Chapter 2: My Fiancée is Close but Expressionless

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TL: lime
ED: Spynine01

『Surprise! It was a great success! 』

My prediction was right on the money.

I invited Nanasegawa into my house because I didn’t want to stand around outside while hearing what was going on here from my parents.

She sat down on the sofa, put on her headphones, and started reading the rest of the book she had.

I went into the bedroom and quickly made an international phone call to my parents, who are currently on a long overseas business trip.

“ “Surprise, it was a great success!” ―― No, no, no! What the h**l’s going on here?”

『 Good for you! I envy you, Koji. Shiori’s really pretty, isn’t she? 』

It was my dad who answered the phone.

My dad was very optimistic about this situation.

“No-no, that’s not what I meant. I’m panicking about what’s suddenly happening. My head’s going to explode from this.”

『 Oh, yeah. That’s pretty terrible. You should go and talk to an astronaut. 』

“You can’t solve the Big Bang by talking to an astronaut! I meant that if you’re a parent, you should explain this situation properly!”

『 Yes-yes. Let’s see. Your mother, I, and Shiori’s parents were seniors and juniors in high school, and we’ve always been good friends. We were talking about having our kids marry each other in the future, you know? Well, we were just talking about it as a dream, but it just so happened that we had a boy and they had a girl, so we felt it was fate. We thought, “Seriously, should we get them married?”  Then we went ahead and talked about it. 』

What a horrible story of parents’ convenience. Just ignoring the child’s will.

『 Well, we’ve been busy and they’ve been busy as well, so we haven’t had a chance to see each other in a while. I thought I’d tell you about it when you’re older, and well before you knew it, you were already in high school. Hahaha! 』

“Okay, so I kind of understand how my marriage came to be. I’ve got a lot of questions regarding that, but I’ll leave it at that for now… Also, about keeping her at my place. Why’d you come up with that?”

『 Well, Shiori’s parents decided to go on a long overseas business trip. Shiori said that she didn’t want to leave and quit the high school halfway through the school year. That’s fine and all, but they said that they didn’t feel comfortable leaving the girl alone in Japan. Then I thought to myself, “Shiori happens to go to the same high school as Koji, right?” So, I said to them,

“Well, she’s my daughter-in-law, so why doesn’t she just go ahead and live with Koji?”  They said, “That’s a good idea!”  So, that’s what we agreed on. 』

“You both are too light-hearted! Are they really worried about their daughter?”

『 Well, it’s okay. It’s an apartment for a single person, but it’s spacious, so there’s no difference another person lives with you. 』

“No, wait, that’s not what I’m talking about.”

『Oh my! I have so much work to do, so-so much work. Well, I’ll see you later. If you have any more problems, please contact me immediately. 』

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“Hey! Wait a second! I’m in trouble here!”

— And I was cut off…

I’m in trouble right now, and that a*****e of a father is acting really irresponsibly…….

I let out a sigh and put my phone on the desk in my bedroom and headed to the living room.

It’s true that my dad’s right; we have a spacious room for a 1LDK. It has more than enough space for a single person to live in, so it’s technically possible for two people to live here.

[ED: In the abbreviation 1LDK, L stands for “living”, D stands for “dining” and K stands for “kitchen”. Basically, this is a one-bedroom apartment with a living/dining room and a kitchen separate from the living/dining area.]

No, I’m not talking about two people who can live together, but… things are happening so quickly that I’m not sure what I should do.

In spite of this situation, Shiori Nanasegawa is sitting on the sofa, reading with a sense of security, as if she were relaxing at home.

I stand in front of her.


“Aren’t you going to sit down?”

Just before I could begin questioning her, she took off her headphones and looked at me, tearing her eyes away from her book.

“It’s not right for you to be standing there when it’s your own house.”

Nanasegawa’s words were too-obvious as she said that.

That’s right. Why am I standing here when it’s my own house?

She’s sitting on the usual sofa I sit on so- no! That’s fine. It’s the couch I always relax on. It doesn’t matter if she’s sitting right next to me. I’ll just sit right beside her.

I mean, how can this guy be so relaxed? Is she a big shot or something?

I sit down next to her with a thud. She turns her head back to her book without paying any attention towards me.

I look at her face.

Nanasegawa’s face, seen from an angle of 45 degrees, was so beautiful.

I wonder if this is what idols and celebrities look like? Ha-ha… she’s as popular as one after all…

“Hey, you know what? Nanasegawa is it o–”

In the middle of my words, she slammed the book shut and put it on her lap. She then stares at me.

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She suddenly says her name to me.

“Call me Shiori.”


“If you’re engaged, you call each other by your first name, right?”

“Is that so?”

“Well? I don’t know. I’ve never been engaged before.”

She’s right. I don’t think many people know the definition of being married.

“But…. I’d rather be called Shiori than by my last name.”

“Well, let’s see… then… Shiori…?”

After I said that, she gave me a blank expression with no particular response.

“What? Kojiro.”

Oops… I was caught off guard.

Such a beautiful girl has called me by my first name. It’s the first time a girl has called me by my first name, so I’m feeling a little happy about it.

“Shiori is a bit….”

She moves closer to me, making our shoulders and thighs touch.

Her warmth and her sweet scent would make anyone nervous even if they’re not in love with her.

“Isn’t it close?”

“Isn’t this how engagement is supposed to be like?”

“Is that so?”


I’m getting nervous because her shoulder was touching my shoulder, but she simply continues to pat it with no expression on her face.

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This was frustrating, but I tried to keep my cool.

“And? What were you saying?”

“Is it okay with you, Shiori? Suddenly being married and living together.”

“Is there a problem?”

“No, it’s not a problem. It’s more like…..”

I scratch my head at the unexpected question and ask her straightly.

“Is there someone you like?”


If there was, she would have told me long ago and we would have had a rendezvous.

“But just because you don’t like anyone doesn’t mean you should be married to me.”

“Not really.”

I wondered what she meant by “Not really”.

Do you have a favorable intention toward me? Or is it due to whatever our parents decided themselves? Or is there another reason?

I don’t know… When I couldn’t read her expressionless face at all, she called my name,


“If there’s a problem, I’ll leave and go away.”

“Leaving…. Do you have a place to go?”


“You don’t have one?”

Wait, she doesn’t have any place to go to?

“My parents have already moved abroad. The last house we lived in was a rental and has already been cancelled.”

“What are you going to do then?”

“If Kojiro refuses, I’ll find sleep under a bridge or in a sewer pipe.”

“You … seriously…?”

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“Seriously. I’m a tough woman. I can handle it.”

I don’t really think so…..

“It’s not mandatory. So, only if it’s okay, I’ll live here with you.”

It’s almost like I’m being forced to accept.

I scratch my head, let out a sigh and tell her.

“I don’t want to talk about marriage or anything like that. It’s just something my parents decided on without my permission. Without all that nonsense, there’s no way I’m going to let a girl go under a bridge or in a sewer pipe and be homeless. Besides, I live in this house, but it’s paid for by my parents, so it’s not just mine. If my parents want you to live here, I don’t have the right to decide. If it’s okay with you, do what you want.”


She said and stood up.

“I’ll do as I please. Where’s the bath?”

“You take a bath?”

“It’s a routine. It feels weird if I don’t take a bath after I get home.”

What was she going to do if I refused to go along with a routine like that though…?

“That’s the changing room.”

When I pointed to the door of the changing room, she nodded her head.

Then she looked at me.

“What’s wrong?”

“Do you want to come in with me?”

“Wait! What are you talking about?”

“Isn’t that what being engaged is supposed to be?”

“No, I don’t think that’s what…”

“I’m kidding.”

She headed to the changing room with a blank expression, leaving me in my flustered state.

I guess she makes jokes too.

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