My Fiancée finished it in a Second.

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TL: lime
ED: Spynine01


Due to my lack of sleep, I’m going to take a short break from class today and let myself get some sleep instead.


I should probably listen to the class. I know that. But I didn’t have the guts to overcome one of the three major human needs. [ED: I checked and the 3 major human needs are actually food, water and shelter. You can count sleep as part of shelter]


It’s just for today after all~.


With such a shallow vow, I set off and went towards the world of my dreams.


“–Kojiro. Hey, Kojiro!”


I woke up with a “huff” as my body shook.


There stood a boy with glasses who looked like he belonged to a professional idol group.


“Huh…Touma…? I would have preferred a beautiful girl to wake me up instead of you.”


I said to him sarcastically as I stretched, “I’m sorry, but I’m a pretty boy” he said as he adjusted his glasses back at me.


I was given an answer that was very difficult to respond to.


“Don’t just say that yourself…”


When I make a dumbfounded sound, Touma also makes a dumbfounded sound and says.


“It’s brilliant that you somehow managed to sleep from the first to the fourth period. How did even manage to sleep in that position?”

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“Well I slept a lot in this position so my left leg is extremely numb.”




Touma adjusts his glasses and hits my left leg with his foot.




“That’s a pretty good response.”


“Hey! I said that it’s numb!”


“I’m numb to your reaction.”


“You’re an S alright!”


Satisfied with my reaction, Touma points his thumb towards the classroom doorway.


“If you don’t stop wasting your time and get to the cafeteria soon, you won’t be able to grab a seat, okay?”


“You’re the one who wasted my time though… –I know, but… just wait a minute.”


When I say that, Touma nimbly adjusts his glasses and then says.


“It can’t be helped. I know it’s a joke, but I’m at fault for doing that as well. I think it would be better to secure a seat first, there’s no point in waiting around like this.”


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“Oh, that’s fine. I’ll go and get the meal ticket then. The usual?”






Touma, who had set out to do something useless for someone who hates wasting time, and went to the cafeteria first.


Let’s go now…


The numbness in my left leg is gone, but I stand up slowly, not letting my guard down.


Sometimes you think the numbness is gone and you stand up normally, but it’s not actually healed completely and you get screwed over for thinking like that.


“–Sshi. Recovery, Recovery”


As the numbness in my legs disappeared, I recall that I recovered from the lack of sleep last night. However the bugs in my stomach instantly begin to scream.


I was insanely hungry, so I decided to rush to the cafeteria.


If you were to look at this school from above, you would see the character for circle. It’s not just a beautiful circle, but an image of a circle with a 90-degree left-hand turn inside the kanji character. (TL: Kanji for circle “円”.)


The kanji for “circle” is the school building, and is divided into three sections: the regular classroom section, the special classroom section, and the club section, with the cafeteria located under the club section.


The “G” part of it is a corridor. It’s a wide and stylish corridor, which is quite modern for a corridor this age. They’re located on the first and second floors, respectively.


As I walked from the second floor of the school building (where the classrooms for the first through third years were located) to the club building, I saw someone in front of the fountain in the courtyard and stopped.


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“So that’s where you’re gonna confess…”


I saw Tanaka at the fountain. The one who’d used me as a pawn earlier.


You don’t have to go to the trouble of confessing your feelings in the courtyard, a conspicuous spot in full view of the entire school building…


No, but you could also say that the courtyard in front of the fountain is also a confession spot.


I’ve seen a few people confessing their feelings there.


I wonder if there’s a legend behind the fact of the people’s confessions that occur here. Usually it’s a legendary tree or a legendary bell–.


What about a legendary fountain? A legendary fountain is just a bit… the school’s history is still young, isn’t it?


While I was thinking about this, I dropped my elbow on the railing of the corridor and watched a female student with long hair and headphones move over to him.


I could only see her back, but it was probably Shiori. An aura of beauty was emanating from her back. Only Shiori could have such an aura.


I’m sure she’ll stand out even if she doesn’t say anything… you can tell if it’s Shiori just by looking at her back.


And Tanaka seemed to be pretty nervous as I could tell from here. It’s natural to be nervous, since you are about to confess your feelings to someone. In addition, if the other party is an extremely beautiful girl, the tension would be immeasurable.


When Shiori stood in front of Tanaka, she took off her headphones.


Shiori listened intently as Tanaka said a few words.


『 Please go out with me! 』


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The shout echoes from a large distance. It must have been very loud since even I could hear it so well from up here.


Then a hand was extended in front of her.


However, the hand was not shaken, and I could tell that Shiori was saying something to Tanaka.


She turned around, put on her headphones, and quietly left.


Tanaka stood there dumbfounded, as if time had stopped; wondering what had been said to him.


As expected of the cold-hearted, merciless angel. She ended Tanaka’s big event in a matter of mere seconds.


Well to be fair, if you’re not going to go out with him; isn’t it better for the two if you just end it in a second?


As I was thinking about this, my eyes met with Shiori’s as she walked towards me.


And after a few seconds of eye contact, she quickly averted her gaze again and went down the second floor’s corridor.


“–Hah. I’m pretty hungry, and I’ve got Touma waiting for me as well. I’ve got to go quickly.”




Authors Note:


It’s now up to #29 in the daily ranking in its genre. Thank you very much for all the bookmarks and ratings!


I’d be honored if you’d rate it and bookmark it if you think it’s interesting and want to read more.

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