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The  CEO's office....

The cold but handsome CEO is busy in typing on the keyboard of his computer. The rays of the sun that are entering the room are making a halo around him. Each ray is reflecting the sharp features of his well defined face. He was so emerged in his job as if he had disconnected himself from his surrounding world. As he was taking sips from his coffee mug occasionally, the coffee had made his lips wet and sexy.

While our ML is busy in reflecting his handsomeness all over his sorrounding, our silent and little girl is busy on giving him cold glares.

'At first, the rosses; second, the post and now the bullying. You are the reason of all this. And what you are doing? Making me sit here and watch your 'Aw!! look how handsome he is!' show?' Yuerui wanted to scream at Xianwang. But we all know, when did introvert people have ever spoken their mind?

After some moment she deeply sighed. Then she finally spoke, "CEO Kong, I have already finished the briefing. May I go now?"

"Wait for some moment. I have some other work for you. Since Mr. Zongguan is not here,  you and Mr. Sheng have to handle these." Xianwang stopped typing and replied with a gentle smile. It was so sweet that it can even make a flower bloom.

'Ahhgghhhh...' Yuerui got goosebumps.

After a while, Yuerui was served with coffee and some deserts. There were Ice cream, Chocolate pastries, Pudding and some cookies. As the food was served Xianwang joined her and sat in front of her. Yuerui saw that each of the items were decorated fancily. It was evident that they were expensive. The Ice cream even got gold leaf in it. By the looks of them she knew which restaurant it was from.

'Oh.. I get it. You called me here to show your riches. Huh.. too bad that I am still not convinced and I will never be.' Yuerui smirked.

"Why don't we eat something before work. You can have some ice cream first. Or else it will melt." Xianwang suggested with his uncomfortable sweet smile.

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Yuerui also replied with a smile and continued,"No thanks. I don't like gold leaf. It doesn't have any taste."

"O.. o..." Xianwang replied awkwardly. He was surprised to hear that she has eaten gold leaf before.

"Then why not have some coffee. You were about to make it before." Xianwang continued along with his smile.

'Are you mocking me? Whose fault was it that I got those bullying?' Yuerui got angry.

"Well I don't think I would get to have some coffee that time. Since my seniors were giving so much attention to me today." Yuerui replied as she took a cup of coffee.

"Are you complaining to me about those women?" Xianwang said as he gazed at Yuerui with his sexy cat like eyes.

"Cough... Cough..." Yuerui cleared her throat awkwardly.

"No I am not. You are mistaken." She replied awkwardly as she took a sip.

"I would have listened to all your complains and supported you, if you had agreed to my contract." Xianwang leaned close towards her making her nervous and took a piece of pastry.

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'Oh gosh.... Why are you bringing that subject? I thought I have told you my answer.' Yuerui cried.

"My decision is still the same. I don't need your contract." She replied with her sweet smile.

"Okay. My bad then." He replied with a sad expression.

Yuerui had never seen Xianwang making a lot of facial expressions before. It was her first time. So she was feeling awkward as well as nervous. She didn't know what to reply.

'Since we are in this topic, why not confront him?' Yuerui thought.

"Since we are in this topic, I have something to ask you." She said.

"Go ahead."

"Why did you give me those flowers? And that card?"

Xianwang stood up from his sofa and went next to Yuerui then sat beside her. This made Yuerui to move from her seat a little.

Xianwang replied to her as he poured some black coffee from the pot, " To say sorry to you."

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Yuerui looked at him in surprise as well as amusement.

"Why do you need to say sorry to me?"

"I thought my offer has made you uncomfortable." Xianwang replied as he took a small sip from his coffee.

Yuerui was a little taken aback to hear Xianwang. She didn't expect such words from him.

"Then... Then the invincible name?" She didn't want to ask it. But her curious mind made her say it.

"I believe you are familiar with this trick." He took another sip while still looking at her.

Yuerui's heart skipped a beat.

'Oh gosh! Does he know what I did that day?' Yuerui got scared.

'Don't get scared, Mai Yuerui. I am hundred percent sure that even if he knows he can't get any evidence. Because there isn't any. ' Yuerui smirked.

While Yuerui was lost in her thoughts Xianwang brought her back.

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"Or did you want me to write my name with regular pen for other people to see?" He said.

There was a deep gaze in his eyes which was making her lost in words.

"No. Absolutely not." She protested immediately.

'Mai Yuerui just eat silently then leave this place. You don't need to ask anything else.'

Yuerui kept quiet and drank her coffee silently.

But there were thousands of words that were making storm in her stomach. Since had already started this conversation she had to ask about the post as well. She gathered her courage and asked shamelessly, "About the post you uploaded today."

"Ah... that was for my Mom. She has been angry with me for some days because of the scandle." He chuckled a little.

"O... That's for you Mom. I thought..." Yuerui sighed in relief but she stopped in the middle as she realized she had spoken too much.

"You thought?" Xianwang put his cup on the table and offered Yuerui some cookies.

"Nothing..." Yuerui replied immediately as reached out to take a cookie but suddenly Xianwang said, "You thought it was for you?" Xianwang was still holding the plate of cookies.

Yuerui dropped the cookie that she took on the plate in embarrassment.

Her cheeks turned red.

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