Is my fiancee a young lady?

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TL: lime

ED: Spynine01

(TL: Title basically means a rich person)

After talking with Sensei for a while, I got back home late.

Well, the fact that I’m late doesn’t affect me at all, as I don’t have a part-time job or any club activities to go to.

I left the staff room, changed my shoes at the gate, and thought about what I was going to do when I got back home… As I was making a plan in my head, I saw an angel at the school gate reading a book with her headphones on.

Is someone waiting for you…? You’ve been called out by someone again…? Is this going to be the second time today that the cold-hearted, merciless angel mode has been activated?

I didn’t know who she was waiting for, but she looked so picturesque standing in front of the school gate that it made me wonder what kind of extravagant person he was, making her wait alone for so long.

If I took a picture of this scene and sent it to an entertainment agency, she’d probably be accepted into their ranks immediately.

As I approached the school gate, she closed her book, put it in her school bag over her right shoulder, took off her headphones and put them around her neck.

“You’re finally here.”

Apparently, she’s not in her cold-hearted, merciless angel mode.

Or rather, it seems that I’m the extravagant person that she was waiting for all this while.

“What’s wrong?”

“I can’t go home because I don’t have the key.”

At Shiori’s words,the words “Oh…” leaked out from my mouth.

“You’re right, I’m sorry. I forgot to give you the spare key. I’ll give it to you later.”

This sort of situation will probably occur again in the future. Well, I guess it can’t be helped for the beginning of our time together.

“I’ll go home first then.”

Just like on the way to school, I don’t know what I’ll be mistaken for if I’m seen going home with her on the way back.

I don’t know what will happen if people find out about this…

Oh, It would be scary for sure… Just kidding…

Just as I was about to leave, someone grabbed me by the sleeve of my blazer.

I turned around and I was told with a blank expression on her face.

“I’m hungry.”

“I’m sure you are. You haven’t eaten nearly enough for lunch.”

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And on top of that, she showed us such a brilliant basketball game. Her calorie count must be immeasurable.

“It’s Kojiro’s fault.”

For some reason, she’s blaming me for what she went through.

“No, no. I warned you though, didn’t I? I warned you to not eat the set menu.”

“I know, but I wanted it to be more exciting…”

“I don’t need you to tell me that to go and get excited!”

“I’m always up for it.”

“You’re lying”

I said to Shiori who said something like a party person with no expression. She turns her face away and says.

“It’s Kojiro’s fault that I couldn’t eat lunch properly. That’s indisputable.”

That’s indisputable…

“So Kojiro must treat me to a hamburger.”


When I questioned the words that came out of her mouth, Shiori nodded her head.

“Are you saying you’ve never eaten it before so you want to try it?”

Is this girl some kind of character who’s a young lady and has never eaten the common people’s food? Is she the kind of young lady you’d expect to see in a manga who says that cup noodles taste better than a fancy steak if you feed it to her!?

“I have it once a week.”


My fantasy of a young lady Shiori was instantly shattered.

Though if she’s the child of a friend of my parents, she’s more of a commoner than a young lady.

“Then why a hamburger?”

“Why not? I’m hungry.”

Oh. She looks a little embarrassed. I don’t know why she was embarrassed, but it’s very rare to see such an expression from her.

What a surprise. She quickly returned back to her blank expression.

“Hurry up and treat me.”

“You can’t expect me to buy you a treat when you’re my housemate.”

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I said that, but I thought hard about it.

That’s right. I have to buy a futon. I’m not going to be able to stand it if we have to sleep in the same bed again today.

“――But, well… Yeah. That’s right. I had to go and buy a futon. So let’s go buy a futon while we’re at it.”

“Then hurry up and――”

―― Gu~u~u~u ―― ~u~u…(TL: The sound of stomach rumbling)

Before Shiori could finish her words, her stomach rumbled, or rather, her stomach rumbled so bad, it was like it was playing a fierce tune from a rock band instead.

However, Shiori didn’t seem to care about that, as depicted from her expressionless face that she’s currently wearing.

“Huh? Did I just hea――”

When I tried to tease her about it, she answered immediately.

“Kojiro didn’t hear anything.”


“Kojiro didn’t hear anything. I didn’t make any sound.”


“Kojiro didn’t hear anything. I didn’t make any sound. Okay?”

The pressure of her blank expression was so strong that all I could do was nod and say, “Yes, sir.”

Apparently, she’s feeling very embarrassed.

She’s not embarrassed if she’s seen naked, but she’s embarrassed about the sound of her stomach instead… I don’t know what her standards are anymore…

A few dozen minutes after leaving the school gate in the opposite direction from home.

After walking through the school’s path and moving through the residential area, I came to a major hamburger chain restaurant along the national highway.

Since the same hamburger chain is also located at the station closest to our school, there are few students from our school on this side, and many students from other schools instead.

It’s convenient that there are no students from our school though. I don’t want to be seen eating a hamburger with the cold-hearted, merciless angel.

Of course, that’s not the only reason I chose to come here. I’m here because there’s also a big chain furniture store just around the corner of the hamburger store.

We each ordered a set of hamburgers of our choice, went upstairs and sat down at an empty window seat.

The hamburger that Shiori chose was a popular chicken hamburger.

“Do you like it, Shiori?”

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“It’s my favorite.”

The way she ate it with no expression on her face made me wonder if it really was her favorite or not.

However, just as one would expect from the person who has the nickname “angel”, she was eating it very elegantly, even though it was just a hamburger.

“Is that good, Kojiro?”

“Yeah. Teriyaki is the best, after all.”

In contrast to Shiori, I took a huge bite from my burger.

My mouth was filled with the golden ratio of teriyaki sauce, mayonnaise, and meat juice.

I knew that if I came here to eat a hamburger, I had to try out the teriyaki one.

“I like teriyaki, too.”

“Right? It’s really good, isn’t it?”

I was in a good mood after eating the teriyaki, so I changed the fries I had ordered as a set to chicken nuggets instead. I reached for them, put some sauce on one and brought it to my mouth.

The sauce on the chicken nuggets here is insanely good.

“――But I don’t understand why you sacrificed the fries for the chicken nuggets.”


As I was savoring the flavor spreading in my mouth, Shiori started to complain.

“If you’ve come here, you’ve come here for the fries. The fries here are better than the fries at any other restaurant I’ve been to. It’s no exaggeration to say that they are the best in the world.”

“――Yeah. I understand that. I understand that well enough. But this place is more than just fries though, it’s chicken nuggets! Chicken nuggets are just made to go with this sauce! It’s not the sauce that goes with the chicken nuggets, it’s the chicken nuggets that go with the sauce. You can’t beat these nuggets with fries!”

“――You poor soul…”..

Shiori shook her head and gave me a pitying look with a blank expression.

“That’s coming from someone who’s never had freshly fried food.”

“You’ve never eaten chicken nuggets with this sauce only!”

“I don’t eat them with this sauce-only.”

“――Oh, me neither.”

Shiori picks up one of the fries and holds it up to my mouth.

“Here, they’re just fries.”

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I eat it as a reflex.

“――!? What!? This!?”

“Isn’t this delicious? It’s really freshly fried.”

“Too delicious…”

Perhaps because it looked like I still wanted one, Shiori brought another one to my mouth.

I took it and ate it without hesitation, but it was just too good.

“Hah… Do you understand now? Now you know how shallow Kojiro’s opinion is.”

I felt frustrated after she said that, so I put a lot of sauce on the chicken nuggets and brought them to her mouth.

“Too much…”

“Too much is good, you know. Come on, try it!”

I’m feeling so frustrated that I made Shiori do the same as she did to me.

She opens her mouth adorably with no expression on her face, and I carry the chicken nuggets to her.



“No, not normal. You should overreact a bit more.”

“Like what?”

When she said that, I took a chicken nugget with even more sauce than the one I had given her before. Then I said-

“Mmmm… It’s like a chicken and sauce rendezvous, right?”


“No reaction at all!”

“I think it’s interesting.”


This is the most painful one. The most painful one is the one where her words are expressionless and emotionless…

But when you think about it carefully, isn’t this the kind of thing that couples do often?

I’m feeling very embarrassed now after thinking about it for a while.

――Shiori is… She didn’t seem to care much about such things it seems.

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