Angel of Charity and Elegance

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That Shiori b*****d… She left me alone and went to school as quickly as she could after that.

It’s true that we go to school separately, and Shiori asked me to let her go first everyday, but that doesn’t mean that you leave a fainting man unattended at home now.

She could have called out to me, woken me up, or even kicked me awake.

I tried to enter the classroom while complaining about what was convenient for me.



If I were to use onomatopoeia, it would sound like a puff.

A woman was wrapped around my chest.

“I-I’m sorry!”

The girl immediately pulled away from me and her cheeks turned a little red.

“No, no. I don’t mind. Are you okay, Shijo.”

Shijo Sumire. She is a beautiful girl with a short bob and a lovely face, a different type of girl if compared to Shiori.

If Shiori has an actress-like face, she has an idol-like face.

Shiori’s height is tall for a girl, while she is short for a girl.

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Shiori’s b*****s are standard size, while hers are large.

The two of them are complete opposite spectrums of beautiful girls.

It’s not polite to compare them against each other, but the first year class was famous for having the two best girls in the school in the same classroom.

When Shijo looked at my face, I felt embarrassed and averted my gaze from her.


It’s a man’s nature to be embarrassed when a beautiful girl looks at them.

“Isshiki-kun. Is your cheek okay?”


When Shijo told me about my cheek, I touched my cheek and found a small amount of blood on my finger.

“Oh. Shijo’s tackle hit me so hard that it made my cheek bleed…”

“Eh!? Did I hit you that hard? I’m sorry.”

“Ahaha! I’m just kidding.”

I laughed and told her that because she’s adorably impatient.

This is probably something I cut myself on when I fainted earlier.

I was about to head to my seat when she stopped me and said, “Wait, Isshiki-kun.” She pulled out a multi-case with a cute rabbit character on it from her blazer pocket and pulled out a bandage.

Then stick the bandage on my cheek.

“–This is fine.”

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“Hey, there…”

“Fufu. If you get hurt again, let me know. I have a bandage in case.”

Shijo waved her hand and walked out of the classroom.

I stroked the bandage and headed for my seat.

“I’m sure you’re in the『Angel of Charity and Elegance 』camp, aren’t you?”

When I reacted to the fresh and handsome voice that came out of nowhere, I found Touma standing right next to me. He’s someone who I could call my best friend, with his glasses snapping just as usual today as well.

“『The Angel of Charity and Elegance』?”

“Don’t you know? Hmm… Well, these two names are not as well known as Nanasegawa-san. Well, I’ll tell you.”


“No, it’s fine.”

I put my bag on the hook next to my desk and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

“It’s not an exaggeration to say that Shijo Sumire is the idol of our film studies club, or even of our school.”

“Oh yeah, you talk about it.”

I asked while looking at my phone and decided to listen to half the story.

“She is kind to everyone, attentive, and easy going. On top of that, her b*****s are super high school grade. –This is why the two names that have been given to her are the 『Angel of Charity and Elegance』, as she boasts popularity comparable to the 『Cold-Hearted, Merciless Angel』.

“Hee~.That’s great.”

I can’t be bothered to make a comment at this point, so I watch the news on my phone and think, “Oh, it’s almost time for the Japan national soccer team.”

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“Kojiro. You like 『Angel of Charity and Elegance』, right?”

“How can you be so sure?”

“That exchange you had just now was clearly a boy in love.”

I touch my cheek and ask.

“Was I smiling?”

“A lot.”

Fuyuma adjusts his glasses and snaps them on.

I’m not sure if I like her or not, but if a beautiful girl puts a bandage on my face, I’m definitely going to be grinning.

“Shijo fits all the criteria of your type, you know?”


“『Short hair with big t**s who spoils you and is flirtatious』–isn’t that more like Shijo?”



I compare my own preferences with Shijo’s.

“Probably… Ah… That’s right…”

I affirmed as I stroked the bandage.

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“–But what an extravagant person you are…To fall in love with the cold-hearted, merciless angel and the angel of charity and elegance despite being in the position of a fiance–is this a romantic comedy!”

“No, it’s not. It’s different in many ways.”

It’s not a love story.

“It’s not like I’m in love or anything. Seriously.”


“What about you, Touma? You’re in the same club as Shijo, right? –I mean…The reason you’re in a good mood at every club activity is because Shijo is there, isn’t it?”

“–Well, that’s…”

He starts to adjust his glasses. This is a good sign. He seems to be in a state of panic right now.

It’s a common thing for boys to tell their friends about someone they like, “You like that girl, don’t you?” It’s one of the mysterious behaviors peculiar to adolescents.

“N-no! That’s not it!”

Touma’s tongue is unusually loose and he shouts loudly. Ara-ara, you’re so cute.

“Hmm, okay.”

After I say it in an implied tone, he gets flustered and says, “Huh? N-No, it’s not! No, it’s not!”

“Yes, yes. I understand now.”

“It’s really not. It’s different. Hah. Seriously it’s not.”

Touma went back to his seat while adjusting his glasses.

There is an S cliche regarding him. He’s weak when he’s attacked straightforwardly…This guy really seems to be such a temptress.

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