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Even though Yuerui tried her best to conceal the fact that she got the flowers from Xianwang she still failed. The women understood what they wanted to understood.

Every women outside were throwing their sharp glares at Yuerui which had already sliced her into pieces.

"Su.... I am scared." Yuerui cried.

Kai had left to meet the CEO. So there was only Su who can console her. She hugged her gently and rubbed her back to console her.

"Don't worry, Little cat. I am sure our boss will surely save you from these women."

Yuerui immediately retreated from Su's embrace.

"You didn't have anything else to say to console me?" Yuerui yelled.

"What? This time, only he can save you."

'Save? He is the reason I am in this position. He should apologize to me.' Yuerui was fuming with rage in her mind.

She only gave a pout to Su and went back to her desk.


On the way to the main office....

Two men were walking to towards the main building. One has an annoying face while the other is enjoying the warmth of the sun.

"You seem to be very close with Ms. Su." Si ying cannot but ask.

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"Well... You can say that." Kai replied casually.

"Ahh... How long have you two been working together?" Si ying again asked.

"Well, I joined this company a year ago and Su joined three months after me. So, we have been working together for 9 months." Kai pointed 9 with his fingers. He was replying with his jolly smile. But this smile of his was making Si ying even more irritated. All the way to the CEOs office he had a sour expression on his charming face.


The whole day Yuerui didn't even go outside her room. She had to wait for others to leave before she could leave the office. She cannot get caught in those dangerous women's grasp. All the time she was working, she used to glare at the flower bouquet and pray for it to burn. She even wanted to burn it herself. But she couldn't do, because it was too pretty to burn.

When she left the office she told the watchman to get rid of the bouquet. She only prays that the woman in her department will forget about it by the end of the day.


The next day Yuerui came with her same old jeans, t-shirt and messy bun. When she was leaving her house she once thought if she need to wear sunglasses and mask. But she didn't do that, because it will bring her in the center of attention even more.

She entered the her office praying that she will not encounter any problems today. But.... She can never wish for any good luck in the area of the devil.

When she entered, she saw that all the female colleagues are present to welcome her.

'Oh boy! Well it's been boring lately since Ran Ruo isn't around. Huh... Now I will get to see some more schemes of jealous women.' Yuerui thought.

Yuerui put her head upright and went towards her room. But she wasn't allowed to go this early.

"Hey, Little cat? Oopsss... Or should I call you Ms Mai Yuerui..." One of the female colleagues said.

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'Now it has started.' Yuerui thought as she turned towards them. She tucked some of her hair behind her ears and made an innocent look.

The male colleagues were like sitting with popcorn. They knew there is a drama waiting for them.

"Yes, senior." Yuerui replied with her soft and low voice.

"Where is the flower bouquet that you got from your family? It was very pretty." The women exaggerated the word 'family' as if she is taunting her.

"Did you take that thing with you?"

"Did you admire the bouquet whole night? Not everyone's family gives them a bouquet of roses."

"I am so jealous. Hey! can you ask your family that where they get that bouquet from?"

Various types of questions were pouring over her. They don't abuse physically but mentally.

But.... Our Little cat was not affected by this type of bulling.

In fact she was humming in her mind.

'Twinkle twinkle little star.... How I wonder what you are....'

'Johny Johny... Yes papa... Eating sugar... No papa...'

Various nursery rhymes were humming in her mind.

"Hey? Why aren't you answering?" One of them yelled at her which brought her back to reality.

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"O... Oh the flower bouquet! It withered by the end of the day. So I get rid of it."

"What! You got rid of those flowers?" The women were shocked.

It was given by the most handsome and charming man in the city and this girl threw it away.

"Pttfff..." The male colleagues couldn't but laugh.

This made the women glare at them and slice them alive.

"If you have nothing else to ask then I ..." Yuerui turned towards her room. But she wasn't released yet.

"Before you go back to work, make some coffee and tea for us. You didn't even greeted us properly since you were busy with running from here to the main building."

They all had grudge towards her since she was the only one who was allowed to go near their precious boss. Today they will satisfy their grudge.

"Okay. I will make coffee for you." Yuerui made a gentle smile and turned towards the kitchen.

"You haven't asked what we will have. Each of us drink different type of coffee and tea. You can find them in the nearby cafe."

"But I want to drink the tea our little cat made." Another one interrupted.

'What you want me to make teas and coffees for you? Not only that a variety of them?' Yuerui got so pissed off. But she couldn't say anything. She is not gonna stay in this company for so long. So why made enemy here? All she could do is curse Xianwang.

Yuerui went to each of her co-worker and noted down their preferences. Even the male co-workers came forward to make her list more long.

'I am gonna die today in between these coffees and teas.' Yuerui sighed.

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Just when she turned towards the kitchen a clear and heavy voice stopped her in her motion.

"Ms Mai, what are you doing here till now?" Xianwang entered with his left hand tucked in his pocket.

All the women who were sitting casually on the desk stood up immediatly.

"Me? I am doing work." Yuerui replied innocently.

"Huh you are working?" A smirk appreared on Xianwang's handsome face while he gave cold glares to the female employers.

"Ms Mai, you are supposed to brief today's presentation to boss. Mr. Sheng Didn't tell you?" Si ying came forward.

"No, he didn't." Yuerui replied.

"As expected of him." Si ying murmured.


"Oh.. it's nothing serious. Just come with us now and brief the thing that you were told to correct." Si ying replied gently.

"" Yuerui asked in confusion.

"Yeah now." Xianwang said in his cold voice.

"Follow us." Saying so he left.

Since Yuerui got a great opportunity to escape from making tea and coffee, she tagged along with them immediately.

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