Episode 61 — Dyeing the Blue Sea Crimson (II)

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~ Part 1 ~

“However, children bones? It’s not something too pleasant to look at.”

After what happened, Nekomiya team was continuing to search the entire house. The main investigation location was the underground cavern, but they were reconfirming the documents that was in the house above ground as well. Toki ——— during the investigation, they had come to know his name as Tokihara, it also suggested that Tokihara probably had a relatively close relationship with the islanders of Delf Island. As the same time, he was deceiving the islanders and regularly causing victims to appear.

Unless they could prove that he was an atrocious vampire, then the one whose position was going to get was themselves.

Possibly, the ‘atrocious vampire’ was only one side of him, if they were to dig deeper, a part of his true self might have been enjoying the interaction with the islanders. But then, there was no obligation to dig deeper into it. It was certain that he had treated Inugami cruelly, it was also a fact he had put his hands on children.

“Inugami, are you okay?”
“Ahh, I’ll manage…”

Shokuzura was worrying about Inugami who was limply entrusting her back to the wall. Inugami was exhausted for sure, but all her limbs were still intact and there was no conspicuous external wound either. Only the circumstance about being made to bite a ringed gag was baffling, but according to her, that seemed to be done ‘to collect saliva’.
Werewolf saliva was said to contain components that could weaken vampires, perhaps, Tokihara meant to use that as a secret weapon against Akai. They could guess more than enough the heart of Inugami whose saliva was arbitrarily collected and arbitrarily used, but what words they could said to her? Even the eloquent Nekomiya didn’t have so many of those in her vocabulary.

“If that’s case, then Akai side is more worrying.”
“5 Pawns … is it? It’s a number I don’t want to think about too much.”

Kinogasa, Kagoi and the others was also having that kind of conversation.

Certainly, Akai was worrisome. Not just Akai, but Harao, Kaoruko and everyone else who was in charge of the branch school’s defense as well. They had sent Kyousuke and Rin over, if them, then they would never lose even with several Pawns as their opponents, however, there was the possibility that the Pawns might reach Akai earlier.
At times like these, they were made fully aware how inconvenient it was to not have any long distance communication method. Unlike the time at the actual school, they couldn’t easily exchange information using SNS or phone calls. If they could contact Ryuzaki or Goubayashi, they would be able to bring a bit more people to help, Nekomiya thought.

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She was feeling impatient, but now, she should properly do what she could do here. She switched her thinking.

Suddenly, Nekomiya started wondering what was beyond this cavern.
This basement was a natural cavern of this island. Considering that the smell of salt water was strong, it probably connected to the sea.

“Saruwatari, please go together with me to the depth of this cavern for a bit.”
“Aye, leave it to me. I’ve been bored to tears.”
“Only you is a bit uneasy…. Kagoi too please.”

The taciturn gargoyle (however, in the incident centered around Inugami, it had been proven that he was sullen (lecher) instead), Kagoi quietly nodded, Saruwatari who caught that was blatantly pouting.

“Nekomiya-san…. Be careful.”

Hanazono told her with a worried look.

“Ahh, it’s okay. We’ll come right back if it looks dangerous. Everyone, please search a bit more for things that seems to become evidences about Tokihara.”

Saying that much, Nekomiya stretched her key tail horizontally and started walking in the cavern.

There was the smell of salt water, but it wasn’t just that. Nekomiya’s keen sense of hearing could hear small sound of waves coming from the depth of the cavern. Perhaps, the opening connected outside wasn’t undersea. That meant, if one was capable of flight, this structure would allow them to go around from the seaside and enter the cavern. Nekomiya was feeling a little anxious about that.


“I wanted to talk.”

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As expressionless as ever, Akai Asuka’s body announced that.

“But if that way wants to resort to violence, then let us respond to that.”

Sakuma bit her lips, she glared back.

How dare he said that while borrowing Akai’s mouth. She could felt only discomfort from that condescending and oppressive manner of speaking.
If he did that kind of things in front of their eyes, then they would move in order to obstruct that, that much was obvious. Even then, he still didn’t break his composed attitude, would that be because of the self-confidence born from the shield called overwhelming difference in ability? That attitude of his made this side even more uncomfortable.

One Pawn was getting away together with Akai’s blood.

This place was only one island of an archipelago nation in the middle of the sea. Regardless of how tough and tenacious a life-form vampires were said to be, would it be possible for them to spread their wings and cross the ocean? Sometime ago, the ‘King’ had said that a ship was prepared in the south side of the island. If he was to succeed in escaping to that place, that Pawn would be able to set sail even if he was alone. Speaking of the south side, ‘Toki’‘s residence should have been in that place. As long as they could contact Kyousuke group, surely, he would be able to do something.
He would be able to do something, and yet.
There was no mean to convey that, it was frustrating.

In front of them were 3 Pawns, and then the ‘King’ who was taking over Akai’s body for a limited time.

Goubayashi stood in front to protect Sakuma.
At the moment, he was mostly unhurt. Two of the enemy Pawns were wounded. If he was to join force with Harao who had finally rose up in the back, it might not be a war potential they couldn’t break through at all. But that was purely the case when there were ‘only Pawns’. Who knew how long they would last against Akai whose combat ability was an unknown factor, in the first place, this side victory condition wasn’t to win the battle in this place.

“By the way, what happened to that Zashiki-warashi?”
“He erased his presence. He may launched a surprise attack again from somewhere though…”

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Before they realized, Ozashiki the Zashiki-warashi had already vanished. Since these were not opponents he could win against by clashing directly from the front, Sakuma was rather feeling relieved about that instead.
But, the ‘King’ only snorted a little.

“That’s not a problem. You guys take that Pharaoh. I’ll take care of the ogre and succubus.”

The three Pawns said that, and aimed at Harao who was standing in the back. For Harao who was already severely wounded, it was impossible for him to oppose them. I have to disturb them somehow, Sakuma tried to act, but the ‘King’ quickly approached her.

“Asuka often told me about her human friends.”

Her arm was grabbed, she tried to brush it away, but that arm which was more slender than Sakuma’s, exhibited an incredible grip strength.

“You are that ‘Sachi’? From what I heard, I thought you are a bit more timid though.”

A voice one could never think to be uttered from Akai’s vocal cords, a viscous voice coiling around one’s skin. This discomfort probably didn’t come only from the strong humidity. The eyes of the hijacked Akai was hollow, but somewhere in that tone was showing a touch of evaluation.
Goubayashi didn’t just silently watching. Golden fighting spirit bursted out from his body and violently hit against the ‘King’. But even that was caught by the ‘King’ using only one hand, resulting only a little knock-back.

“I have told Asuka many times that she should quickly call you guys over to this side, but she stubbornly continued to refuse it. I was surprised. Asuka who was that obedient to me, defied me for the first time, you see.”

Akai was obedient.

From the point of view of Sakuma who knew her usual self well, that seemed like a mismatched adjective absolutely unsuitable to her image. Akai Asuka never deemed it good to be controlled by anyone, she was listless, but an owner of a noble mind. Against the ‘King’ who could declare her to be ‘obedient’, a bottomless sense of discomfort was increasing further.

Still catching Goubayashi’s fist with one hand, the ‘King’ forcefully pulled Sakuma’s body closer.

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“Even so, that is Asuka’s selfishness, so I’m going to keep listening to it. However, Asuka has discarded the promise. For some part of that punishment, I’m going to have her make up for it with her body, but of course, that alone is insufficient. She’s a strong girl, you see. That’s why I want you to cooperate as well.”

The viscous voice was speaking politely for sure, but that was also a threat without allow any objection.
No, if he felt like it, he could kidnap Sakuma by brute force. Considering that, then this wasn’t even a threat. This was word an absolute authority had spoken, leaving only its outward appearance as a compromise, its contents was a decided matter. In order words, it was the word of a King.

“How about it?”
“I hate it.”

She clearly said. This wasn’t only her own will. Akai would definitely said the same thing.
Akai Asuka couldn’t answer right now. Therefore, she answered by herself.


The ‘King’ answered shortly. Akai Asuka’s hollow expression didn’t change one bit.

“In that case,”

When the ‘King’ started speaking, the hull of the heavy cruiser branch school greatly shook.


Everyone on the deck greatly lost their balance. At that moment, Goubayashi roared.


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