Whether I’m your Fiancée or your Classmate.

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TL: lime
ED: Spynine01


I decided to leave the house separately from Shiori.


I didn’t want to be misunderstood if we went out with each other. It would be troublesome if the fan club members saw us together.


So I asked Shiori to leave first, and then I left after her.


It’s only a short walk from my place to the school. If it had been from my parents’ house, I would’ve had to commute to school via a train, but my parents conveniently went on a business trip overseas just before I started high school, and I was lucky enough to rent an apartment near the school.


It’s really convenient to be close to work or school.


I know there are people who don’t want to live near such places. However, I am overwhelmingly in the proximity camp.


Time is money. That’s the only way to describe it.


“How bland.”


I was at the school entrance. I had just changed into my jacket and put my favorite shoes in my locker when I was approached by a male student. His name was… Tanaka?


“Hmm? Good morning.”


I greeted him loosely, but he didn’t respond, his face somewhat tense.


“He-here you go…”


He held a letter in his right hand and tried to hand it to me.


“–I don’t really have such a hobby though?”


“T-that’s not i-it, gi-give it to Ny-nya, Nanasegawa-san!”


I’m not sure if he’s like this because he’s nervous or because he’s biting off more than he can chew.


“Isshiki, you’re in the same class as her, r-right? C-can I ask you to give her th-that…?”


“That means that–“



“I’m going to raise the flag!” [ED: Essentially it means that he’ll raise the flag which will make her fall in love with him]


You’re going to raise the flag, huh…? Hmm…


“All right.”


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I nod and take the letter from him, a product that could be displayed in a history museum, an object called a ‘love letter’.


“Good luck.”


I’ll give him the usual advice.


“Hyo! Hyou! I’m going to make the cold-hearted, merciless angel mine!”


Doesn’t he realize that he’s not speaking properly? I can’t understand what he’s been saying for quite a while now.


Tanaka removed his jacket and put on his shoes and headed up the stairs to his class.


Ah, it’s no good. [ED: Not sure what this line means but I assume that he’s saying that Tanaka probably won’t succeed or that he should have given the letter himself. Either of the two]


I walked up the stairs with a rare love letter in my right hand.


Clutching it in my hand, I walked up to the fourth floor. That’s where the first year’s floor resides. I walked into the first year’s classroom right next to the fire exit.


I didn’t go to the middle of the classroom where my seat is, but went to the last seat by the window.


The window of the classroom was open, and the fresh autumn breeze was entering the classroom.


Sitting in her seat with her headphones on, reading her book with a cover. Shiori’s hair sweeps up giving the same smell as the shampoo I usually use.


It made me a little nervous.


After all, she has the beauty of an angel… she’s a picture-perfect replica of one.




When I call her name, she glances at me, but then returns her gaze to her book.


I’m not sure if she heard me since she has her headphones on currently.





When I called out to her in a slightly louder voice than before, she glanced at me again and returned her gaze back to her book.


No, you definitely noticed that just now. Why are you ignoring me…?


Speaking of which, I did tell her to act as classmates at school, so I wonder if she’s complying with that right now… Anyway, I wonder why she’s ignoring me.


–no… Wait… could it be…?




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I called out to her in a smaller voice embarrassingly. She gently closed her book, took off her headphones, put them around her neck, and looked at me with her long hair drifting over her ears.




“I’ve been calling you for a while now…. you did notice, right?”






“I told you to call me Shiori.”


Oh. So that’s what was bugging you…


“No, I said that we should be classmat–“


“I’d prefer if you called me Shiori, whether you’re my fiancé or my classmate.”


“Oh-… That’s…”


“If you don’t call me that, I won’t respond.”


“If I call you by your first name out of the blue, the guys in our class will–“




An expressionless face was staring at me. However, I could feel a strong will present in her eyes.



 “I understand. I’ll call you Shiori from now on.”


“It’s good that you understand.”


You’re pretty stubborn about some things, aren’t you…?


“And? Why did you call me?”


“Oh right, this.”


I handed her the love letter Tanaka had given me.


She takes it and tilts her head.


“What’s this?


“It’s a love letter.”


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When I say that, she stares at it, then looks at me and asks-


“Is it from Kojiro?”


“N- no, no. It’s from a guy in the next class. He asked me to give it to you.”




She answered curtly and began to read the letter.


“Alright then, I did what I had to do.”


She nods her head and I go back to my seat.



It’s been a few months since I was seated in the middle of the classroom. I can’t wait to change seats.




I put my bag on the side of the desk and sit down.


“What’s the matter, Kojiro? Could it be that you’re confessing your love to the cold-hearted, merciless angel?”



Rikudo Touma, a cool, bespectacled, handsome guy with a handsome voice who I’ve known since junior high school, comes over to me.


“I thought your type was a different one…”


I denied it straight away after he said that.


“No, no. That wasn’t from me, it was Tanaka from the next class.”


When I say that, Touma raised his glasses quickly, even though they haven’t even shifted positions.


“I can’t believe we’re going to have another victim of the cold-hearted, merciless angel.”


“Victim you say… Well, you’re not wrong.”


“It’s been six months since I entered high school. I’m told that the number of Victims will soon exceed triple digits.”


“That many!? So quick?!”


I reflexively look at Shiori.


She’s still reading the letter.


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“It’s just a rumor… However, she has such a beautiful face. You can’t just dismiss the rumors as false.”


Touma’s line made me shift my stance back and ask him.


“–No way, Touma… You too?”


When I ask him that, he adjusts his glasses and says with a laugh, “No way.”


“It’s a reckless challenge. I don’t mind that attitude, but it’s not a level I’m willing to put myself on the line for. Besides, she may look like a beautiful angel, but that’s not the only thing that makes a woman attractive.”


“Oh~ that’s a mature statement. So, tell me. Who do you like–“


He adjusts his glasses again and says firmly.




In junior high school, this guy was saying such stuff like “I don’t like anyone”, but when he entered high school, he started saying things like, “There’s someone I’m interested in. This is probably love.” I’m curious about who it is, but he won’t tell me.



“What about you? You might have a better chance if you confess your love to the cold-hearted, merciless angel, you know?”


“No. I’m not good enough for her. Besides, I already–“


When I say that, Touma laughs and adjusts his glasses yet again and says.


“Hahaha, right. I’m pretty sure Kojiro’s type is『Short hair with big t**s that spoils you and is flirtatious 』.”


Touma consciously said the part about my type in a loud voice. Everyone in the class must have heard it… Some of the guys in the seats near me looked at me with disdain.


“Oi! Youuu! What the h**l are you telling everyone in the middle of the classroom!?”


“Don’t worry. All men are perverts. Including me, of course.”


He adjusts his glasses YET again and makes a smug face.


“Quick, Glasses! Doya! –I’m not a pervert! You’re the one who told everyone about my type just now! So tell me, who do you like!” (TLN:doya-gao (ドヤ顔, どやがお). A smug face made after a win or something epic [or not])


I stand up and grab Touma by the chest and shake him, and then he tinkers with his glasses and says, “Hahahaha. I’m definitely not going to say it” with a smug face.


A chime rang out in the school as if to say that I didn’t want to see two high school boys making out in the morning.


When I heard that, I let go of his hand and he said, “I’ll go back then.” Touma adjusted his glasses YET AGAIN and went back to his seat in the classroom.


When I was about to sit down, I suddenly felt a gaze on me. I turned around to see Shiori staring right at me. No, I couldn’t tell clearly because her face was expressionless, but I could feel that she was looking at me.


When our eyes met, she didn’t whimper or huff at me; instead just she quickly averted her gaze.


–When she heard Touma’s voice, I wondered if she thought that she had to live with such a dreamy pervert…

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