Due to my inexperience, I’m ashamed that I put the entire class into a troubled state.

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I’ve thought a lot about it and can no longer overlook my inner demons.

Goubayashi note that he left behind was extremely simple and naturally caused a ripple in the class. He was the sole man who kept the balance in the class. Everyone had already imaged that if he leaves, disorder would spread.

Losing Goubayashi as his support, no one would likely listen to Ryuzaki.

Queen Akai was not surprised and languidly tended to her nails.

Already, the class is deciding who would be the next leader. Kogane Yoshiki.

No one could stop his arrogance.

“Well…. if Goubayashi can’t be it, how bout Kaoruko-chan?”

Rin said as she plucked a shrimp off a bowl and tore its shell apart.

We’re currently sitting at the dining hall corner as we peel apart the shells of shrimps. Gofunkawahara found a spring in the 7th floor while exploring the labyrinth and from there they captured large quantities. It was extremely popular in the class, but the class couldn’t tell if it was a shrimp or a crayfish. The texture and flavor resembled a whiteleg shrimp. With the entire class preparing for more provision, the cook, Sugiura, demanded more assistance in the kitchen.

“Umu. Kaoruko would also accompany Goubayashi”

“Kaoru-chan, from the beginning, has always paid attention to Goubayashi”

Both Tsurugi and Sakuma answered Rin as they also participated in the shelling.

“Though she doesn’t officially act, with the girls losing their big influence from Kaoruko, it dealt a silent but heavy blow…..”

I grumbled quietly.

Kaoruko, she was unique existence that can go against the queen Akai’s opinion at any time. But after coming to this world, such influence gradually disappeared.

If Goubayashi had not left, Kaoruko entered the stagelight, and the lazy Akai moved just a bit, there may have been a breeze of fresh air blowing into the class.

A tiny sigh leaked from everyone.

At this time, Akira was not participating in the shelling but rather, he was reading a book at a separate location.

“Hey—hey—, after peeling the shell, what are we gonna do with it?”

Rin asked as she peered into the bowl.

We could use them as compost for the flower garden or the kitchen garden?”

“Ahh—, that’s right—….”

“What’s up Himemizu, did you want to eat it?…..”

“Ee, I—, I didn’t say it like that!!!”


I tossed a piece of shelling on top of Rin’s body. In the semi-liquid body, the shrimp slowly sunk and before long it began sizzling as it dissolves.

“Ahh—, right right. It goes straight through my bod….y, you dummy!”

“Uooo, that’s dangerous!”

Byonn as a portion of Rin’s body formed into a whip and lashed right besides me.

It felt like Rin’s slime like move was chopping things on a cutting board.

Even if the methods to return back into humans is unknown or if we can temporarily return, there’s no doubt that it would be tough to conform back to the human society.

“When did Utsurogi and Rin became such good friends…..”

Aware of us, Tsurugi muttered to herself. Surely Sakuma heard that, as her she shook her head.

“Well yea… with the world, situation and friends changing, we’re bound to make friends with people we wouldn’t expect”

“Is that so? Just like Kogane and Sakuma.”

Replying to Rin and while I was speaking, I brought my finger near my nose. The bone reeked of shrimp.

“I—, It’s not like that though…”

Sakuma gave a small bitter smile. Rin, Tsurugi and I stopped what we had been doing.

Its probably that right? I said something stupid. Rin and Tsurugi alternatively smacked my head.

Sakuma Sachiko became a Succubus after reincarnating. Possessing the greatest magical powers in the class, a beautiful figure that girls would envy and bewitching many young men. She instantly was dragged to the top of the class but it’s difficult to think that the Sakuma was suited for its environment.

Many of the male students became overfamiliar and started calling her 〝Sacchan〟. It was then that she understood the reality of changing
environments. Sakuma had originally been an introverted and docile girl. Perhaps it’s why she naturally liked peeling the shrimp where we sat, which was in the corner of the dining hall.

“Seriously, you’re just as disillusioned as Ryuzaki. “

Tsurugi’s head was placed on top of the table, while strongly knitting her brow

“Abusing his power as a committee chairman to drag Sakuma over to his group. I’d never thought he’d be so lewd.”

“Ah, its not like that Tsurugi-san”

Hearing Tsurugi rant, Sakuma hastily denied.

“I think it’s probably Ryuzaki way of protecting me by placing me in his group.”

“Mu, is that right?”

“Un…… The other male students started flirting with me, so Goubayashi also came to help me……It’s probably because of me……”

As she was speaking, her eyes’ wandered around a little.

“Because of me, etto….. Un. It’s because I know I’m bad at refusing other. Besides that, the person who I like…..they knew…..”

“Ahh—, that’s one of Ryuzaki’s points.”

Rin nodded her head in understanding as she secretly snatched the shrimp’s shell.

As Ryuzaki won Goubayashi over to form the top group, the other male student promptly stopped in trying to flirt Sakuma. It may be the reason why Kogane was also taken into the group. At that time, Kogane was always hesitant about his surrounding and spoke in a sarcastic manner, but his type of character would never hang around Sakuma. If they were placed in the same group, it’ll be easier to protect them. That may have been Ryuzaki’s train of thought at that time.

On one hand, that was the correct choice.

But on the other hand…..

Kogane changed. I thought of that as I peeled the shell off the shrimp.

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He suddenly gained great power. Though Sakuma was also in the same position, he became an arrogant tyrant through his conducts. Akira did say 『From the beginning, he’s always been like that』, but is that really true? What can I do as a friend of his?

“We’re almost done shelling the shrimps. Where’s Sugiura at?”

Tsurugi picked up her head on the table and tilt it so it can look into the bowl.

“Isn’t she in Kano’s kitchen garden….? She said she had to go collect something.”

“Its been about a month since we came here right? That was fast, wasn’t it?”

“Kano-san is an Alraune. Because of that, I think she’s able to freely grow many types of vegetation. “

Just as we were talking about her, Sugiura entered the dining hall and could be seen carrying a basket. The insides of the basket were filled with potatoes. That’s an astounding amount.

And yet, clinging onto one of Sugiura’s octopus legs was another girl. From the beginning, it was one long flower.

Definitely Kano.

“Stoppp—Aya-chan! I raised those cute children with lots of love so don’t eat themm—!”

“What are you saying! Its for the sake of eating that we grow vegetables! Ahh, everyone! Help me peel these potato please?”

“Ahh—! AAAaahhhh—!!!!”

Apparently, it seems that Kano became attached to the vegetables grown from the kitchen garden. If she’s an Alraune, does that mean the potato is part of the same family? Though I’d feel a little guilty, I don’t want to die of starvation. So I picked up a potato and with a knife, peeled into its skin.

“AAAaaaahhhhh—! Utsurogi you brute! Demon! Dashigara!”

“Though you say that Kano, aren’t these just the potato roots so they’re technically not your kids?….”

“Ah, right!”

“Wait Utsurogi-kun. Don’t say so much to Kano. I’ve yet to pick the tomatoes”

By the way, if you’re wondering how being a skeleton and Akira being a Wisp can eat.

We just eat.

The labyrinth skeletons are by default monsters, so they hunt for magic power as an energy source. Since I’m not like them, there’s no need for me to do that. Akira had said that we might as well take in food for energy as it may be necessary for movements. Though I have no intestines to digest foods, when I put in food, it’s potentially like a spiritual consumption thus giving my body a supply of energy.

In short, if the skeletons are able to eat, they may not require magic power as a energy source….or so Akira hypothesize.

“Himemizu, did you want to eat the potato skins?”

“Utsurogi-kun, you think I’m a garbage bin!? Take it off! Take it off!”

“But you’d make a great garbage bin…..”

I stealthily stretched my hands with the potato skins and the digestion began. Rin grumbled as she saw me doing so.

Eventually, time passed quickly that day helping Sugiura. We ended up not exploring or doing our special training.


Ryuzaki’s POV

That day I, Ryuzaki Kunihiro, explored the labyrinth by himself. My reliable partner, Goubayashi, no longer by my side.

Reborn as a draconic, I was by no means weak. I’m able to go solo all the way to the 5th floor with my own powers, adding that my superior defense abilities are top-notched in the class. If compared to Goubayashi or Kogane though, I’m just at a disadvantage.

That’s why I’m not anxious when when exploring the labyrinth by myself.

But it’s lonely.

Before the “Trip” incidient, I was the committee chairman and anyone who’d see me would think so too. Occasionally Goubayashi would point out 『You’re too conceited』, though I stand by what I believe.

Anyone and everyone in the class and their emotions they have. Their hobbies and habits or how they move. I, as the class leader, would know these in great details and could possibly stop an incident before it even occur.

But if I think about it, it’s as Goubayashi said, about me being 『 conceited』, right?

In reality, it’s a painful story

In the end, I lost everything. Right now, I’m just an empty shell.

That time I had casually brought the other classmates to the lower levels. Though the results showed that no one had died, they lost faith in me which became unrecoverable. The charade of being a superior leader came off, leaving behind the unsightly and foolish puppet.

When Goubayashi left, that was the last time I explored the labyrinth with him.

Goubayashi never said anything. Is it possible that he may have hated looking after me? I’m already abandoned, so that may be right.

If that’s so, then its fine. He and I are different. He’s a man more superior and splendid. If he wants to do something, he does it with his power. It’s fine if he put his head to it and return to class to want to be a leader.

I’m not capable of leading the class.

A mere self-derision.

Immature, indecisiveness and a show off. I got happy because of what was written on my report card 『Playing a central role in the class. Such a kind boy』. Believing in that I can do whatever I want, that train of thought led to this mess.

As I trudged along in the labyrinth, for some reason a cheerful voice could be heard. Haa as I hid myself.

The males were Roper and the two close friends Washio and Hakuba. Of the females were Kumosaki the Arachne and Kikimora3. And of course, leading them was


His name leaked out from my mouth.

Once Goubayashi left, Kogane grabbed the entire class atmosphere and made it his own. Though just watching him do so left a sick feeling. Oppressing the weak and favoring whatever suited him.

With that, I was the top on his list in undergoing his abuse, specifically in how the classmates attitude was towards me.

He even treated his former friends, Utsurogi Kyosuke and Hino Akira, in an excessively rude manner. Though they did not mind it, Kogane had obviously started looking down upon the two and placing a distance between them.

To top it off, he bluntly and relentlessly continues in trying to woo Sakuma Sachiko.

It should be commonly known that Sakuma likes Kyosuke. I remember thinking that I wanted to respect those feelings as much as possible. This also applied to Kogane too. Moreover, if Sakuma were to speak her mind about her love, it’s not like I’ll go around telling people. Kogane had, at first, fallen for Himemizu Rin but those thoughts soon changed.

And yet, even though Sakuma disliked it, Kogane continued with his tenacious attempt to ‘seduce’ her.

I’d never thought about how Sakuma was given a new beauty coupled with a charming body that can easily captivate the movements of any male. But, I was more immersed in why Kogane attitude allowed him to caress Sakuma shoulders and hips, along with feeling her hair too. It gave off a strange and unpleasant air.

Kogane, as of lately, has not been actively flirting. But, its clear that he 〝set his sights〟 on her.

“Mooou, Kogannee. Stopp it!”

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Kyaa Kyaa, as the playful classmate’s voice could be heard.

Kogane was moving his arm around Kumosaki’s hips. She was an Arachne. Her body was modeled after a spider, so she possessed a lower body of a spider. Similar to how he acts with Sakuma, Kogane glued himself to Kumosaki’s side as he whispered to her

“Now now, don’t be lying. My lower half of the body won’t care if it’s a spider. I can get off just from picturing you when we were human”

“Uuuwwaaaa—, that’s a Kimo-Ota for you!”1

“Get offff—. Kogane get offff—“

Washio and Hakuba were laughing and sneering while the others were playing around. Being a fastidiousness person, I was unable to clearly hear the conversation.

“Shut upp—. Is it cause I’m a virgin? Its because I’m a Kimo-Ota that I had no girlfriend right? I’m happy if you only have breast still. And that’s why—, Kumosaki-sa—“

Using his complex as an excuse, he began laughing. A little bit before, I pleasantly watched him grow, but its different right? Now, without knowing why, it became a different and unpleasant feeling.

“No—o. I said stoppp……Wai-, serisouly Kogane…… I s-, said stoppp!”

Kogane brought his face closer as his body was stuck onto her. I can see Kumosaki struggling. I clenched my fist.

Kumosaki’s figure overlaps with Sakuma. If she really disliked it and this forced skin-ship is happening, I began resolving myself to put a stop to this. Though I am not the class leader, I’m still a man.

“Stop, Kogane”

I made myself visible and left the wall, my voice clearly projected. That moment, the group there stiffened and turned their eyes in my direction.

“Kumosaki said she didn’t like it, right?”

It became silent. The group exchanged glances with each other, afterword turning towards me again. I kept my resolved behavior. It doesn’t matter if they laugh or get angry at me. It’s because I know what I am doing is right.


And yet, the first thing I hear is a sigh. Washio and Hakuba sent cold looks at me.

Kogane began scratching his head as if he’s confused.

“Hey Ryuzaki…..Can you seriously not read the mood…..?”

Well, even if I was confident in what I said, the dampened mood of the male students immediately changed to a rowdy laughter.

“Whats this? Kumosaki really dislikes it…..”

“Its not like she said anything like that. Kumosaki was not embarrassed about it”

If looking at her, Kumosaki began hiding her bright red face. On the other hand, Kikino gazes were filled with scorn as she looked at me. Kogane once again tenderly embraced her shoulders.

“Sorry Kumosaki”

“N, no……Its my fault, sorry…….”

Seeing that situation, I finally understood. I became flustered and lowered my head.

“Ah, uh, that…… Sorry, mybad. I…..”

“Forget it, its fine”

Kogane replied in a cold tone

“Not like I really wanted an apology from you. Everyone knows that you’re that kind of person. Well, with that being said and done however,”

Kogane separated himself from Kumosaki while speaking in turn to his party members.

“the situation has cooled down. What to do next?”

Hearing that, Washio and Hakuba exchanged looks.

“I guess we can turn back from here….”

“Don’t you want to go lower? It’ll be alright. With our true strength, we easily overcame the 5th floor…..”

“Ah—Sure. Let’s go to the 6th floor then. Though there’s the huge crocs that appears, they are of a small number. I’ll get their attention while Roper and Kumosaki can bind them and after that we can attack all at once. I think we can do it”

“I agree! Those croc meat are delicious!”

“Then, lets get going—“

Everyone came to an agreement and started walking towards the passage. During that time, they ignored me as they have dealt with the problem already and continued on with their friendly chatter. My back reached the wall and I slid down to the ground.

I’m an idiot right?

What kind of leader am I or even as a man?

What do I think is right then?

At the end, aren’t I just an ordinary buffoon? Clenching my fist, I slammed it against the wall. I realized that I spontaneously started crying, as tears flowed down the corner of my eyes.

Kogane is remarkable. At least more than me.

I’m not getting jealous of Kogane, right?

Is it because he’s threating my position that I am judging things through a dirty filter?

Could I be wrong all this time, that Sakuma did not dislike him, but rather likes him. That Utsurogi and Hino are still friends with him. Am I just arbitrarily trying to justify my resentment of him?

Those were my entire emotions. A dirty clown.

“Fu, fufu……ahahahahahahhaha……..”

I’m an idiot.

Ryuzaki Kunihiro wept and laughed a hollow laugh while sitting on the labyrinth floor.


Ryuzaki was completely devoid of energy. While eating shrimp chili in the dining hall, I couldn’t help but look at him and became worried. It was the same as Rin’s previous mental state, with the food not even touched. As usual, Akira paid no attention and cremated his shrimp chili, bowl included. (That’s apparently how he eats)

Just because Goubayashi is not here, that alone should not be the reason. There’s no doubt that he accumulated a lot of various things.

“Himemizu, can you try saying something…..You had good relations with him right?”

“When we were humans, it was good but…. That’s the first time I’ve seen him like that, so I don’t know if anything I say would be good…….”

Tapon Tapon as Rin shakes while replying in an apologetic tone.

“At that time I rejected him, he still was smiling…..”

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“…..You rejected him?”

“Yea, didn’t you hear? Apparently it’s a famous story. 『With the exception of running, I can’t be engrossed in other things.』I said. 『I see. Though I like that part of you, guess it can’t be helped 』he said……”

It’s not like Ryuzaki would conceal such things. As the weird rumors spread, Rin became more annoyed. She then proactively spread the story of the rejection around, or so its said. Hearing that story, I was struck dumbfounded.

“He’s a hardcore nice-guy……”

“As if you should be saying that, Kyosuke”

Akira muttered while burning more shrimp chili.

“Well—, I blame Ryuzaki’s fangirls that spreading the rumors but—”

“He’s a superb idiot….”

“But I didn’t care—. It could have been a little worse though.

“If it were me, both Kyosuke and Ryuzaki are the same but…. that being said, you only have slightly clever way of life.”

『Really….』I thought while looking at Ryuzaki.

As I thought, he’s a nice guy. Though partially putting the class together, his indecisiveness was the only thing that he overlooked.

“Thanks for the me—Ooops!”

In the middle of the dining hall, the usual Gofunkawahara rose as he finished his meal and was about to leave, but stopped short at the exit. Together with his pal, Okumura, they came over to where we sat and on top of the table, thud , he placed something there. It was a portion of an armor, specifically a gauntlet with black luster.

“Here’s the thing you order, Utsurogi.”

“But I ordered a full plate mail…..”

“Well ya gotta wait. Eventually it’ll be complete. Don’t worry, I’m a puzzle genius.”

Gofunkawahara and Okumura created a base inside the labyrinth one day and they consistently worked harder at exploring the labyrinth. Not paying attention to any of the class conflicts, well, besides the time when Ryuzaki’s error caused danger to Sakuma. That resulted in the class blaming him and from there on, if they did not avoid Ryuzaki, they would be segregated from Kogane.

Just like the lone wolf Inugami, they were also students who did not choose sides. Though there began an extremely dry humor regarding the depressed Ryuzaki, 『So hesitant! You’re such a dried lizard! 』, and not once was there words of consolation.

“Oi Ryuzaki, soo hesitant! You’re such a dried lizard!”

Again, someone said it.

Gofunkawahara and Okumura were called the “Erotic fantasy AV4 duo” (Kogane self-named). Along with Inugami, they were contracted as labyrinth exploring personnel and were give compensation. Though being called compensation, it was simply half of the side dishes given at dinner. If anyone wanted anything in the labyrinth or was searching for something specifically, request would be sent to them.

My request was for a complete full plate mail set. It was the first thing I thought of.

“But I’m surprised Utsurogi! Its like you said, the labyrinth skeletons began cooperating. Thanks to you, exploring the labyrinth became a lot easier!”

“Well, all I did was just talking to them. Its like, since we’re the same monster race, then it seems we can communicate too.”

While saying that, I remembered about those goblins living in the rusted heavy cruiser.

If the situations were to calm down again, I plan to take Gofunkawahara to that heavy cruiser. These past few days, he’s a person who easily gets carried away but is also tight-lipped. I have confidence in him as a man of his words. If we are able to come to a mutual understanding with the heavy cruiser goblins, it’s possible that it will open new doors for us.

“Alright then, we’re going back to exploring! Lets go Okumura!”

“Right debu. See you guys later debu—“

Gofukawahara and Okumura left the dining hall. As Okumura was leaving,Suusa Suusa his belly was swaying. Beating even Rin in softness.

“Okumura’s characteristic makes him look like he can’t be bullied with….”

“Eh, you didn’t know Utsurogi-kun. Okumura-kun, even back in middle school he was called the “Akai Chanko Nabe” which made people fear him.“

“Why’s that?”

“He was part of the sumo club, but with one slap, heaps of bodies would pile, so he was withdrawn. The one rehabilitating him was Gofunkawahara’s sister. Those two started dating but she had some kind of incurable disease”

“That’s seriously a long story, I’ll listen to it another time.”

He did not match the appearance of a drama character.

The classmates that was eating alone again had finished their meals and left.

With a chicken bone in her mouth, it seems that Inugami is going to explore
the labyrinth again.

In the center of the dining hall was Kogane’s group. Roper, Washio, Hakuba, Kumosaki, and Kikino all belonged to that group. Kogane’s hands were placed on Kumosaki’s waist, though for some reason they’re oddly intimate as they exchanged conversations. Peshi Peshi, as Kumosaki is nuzzling Kogane’s cheeks. It doesn’t look like they each seriously dislikes it. Must be love.

“Looks like Kogane got himself a girlfriend….”


“Well, about that…..”

I absentmindedly answered Rin’s question.

“I think its not like that”

Akira chimed in. Recently it seems that he started referring to Kogane in a disgusted manner.

“Ne—ne—Utsurogi-kun. Maybe—, just maybe ok? Maybe……”

“Oh, it’s Sakuma”


Rin was unaware of who I called out to. Her body turned, undulating in surprise.

Looks like Sakuma Sachiko was late in coming to eat lunch. The male students in the class saw this and began welcoming her to them. First on that list was of course Kogane.

“Sacchan, over here over here!”

Kogane beckoned as his handsome elf smile appeared.

“That guy, even though he already has Kumosaki as his girlfriend…..”

“Like I said Kyosuke. It’s not like that.”

Hearing Kogane calling to her, Sakuma gave a troubled smile.

Sakuma vehemently took her time as she approached Kogane. This wasn’t the first time it happened. As with the boys in the class, Kogane clearly favored Sakuma. If he was forceful, he could forcibly make her his own. Seems like it was not impossible to do so too.

Though it won’t happen anytime soon. There’s still the glare that frightened him.

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Before, Goubayashi had been assigned to handle that but he left the labyrinth. Someone was still here to protect her.

The Queen Akai.

With Goubayashi gone, there was no one to oppose Kogane head on. All except for the lazy and languor Queen, Akai Asuka. She would thoroughly hinder Kogane whenever he attempts to flirt with Sakuma. Surprisingly and unexpectedly, they had a mutual relationship in which they called each other「Sachi」and「Asuka-chan」. They might surprisingly be friendly before.

However, Akai was not present here. Without any reservation, Kogane grabbed Sakuma’s arm.

Of course, Kumosaki was not please as her face easily showed, but Kogane didn’t care at all.

At that moment, one of Akai’s entourage, Hebitsuka, saw this event and ran out the dining hall. Its possible that she may have went and called the Queen.

“Ne—, Sacchan. Sacchan— won’t you come exploring the labyrinth with us?”

Firmly grasping her arm, Kogane began running his hands over her waist. Washio and Hakuba vulgarly jeered.

“E, eeeh—…..S, sure. Everyone, sorry for the intrusion.”

“You’re not intruding at all—Sacchan is strong, so everyone would welcome you”

“But hey, Kumosaki-san……she minds right?”

“Don’t worry about her, don’t worry about it. Ne—Sacchan—“

As it is now, he began brining his face closer to Sakuma’s chest. With that, Sakuma began trembling.

I looked towards Ryuzaki. Before, his sense of justice would be seething and he would caution Kogane, but now he’s doing nothing but only watching the scene. Rin’s body bristled similar to thorns while Akira had the usual calm composure.

“Kyosuke, again with intruding on others”

“I thought about it. Mybad Akira”

Saying so, Gatan I rose from my seat. I would combine with Rin and let her take control of one had.

But this is the dining hall. There’s too many eyes here. Our ability to fuse. Besides, the two useless combining their worthless power and exhibiting it now, I’d like to continue concealing that information. That was Akira intent. I wanted to disregard it, but as much as possible, I’d like to consider Akira feeling too.

Posuuu as Kogane buried his face into Sakuma chest.
Hyaaa as the people in the vicinity gasped. But

“Stop it Kogane”

In the mixture of cheers, my voice could be heard as I clearly informed.

“u, Utsurogi-kun…..”

Sakuma voice quivered.

In just one moment, the dining hall was silent. Piercing glares were sent in my direction. But I did not falter.

Do not falter.

Raising his face, Kogane mood was dampened as he stared at me.

“You know, Utsurogi…..”

Mixed with sighs, Kogane continued

“You, I thought you were able to read the mood howeve—“

“You and I both know that if we were able to read the mood, we wouldn’t have such a miserable high school life.”

There was no conviction in that, but I was spewing provocative words. I might have caught it from Akira.

Kogane’s eyes were obviously mixed with hostility.

“What was that? Utsurogi, trying to sell a fight? We’re friends right?”

‘Yea, we’re friends’, is what I wanted say.

It’s already too late to change our wrecked friendship, there’s no point of return.

Kogane separated from Sakuma. She was obviously frightened. It became a different kind of ‘play’ than what Kogane done with Kumosaki. To what extent did the beautiful and voluptuous figure change, as she’s still the same girl who enjoys reading books in the library and was the same docile Sakuma Sachiko to me.

However, Kogane face was filled with overconfidence and humor. His white fingertips gently stroke Sakuma’s chin, making its way down towards her nape.

“Utsurogi, are you possibly jealous?”

Hearing that, Washio and Hakuba could be seen holding in their laughter.

“That’s because I. Kogane. Utsurogi and Hino, since called me pipsqueak and a geek. After all, Utsurogi’s the one that looks down on me right? That me became an Ikemen, strong and made lots of friends. Jealous right? Not like its hard at all. If I was on the opposite standpoint, I’d be jealous too”

“…..I’ll say it one more time. Kogane. Sakuma hates what you’re doing”

“That’s not how it looks right? Utsurogi, Sacchan and I are in a good relationship. From that time when she was just plain, to now when she’s a succubus! In this way she’s charming, erotic, and there’s a lot of things overemphasized. I should have done it at that time among other things, don’t you think so?”


Speaking of that alone. Sakuma probably is the one who worried the most.

For the first time, I’m thankful that my body reincarnated as a skeleton. Maybe if my face had facial muscles, I would have had to endure in not showing wrath, but now more than ever I’m putting a lot of effort to show it.

Sakuma’s face was dyed in bright red as she tried to hide it. But Kogane continued on.

“You should already know Utsurogi, about what kind of monster succubus are. I think it’ll be difficult if Sacchan does not know what to do with her body right? Welll—, if its fine with Sacchan and since we’re friends, I’ll let Utsurogi pleasure her but Utsurogi, you’re only made of bones……”

His fingers moving along is completely like a snake or even a centipede. Before long and together with his words, his fingers thrust into Sakuma wearing the thin fabric.

At that time

I clenched my fist.

I might have given in. It could have been avoided. But my fist was already clenched.

Not putting an end to his pride filled chattering, I aimed at Kogane Yoshiki’s handsome face. I drove my fist straight into it with my entire strength.

Authors note:
Trifling reminiscent talk and Kyousuke’s group special new training! Enjoy!!

Kimo-Ota in katakana: キモオタ, means disgusting/creepy otakus

AV= Adult Vidoes…Don’t go googling it now people, unless incognito.

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