Episode 74 — Four Adventurers

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~ Part 1 ~

How should I explain this? Kyousuke crossed his arms, tilted his head.
The reason the blood clan aimed at Hakuba the unicorn was obvious to Kyousuke. But it was difficult to explain that in a few words. As he was worrying, the adventurer — Rezbon continued:

“Then, let’s change the question. What are you? Why can you understand us? It’s still strange even for coexisting with fellow monsters.”
“U, uu~n…”

This was another difficult question. We’re originally human, we got tripped here from another world. Would they believe if he said that honestly? And is it okay to say that honestly?
After worrying for a little while, what Kyousuke finally recalled was the interaction with Selena at the base 2 months ago. At first, Kyousuke and the others didn’t try to do any decent information exchange with her. That caused the atmosphere to stagnate, this is a fact. If they had explained their circumstance a little sooner, the situation might have gone differently.

In that case, he should put aside the question of how trustworthy the adventurers before them were.

“We’re trippers.”

Kyousuke clearly said.

“We’re originally human. We were changed into monsters in the transfer and got like this. To return to human and go back to our world, we’re aiming for a forest where a sage called Master Majina lives.”

Rezbon quizzically inclined his head.

“Tripper, you mean that tripper? There’s some among my acquaintances in the adventurer guild, but…. It’s an unusual pattern that your appearance was changed.”
“Next is our question. Do you know of Red Moon?”

Suddenly, he started the main question.
Kyousuke and the others departed Granderio Knight Kingdom 2 months ago. At that time, he heard that the blood clan appeared everywhere on the Old Continent. But then, he never heard the detailed development after that. During these two months, they had crossed the sea while taking a detour, avoiding areas crowded with humans. Did some kind of change happen in the battle of the humans and the blood clan?

Hearing Kyousuke’s question, the one who showed a reaction first wasn’t Rezbon but Filhana. Her facial muscles twitched, however, nothing more was showed in her attitude.

“I know. It’s a species hostile to mankind. Their traits resembled that of vampires. They frequently meddle with the Central Empire, the frontline is in a deadlock right now.”
“Is their war potential equal?”
“I wonder about that. Red Moon hasn’t gotten serious yet, but it doesn’t look like the empire is fighting back with all their power either. So well, it’s only a skirmish. What is it about those guys?”
“Does that count as a question?”

When Kyousuke asked, Rezbon smiled full of bitterness.

“You’re a mean guy huh. Well, I have no problem with that.”
“Perhaps, what you want to know will be answered as well. The people who requested you to capture Hakuba are probably that bunch. That we got sent to this world, that our appearance got changed in this way, if we trace back to the cause, it would be the handiwork of the blood clan.

Rezbon narrowed his eyes. He cut off the talk for a moment and turned back to Filhana behind him.

“What do you think?”
“The fact that they’re trippers can’t be believed so suddenly. There’s no basis to deny it either though.”

Filhana shrugged and said the most reasonable thing.

“Research to summon trippers and use them as war potential does exist since long ago, so it would be a natural even if Red Moon tried that to reinforce their war potential. Only, their purpose is still a mystery, it’s a controversy subject in the empire and the adventurer guild even now.”
“Purpose? Isn’t it invasion?”

Hakuba cut in from the side. Kyousuke also nodded. According to what he heard from Akai, it felt like they were defeated in the other world, escaped to this world and were now attacking the Central Empire as part of their invasion.
But Filhana shook her head. Can I talk? She confirmed with Rezbon with her gaze, then after clearing her throat a little, she started proudly talking again.

“Their way of using war potential is too sloppy for an invasion. Their individual strength is indeed high, but comparing to the invasion of the Sands of Shura and the Dark Demon Beasts, their whole war potential is considerably small scale. Both the empire’s ‘Imperial Dial Knights’ and the guild’s ‘Divine Five Stars’ haven’t moved at all, you know.”
“What’s those exciting words.”
“I guess something like Magnificent Ten or Four Heavenly Kings.”

Yukinoshita answered Hakuba’s mutter. They didn’t delved too deeply in the circumstances of this world, but as expected, those kind of beings seemed to exist.
In short, the empire was preserving what corresponding to their strongest war potential. The blood clan also hadn’t gotten serious yet, but judging from Kyousuke’s standpoint, he completely didn’t know whether the blood clan was leaving strength that could cope with that Dial Knights and whatnot.

The Rook who clashed with Akai did certainly had strength incomparable to any opponent they had faced so far. But how much of war potential of that degree the blood clan had left?

“Of course, the empire didn’t get out unharmed. Depending on the blood clan’s future tendency, the Dial Knights may also move.”
“What about the guild’s five something?”
“The Divine Five Stars are all individualists, so…. There are only guys who won’t move without money, or only want to fight strong guys…”

Now that it came to this, what was worrying was that Kyousuke couldn’t judge whether they could build a friendly relationship with the Central Empire or not. From what Selena and her mother the queen said, the empire was currently very hostile to monsters. It’s not necessary the case that the power of the Dial Knights wouldn’t point at them when they exposed the fact that they were trippers mutated by the blood clan.
Which is why, Kyousuke and the others avoided the route going straight east on the continent.

“I understand that you guys are hostile to Red Moon, but you better not draw too close to the empire.”

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Exactly what Kyousuke was thinking about got warned by Rezbon.

“The empire is mighty, but it has the tendency to forcibly subdue anything useable to magnify their war potential. Your safety may be guaranteed, but your freedom will not.”
“The existence of the Divine Five Stars is also something the adventurer guild promoted in self-defense, yes?” (Filhana)
“Somehow, it seems complicated everywhere.”

Kyousuke felt he shouldn’t delve too deep into political issues, conversely, he also felt that it would be better if he learned more about that aspect.
After all, it didn’t look like he could obtain really helpful information at this point.

“Anything else you want to ask?”

Kyousuke turned around and tried asking Hakuba and Yukinoshita.

“Is there any other guys you were requested to capture?”
“There is. A lycanthrope, they said.”

Rezbon answered Hakuba’s question. Lycanthrope. Werewolf. Which meant Inugami Hibiki.

“Anyone else?”
“Nothing of the sort.”

Hakuba casted down his eyes. What does that mean? Even Kyousuke and Yukinoshita understood. The strayed classmates weren’t just Inugami, the fact that their names weren’t cited meant that they were very likely already captured.
The atmosphere turned heavy in one go.

“I also want to confirm something,”

Filhana raised her hand.

“The one who made you trip here, changed your appearance to monsters, I can take it that they’re the species hostile to human who give their name as Red Moon, yes?”
“Ahh. Incidentally, those guys are also trippers. They were originally in our world.”
“…I see.”

Filhana put a hand on her mouth and started pondering with a serious face. Did I talk too much? Not that Kyousuke didn’t think so, but if a new path was to open in this information exchange, there would be nothing better than that.
That Kyousuke and the others should worry about the most right now was how they were going to escape from this continent. Since the adventures before them didn’t show any hostility, the most effective choice would be to cling to them.

“Rezbon, I said it just now, we want to meet a person called Master Majina. We need to cross the sea for that.”
“Oops. Let us ask a question as well. We may have talked a little too much.”

Rezbon cut off Kyousuke’s words with his one arm.

“You said you’re trippers. But the place you’re first tripped to isn’t this new continent. The name of the adventurer guild, the word tripper, the existence of Master Majina, you can’t hear any of those unless you’re in the Old Continent. That’s why I think you being here on the New Content is an unnatural situation…”
“…What are you going to do when you know that?”
“The one asking question is me, Utsurogi. The thing called information has that much value.”

I lost one arm, so I have to think about a way to earn, you know, continued Rezbon.

“Does the adventure guild deal in information as well?”
“You noticed that on your own … you’re a genius, Utsurogi.”
“Perhaps, you’re making fun of me?”
“Well, don’t worry about that. Anyway, talk.”

Despite feeling complicated, Kyousuke answered Rezbon’s question.
About how the place they first got to was the west side of the Old Continent. Since it might trouble Selena, he hid the matter with the Knight Kingdom. He had to talk after considering the possibility that this information would be sold.
And then on the way of crossing the sea, they were forcibly teleported in the aftermath of the battle with the blood clan, he told this to them as well.

“It’s a spatial hazard. It happens sometimes when mighty power clash against each other.”
“It’s a common story?”
“That’s not it either. That definitely won’t happen unless it’s a battle of a bunch on the level of Imperial Dial Knights.”

Judging from Akai’s behavior, that spatial hazard was intentionally induced. On this occasion, it became clear to Rezbon that there was an individual who had combat ability rivaling the Dial Knights among Kyousuke’s comrades, but he didn’t touch that subject any further.
When it comes to combat ability equal that of Akai or the Rook, how much strength would be necessary?
First, it would be impossible for Kyousuke. Would it be possible for Yukinoshita’s maximum output? When he looked at her, she mouthed the words «I won’t do it». Well, of course.

“Then, you went to see Master Majina, but got sent here in the spatial hazard. Which is why you want to return to the Old Continent.”
“That’s the case.”
“I think you want to ask whether we can cooperate or not, please let us think about that for a bit.”
“Understood. Let’s think that it’s still good that you didn’t just flatly refuse it.”

The information they acquired in this information exchange was big. But if asked if he acquired any information that could change the situation around, then that wasn’t the case. It would be for the best if they could obtain the adventurers’ cooperation, in the meaning of searching for their strayed classmates as well.

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“Speaking of which, did you receive the blood clan request of capturing Hakuba?”
“Not yet. Since it’s suspicious. Well, I’m glad it didn’t become a battle with you guys. As expected, I want to avoid having another arm taken.”

The next time may not end with only arm though, thought Rezbon as he looked at Yukinoshita.

“That’s about it for what we want to ask, Rezbon.”
“Understood. Then, we’ll also withdraw to our relay camp.”
“Be careful. The blood clan’s imps and ghouls are roaming about.”

Speaking that much, Kyousuke and the other parted with Rezbon and Filhana.
After walking a little westward on the beach, Kyousuke asked Hakuba and Yukinoshita.

“Did I talk too much.”
“‘Course not. Besides, if we want to obtain their cooperation, we would have to talk at least that much anyway.”
“I’m more worried about Inugami-san and the others.”

While swinging her white arm, as before, Yukinoshita walked at the top. Her sweat and steam had already stopped.

“Hakuba-kun, who else was with you?”
“Kumosaki and Shokuzura. Judging from that bunch’s objective, I think they weren’t killed.”
“Then, they got captured, aren’t they? Just like Kogane-kun did.”

When Kogane’s name came up, Kyousuke felt bitter. Granted that Kyousuke hadn’t given up on rescuing him, but two months had already passed since he got captured by the blood clan.

“They may appear as enemies as well, right? Utsurogi-kun.”
“…Ahh, I understand.”

Kyousuke exposed a little irritation to Yukinoshita’s way of talking that seemed to thrust the facts at him.

“It’s fine if you understand.”

If Hakuba’s guess was correct, the ones caught by the enemy would be Kogane, Kumosaki and Shokuzura, three people in total. This was done by taking advantage of the moment the class got scattered. In that case, there was the possibility that the other students would be captured again.
The situation wasn’t too good.

“It’s fine if you understand.”

Yukinoshita said it again. The significance of that, Kyousuke didn’t understand.


Episode 74 — Four Adventurers

~ Part 2 ~

“Then, what do you think?”

After parting with the 3 monsters, Rezbon asked Filhana again.

“How much can you believe their story, is it?”

Filhana was an adventurer, but she originally came from the Holy City Fianderg and was reasonably knowledgeable about the internal condition of the empire. That’s probably the reason she reacted before anyone else when the name Red Moon came up.

“What they said at the end seems to mean that Red Moon is having imps and ghouls under its control. Ghouls are a new kind of undead that started being seen in the last 10 years.”
“Are you saying those guys created them using the king fragments?”
“There’s already the Death King replica, you know. That’s why, the situation is considerably grave.”

This meant that the species hostile to human — Red Moon — somehow owned a relic of the mythical war era and was utilizing it. Many king fragments were being kept at the imperial capital, but just as many fragments of which whereabouts were still unclear.

“What’s the king fragments the empire requested the guild to search for again?”
“The Death King fragment and the Demon King fragment. The Death King fragment is undoubtedly in Red Moon’s hands…”
“Demon King fragment…. Certainly, imps are kinfolk of the Demon King, aren’t they?”
“They’re not direct descendants like the demons, but that’s right.”

It might be possible to say that the information exchange this time was an unexpected big harvest. Anyhow, he was able to obtain an important piece of information that the empire might not even know about.
If it was true that Red Moon possessed 2 king fragments, the situation would be more grave than they thought. If this information was to be passed to the empire, the Central Empire and Red Moon would start a scramble for the king fragments, that skeleton named Utsurogi and his party would be rolled up in that whether they wanted to or not.

“Are we going to sell this information to the empire?” (Filhana)
“The thing about Utsurogi aside, I think we better shed the information that Red Moon is holding king fragments. The fact that a spatial hazard occurred means there’s probably an enemy on the level of the Dial Knights and the Divine Five Stars.”
“Well, you’re right about that.”

Besides, there were the gossip articles Filhana gathered up with fax magic.
He had made fun of it as worthless 3rd rate articles, but perhaps, some of the information mentioned in those was connected to Utsurogi’s comrades.

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Of course, he should be careful of how to deal with this. In case this was made public to the empire, even those guys themselves would be added to the things the empire and Red Moon scrambled for.

King fragments and monster trippers.
That blank-faced skeleton still hadn’t noticed yet, but they now were about to become the center of the typhoon that broke out between the empire and Red Moon.

“By the way, Filhana, about what that unicorn said.”
“…Does that have any relation to Rezbon?”
“…You’re right, it doesn’t.”


“YES! Gather–, everyone–! Gather over here–!”

Himemizu Rin shouted while bouncing before the stump she herself broke. ∗Rustle rustle∗ pushing aside the bushes, Kabeno, Karasuma and the others came back. Ozashiki wasn’t here, or so she thought, turned out he was quietly followed under Kabeno’s feet.

“Hi, Himemizu-san…? What happened?”

Azuki who had crammed lots of acorn into a big wooden bucket, timidly asked.

“Nothing happened–! Look look–, everyone’s back–! All’s well–!”

No way nothing happened. The cause of Rin’s tension getting strange was the consultation with Kabeno and Ozashiki sometime ago. Kabeno said that she wanted Ozashiki to say things more clearly, Ozashiki said that he wanted Kabeno to be more honest. Rather than resolving troubles in your heart, it seemed like a love consultation.

(Although a slime now) Himemizu was also a full-fledged high school girl, and a meddlesome person on top of that. In principle, she didn’t hate prying into people’s love affair, she would even happily help out.
But look at this situation we’re in! It’s bothersome!

“Then, it’s about time we return–!”

While raising her tension, Rin addressed everyone. «AYE!» responded everyone, they started moving to the shanty on the hill in droves. Maintaining a smiling face (Though she had no face), Rin attached to the end of the line, next moment, she stretched her body with incredible momentum and kidnapped one person in the middle of the line.
A slime body stretches well. Steady tempering had allowed her to move like a panic horror movie.

“Hush! Karasuma-kun, hush!”

The one who got dragged in the bush, was Karasuma Yoshitsune the crow tengu.

“Wa, what, it’s Himemizu. I thought it was a slime…”
“I am a slime! Karasuma-kun, listen to me for a bit!”
“What, what is it? I thought the human you is a bit nice, but still…”
“Yup, thank you! But that’s not it okay!”

Rin was self-conscious that she was relatively popular in the human days, so she wouldn’t be intimidated at this degree. If said it was the arrogance of the upper caste, then indeed it was, but she had already taken that account as well. The strength of heart to endure woman jealousy and groundless rumors was necessary.

No, that doesn’t matter right now.

“Karasuma-kun, you’re on good terms with Ozashiki-kun, right?”
“Nn, so so.”
“Does Ozashiki-kun like Chi-chan?”
“Ah–…. Well, you’re right. It’s been 3 months since we talked about that.”
“Ahh…. That was during the field trip, huh.”

As she was told, on the day before the bus had the accident, Karasuma and Ozashiki talked together about the girls they liked in the same room.
Then who is the girl Karasuma-kun like? Boorishly butting in like that would make it complicated, so Rin decided to stay silent.

“Iyaa, both Ozashiki-kun and Chi-chan independently came to consult with me about various things, you know…”

The one that looked like she could rely on here was only Karasuma. For now, Rin told him about what she had heard from both sides.

“Really…. Himemizu got it tough…”

Muttered her black feathered classmate as he loaded lots of sympathy to a similarly pitch black gaze.

“Just when you’re worrying whether Utsurogi is fooling around…”
“Seriously! Well, if Kyousuke-kun has enough resourcefulness to fool around, I wouldn’t be suffering like this, you know. Kyousuke-kun’s character is really thin. I mean, me going with him still isn’t an established fact though. No well, that’s doesn’t matter right now.”

If you turn Rin upside down now, her dissatisfaction with Kyousuke would drop down in large amount, still, it’s not the time to be talking about that.

“Well, I think it’ll be over if Ozashiki-kun just confess to Chi-chan … I mean, is there even anything we can meddle in…?”
“How about calling them out at night? Using each other name, kinda like a field trip event?”
“Hmm yup. Really…? Really…!”

From what Karasuma said, Ozashiki Dousuke’s family seemed to be a high class ryokan. Kabeno Chihaya was in fact the daughter of a clerk there, the two of them were childhood friends. The time Ozashiki woke up to soccer was during kindergarten. In the past, Kabeno played soccer with him and seemed to have been called the Iron Wall Goalkeeper, when they became 4th graders, Ozashiki entered the local soccer boy group and the times they played together decreased.

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In middle school, Kabeno similarly entered the girl basketball club and the two of them got estranged. However, when entered high school, she suddenly entered the soccer club as the manager. That was obviously because she was conscious of Ozashiki, but Kabeno was stubborn like a wall, Ozashiki rarely asserted himself, so they never progressed after that.

“…Karasuma-kun, you’re really well-informed?”
“Well, though I look this, I used to be in the newspaper club in middle school, you know.”

She felt that being in the newspaper club and being well-informed of the class gossips weren’t exactly related, the reason he converted to the gymnastic club after entering high school was also a profound mystery. Still, Rin didn’t delve into it.

“Well, newspaper club aside, I often listened to Ozashiki and Kabeno’s story. I moved from Kyoto in 6th grade, primary school. Ozashiki’s ryokan was nearby, so our family actually get along relative well. We only started talking properly after entering high school though.”
“From Kyoto? Karasuma-kun’s home is also considerably good?”
“Grandma house is draper, well, my uncle will be inheriting that so it’s not really related to me.”
“Fu~n…. I see.”

Rin then finally solved Karasuma’s restrain. Kabeno and the others had gone quite far ahead. She had to chase after them.

“Feels like there’s a history, huh. Really–. A childhood friend of a traditional ryokan–…”

That in itself was romantic, including their relation as well: used to be soccer friends, now an ace striker and a manager. Well, I want to put them together, just a little of that feeling started to well up.

“Speaking of which, Karasuma-kun, I want you to answer this in your subjectivity.”

Rin and Karasuma left the bush, they chased after Kabeno group.

“How’s it going with those two’s filter?”
“Yup. I think, both of their filter has already been cut. You know, in the battle with the adventurers the other day, Karasuma-kun and Suzuka-chan immediately came to help, but Chi-chan and Ozashiki-kun didn’t move?”

In the first place, the was still the question of what exactly the Filter was. At a glance, there seemed to be individual differences in its effect. A part of human-like emotion, especial ones that hinder their activity as a monster, is extremely dull. She understood that much.
Time-wise, it wouldn’t be strange even if anyone’s filter went off next or was already off.

“I don’t know after all, Kabeno stubbornly shuts her heart, Ozashiki rarely asserts himself, I can’t tell.”
“Ahh, so that’s your final conclusion…”

Just when they were talking.

A rustling sound came from behind. Karasuma’s shoulder twitched, Rin also trembled. The sound immediately ceased. When she timidly turned around, she could tell that two thoroughly suspicious lights was peeking at them from between the bush. Golden brightness, just like a chipped off fragment of the moon.

Rin suddenly understood.

“O, oi, Himemizu…”
“Karasuma-kun. Be quiet. Perhaps, it’s okay. Since she’s just shy and can’t come out.”
“Nn, o–ou…”

Rin didn’t know why she was there, but she didn’t forcibly drag out those who didn’t want to come out. Though there would be soon a situation where she had no choice but to come out.

First of all, let’s hurry after Kabeno group. Just when Rin started to say so.


Deep in the forest, forward, namely, in the direction Kabeno and the others had gone to, a screamed echoed.
Who was it? Guessing was unnecessary, Rin shouted:

“Did something appear? A bear!?”

It’s not any kind of animal. Rin’s intuition told. Even if her filter went off, Kabeno still boasted a giant frame exceeding 3 meters, just that gravity alone was enough to not let a single wild animal come close. Which meant someone, something other than that who approached with obvious malice, was loitering this forest.
Figures of the adventurers they fought the other day flicked on the other side of Rin’s consciousness. I was careless. I didn’t think they would come this far.

“Let’s hurry, Karasuma-kun!”

Just at the timing Rin called out to Karasuma, a girl jumped out from the bush behind them.
A stark naked, unladylike girl. She instantly set her hands and feet on the ground and changed into a silver hair wolf, then she started running straight to the direction of the scream.

“I, Inugami…?”

Muttered Karasuma. Rin’s gaze, however, was pointing at the ground where Inugami had run pass.

“…Karasuma-kun, let’s hurry.”

Rin again informed Karasuma.

“Hibiki-chan is wounded. Moreover, it’s considerably new…. She seems to have been injured just a dozens minutes ago.”

Something dropped on the ground where Inugami ran pass as if chasing after her. Something Rin was intently staring at.
That was a brand new bloodstain scattered from the running wolf, it still showed no sign of drying yet.

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