Fiancée’s Setting

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TL: lime
ED: Spynine01



A few minutes after the end of the sixth period. A young teacher who didn’t look that much older than us, walked into the classroom.



“Okay. Everyone, please take your seats.”



Our homeroom teacher, Kaede Minami-sensei, walked in with a cute voice. Her hair is long and wavy. She has a cute face and is short in height.



She’s a newly graduated high school teacher, and she’s very popular with both the boys and girls, partly because she is so close in age to us.



Though, the secret to her popularity is not only her age, but also her willingness to listen to us carefully.



Girls in particular often ask her about their love lives, and I often see her listening very intently to them.



She is such a popular teacher that the students in our class would listen to her with open arms.



Minami-sensei stood at the podium and checked the materials she had with her.



“Let’s see. Today–there’s nothing special to report. –Ah yes.”


She put her hands together in a cute way and shouted as if she had just thought of something.



“I think it’s time for us to change seats… What do you guys think?”



Sensei’s voice was met with a mixture of disapproval saying “eh~” and “sensei~”.



Sensei put her hands to her ears, gesturing as if to say, “I’m listening.”



“From what I can hear, there are more in favor rather than disapproval, so let’s change seats tomorrow.”



Sensei’s voice filled the classroom with excitement, and I bowed my head and said, “Thank you for another day of your hard work.” My classmates greeted sensei and divided into two groups: those who were leaving the classroom for club activities or those who would go home, and those who were remaining in the classroom to talk to each other.



I’m in the going-home camp, so I move out of my seat and walk over to Touma and call out to him.



“Are you going to your club today?”



Touma is a member of the film studies club in high school. Although, in junior high school, he was a member of the soccer team and usually played at the top ranks.


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I thought he would join the soccer club in high school as well, but something made him decide to join the film studies club instead.



“Ah. Club activities.”



He adjusted his glasses with a click. It was a sign of his happiness. I wondered if he was enjoying his club activities that much.



“Hmm. Alright then, see you later.”



I raised my hand and was about to leave the classroom when I was stopped by Minami-sensei



“Ah, Isshiki-kun.”






I reflexively turned around and approached her at the podium.



“Can you spare some time for me?”



“Are you confessing to me?”



When I joke about it, sensei giggles and says.


“Isshiki-kun is a handsome man, but if you’re asking me if I would take the risk to go out with you, then I can’t.”



“I see, so you’re saying I’m a scumbag?”






“Please deny it! You’re gonna make me sad!”



She smiled at my retort and said “Ahaha-“. It seems that the first word “handsome” was flattery, and the scumbag was what she meant. Women are so cruel…



“–And? What is it?”



“It’s a bit of a problem to discuss this here…Can you come to the staff room?”






My face must looked quite unpleasant, since she looked at me and smiled and said, “Don’t worry; this isn’t about your grades.”

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I was inwardly relieved to hear that and headed to the staff room with sensei.



The staff room was unfamiliar to me. At the back of the room, there was a small conference room with two sofas and a simple center table. I was ushered into sitting there.



“Fufu. This is a good place to talk about secrets with one another, right?”



Sensei said as she sat down. Seeing her like that I didn’t hesitate to sit down too.



“If we’re talking about secrets, does that mean you’re going to eat me up?”



“Hey, hey, hey. Do I look like that kind of a woman to you?”



“It’s because of your look. Lately, it seems like the neat and tidy types are the ones who like to eat up men.”



“A-… that was in college…”



“I knew it…”



“May I, Isshiki-kun? Don’t have too many dreams about girls, okay? It is often said that women and men are different creatures, but in essence, they are essentially the same. If a man is thinking about such things, then so is a woman. Do you understand?”



“Sensei… Did you call me all the way after school to break down the ideals of a girl to me?”






Minami-sensei cleared her throat and resumed her talk.



“Let’s see. It’s about Nanasegawa-san… Due to family reasons, her parents went on a business trip overseas, and so Nanasegawa-san lives alone.”



“A- Ah. Is that so?”



As expected, Shiori’s parents didn’t say anything like; “I’m leaving my daughter alone with a classmate”. That was a wise decision.



“So, it’s similar to Isshiki-kun’s family situation, so I’d like you to follow up for her. See, Isshiki has been living alone for a long time, right? In addition, Nanasegawa-san is not the type of person who is good at relying on others for help, so I want you to help her out.”(TL: I think follow up means backing up or supporting shiori)



Follow up you say, but I’m pretty sure that she’s currently living in my house with me…



“Well, we are classmates after all. If there’s a situation in where she may need my help, I’ll help her out.”


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“Thank you! Sensei will help you out if you need anything!”



She takes my hand and says that enthusiastically. If you remove the teacher filter from her, you will see a cute older sister holding my hand. –This is very inspiring…



“Thanks for that.–By the way, does sensei live alone too?”



When I asked her, she pulled her hand away and smiled bitterly.



“I’d love to, but I can’t afford it. It’s still a long way off. That’s why I respect you. Both, Isshiki-kun and Nanasegawa-san.”



“Even though I live alone, I can’t say I’m independent since my living expenses are already paid for.”



“No. That’s not true. There are many people who receive money but still cannot live life properly. You get a hundred points just for being able to live on your own at your current age.”



Sensei’s smile made me nervous. I’m sure that she must have been very popular in her school days.



“I’m sure you must have been very popular in school.”



When I jokingly said this, she accepted it as a joke and smiled at me.



“Forbidden love? It’s no good. You’ll get burned-.”(TL: I tried searching for what burned meant. “You’ll get burned”- to suffer by being treated badly, used especially for relationships.)



“If you’re asking me whether I’d risk it all to get my hands on a teacher, I won’t…”



“Mou~ That’s a terrible thing for you to say.”



She puffs up her cheeks and says cutely.



“Ahaha! It’s payback for what you said before Sensei.”



I laugh and stand up.



“Is that all you have to say?”



“Oh, yes. Sorry to bother you.”



Sensei also stood up.


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“No problem. I’ll be going then.”



“Un. I have to go and show up for club activities too.”



“Oh. By the way, you are the advisor of the film studies club, aren’t you?”



Sensei nodded her head and put her hands together in a cute way.



“Do you want to join us, Isshiki-kun? Rikudo-kun and Shijo-san are here too.”



“I see you have two other classmates.”



They’re both beautiful men…The film studies club huh, what a gorgeous group of people.



“–I’ll pass. I’m looking for a part-time job.”



“Oh, that’s too bad.”



Sensei asks me after I’ve slumped down my shoulders a bit.



“What do you want as a part-time job?”



“Hmm… Any kind of part-time job is fine. It doesn’t matter what kind of part-time job I have, it would be fine as long as I can find a long-term one. But I can’t seem to find one at all.”



“–That means you want something then.”



She holds up her finger and makes a gesture as if to say that she has made a good guess.


“Something I want… I guess so…That’s right. It’s something I want.”



“I see. It’s good to have a goal. Good luck with your part-time job search.”



Sensei, who made a fist and cheered me on, was a good person, but I on the other hand thought it was natural for her to be kind to her students. If I didn’t have such nasty thoughts, I might have fallen in love with this person.



“If you change your mind about the club, you’re always welcome to join us anytime.”



“I’ll consider joining if I change my mind about it.”



I left the staff room whilst having such a friendly conversation with her.

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