Episode 61 — Dyeing the Blue Sea Crimson (II)

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~ Part 2 ~


Kicking his log-like legs on the deck, he performed a dynamic flexible movement in the air. With spinning rotation, his knees bent greatly, he launched exactly like a rocket. A screw-type drop-kick thoroughly using his entire body as a spring, strongly knocked down the side of Akai’s face.
Immediately after that, the strength gripping Sakuma’s arm slackened. Sakuma shook it off with all her strength and took distance. The ‘King’tried to grab Sakuma again and reached out, but his hand was repelled by a kemari that came flying from nowhere.

As a result of the rotation, Goubayashi was falling face-down, he propped both hands on the floor and made another leap, then landed on the deck.

“Go, Goubayashi-kun, is like a pro wrestler…”
“When I was taking shelter, I received initiation from that female knight.”

The knights of this world seemed to use drop-kick.

Without pausing, Goubayashi turned around and daringly launched himself upon the 3 Pawns surrounding Harao. Bashing a wounded one-arm gone Pawn from the side, he took the stance to protect Harao. Sakuma looked at the ‘King’. Neither was he holding his head nor was he in pain. It might just be natural, after all, he was only remote controlling Akai’s body.

No, that’s strange.

If he was simply controlling the doll-like Akai from long distance, then when he ate Goubayashi’s kick just now, he shouldn’t have even twitch. That was none other than the evidence that Akai’s body had escaped from the domination of the ‘King’ for but a moment by receiving impact from outside, right?
That’s right. I must not forget. The one in front of me isn’t the ‘King’ but Akai Asuka. She is the always cool and kind best friend I’m proud of.

In that case, surely, my voice will reach her.

I will absolutely take her back. And her blood as well, I will never let it get to the ‘King’.

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“You better not anger me too much.”

The ‘King’ quietly informed them.

“That is,”

Sakuma looked at the hollow eyes of Akai, she clearly said.

“What you said because you don’t want to get angry. You think it’s uncool to be angered by someone like me…”
“Smart mouth is the bane of one’s body…!”

Strong anger welled up in the ‘King’‘s words, almost at the same time, the branch school’s gangway vigorously dropped. Needless to question what, sound of hooves kicking the gangway was rapidly soaring up. Next moment, a ball-like something was vigorously thrown at the ‘King’. That wasn’t Ozashiki’s kemari.

It was a human head.


The thrown human head shouted, at the same time, a headless knight riding a unicorn raised her sword and slashed the ‘King’.

It was the public morals committee member, Kensaki Megumi. Not only her, the one she was riding was Hakuba Kazusumi, following after him was Hanma Kentarou galloping with Uozumi Masuyo onboard. They were the students who had headed for the preparation of the venue. Then, the tremor of the branch school’s hull just now was also….

“You all right? Sakuma!”
“Ha, Hakuba-kun. It’s serious, Asuka-chan…”
“Ahh, I can vaguely grasp the situation.”

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Hakuba directed sharp eyes toward the ‘King’.

“Akai’s body is taken over, and is being manipulated…. Or something along those lines.”
“A man is using brute force to do whatever he wants with a woman’s body, I can’t overlook that as a public morals committee member.”

What an amazing comprehension capability. Seriously helpful.

Crossing the gangway, the students continuously boarded the heavy cruiser branch school. Many students rushed into the battle with the Pawns. Uozumi younger sister healed Harao’s injuries, the fully recovered Goubayashi and Harao completely separated the 3 Pawns. The situation transitioned to 1-on-1, the most seriously injured Pawn who had a big hole opened on his chest, was forced to square off against the martial factions, i.e., Okumura and Zeku.

“Asuka’s, classmates, is it…”

The ‘King’ answered in a calm, yet slightly stifled irritated voice.

“I don’t know who you are, but prepare yourself.”

Hakuba thrust his horn straight toward the ‘King’, he said.

“Akai, is a precious gyaru virgin nowadays. Just thinking that she is being swung around by a guy like you is already a big loss for the world.”
“Don’t look at Asuka with those eyes…!”

Hakuba’s instigation skill was quite high, but the situation wasn’t changing for the better. Although it looked like they would be able to cope with the Pawns somehow, the ‘King’ in front of them could fully use Akai’s power. Perhaps even the power the person herself had been unconsciously saving due to the Blood Crave Illness.
Now, what they should do wasn’t to pin down the ‘King’.
During that short time when the ‘King’‘s anger was directed at Hakuba, Sakuma shouted.

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“Kaoru-chan! Uozumi-kun! Sugiura-san!”
“Sachi, you called!?”

Jumping out at the foremost was her best friend Okama Kaoru. There was no time for delay. She rapidly gave out instructions.

“One Pawn is trying to escape from the south using a ship. Go ahead of him and destroy that ship!”

Perhaps, the ones who shook the hull were Uozumi Sakeichiro the gillman, Sugiura Aya the scylla, and the sahagin unit under Kaoru’s command. Precisely underwater was where they could demonstrate their potential. If they were to move along the coast, perhaps, they would be able to move at speed rivaling Kaminari Totoha who possessed the highest speed in the class.

If they move along the coast toward the south, they would definitely be able to find that ship.

As expected, only this moment, even the ‘King’ looked impatient.

“I won’t let you go…!”

The ‘King’ roused Akai’s body and tried to chase. However,


A shadow vigorously nosedived from the sky. Irritated, the ‘King’, tried to brush away that shadow.
It was Harui Yuka the harpy. Just before his hand almost grazed her body, she shouted again.

“Stop joking, stop joking around! Even I, am Asuka’s friends!”

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For a moment, Akai’s arm suddenly stopped.

“I haven’t know you for as long as Sakuma, I don’t have power like Utsurogi, but still!”

Akai’s arm moved. Harui was strongly beaten, she groaned.

Just an instant. Harui had stopped him for just an instant. But during that time, Kaoru, Uozumi and the others had separated from the branch school, and were vigorously sliding on the sea. The ‘King’ clicked his tongue slightly and spread out blood red wings. ∗Gyunn∗, raising wind, he flew to the sky.

“It reached…?”

Sakuma muttered.

That moment, Harui’s voice had certainly reached Akai. Just like how Goubayashi’s kick had produced a slight gap. Akai had escaped the control during that moment. Even so, if that moment existed.

There might be a chance.


Slightly lagged behind, Hebitsuka came along. Yes, Akai’s friends weren’t just herself.

“Harui-san, Hebitsuka-san.”

Sakuma gazed at Akai’s back as Akai went after Kaoru.

“Please, lend me your strength.”

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