My Fiancée has No Shame

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TL: lime
ED: Spynine01

Tick… Tock…

It’s so quiet that you can hear the clock in the living room clearly.


It’s so silent that you can hear the sound of Shiori taking a shower from the bath all the way in the living room.

“Currently… Shiori is naked in that room…”

I’m not sure if the cold-hearted, merciless angel looks like the way she was born as the name angel suggests…  And in the bath that I always take.

――Gokuri …I stare at the door of the changing room, swallowing my saliva.

[ED:Gokuri here is meant to be Gulp but I felt keeping it like the original would be better]

Of course you’d be excited about something like that!

No, no, no! If I don’t do something right now, my last remaining reasoning will explode!

In order to get rid of my evil thoughts, I decided go ahead and look for a part-time job, which was a part of my original plans.

I took out my phone and operated it.

I’ve made quite a bit of money this summer from some short-term jobs, but if I don’t have a steady source of income, I’m sure I’ll hit rock bottom soon.

――Her wet hair would look so s**y…

I need to find a part-time job that I can do for a long, long time. After all, the money my parents send me is only for my living expenses.

――Her b*****s through the uniform are not too big, not too small, but just right…

I want to make some money for what I want to do.

――Are her pubes shaved? ――.

“――Eh? 『Let’s feel good together-Soapland』…? WAIT! Why is my mind full of thoughts about bathing!? ”

I put my phone down on the center table.

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There’s no way I can concentrate on finding a job if I’m like this.

I sit down on the couch and review my situation.

My parents and Shiori’s parents were seniors and juniors in high school and have always been good friends.

They promised each other that their children would marry each other in the future if they ever had any, and after we were born, Shiori and I were engaged.

However, our parents were both very busy and they didn’t have any chances to go and see each other, so they forgot to tell us that we were going to be engaged.

When Shiori’s parents went on a business trip overseas, she didn’t want to quit the high school she had enrolled in. They were fine with her continuing here, however, they didn’t feel comfortable leaving their only daughter behind all alone.

So, she decides to stay at my house, a place where I live alone and also since we go to the same high school. She’s my fiancée or rather…

“What’s with this outrageous development…”

Are her parents really okay with this? Is it really okay for her parents to leave their precious daughter at the house of a boy in the middle of puberty like this…?

The next time I see them, I’ll give them a hard time. Of course, our parents must be accompanied by force!

As I was recalling the overly dense contents of the situation, the sound of the shower disappeared before I knew it. Then, I hear the door to the changing room open.


“You’re already done? I thought you’d take your time.”

I thought she’d take her time.

I was thinking, “Hmm?”  Then I turned around and looked at Shiori.

There I saw Shiori, looking exactly as she had been when she was born.

Her skin was as translucent as an angel’s, and her b*****s had grown in proportion to her age, with beautiful pale pink ridges at the tips.

Her waist was beautifully sculpted, reminiscent of a model.

And underneath that…


My brain’s power was at maximum capacity. I feel like my blood would flow backwards if I were to look directly at it. I would probably get a nosebleed from this stimulation.

“Oh, my God! Clo-clothes!? Where are your clothes?!”

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After saying that while flustered, Shiori replied with a blank expression while wiping her head with the towel around her neck.



“I didn’t bring a change of clothes.”

“Well, if you don’t have a change of clothes, why didn’t you call me from the changing room!? Don’t come out here naked!”



I wonder why… yeah, why? If Shiori doesn’t mind, why should I care?

I don’t know. Is this normal for others? Is Shiori acting normal? Which one of us is normal at this rate?

“――no, no! This isn’t normal! You should be ashamed of yourself!”

“But I have no clothes. So I thought I’d borrow some from Kojiro.”

“Okay, okay! I’ll lend them to you! I’ll lend you my clothes, but you have to go back to the changing room!”

After I said that, she turned around with the same blank expression on her face and went back to the changing room, wiping her head.

After she turned away, I felt some kind of liquid on my lips. It tasted just like iron…

――Her body was just like the one in my fantasy….

“――Hah… I’m so tired today…”

I ate dinner, took a bath, and lay down on the bed in my bedroom. I didn’t have the energy to stop at a convenience store today, so I made frozen fried rice. Shiori didn’t complain about anything and ate it without any expression on her face.

But the content was too intense today, and I was unusually tired.

A classmate is your fiancée, your fiancée is your housemate, and your housemate shows you her naked body――.

And what more, I wonder? It’s so precious when a beautiful girl wears a man’s clothes. Especially hoodies. A beautiful girl wearing a hoodie and headphones around her neck is bad for my health… This is just so sexually stimulating….

Anyway, the day was so intense that I felt sick to my stomach; it’s as if I had eaten five bowls of thick ramen.

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Because it was a day with so many problems, I felt incredibly sleepy and almost fell asleep instantly after I closed my eyes.

As my consciousness began to fade, I noticed something creeping around in bed.


I open my eyes and see the face of an angel next to me.

“Ahh it’s just Shiori…… ―-wait what!”

She woke up with a yawn.

“What are you doing here!?”

“It’s cold when you pull the covers off.”

“Oh, sorry about that… ”

I apologize for the warning and put the covers back on so that she can get back into the bed.

“――wait no, no! It’s not about that!”

She raised her index finger to her lips in response to my complaint and said inorganically,

“It’s late at night and we wouldn’t want to disturb the neighbors.”

“You don’t have common sense! If you had any common sense, you would know that this situation is wrong!?”

“You’re supposed to sleep in your bed at night.”

“Yes, but! This isn’t right!”

“What are you screaming about?”

“Why are you so calm?”

My complaints echoed through the bedroom.

After thinking about it, I realized that I didn’t have a spare futon.

I’ve had friends over a few times, but they’ve always slept on the floor, sitting up like a samurai.

[ED: I assume here they just sit cross legged on the floor and fall asleep in that position. That would be really uncomfortable now huh.]

It’s already getting deep into autumn, and winter is approaching. I’m sure she’ll catch a cold if she sleeps without a cover, and I can’t just go and ask a girl to sleep on the couch.

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I have no choice but to give in.

“There’s no futon, right? You can sleep here Shiori. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

I was about to get out of bed when she grabbed me by the sleeve of my favorite sports brand jersey, which I was wearing as a nightgown.

“Engaged couples are supposed to sleep in the same bed, aren’t they?”

“No… But, the engagement is just something our parents have decided on.”

“That’s what being a fiancée is meant to be.”


This is the cold-hearted and merciless angel. My argument’s already broken.

“Is that okay with you, Shiori? Sleeping in the same bed as me? You know what I could to do to you, right?”

“What are you going to do?”


I’m in agony because I saw you naked earlier. In the midst of it all, she crawled into the same bed with me… I’m also a perfectly healthy boy in the middle of puberty. If I don’t manage to calm down, I’ll turn into a wolf.

But… When I look into Shiori’s eyes, all my evil thoughts blow away. She has such clear eyes.

“I’m sorry.”


Looking into her eyes, she suddenly apologized.

“I’ve never even had a friend, much less a fiancé… I didn’t know how to treat you. So if my behavior is strange or even out of the blue, please point it out.”

I see. She has never been in contact with many people. She has no friends, so she doesn’t know how to interact with her fiancé…….

――hah… really… If I was a s****y guy, I’m sure I would have used you for my own good…

“I’m going to buy a futon for you tomorrow. I know it’s a bit cramped, but bear with it for tonight.”

She nodded her head as she walked back into the bed.

The bed was different from usual, and I could feel Shiori’s warmth in it.

――I can’t sleep properly like this!

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