Episode 73 — Wall and Shadow

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~ Part 2 ~

Having said that, they weren’t really searching for anything specific. Which means they sometimes got distracted and couldn’t immediately find what they wanted.
In Rin’s case, what she was worrying about was that. It’s about Yukinoshita. She was trying to think that it can’t be help because that was already Kyousuke’s personality, but how would Yukinoshita Suzuka react? She also had different appearance between before and after the trip, but well, she was still a beauty nonetheless. Her slender and tall figure had good style rivalling that of Akai Asuka.

Yet why did I turn into a slime!!

Rin had also thought this when Sakuma tried to get closer to Kyousuke, but this appearance was an absolute disadvantage in this love race. She wanted to quickly become human. But if she was to become human, she wouldn’t be able to combine with Kyousuke.
Assuming Kyousuke melted Yukinoshita’s ice of heart, it would be troubling if it became a strange result and her rival increased. In fact, Rin’s worry was completely unnecessary, but still, she was currently in a state where her confidence as a girl was completely crushed, so it’s understandable.


Rin sighed.

“This is all because Kyousuke-kun is indecisive.”

She stretched her body and plucked a plump ripe fruit from a branch.

Suddenly, she recalled about Hino Akira. Where was he now? He should have been quite close to them on the deck, so did he got teleported to this continent as well? Or else he got thrown somewhere different, somewhere further away? Could he survive alone? A part of her was considerably anxious.
Speaking of worry, there was also the matter of Kogane Yoshiki. It had already been almost 3 months since he got kidnapped by the blood clan. She had noticed several times when Ryuzaki and Kyousuke paid attention to the atmosphere and deliberately avoided using his name. Judging from the enemy’s purpose, they couldn’t discard the possibility that he had already been injected with factors and turned into a vampire.

Once she recalled one, two people, the other classmates also started appearing her mind one after another.

Are Akai, Sakuma and the other safe?
Where did Kensaki — my close friend — go?
Inugami who has a clear hostile relation with the blood clan, is also worrying.
What is Ryuzaki doing?

Still with her heart roaming somewhere, Rin plucked fruits, suddenly, she noticed that there was rustling sound behind her.


She turned around. Accurately speaking, Rin’s gaze could go a full circle, she had no need to turn around, so only her gaze was flipped. And then, pushing aside the thickets, a giant stone wall popped out.
Moving wall, what an unbelievable mystery, but Rin remembered that giant body, she wasn’t surprised at all.

“Chi-chan, what happened?”

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“Himemizu-san, is now a good time?”
“Of course–”

Kabeno Chihaya, the cool girl the class was proud of. Her height exceeded 170 cm, rivalling even the boys, among the girls, she was 2nd next to Kaminari Totoha. Compare to that height, her body line was very tight, further increasing her handsome style. Her outward appearance was indeed suitable for sport, but Kabeno should have been working as the manager of the soccer club.
And of course, that was the story from their human days. Now her height was as good as twice of that time, as expected, she was still second to Kaminari Totoha, but she had already exceeded Goubayashi Genshuu’s height of 300 cm which was tallest among the boys. And rather than tight, her figure was now flat.

Well, she’s a nurikabe.
Let’s skip the part about the legend of the youkai nurikabe.

“Then, what’s your business?”
“Himemizu-san, just now, you said to consult with you if there’s any worries, yes?”
“Ah–, yup, I did say that–”

To stabilize Phase 2 ability and master it, they needed to confront their inner problem.
For that sake, she had told them to freely say any worries or problems they might have.

Which is why, Kabeno Chihaya had come to consult with her first.

“(What do I do if she ask for the method to make your chest bigger? I also want to know that!)”

I mean, it’s unproductive to think about that with my current appearance,thought Rin.
But Kabeno Chihaya who boasted of a giant body covering the entire view, talked about a completely different topic.

“It’s about Ozashiki-kun.”

Ozashiki Dousuke. He was the ace striker of the soccer club where Kabeno worked as the manager.
Despite having a brilliant career, his shadow was exceedingly thin. A group of good friends go out to play, suddenly they notice that there are 1 person too many and he is already there among them, that kind of thing seemed to happen often. The fact that he was an excessively lucky boy was also known, but conversely speaking, nothing beyond that was known.
Rin also didn’t know about his personality or nature at all.

Speaking of which, Kabeno was relatively close to Ozashiki.

“What’s the matter with Ozashiki-kun?”
“Certainly, our current monster form reflect our mental aspect, isn’t it?”

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“Seem so. I’m all soft and flabby, Kyousuke-kun is empty but has a strong core, Hino-kun looks cool but is actually hot-blooded, Saa-chan … Saa-chan is, well, you know.”

Guessing from the way she spoke, Kabeno probably had some idea about the problem Ozashiki was carrying.

“Ozashiki-kun is a poor talker, he doesn’t really assert himself. I think that may have been the cause for his zashiki-warashi appearance…”
“I think zashiki-warashi is not necessarily a thin-shadow character though…”

While thinking so, if his good friend, Kabeno said so, it had to be true.

“And then, Chi-chan, what do you think we should do about Ozashiki-kun?”

While lining up the fruits she plucked on the ground, Rin asked, attacked by surprise, Kabeno raised her gaze.
She raised her gaze, perhaps, probably. Honestly, it’s hard to tell. At any rate, she had no eyes. No hands and legs either, rather than a nurikabe, it may be more fitting to call her a monolith.

“I, I…. I consult with Himemizu-san because I don’t know, didn’t I!?”
“But, you must be thinking that Ozashiki-kun should be more like this or that, aren’t you?”
“That’s … true, however…”

∗Powa∗, a peach-colored effect floated on on the black marble-like wall. She’s blushing.

A slime and a nurikabe were talking face-to-face, it was a super philosophical space that if other people watched their silence, they would, perhaps, lose their sanity, but the people concerned were deadly serious.
After a moment of silent, Kabeno said in a little voice:

“If would be helpful if he could say something a little more properly…”
“Ha haa. I see.”

Rin guessed the gist.

“Certainly, it’s worrying that he don’t properly say it clearly huh…”
“No, that’s about me.”

Rin lightly let Kabeno’s puzzled words pass.

“Well, I’ll try doing something. I don’t know if I can, but I’ll think something up.”

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“Truly!? Himemizu-san, thank you, it’s a big help!”

Why would solving Ozashiki-kun’s problem be helpful to Chi-chan? She wanted to say something mean, but decided to stop.
Kabeno looked like her feelings had somewhat lightened compared to just now, while lightly skipping, she returned to the forest. Actually, that nurikabe girl had always moved by hovering, Rin came to know that fact for the first time.

“However, Chi-chan and Ozashiki-kun huh…”

Seem kinda understandable yet kinda not.

Nurikabe and zashiki-warashi. Would they be a good match? Rin wanted to tilt her head, but same as Kabeno Chihaya, Rin didn’t have any advanced structures like head. I want to return to vertebrate quickly.


After that, about 1, 2 hours passed. She investigated the area while making sure not to leave too far from the landmark, in the end, she didn’t find anything that could be some kind of clue. Speaking of what she found, it was only fruits, and there was no proof that these are edible either. When she tried sampling a tiny bit, she didn’t feel poison, however, it wasn’t especially sweet either.


While diligently gathering fruits, Rin was thinking about Ozashiki Dousuke.


Certainly, Ozashiki was an introvert boy, one could hardly think that he was the ace striker of the soccer club. His height was also short even before reincarnating, there was nearly 15 cm difference when he lined up with Kabeno. Or rather, Rin remembered that his height wasn’t that different from her even though she was kind of small build in woman-standard.
A petite boy and a tall girl. There was that kind of shoujo manga as well, Rin recalled. In that story, the woman was also considerably glamorous.


However, she did thought those two were close, but,


Suddenly being called from be hind, Himemizu Rin demonstrated a jumping power unbecoming of a slime. She hopped.

“OOOOO, Ozhashiki-kun!? Hey!? Don’t call me so suddenly, I was surprised!”
“No … I’ve been calling you for quite some time though…”

A boy popped out his face from the shadow of a tree, showing a troubled smile.

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Adorable looks and bobbed hair a like a girl. Smiling, a kemari in his hand, he was the aforementioned person who reincarnated as a zashiki-warashi, Ozashiki Dousuke himself. He was originally short, by becoming a monster, he got even shorter. Perhaps, his physique was only equal to 5th, 6th year of elementary school.

“Re, really. Sorry sorry. So what happened?”
“Himemizu-san, just now, you said to consult with you if there’s any worries?”
“Ah, yup, I said that, I said that.”

Just now, Chi-chan came and said the same thing, Rin added in her heart.
Ozashiki directly came to talk, this was a heaven-sent development. This meant he recognized the problem within himself and was trying to confront it. In that case, she just needed to push his back a bit, and make him say his «true feelings» to Kabeno….

“It’s about Kabeno-san.”
“(A, are~?)”
“Somehow, I feel like Kabeno-san is making a wall around her heart. It’s difficult to convey my words, I means…. I think that’s why she became a nurikabe.”

By consult, Ozashiki-kun didn’t mean himself? Rin retorted within the silence.

“Somehow, she’s a little dull. Kabeno-san…. That’s why I couldn’t convey what I’ve been trying to say…”
“Well, well, yes…. Certainly, you would want her to properly notice your feelings, yes…”

While recalling the conversation with Kabeno just now, Rin’s words were considerably painful.

“Ozashiki-kun, what you want to convey to Chi-chan, is it, that…?”
“It’s not … It’s not that kind of thing though.”

When asked, Ozashiki turned slightly red and averted his gaze. A very easy to understand bunch.

Anyway, Rin guessed the gist. They get along well, how very enviable!Which mean both Kabeno and Ozashiki had a problem. Why do I have to expressly bother with other people’s romance even though I’m worrying about my loved one being stolen?

“Well, yeah. Well yeah. It’s fine. I’ll do something about it…”
“Yup…. Thank you, Himemizu-san.”

Ozashiki pleasantly laughed just like a girl, or rather, a little girl, then imperceptibly he disappeared from Rin’s eyes. Speaking of which, it feels like this is the first time I saw him talking ever since we reincarnated in this world.

“Ahh, fine, I’ll make a plan. Confess by yourself please!”

While complaining, Rin gathered fruits, she didn’t notice at all that she hadn’t properly confessed to Kyousuke yet.
Speaking of not noticing, there were shining eyes glaring at her from the depth of the dense forest, this as well, Rin naturally didn’t noticed.

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