It’s A Secret That She’s My Fiancée.

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TL: lime
ED: Spynine01

The light coming in from the window of my room stimulates my eyelids.

It was a weak light shining through the curtains.

But since I hadn’t slept well, such a weak light could easily wake me up.

I picked up my phone on my bedside table and turned on the screen to check the time.

“Six o’clock… Normally, I’d be in the middle of a bombing or taking a second nap…”

I mutter and let out a big sigh. I towards the person next to me

There was Shiori, breathing so quietly that I couldn’t tell if she was really asleep.

“――Gutsy, or should I say… insensitive…”

I couldn’t even get a decent night’s sleep.

However, I have no desire to sleep twice now.

I’m up early, which is unheard of for me. This is as early as the morning of forest school or a school trip…

[TL: Forest school is an outdoor education delivery model in which students visit natural spaces to learn personal, social and technical skills.]

With that in mind, I got out of bed and left the bedroom.

When I opened the curtains in the living room, the sun was shining brightly. It looks like it’s going to be a beautiful autumn day.

“――It’s cold…. It’s rather chilly in the morning huh…I’m going to have to get some winter sleepwear and or something soon… ”

That means I’ll have to use the heater. Oh right… the electricity bill will be high this time then. It’s better than catching a cold I guess, but it’s still hard for a student living alone to pay more for electricity in the winter than in spring and fall…

I glanced at the clock in the living room and saw that it was still a little past six o’clock.

I usually don’t have much time to spare in the morning, but today I have a lot of time to spare.

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I can eat breakfast gracefully, which I don’t usually do. My brain is screaming for more sleep though…

When you gain something, you also lose something. So it’s hard to live a life full of conveniences.

I went to the kitchen and took out a loaf of cheap bread that I’d left on the shelf.

“――will Shiori eat breakfast too?”

Well, it doesn’t make any difference whether it’s for one or two people. It’s the oven range that does the work.

I took out two slices of bread, threw them into the oven, selected two slices of bread as the automatic setting, and started heating it up.

In the meantime, I fill the electric kettle with water and flip the switch.

After doing the two tasks, I breathe a sigh of relief, “Phew…”  Even though I hadn’t done much, I felt a sense of accomplishment.

“What time does she get up?”

I think back as I looked at the bedroom door from the kitchen.

Come to think of it, whenever I go to class, it feels like I’m always there ahead of– Wait no, does she come in after me? I’m not sure even though she looks so conspicuous.

“――Well, I’m making breakfast, so she’s gonna have to wake up sooner or later.”

It’s outrageous that the landlord wakes up early and the tenant wakes up late. I had no choice but to declare a forced wake-up call in the Isshiki style.

The Isshiki way of waking up is a ritual in which two empty plastic bottles are used. You hit the two bottles against each other, and wake up the entire house with an explosive sound.

This is the last thing one would do to wake someone up. It doesn’t matter how deep a sleep you’re in, the sound of the explosion will echo until the other person wakes up.

I never thought I’d see the day when I’d be able to use the technique I’ve inherited from my mother… I thought I’d show it off to my children in the future, but the time has come earlier than expected.

I was getting two empty plastic bottles out of the kitchen when I heard the door open with a click.

I turned my gaze towards the bedroom and saw an angel wearing my loungewear, with a blank expression on her face, looking neither sleepy nor refreshed.

“Good morning.”

“Oh, yeah… Good morning.”

What the h**l! You’re already awake!? I was just about to perform a special move handed down from my mother!

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I put the bottle back in its place in disappointment and Shiori comes into the kitchen.

“Is Kojiro always up at this time?”

“No. I usually wake up much later. Do you always wake up at this time, Shiori?”

I ask her and she nods her head.

I took out my phone from my pocket and see that it’s 6:15.

I remembered that Shiori said that she has a routine of taking a bath whenever she gets back home.

I wonder if she feels uncomfortable if she doesn’t wake up at the same time.

“Are you cooking breakfast?”

“It’s just bread. I’ve boiled some water by the way. Do you want some coffee?”

“Un” She nodded her head.

I heard the sound of the electric kettle boiling just in time for my reply.

The oven also played a unique melody to let me know that the bread was done being baked.

“Well then, sit down, Shiori. I’ll go get it ready.”

She nods and moves to sit at the dining table in the living room.

I took out the two pieces of bread out of the oven and put it on two plates. Then I took two cups, added instant coffee powder from the kitchen cupboard and stirred it with a muddler.

[TL: A muddler is a bartender’s tool, used like a pestle to mash—or muddle—fruits, herbs and spices in the bottom of a glass to release their flavor. Cocktails that require the use of a muddler include: Mojito made with light rum.] [ED: Yeah why does he have such a tool I wonder]

I carry them on a tray and make my way towards the dining table. I settle the tray down on the table and move towards my seat.

I took my usual seat and poured the coffee into my still asleep brain.

I don’t usually drink coffee, but when I’m sleepy in the morning, I throw some into my system. This makes me feel a bit drowsy――though I feel that… energy is important.

“I’ll set it up tomorrow.”


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Shiori says while we were drinking coffee.

“If you’re usually late in the morning, I’ll get up and get ready for you.”

She’s a houseguest; does she mind doing that sort of thing?

“No, you don’t have to do that. It’s just that I happened to wake up early today and had some extra time. I don’t usually eat in the morning.”

“You couldn’t sleep?”

“I couldn’t sleep.”

When she asked me, her expressionless face looked like it was asking, “Why?”  No, I can’t read it at all since it’s expressionless.

“Breakfast is an important part of the day no matter what.”

“You can cook?”

“I’m good at it.”

I’m not really sure if her cooking is good or bad since she just started living with me.

“I’ll eat what you make if you prepare it for me.”

She nods her head and drinks her coffee.

“――That’s right. About you being my fiancée…”

“Are you going to throw me away?”

“No, no, what?! Why would I do that? Like I said yesterday, if my parents wanted you to live with me I’d be fine with that since it’s not my house in the first place. Though even without that talk, I’d let you stay here.”


I can only dryly answer her pretty hot line.

[ED: Shiori’s supposedly saying this in a cute tone which is why her line feels pretty hot]

“AHEM, let’s not talk about us being engaged and all that stuff at school.”


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“Why…? I mean…”

I let out a sigh and explain it to Shiori.

“You stand out, Shiori.”

“I don’t stand out.”

You’re not even aware of it….

My peaceful high school life could be ruined if it was known that a girl who had been confessed to by many boys and had something like a hidden fan club, suddenly announce that she has a fiancé.

“At school, we’ll act as classmates.”

“What about at home?”


My brain’s going to get fried at this rate.. It’s the cold-hearted, merciless angel striking again.

“Anyways! We’re just classmates! Okay?”


The way she nodded and elegantly sipped her coffee was a sight worthy of the name angel.

If I took a picture and named it “Angel’s Morning” or something like that and uploaded the photo on social media, it would definitely be a big hit.


Authors note:

I received the first『review』of my life. Thank you so much!

It’s my first and I’m touched! I was so happy that when I first saw it, time stopped lol.

Thank you so much!

I’m really honored that you gave me a rating and a bookmark.

If you’re interested in the rest of the story, or if you think it’s interesting, please rate and bookmark it! Thank you very much!


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