never told the truth. It was not the behavior like before, when we were in the same group. I recalled an uncomfortable feeling, though I’m trying to avoid recalling it now.

“I—is that so….That’s right, that’s definitely it.”

Kogane finally became relieved and showed a smile. With the problem out of the way due to the desired response, it was a smile trying to smooth things over.

Kogane believed in Akira’s words, but what about Goubayashi and Akai?

Goubayashi stared at each of us in turn, making a difficult face.

On the other hand, Akai was

“Sachi, I’m glad you’re safe”

“U—,Un. Thanks. Asuka-chan….”

“Kaoru was also worried”

Everyone simultaneously gazed at their conversation.

The class queen Akai and the originally glasses wearing girl Sakuma, when were they ever this close? And it seems that Kaoruko, who was endowed with an influential voice, was also part of this?

Rin was the only person to know, merely swaying about Tapon Tapon

“Was it really just you two, fighting to get through?”

“Y, yes……..”

“Heeeeh. That’s amazing.”

While saying that, Akai face my direction for just a moment. Her blood shot eyes raised in suspicion. Though that moment felt like minutes, everyone noticed it within the vicinity.

However, this lie, at least Akai won’t say anything. That’s what I believe.

No, its more like she’s already overlooking this lie already?

I looked towards Akira. Seems like he wants to keep my powers and the amplification power a secret from others for now.

That power is possibly a “powerful ability” being given to me, which is the truth we just found.

The class had just entered a stable period of peace. Just as that happened, Ryuzaki and Kogane’s incident occurred.

As a result, Sakuma and Tsurugi were saved, Ryuzaki’s “shameful behavior” were seen by many classmates and it would be difficult for him to retain his leadership position. More than likely, there’s going to be a great change of influence within the class.

Akira hates the occasion in which changes takes place. He simply hates troublesome issues.

Presently, there are three people here who are also the three individuals that carry a powerful influential voice.

Goubayashi backing Ryuzaki, allowing him to have his support as one of the leaders.

After the ‘trip’ and seeing Kogane brilliant participation, there began talks of replacing Ryuzaki.

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Though its possible that from the silent queen Akai, there could be the coming of a true queen.

Who will stand at the top, I don’t know. If possible, I’d want this to be settled peacefully.

“Hey, Utsurogi.”

Kogane had assumed his amicable smile and called out to me.

“Sup Kogane?”

“Don’t do the impossible now. This is the 10th floor you know. There’s plenty of strong monsters here”

“N, ahhhh……”

“You’re weak right, Utsurogi? Your position or rather… erm…no, right. I meant to say your own floor level. Its better to explore there instead”

Well that was expected. Though I wonder if those are really words friends would use when worried about someone.

While Kogane said so and smiled, I felt a little trapped between his words as I recalled the distant foreboding of a storm.


A few days later, an unexpected event occurred, with great changes visiting
the class.

At most, the treatment of the committee chair man, Ryuzaki Kunihiro, changed. With Kogane and their previous conflict, it was obvious that there was a mixture of scorn and ridicule when some of the classmates looked at him. Everyone felt it, though no one could speak about it as they could not carry the burden. The problem with Ryuzaki’s disposition as a leader, was that everyone also shared a bit of it too.

Even so, Ryuzaki was barely able to keep his position as a leader. Benefiting greatly from Goubayashi’s influence.

Being his friend, Goubayashi stood up for him with the class following in suit. Though naturally, their respect for their leader was a mere shell. Ryuzaki and Goubayashi both understood this too.

Nevertheless, the class abided in Ryuzaki decision. This was due to Goubayashi being too frightening, so there was no one willing to overstep the boundary of taking the leader’s position. Though everyone clearly did not recognize that, as after the class travelled to a different world, it was all about the survival lifestyle. Many believe that the time in which the committee chairman bore the burden of leading is over and yet everyone had unconsciously evaded bearing the burden.

In other words, since they followed him, they pressed all the responsibility onto him. Unknowing such common knowledge, Ryuzaki had already taken the role as a leader.

Naturally, there were those who desired the role as leader.

It was Kogane.

Since Ryuzaki failed to support himself during the conflict at the lunchroom, Kogane’s stock in the class rose. Two of Ryuzaki’s entourage, Washio and Hakuba, jumped boats to Kogane’s side and his once big group is slowly

It was solely Goubayashi and his glare that kept Kogane from trying to move up as the leader.

In the end, Kogane could never go against Goubayashi. Factoring in that no one has powers near Kogane level, simply put, Kogane even loses if they were to just glare at each other. Being 3 meters and having a large frame, his looks sent threats and he was a member of the top group who held a calm composure and charisma when he was a human.

Even with Kogane attempts at insulting Ryuzaki, along with other students who meddled in, just one of Goubayashi glance would silence the entire group.

For the past few days, Kogane’s behavior was very blatant, which he truthfully
thought the other students liked it. Though if he were to ever attempt to
forcefully remove the leader, Goubayashi would certainly stop him.

There should be more people like Goubayashi.


“Thanks for the meal!!”

Once again, Gofunkawahara left the dining hall in an energetic vibe, together with Okumura. Naturally forgetting about the tablewares.

Rin and I, along with Akira, sat at the corner of the dining room watching the entire scene played out. Ryuzaki went to the center of the dining hall. Even now, he called out to the remaining students in a cheerful voice.

“Ah—, let’s go look for more food in the labyrinth after this? How bout it!?”

Not a single person answered. Yet, their attention did not contain a hint of respect. Ryuzaki was attempting to recruit party members. If there was no one willing to accompany him, he would not be able to go. That was the atmosphere the reminding members were able to control over. Rin and I instinctively stood up, but Akira stopped us short from going.

“Right now is not the time to stand out.”

Akira whispered in a low voice.

“But if we were to leave it as it is, Ryuzaki would be walking on thin ice”

“That is, uh, one of the duties of a committee chairman. Its like announcing the person who would like to be a candidate with no one excessively volunteering”

“Ahh, then does that mean that Rin’s duties include garbage disposal and bulk supplies?……”

While in the middle of that conversation, the class mood stiffened.

Ryuzaki should have firmly understood his position, as everyone seemed unwilling to follow. Though from a leader standpoint, it was inevitable to seek assistance. With no response, he made himself look like a fool.

“But that is Ryuzaki’s downfall”

Akira’s words were cold-hearted.

“If he had made better judgment, suppressed those with trifling opinions and had courage, it would have never come to this situation. It doesn’t matter if his abilities is weak or strong after reincarnating.”

That is one correct way to view it. After all, with Ryuzaki presently doing this halfheartedly, it would invite such outcomes.

If Akira were to say more, it would cross the safe zone and end up making arguments of only criticism. Nevertheless, it still is a straightforward view.

Gatan, As a lone female stood from a corner of the dining hall.

With a chicken bone in her mouth and white hair flowing as she walked, her accessories swayed and emitting Jyara Jyara sounds attached to a modified uniform that belonged to our school. She was identical to the queen, in which her figure after reincarnating had mostly stayed the same. The ‘special student’

“I—, Inugami…….”

Ryuzaki uttered like he had been saved.

“Did you want to go together?”

Hearing those words, Inugami Hibiki’s1 dog ears twitched, as an impatient snort followed up.

“No. I am a lone hunter. Others are just a hindrance.”

Well, I think that’s about right. Before the reincarnation incident, she had consistently been a lone wolf. Besides giving the food she hunts to Sugiura, she might feel a bit lonely since I’ve never seen her associating with anyone. Though its about the same as when we were humans.

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An outlaw and a delinquent. Inugami was labeled as that. She had a similar atmosphere as Akai, but they were like cats and dogs as I often seen them avoid each other.

Inugami left the dining hall while the accessories on the modified uniform clattered Jyara Jyara.

The girls leaked out chuckles during the entire scene while smiling. That signaled the start of everyone going back to their routine chatters. With the dining hall became lively again, no one paid heed to Ryuzaki.

Ryuzaki became crestfallen as he dropped his shoulder and went back to a corner of the room to sit back down.

“H—hey, Ryuzaki…..”

No longer able to stand by, I called out to him.

“Aahh, Utsurogi….”

“If you’re fine with us, lets go together……?”

“It’s fine…….”

The Draconic Ryuzaki eyes were similar to dead lizards, and he couldn’t help but laugh.

“Later, Goubayashi and I will be going……Thanks though, Utsurogi”

What a great guy. I wonder if Rin were to say something, would it be good?

Immediately after, a cheerful laughter could be heard as a group entered into
the dining hall. It was Kogane’s group. Kogane, Roper7, Washio, Hakuba, and other male members of the group were in a friendly conversation, as all eyes in the dining hall turned towards them.

“Ah—, Say—!”

With a mischievous smile floating, Kogane stood where Ryuzaki had been previously and loudly declared

“After this, we’re going to go hunting in the 5th floor but before that, would
anyone like to come along? Specifically looking for girls—!”

The class rustled as they rose. Though it was not due to disregarding Kogane’s proposal. Rather, the male students made bitter smiles while the females were exchanging 『Should we go』 and so forth. There was a great discrepancy between Ryuzaki’s proposal and his.

“Ah—…….Then, can I go?……”

A female student alone raised her hand. Which caused a ripple effect, as 2, 3 people raised their hands as well.

“Yoshi, it’s settled! Kikino-san2, is this your first time going to the 5th floor?”

“Ah, yes…… is that troublesome?”

“It’s fine, it’s fine. If it’s us, it’ll be easy. We’ll protect you! Unlike some lizard who is next to useless.”

Hearing those words, Washio and the gang guffawed and sneered. In contrast, Ryuzaki steadily became depressed.

“I’ve a bad feeling about Kogane-kun…..”

Rin muttered, revealing a rare unpleasant feeling.

“Its like, Kogane is different…..”

I also agreed. A tinge of loneliness oozed as I heard his words, in which Akira spits out his remarks.

“Kyosuke, from the beginning, that guy has always been like that”


As always, when everyone had mostly left the dining hall, Rin and I began
clearing the leftover tableware and again, Sugiura would say 『Hindrance should get going, get going!』as she drove us off. Though this time she didn’t bother Ryuzaki assisting her with cleaning. Akira was right, Ryuzaki should have held onto his courage, though it seems he might be fine3

Having finished with cleaning the dining hall, Ryuzaki dragged his feet off to somewhere. It might be that he’s preparing to go hunting with Goubayashi. Though it’s helpful that Goubayashi assisted Ryuzaki as a friend, as it is now, it will end up being bad for the both of them, or so I vaguely thought while seeing him off.

“So what’s the plan—?”

“Like always, just continuing our special training outside the labyrinth. Of course, we’re gonna work on our fusion Akira.”

“Ok, but I want to have my own special move too—“

Rin’s entire body strangely glistened while she confessed. Her body expression
is really easy to understand.

Special move….It’s probably that time when Akira and I shouted “Prominence Ball”. Though its embarrassing just saying it, it fits the attack style and the timing to complete it is not too difficult. With Rin’s flexible body, there’s bound to be various interesting things we can try.

Akira also took an interested posture and jumped in the conversation

“I also thought of a new attack skill. Kyosuke, go bring the Skeleton Sword”

“N, Ahh. Got it. I’ll be back”

“Then, we’ll be going ahead—“

Rin and Akira began walking towards the labyrinth exit, while I returned to my room to get the sword. A lot of the male students shared sleeping space, so the room was cluttered with random items. Gofunkawahara especially loved to go exploring in the labyrinth and finding items, though he often brought back useless junk. My sword was also within the category as Gofun’s items, so
there were no traces of it being touched.

“Uh, Utsurogi…….”

Gripping the sword as I was leaving, Goubayashi came back at the exact same time. Our eyes met and I greeted him while holding the sword.

“Yo Goubayashi. Are you going together with Ryuzaki to search for food?”

“M, Ahh. Yea that.”

Goubayashi folded his arm and continued to look at me.

“Utsurogi, do you have a little time?”

“Hmmm, though Himemizu would be waiting, now’s fine”

“I see. I’ll keep it short”

It was rare for me to be talking with Goubayashi. Naturally, I corrected my posture in front of him.
Goubayashi. Though his name is pronounced in Katakana, his real name is Goubayashi Genshuu and is a son of Buddhist. Their house was also skillful in Kenpo, which he retained as an Ogre and even improved it. Having a stoic personality, he’s very strict on himself. Even from the teacher, he’s was a very good student.

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As Goubayashi was trying to keep it short, I had a small amount of time to ponder over this randomly. Like that, he finally asked

“Utsurogi, why do you think we reincarnated into our respective figures?”


Thinking such philosophical questions and suddenly asking it, for a moment I
was hard pressed for an answer.

“Is that, like a Zen Koan?”4
“Don’t be so formal. Well, I’ll say my opinion“

Unwrapping his folded arms, Goubayashi reached for the ceiling.

“That is, it’s our heart’s reflection of our figure, or so I thought at that time”

“But there’s no positive proof of that, though that is a possibility.”

“For example, Akira is a hot-headed guy and Rin way of thinking is extremely flexible right. Tsurugi is like a Knight, while Akai and Inugami also fit their respective image. And Sakuma…. uhh… yea. Sakuma is uhhyea” 5

“If that’s the case, what am I?”

Goubayashi muttered as he stared into his hands.

“It’s been on my mind constantly for the past few days. I am a son of a Buddhist. In order for me to becoming a splendid monk like my father, I endeavored expelling the demons from the bottom of my heart. And yet, looking at my own hands, I became that very thing”

“No, ummm…… You’re overthinking it…….I’m sure that it’s decided by names”

Hino Akira became a Wisp and Himemizu Rin became a water slime. Sakuma Sachiko became a Succubus with Okumura being an Orc and Gofunkawahara becoming a Goblin. There were several students in the class that often mixed in these joked during conversations.

“Is that so? If you think about it, my inexperience could have probably cause the situation that the class is facing now”

He’s overthinking to that degree. As I was about to reply back, looking at
Goubayashi face showed a serious expression which made me held back.

If he has already set his mind thinking that he is the “demon” because of his heart’s reflection and if he has seriously thought that because being a demon may have caused the class situation to deteriorate, no matter what I say, it’ll be futile. I’m impressed by Goubayashi. Those words were not meant to be for consolation.

I’m impressed. Very impressed actually. Goubayashi, any more than this would be selflessness to the class. If that’s the case, there would be no need to put great effort in order to preserve the peace.

“If you seriously think so Goubayashi, what do you think needs to be done?”

“ I—, my “demons” inside, I want to properly face it”

I’m guessing that is his stoic personality kicking in compared to the previous selflessness version.

“Utsurogi, I have two other questions”

“Ahh, ok”

“Before, I’m certain that it was you who rescued Sakuma and Tsurugi right?”

This, I can not tell a lie. I quietly nodded.

“To be more accurate, it was me, Akira and Himemizu. It was not my power alone”

“Last question. Who do you think is suitable as class leader?”

At that time I received the question, I understood what Goubayashi real intentions were.

“Don’t worry about my relation with Ryuzaki. I just want to hear from you honestly”

There’s three candidates.

Ryuzaki Kunihiro

Kogane Yoshiki

Akai Asuka

Facing Goubayashi’s question, if we assumed my answer, someone out of the three would be the leader.

Though inside, I’m hesitating. If I were to honestly answer, what kind of results would happen? Though I can predict. There’s no doubt that with the current situation deteriorating rapidly and barely managing to preserve the peace, its possible for disorder to come.


I faced Goubayashi directly.

I can believe in him as he proposed this discussion. It is to be my obligation to honestly answer him.

And so I did.

Goubayashi quietly laughed

“Thanks Utsurogi Kyosuke, you have my gratitude”6

Saying so, Goubayashi went behind me and departed. Possibly meeting up with Ryuzaki to go hunting for food. As I watched him off and with the sword in my hand, I went back to where the others were.

The next day, the sole support in the class, Goubayashi Genshuu, left a note
leaving the labyrinth.
Author’s note:
Next submission plan is for tomorrow morning at 7!

With Goubayashi gone, how will the class change!? The next few chapters would be about the class political system and Kyosuke’s group Power Up! Enjoy!
TL Notes:
1.Guessing the name as there was no furigana
2.Kikino-san, is one of the new characters introduced
3.Tough time translating this
4. Zen Koan are like Christian Parables.
5. He basically could not find the words and stuck with the previous two stuttered words
6. Using his full name in Kanji(possibly showing more respect)
7. Roper is a male (Name in Japanese I could not find through tangorin) ローパー possibly

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