My Fiancee is still popular

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TL: lime

ED: Spynine01

Lunch time.

Today, Touma went to the school cafeteria to eat ramen because it was convenient for him… After two days of having noodles in a row, tomorrow’s my day off, so I think I’ll go out and have some pasta instead. No wait, then I’d be having noodles three days in a row.

I went to the vending machine by the gym to have a cup of coffee after lunch while thinking about such trivial things.

The vending machines in the courtyard have more major manufacturers than the ones located here, so this side is not as popular.

Though since that side has more popular brands, it’s also very crowded so you’d have to wait in line to get a drink. So I came all the way to the less popular side with the sensibility that is “Why should I wait in line for a vending machine?”

When I arrived at the vending machine, I heard a man’s voice from behind the gym saying,

“Sorry to call you here.”

Is this perhaps… a confession? ――Good grief… Is there a big event such as a confession happening every day at this school? What kind of school is this…

I’m not sure what to think about it, but I’m a bit curious. So I hide behind a wall and sneak a peek at the on-going confession.

There was a decent looking boy who looked to be a sophomore by the color of his tie, and ――.


There stood Shiori on the receiving end.

――No, no, seriously, that’s really amazing. Is she getting confessed to every single day? Ah, that’s right. The rumors about the amount of confessions she’s received are in the double and triple digits, and she even has a fan club to boot.

It’s definitely going to be a free for all if they find out that I’m engaged to Shiori or that she’s my housemate…

“――We got a suspicious person over here.”


When I turned around at the sudden sound of a cute voice, there stood Shijo Sumire, who is also known as the Angel of Charity and Elegance.


“What are you doing here?”


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I held up a finger and brought it to my mouth, gesturing towards the back of the gym.

Shijo tilted her head and looked at the back of the gym and said, “Oh.”

“That’s Nanasegawa-san, right?”

“Yeah. No doubt about it.”

“Is this a confession?”


“Oh…――It’s not polite to look at them now then.”

“Shijo must have a wild-eyed spirit if she doesn’t retract her head while saying that.” [ED: Wild-eyed could mean having some angry,insane or distressed expression in their eyes]

“Isn’t that true of you, Isshiki?”

“I can proudly say that I have a strong onlooker’s spirit.”

“Then I have an onlooker’s spirit too.”

As we were saying such ridiculous things to each other, “Will you go out with me?” We heard him confess in a calm voice. Though it’s bad to compare him to Tanaka’s confession,

“Oh! He said it! ”

“Well, what do you think will happen? Shijo-san.”

“Well, I don’t know.”

“Of course you don’t.”

With no way of knowing that we were watching over her, Shiori calmly said, “I’m sorry.”

“Ah… it’s a no”


We pulled back our faces as Shijo let out a disappointed voice.

“But the rumors were true huh, Nanasegawa-san has really had a lot of confessions. Well, no wonder she does when she looks so beautiful. Even a woman like me would fall in love with her.”

“Hmm. That’s quite a lot for a girl of the same s*x.”

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“Just like her appearance, she’s cool and mysterious.”

“That’s the impression you get.”

We were acting like a professional baseball commentator and a play-by-play guy were talking to each other like they’re rooting for a fight while watching the highlights. Whilst we were in the middle of that we heard the guy yelling, “S***w you!”

We freaked out and looked at him again to see,

“I confessed my feelings to you, and now what!? AH!?”

Acha-. He’s half cool and half popular, but he has a weird personality…

However, Shiori seemed unfazed by the shouting, it was as if she was used to such a thing happening. Rather――.

“Awawa… Wh-wh-wha- what should we do, Isshiki-kun?”

Shijo, who was not involved, was getting worried.

“Why don’t you say something!? Huh!”

However, it’s not good. It’s bad enough to yell at someone, but more than that ―― I hope it doesn’t turn into a violent――

“Stop s******g with me――”
This is not good!

“――Stop! Stop!”

The other party was about to make a move, so I immediately jumped out and put a stop to it.


Shiori’s face was expressionless as she looked back at me, but she seemed to be relieved.

“Ah!? What!? You!?”


“Calm down please. Okay?”

He was angry with her and he was her senior, so he tried to move me away.

“It’s none of your business! Get the h**l out of here!”

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“It’s certainly none of my business, but… You can’t just be violent with a girl that you like.”

“Ah!? What!? You were listening to us? Don’t get the wrong idea. If I go out with this girl, I can meet all kinds of people then, right? That’s the reason I’m going out with her. But it’s her fault for getting carried away and refusing to go out with me.”

Seriously… This is the kind of thing s****y people do.

“So? What are you? Are you her stalker? Are you the guy who thinks she’ll fall in love with you if you rush to her aid in a pinch? You’re disgusting!”

He said that and tried to hit me.

『Sensei!! Over here!!』

I suddenly heard Shijo’s shout from behind me and his fist stopped in front of me.

“――Tsk! Damn it! Remember this!”

The second year scumbag ran away as fast as he could.

You’re a coward to run away just because someone called a teacher. If it was a punch from someone like that, it might not have hurt.
――No, it would’ve definitely been painful because it would have come to my nose if I had stayed like that…

“Isshiki-kun! Nanasegawa-san!”

Shijo comes running out with a pale face.

“Are you okay? Both of you?”

“Ah. I am.”

Then she looks at Shiori.

“Me too.”

From the tone of her voice, it seemed that Shiori was also fine.


“And? What about Sensei?”

“Ah, that was a lie. I thought you were in a pinch, so I came out as soon as I could.”

She said and then she gave me a peace, and I gave her a peace back and I thanked her by saying “Thank you”. (TL: peace here means peace sign)

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“Are you sure you’re okay, Nanasegawa-san? That was scary.”

“I’m fine.”

“I’m sorry. I peeked at your confession.”

When Shijo put her hands together, “No problem,” she replied shortly.

“I think we’ll be fine, but I don’t want to stay here too long and have his friends retaliate against us, so let’s move to a more crowded area.”

“Ah, yeah. I guess so.”

I was about to walk away when Shijo nodded and Shiori grabbed me by the sleeve.

“What’s wrong?”

I looked at Shiori’s hand and noticed that it was shaking a little.

She looked fine on the outside, but on the inside she must have been scared. It would be scary to have an older man yelling at you. And to hear him say such a horrible thing towards her ――I can’t forgive him.

“Can you walk?”

She nodded her head and then looked at me.

“I can walk…”

I felt her voice trembling a little, so I quickly patted her head.

“It’s okay. Don’t worry. Next time something like that happens again, let me know. I’ll help you right away.”

When I said this, Shiori replied with a relieved voice, “Un.”



Authors Note:

We’re up to fourth place in the daily rankings by genre!!

Thank you so much everyone!!

I was so surprised when I woke up this morning. I’m very moved.

Thank you so much for your continued support!!

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